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Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida,
Vilas, Langlade and Shawano,
J. H. BEERS .t CO.
THE importance of placing in book form biographical history of representative citi-
zens— both for its immediate worth and for its value to coming generations — is
admitted by all thinking people; and within the past decade there has been a
growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography and family
That the public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of this nature needs no
assertion at our hands; for one of our greatest Americans has said that the history of an\-
country resolves itself into the biographies of its stout, earnest and representati\'e citizens.
This medium, then, serves more than a single purpose: while it perpetuates biography and
famil\- genealogy, it records history, nuich of which would be preserved in no other way.
In presenting the Commemorative Biographical Record to its patrons, the publish-
ers ha\ i to acknowledge, with gratitude, the encouragement and support their enterprise
has received, and the willing assistance rendered in enabling them to surmount the many
unforeseen obstacles to be met with in the production of a work o( this character. In
nearh' everv instance the material romposiug the sketches was gathered froiii those im-
mediately interested, and then submitted in type-written form for correction and revision.
The volume, which is one of generous amplitude, is placed in the hands of the public with
the belief that it will be found a valuable addition to the library, as well as an invaluable
contribution to the historical literature of Wisconsin.
thp: publisher.s.
H. UPHAM. In trans-
mitting to posterity rec-
ords of distinguished men
of the present day, into
the minds of the youth
of our land will be in-
stilled the important les-
son that honor and sta-
tion are the sure reward of merit, and that,
compared to habits of industry, persever-
ance, probity and integrity, the greatest
fortune would be but a poor inheritance.
The life of the gentleman, of whom we now
write, is a worthy example and model to any
generation, and the high dignity to which he
has attained is evidence in itself that the
qualities above enumerated afford the means
of distinction under a system of government
in which the places of honor are open to all
who may be found worthy of them.
Governor Upham is a native of Massa-
chusetts, born in Westminster May 3, 1841,
of English descent, tracing his ancestry to
John Upham, who was born in Somerset-
shire, England, and in 1635 came from Eng-
land with the Hull Colony, who landed on the
shores of America May 16, settling in the
then young Colony of Massachusetts, making
their first New-World home at Weymouth.
From this John Upham sprung all the Up-
hams in America, and in direct line to the
subject of this sketch his descendants were
Phineas, John, Samuel, Jonathan, Alvin
and William H. At the age of eleven years
the last named, now the Governor of Wis-
consin, accompanied his parents from
Massachusetts to Niles, Mich., and after
the death of his father he and his widowed
mother came, in .1853, to Wisconsin, tak-
ing up their residence in Racine, where the
lad resumed his studies, his elementarj'
education having been received at the com-
mon schools of his native town and Niles.
In 1 86 1, at the breaking out of the war
of the Rebellion, Mr. Upham enlisted in
the Belle City Rifles, which became Com-
pany F, Second Wisconsin Infantry, and
with his regiment participated in the battle
of Bull Run July 21, 1861, during which en-
gagement he was shot through the lungs,
and left on the battlefield for dead. News
of his death was sent to his home, and he
was mourned alike by relatives and friends,
the newspapers publishing long eulogies
about him, while Rev. Hutchins, of the
First Baptist Church, Racine, preached a
most eloquent and impressive funeral ser-
mon, highly laudatory of the (supposed)
deceased's character and career. This ser-
mon was printed in full in one of the local pa-
pers, and a copy of same now occupies a con-
spicuous place in the Governor's scrap book
— a memento of the stirring war times, and
a testimonial of the esteem in which he was
held, even in his boyhood, by those who
knew him well.
Some seven months afterward the lost
one was found in one of the Southern pris-
ons, where he had passed the long interval,
far from pleasantly, it is unnecessary to
add, but, fortunately, recovering from his
apparently fatal wound. From the battle-
field he had been taken to Libby prison,
where he was confined over half a year,
when he was paroled, and after his release
he reported at Washington. President Lin-
coln, thinking it probable that he could get
from the young soldier some valuable infor-
mation relative to Confederate affairs, sent
for him, and was so favorably impressed
with his appearance and manly bearing that
he used his personal influence to secure for
Mr. Upham a long-coveted position as cadet
at West Point, where he followed the pres-
cribed course of studj-. This was in 1862,
and in the class of 1866 he graduated,
after which, June 18, same year, he was
commissioned second lieutenant in the artil-
lery service, U. S. Army, his first duty be-
ing to act as officer of the guard to Jeffer-
son Davis, who at that time was a prisoner
in Fortress Monroe. On March 4, 1869,
Second-Lieut. Upham was promoted to first
lieutenant, and November 18 he resigned
his commission, returned to Wisconsin, and
at once commenced to devote his energies
to the development of extensive enterprises
in the northern part of the State. He first
located at Kewaunee, Wis., in 1869, moved
to Angelica, Wis., in 1871, and went
to Marshfield, Wis., in 1879, the year in
which it was platted, and here built a saw
and shingle mill, becoming the leading
spirit in the upbuilding of the place. The
citizens of to-day claim that Marshfield
owes everything to Gov. Upham's indomi-
table will power, enterprise and public-
spiritedness, and that he may be truthfully
called the founder of the town. In addi-
tion to being identified with extensive lum-
ber interests. Gov. Upham is also president
of the Upham Manufacturing Co., of Marsh-
field, the plant of which comprises a saw-
mill, shingle-mill and gristmill, furniture
factory, veneer works and machine shops,
employment being given to some 400 hands.
The product of the concern is shipped to all
points of the compass — to San Francisco,
Portland, Boston, New York and Chicago,
as well as to London, Glasgow and other
European cities. The company also operates
one of the largest general retail stores to be
found in the West. Governor Upham served
as president of the First National Bank
of Marshfield, but resigned that position up-
on being elected Governor of Wisconsin.
On June 2, 1887, Marshfield was almost
totally destroyed by fire, and brought des-
pair to the hearts of its residents; but
Major Upham, though the heaviest loser by
the dire catastrophe, with characteristic
pluck and energy announced to the people
his determination to rebuild the cit}'. By
January i, 1888, less than seven months
from the time the scene was one of smok-
ing blackened ruins, sixth-two substantial
brick blocks were erected and occupied.
Major Upham at once establishing many of
the enterprises before referred to, and
through his efforts Marshfield has been made
one of the thriving and rapidly developing
cities of northern Wisconsin.
Governor Upham has ever been fore-
most in anything he has undertaken. He
was first to enlist in the Belle City Rifles,
and was the first private soldier appointed
to West Point. In military affairs he has
ever continued his interest, and is a member
of both the Loyal Legion and the Grand
Army of the Flepublic, and was elected
State Commander of the latter for the De-
partment of Wisconsin. He served on the
staff of Department Commander Lucius
Fairchild, as aid-de-camp, with the rank
of major, and was appointed by President
Arthur on the board of visitors to the
Naval Academy at i\nnapolis, Md. In pol-
itics he is an ardent Republican, and has
used all legitimate means to aid this party
in its campaigns. His true worth, personal
magnetism, honorable record and executive
ability, added to his personal popularity,
forced the attention of the people of his
State upon him as an available candidate
for the Governorship. He announced himself
as a candidate before the Republican State
Convention, held in Milwaukee July 25-26,
1894. There were eleven candidates before
the convention, and although the votes were
distributed among the candidates Major
Upham from the first ballot led all competi-
tors. The political battle of 1894 will long
be remembered as one of the most desper-
ately fought campaigns in the history of our
country. A reunited Republican party
challenged its opponents to battle upon is-
sues of national importance, and upon the
past and present actions of the Democracy.
Being unable to boldly face the issues ad-
vanced by their opponents, the Democrats
in various sections resorted to personal abuse
of candidates, and desired by such means
to nullify as nearly as possible the disgust
and distrust of the masses. In Wisconsin
they began to abuse Major Upham by de-
claring that he forced his employes to accept
coupons, or company orders, redeemable in
merchandise at the company's store instead
of cash. Although it was proved, by affi-
davits of workmen who had been employed
for many years, that these assertions were
false, the Democratic leaders kept up the
cry, and by persistent repetitions so disgust-
ed fair-minded men, irrespective of party
affiliations, that many of the opposition
displayed the American love for fair play
and cast their ballots for Major Upham.
The Republican victory in 1 894 will be
cited for many generations as the greatest
political contest of the century. Major Up-
ham and his associates placed Wisconsin
among the banner States. In 1890 his
Democratic opponent, Hon. George W.
Peck, defeated Hon. W. D. Hoard by a
plurality of 28,320. In 1892 Hon. John C.
Spooner, after a most victorous campaign,
was defeated by Governor Peck by 7,707
votes. In 1 894 Major Upham defeated the
twice-successful Democratic Governor, by a
plurality of 53,900, the largest plurality ever
given a gubernatorial candidate in Wiscon-
-sin. Although delighted with the returns
from the State, Major Upham was probably
more gratified with the esteem and admira-
tion displayed by his fellow townsmen by
their \-otes. In 1892 Wood county, in
which Marshfield is located, gave Peck a
plurality of 441. In 1894 Major Upham
carried the county over Peck by i, 123. The
appreciation in which he is held by the
people of Marshfield, and his high standing
in the community are well exemplified bythe
fact that, though the city is Democratic, he
received in this contest a majority of some
400. Although Major Upham received
many congratulatory messages after his nomi-
nation and election to the highest honors
within the gift of the State of his adoption,
none gave him as much genuine pleasure as
the following resolutions from the citizens of
the village in which he was born:
The Republicans of Westminster. Massachu-
setts, in public meeting- assembled on the 20th
inst., rejoicing- over the recent victory won within
the borders of our own State, also feel a just pride
in the elevation and prosperity of all the native
sons of Westminster, althoug-h long removed from
her limits, unanimously voted to send greeting- to
you, and extend congratulations for your success
and elevation as Governor of Wisconsin, your
adopted State, believing; that the Republican prin-
ciples for which you stand, when put in operation,
will not only promote the interests of the inhabit-
ants of your State, but will also restore confidence
with all the people, and eventually bring- happi-
ness and prosperity throughout the whole countrj'.
S. D. SiMONDS, President,
Republican Club of Westminster.
H. J. P.\HTKii)GE, Secretary.
Westminster. Mass.. November 22", 1894.
To William H. Upham, Marshfield, Wisconsin.
The 7th day of January, 1895, stands as
the date of inauguration into his high office.
His ripe experience as a man of business will
enable him to administer the affairs of the
Commonwealth upon sound business princi-
ples, and his undoubted integrity and strong
individuality assure the citizens of the State
that he will control all branches of the gov-
ernment, uninfluenced by professional politi-
cians or unpatriotic advisers.
On December 19, 1867, Gov. Upham
was married at Racine, Wis., to Miss Mary
C. Kelley, who is descended from Quaker
ancestry, and two daughters have blessed
their union, nHincly: Elsie, wife of E. E.
Finney, a merchant of Marshfield, and Car-
rie, living at home. The family are mem-
bers of the First Presbyterian Church at
Marshfield, in which Mrs. Upham, whose
name is the .synonym for noble and generous
deeds, is an active worker. In the quietude
of his elegant home Governor Upham e.\-
changes the exciting scenes of political and
business turmoil for peaceful retirement in
comfort, mayhap to ruminate on past events,
or those that are passing, and on those
which futurity will probably develop.
graphical sketches of those who have
attained merited distinction in Amer-
ican law have a charm and force in
them that commend them to every sound
thinker. We naturally feel an interest in
tracing the footsteps of those who have
reached elevated positions in public confi-
dence, and have wielded their influence for
public good; who, loving truth, and integrity
for their own sake, have undeviatingly fol-
lowed their dictates, no matter what the
personal consequences might be. Records of
this kind are calculated to raise the minis-
trations of law in public estimation, and are
guides for the junior members of the profes-
sion in their pursuit of reputation, distinc-
tion and position.
Born September 17, 1823, in Montpelier,
Vt. , Judge Gate is a son of Isaac and Glar-
issa (McKnight) Gate, the former a native of
New Hampshire, the latter of Massachusetts,
and they were well-to-do farming people,
their home being some six miles from Mont-
pelier. At the public schools of that city
our subject received a liberal education, and
at the age of seventeen years, in 1840, com-
menced the study of law in the office of
Joseph A. Wing, Plainfield, W'ashington Go.,
Vt., where he remained two years, and then
for a similar length of time studied under Le-
cius B. Peck, of Montpelier, Vt., after which,
in 1844, he was admitted to the bar at the
latter place, before Judge Isaac F. Redfield,
of the Supreme Gourt of the State of Ver-
mont. Goming to Wisconsin in 1845, Mr.
Gate worked in a sawmill on the Eau Glaire
river, among the pineries, and was also en-
gaged in all the branches of lumbering, in-
cluding rafting logs down the Eau Glaire to
St. Louis, Mo. In 1848 he located in
Plover (at that time the county seat of
Portage county. Wis.), and commenced the
practice of his chosen profession, the only
other disciple of Blackstone in that locality
being James S. Alban, who was afterward
killed at the battle of Shiloh. From the day
of his first opening office in Plover our sub-
ject has given his entire time to his pro-
fession (except while absent in Gongress,
engaged on business pertaining to the State
and Nation), and he has the reputation of
being one of the busiest, as well as one of
the most successful lawyers in northern
Wisconsin. He has given considerable at-
tention to the practice of common law, and
among the prominent cases in which he has
met with signal success may be mentioned
the famous Lamere murder case, and the
Hazeltine-Gurran-Morse case, and the Mead
murder (two trials), in all of which he was
counsel for the defense, and where all the
defendants were acquitted. He was one of
the managers for the State in the impeach-
ment trial of Judge Hubbell. From 1848 to
1854 he held various offices in the gift of the
people, such as prosecuting attorney, register
of deeds, clerk to the board of supervisors,
supervisor, deputy postmaster of Plover,
member of the Legislature, and at the time
it was the only post office in the pinery of
Portage county. In 1854 he was elected
circuit judge, and served four terms of six
years each, with the exception of the last
term, when he resigned after the fourth year
on account of his running for Gongress.
This was in the fall of 1874 (the year of his
moving to Stevens Point), and though the
Judge is a pronounced Democrat, and the
Judicial Gircuit and District was strongly
Republican, yet he received a handsome
majority. While he was in Gongress the
vote on the electoral commission, which re-
sulted in seating President Hayes, was taken,
and Judge Gate was one of the seventeen
Democrats who voted against it. On the
completion of one term in Gongress he re-
turned to his Wisconsin home, and resumed
In 1 85 1 Judge Gate was united in mar-
riage with Miss Lavara S. Brown, daughter
of Daniel Brown, a lumberman, formerly of
Indianapolis, Ind., who came to Stevens
Point from Iowa. Six children have been
born to this marriage, to wit: Albert G.,
now of Amherst, Portage Go. , Wis. ; Lynn
Boyd, of Stevens Point; Henry, a pharma-
cist, of Menominee, Mich. ; Garrie, now the
wife of Dr. Cronyn, of Milwaukee; and Ruth
and Georgia, both at home. The entire
family are members of the Episcopal
Church, the Judge since i860, and for the
past six years he has been senior warden of
the Church of the Intercession, Stevens
Point. Socially, he has been a member of
the F. & A. M. since 1855. In addition to
seven or eight city lots, he owns a 200-acre
farm in Portage county, and takes a great
interest in the breeding of blooded cattle;
altogether he has imported several head of
this class of cattle to Portage county, and at
the present time he has a herd of some
thirty fine-bred Jersej's (about thirty years
ago he imported fine Devon cattle, and,
later, several Alderneys). The family resi-
dence is No. 321 Ellis street, Stevens Point.
Large and generous of nature, kindly and
charitable of disposition, with a deep sense
of right. Judge Cate is greatly respected by
all, and his counsels are frequently sought
b}' his many friends.
minds are blessed, in addition
to other native talents, with the
happy faculty of originality, permit-
ting them, if they so desire, to forsake the
beaten paths, and boldly strike for success
by new and untried methods. In looking
over the brilliant career of Mr. Kickbusch,
one of the most prominent of Wausau's
prominent citizens, one is impressed with
the fertility and versatility of his powers,
giving him a reserve force that would make
him equal to any business emergency that
might arise. He has shared fully in the
glory of Wausau's material advancement,
serving as its first mayor, possessing an
abundance of prosperous business interests
— wholesale grocery, brick manufacturer
and lumber dealer — instrumental as no other
man has been in the settlement of the county
with a thrifty class of citizens, and in many
ways contributing to its welfare.
Mr. Kickbusch was born in Colberg, Prov-
ince of Pomerania, Prussia, Germany, Oc-
tober 15, 1828, son of Martin F. and Kat-
rina (Koahn) Kickbusch. Martin F. was born
in Germany August 26, 1 802, and had a family
of five children: August,subject of this sketch;
Marie, wife of Herman Marquardt, of Wau-
sau; Ferdinand, of Wausau; Caroline, wife
of Frank Radandt, of Kilbourn City, and
Frederick William, now United States con-
sul at Stettin, Germany. Martin Kickbusch
died in Wausau in 1873, his wife in 1875,
and both are buried in Wausau Cemetery.
August attended the district schools of his
native land, then learned the trade of a
brick manufacturer, at which he worked in
the Fatherland until 1857, when he emi-
grated via Quebec to Milwaukee, Wis., here
joining his parents, who had crossed the
ocean two weeks earlier. Three days later
August started afoot for Wausau, walking
the entire distance. There he purchased
354 acres of land, eighteen miles distant,
in Hamburg township, but not being able to
reach the locality he returned to Milwaukee,
where he remained for nearly three years,
engaged in teaming.
In i860 Mr. Kickbusch purchased a
wagonload of merchandise suitable for a
pioneer country, and drove through to Wau-
sau, then called Big Bull. Selling the goods
at a profit of $59, he returned to Milwaukee
for his family and household goods. On the
journey northward the family camped at
night by the roadside. Arriving at Wausau
he proceeded to build a shanty on Clark's
Island, the family in the meantime sleeping
in the wagon, while he made himself com-
fortable under the wagon. Here, in Sep-
tember, i860, Mr. Kickbusch began a general
trading business, buying furs from the In-
dians and shipping them to Milwaukee. In
1 862 he purchased the large and commodious
premises which he now occupies, corner of
Main and Washington streets, and there his
mercantile business grew until to-day it is
one of the most e.xtensive in Wausau. In
1862 Mr. Kickbusch also engaged in brick
manufacturing and in lumbering, both of
which industries he still conducts. His mills
are as follows: One sawmill situated about
six miles from Merrill, Lincoln county, the
other at Riceville, seven miles east of Har-
shaw, Oneida county, the planing-mill being
at Rice Lake Spur. He also has a brick-
yard at Edgar, Marathon county, and, when
his several industries are in full operation.
employment is given to a force of two thou-
sand men, a little army in itself. In 1865
he built a hardware, stove and crockery
store adjoining his grocery, and in 1872 he
erected a brick business block adjoining his
present store on the east, and a brick ware-
house, all occupied by the firm.
Mr. Kickbusch had become interested in
the settlement of the county, and March 12,
1S67, thinking the land was not filling up
with settlers as rapidly as it should, he took
a trip to Germany, and in three months
secured 702 desirable emigrants, for the
passage of whom the steamer "America," of
the North German Lloyd line, was exclu-
sively secured. Leaving Bremen May 29,
1867, this large party reached New York
June 12 and Wausau on June 20. They
proceeded by rail to Oshkosh, thence by boat
to Gill's Landing, where teams were secured
for the women and children, the men walk-
ing, and Wausau was reached June 20, 1867.
Some of the party Mr. Ivickbusch employed,
and for others he secured work. Many took
up land and engaged in farming, the entire
party being comfortably settled in a short
time and thoroughly amalgamated with the
like of Marathon county. From that time
the county began to improve rapidl}', and
the great impulse which Mr. Kickbusch thus
gave to the county's prosperity has been
lasting. Many of those early settlers still
regard him as their father and benefactor.
He has since been offered $1,000 and a free
passage to and from Europe to make another
such trip, but other business interests will
not permit.
Mr. Kickbusch was married, in Germany,
to Miss Matilda Schochow, daughter of Er-
nest and Mina Schochow. Of their six chil-
dren four are yet living, as follows: Otto,
born January i, 1855, a resident of Wau-
sau; Martha, born in February; i860, wife of
William Rens, of Wausau; Robert, in busi-
ness with his father, born August 24, 1861,
married to Lena, daughter of John A. and
Louisa Frenzel, and father of two children —
Nina M., born April 13, 1883, and August
R., born November 9, 1888; and Emma,
born September i, 1863. wife of Anthony
Mohr, and the mother of one child — Matilda.
Mrs. Kickbusch died May 26, 1891, and for
his second wife Mr. Kickbusch married Miss
Amelia Flohr (daughter of Ferdinand Flohr),
by whom he has two children, Paul and
For several terms Mr. Kickbusch was
president of the village, and chairman of the
county board for five years; was the first
mayor of Wausau, filling the office two
terms; for a year he was register of the
United States Land Office, but resigned the
position from lack of time to devote to it.
He is president of the George Ruder Brew-
ing Co. ; director of the Wausau Furniture
Co. ; has been a director of the First Na-
tional Bank since its organization, and is
now vice-president of same, and is president
of the Central Land Co. Mr. Kickbusch
supplies the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad with its timber for bridges, ties, tele-
graph poles, etc., and also furnished part of
the piles for the Jackson Park World's Fair
pier, Chicago. Socially, he was a charter
member of Lodge No. 215, I. O. O. F., and,
politically, he is a stanch Republican. The
family attend St. Paul's Evangelical Church.
Mr. Kickbusch has been the promoter of
many enterprises of a semi-social or public
character at Wausau, and few, if any men
have done so much to promote the welfare
of this portion of northern Wisconsin. In
1892 he presented each of his eldest two
sons — Otto and Robert — with a property
consisting of a three-story solid brick build-
ing, each 25 feet front and 70 feet long, on
Third street, Wausau, valued at $20,000,
and to his yougest daughter — Alma — he gave
an elegant solid brick residence covering
four lots, and situated on the corner of
Third avenue and Clark street. Mr. Kick-
busch's own residence is on Stewart avenue,
located on a forty-acre tract, twenty of
which lie within the city limits of Wausau.
It is a fine brick mansion, one of the best in
the city which it overlooks, and is surrounded
with beautiful lawns and shade trees, while
on the grounds, near the residence, is a
natural fish pond, in which sport a multitude
of German carp, and the farm is stocked with
a fine breed of Holstein and Jersey cattle.
Robert Kickbusch resides at the corner
of Second street and Franklin boulevard,
and in a substantial two-story brick mansion
with mansard roof, one of the most artistic
and attractive private residences in Wausau,
surrounded as it is with extensive and well-
kept grounds and beautiful shade trees.
of the growth and development of
the commercial interests of north-
ern ^^'isconsi^, more especially of
the city of Rhinelander, would not be com-
plete without a mention of the enterprises,
as well as the public improvements, with
which the name of this gentleman has long
been identified.
Mr. Brown is a native of New York
State, born July 16, 1851, near Peterboro,
Madison county, the second son of Edward
D. and Helen M. (Anderson) Brown, well-
to-do people formerly of New York State,
from which State they moved to Wisconsin
in the spring of 1857. For a short time
they made their home at the village of New-
port, Columbia county, later moving to
Hull township, Portage county, later to
Stockton township, same county, and, still
later to Stevens Point, where Mrs. Brown
died in 1888. In 1894 the bereaved hus-
band and his two daughters, May and Helen,
moved to Rhinelander, and are now living
in an elegant and comfortable home which
he recently built. Few men are better
known in the Upper Wisconsin Valley than
Edward D. Brown, or more highly respect-
ed for honesty, integrity and thorough busi-
ness capacity. They have eight children
now living, namely: Anderson W., Webster
E. , Edward O. , Walter D. , Florence H, (now
the wife of Judge Paul Brown, of Rhineland-
er), Isabell (wife of D. D. Planner, lum-
ber dealer, Rhinelander), and May and
Helen. Four of this family are graduates
of the Wisconsin State University, Madison,
and all attended this institution at some
Webster E. Brown, the subject proper
of this sketch, was about six years old when
the family came to Wisconsin, and his ele-
mentary education was secured at the com-
mon schools of Portage county, after which,
and while still in his boyhood, he attended
a few months of each year for three years
the universit}' at Appleton, which was sup-
plemented, in the spring of 1870, with a
course of study at the Spencerian Business
College, Milwaukee. In the fall of that
year he entered the Wisconsin State Uni-
versity, at Madison, graduating from there
with the class of '74. In the spring of the
following year, he and his brother Ander-
son W. , under the firm name of Brown Bros. ,
opened up a lumber business a Stevens Point,
another brother Edward O., joining them in
1880; the firm continued in business at
Stevens Point until 1883. In 1875 they
purchased a tract of land where Rhineland-
er is now located. In 1S82 and 1883, they
closed out their interests at Stevens Point
and removed to Rhinelander, where they
have since pursued a general lumber busi-
ness. Their sawmill here has a capacity of
one hundred thousand feet every ten hours,
in addition to which they have a planing-
mill, and other accessories necessary to a
well-equipped lumber plant. In the fall of
1882 they platted the village of Rhinelander,
our subject having charge of the village
real estate, also of the manufacturing and
sale of lumber produced by their mill. On
January i, 1890, the business of the broth-
ers was incorporated, under the general
laws of the State, as the Brown Brothers
Lumber Co., of which company our subject
is secretary. The Brown Bros. Lumber
Co., are also owners of pine lands in Wis-
consin and Michigan, and moreover are in-
terested in coal mines in Tennessee. At
one time they carried on a private banking
business, known as E. D. Brown & Sons
Bank, which was afterward merged into the
Merchants State Bank of Rhinelander, of
which they are directors. They are prom-
inent among the active business men of
Rhinelander, and by their energ}', enterprise
and influence have figured largely in making
the city what it is. Like the father, the sons
own handsome and pleasant homes.
The subject proper of these lines is a
conservative and successful business man.
He has always been identified with every
movement tending to the advancement of
the interests of his city. He was elected
mayor of Rhinelander in the spring of 1894,
and re-elected in the spring of 1895, on
both occasions without opposition. He is
an advocate of temperance, yet liberal in
his views on the question, and believes in
the enforcement of the law on that and all
other kindred matters that have been so
much legislated on. Politically a Repub-
lican, he is no office-seeker, but his friends
have insisted in keeping him in incumbencies
where his abilities can be best brought into
use. He has been a member of the school
board several years, and takes a great inter-
est in educational matters; was chairman of
the county board two j'ears, and of the town
board three years.
On December 26, 1877, Webster E.
Brown and Miss Juliet D. Meyer were
united in marriage. She was born in Phil-
adelphia, Penn., and is a daughter of Rich-
ard and Martha P. (Phelps) Meyer, the
former of whom was a native of Germany,
and in early life was private secretarj- for
Eastwick, Winans & Co., who built the first
railroad from Moscow to St. Petersburg,
Russia, for the government. When yet a
young man he emigrated to America, locat-
ing in Philadelphia as a merchant, and there
marrying. After a residence in the Quaker
City of a few years, he came, in 1858, to
Wisconsin, settling in Lancaster, Grant
county, engaging in a mercantile and bank-
ing business, where he still resides. Mr.
and Mrs. Meyer were the parents of seven
children, five of whom are yet living: Rich-
ard, Frederick P., Nettie E., Jessie M. and
Mrs. Webster E. Brown. Mrs. Brown is
an educated and refined lady, and a gradu-
ate, in 1875, of the Wisconsin State Uni-
versity, after which she taught in the high
schools at Lancaster and Madison, Wis.,
two years. To Mr. and Mrs. Brown have
been born seven children, five of whom are
now living, to wit: Ralph D., Edna M.,
Dorothy, Richard M. and Allan D. Our
subject is a member of the F. & A. M., No.
173, Rhinelander Lodge, and also of the
K. of P. Lodge at Rhinelander. He and
his amiable and accomplished life partner
are prominently identified with the Con-
gregational Church.
Mr. Brown is a man of good physique,
as well as forcible intellectual qualities, and
is possessed of an active mind, and a frank
and generous disposition, traits of character
inherited by a worthy son from a worthy
sire and ancestr}'.
EDWARD DASKAM. Man has been
endowed with reason, will and
physical power, and it is b)' patient
industry only that he can open up a
pathway to the enduring prosperity of a com-
munity. The fittest survive, and, in writing
biographies of individuals like our subject,
it is a pleasure to meet with such striking
examples of industry and integrity.
Mr. Daskam is a native of New York
State, born March 14, 1843, '" Caton, Steu-
ben county, a grandson of Nathan Daskam,
Jr., who was of Connecticut birth and a
soldier in the Revolutionary war, in which
struggle he had a brother among the slain.
Nathan Daskam, Sr. , great-grandfather of
Edward Daskam, was one of the associates
of the Old Hartford Bank, known as the
"Daskam and Barsley Bank," and the
Daskams furnished "sinews of war" to the
government in both the Revolution and the
war of 18 12. The grandparents of our sub-
ject were of Welch and English descent,
their ancestors having many years ago set-
tled in Connecticut where Nathan, Jr., and
his wife, as well as his parents, all passed
their entire lives. Nathan Daskam, Jr., and
his wife had one daughter, Ann, now Mrs.
Sydam (whose son, Hiram Sydam, is a
prominent business man of Geneva, N. Y.),
and three sons, John (a farmer), Nathan and
Robert, the latter of whom was born at
Hartford, Conn., in 1801, and became a
mechanic. He (Robert) married Miss Maria
A. Wheeler, who was born in Connecticut,
in 1807, of German and Irish ancestry, her
father being of Mohawk-Dutch lineage (his
parents were among the early settlers of the
Mohawk Valle)), her mother of Irish. They
were farmers, and died in Ontario county,
N. Y. , each at the age of about ninety years,
the parents of four children: \\'illiam H.,
Jerry, Jane and Maria A. To Robert Das-
kam and his wife were born ten children, a
brief sketch of whom is as follows: Will-
iam H., the eldest, enlisted in the Fourth
Wis. V. I., and died in August, 1862, of
(^^t^^^c/z^.'Z^ ^i^^^^^.
wounds received, leaving a widow but no
children (he was also a soldier in the Mexi-
can war, having enlisted in Chicago); Lu-
cinda married Richard Ardell, a shoemaker,
and resides in Waupaca county; Caroline is
now the wife of William Sidney, a farmer
of New York State; John W. is a farmer in
Langlade county (he was a soldier in the
First Wis. V. C, and served one year);
Elizabeth A. is now the wife of George
Gelder, a farmer in Michigan, near Kala-
mazoo; Mathilda is the deceased wife of
Stephen Hibbard; Edward is the subject of
this sketch; Louisa is now Mrs. Hudson
Gelder, and resides in New York State;
Robert L. (i) died when seven years old;
Robert L. (2) is a farmer of Calumet county.
Wis. ; Charles W. is a resident of Ashland,
Wis. In 1857 the family came to Wiscon-
sin settling on a farm in Calumet county,
where the father died November 25, 1882.
He was self-made, self-educated, a great
reader, and well posted in the affairs of his
time; public-spirited and liberal-minded, he
was a man of broad ideas, and highly re-
spected by all who knew him.
Edward Daskam, whose name introduces
this sketch, was reared on a farm, and en-
joyed the advantages of a common-school
training. At the age of seventeen, on Sep-
tember 15, 1 86 1, he enlisted in Company
G, Fourteenth Wis. V. L, re-enlisting De-
cember II, 1863, as a veteran, at Vicks-
burg. Miss., and was discharged at Mobile,
Ala., October 9, 1865, as first sergeant. His
war record is an enviable one, and the same
courage displayed in the field of battle has
since characterized his walks in civil and
political life. He participated in the battle
of Pittsburg Landing, was at the sieges of
both Corinth and Vicksburg, was with
Sherman at Atlanta, present at the affair at
Nashville, and took part in the siege of
Spanish Fort which lasted fourteen days.
With the e.xception of a short time he was
in the hospital sick with the measles he was
always with his regiment, never missing an
engagement. On his return from the army
in October, 1865, he engaged in farming a
couple of years, during which time he took
up the real-estate business to which he then
turned his attention exclusively, at first
dealing in farm lands, later handling city
and village property. In March, 1882, he
came to Antigo, Langlade county, which
was then a collection of shanties, at once
invested in vacant lots, and has since been
actively engaged here in the real-estate bus-
iness, which he does not confine to city and
town property in the county and State, for
he has extended his interests in that line
into the Dakotas, Montana, Michigan and
other States. He also carries on a general
brokerage business, and upon the reorgani-
zation of the Bank of Antigo he was ap-
pointed vice-president. In the building up
of Antigo he has been a prominent factor,
has platted three additions known as the
" Daskam Additions," and further interested
himself in the erection of several brick
blocks, a foundry and machine shop, be-
sides other manufacturing plants; as soon,
however, es he saw each of these industries
on its feet, he would sell out, preferring to
confine himself to the open precincts of real-
estate dealing, of which by his natural acu-
men, shrewdness and sagacity he has made
a pronounced success.
On January 2, 1871, Mr. Daskam was
married to Miss Henrietta J. McMullen, by
whom he had children, as follows: Thomas
E., assistant cashier of the Bank of Antigo;
Mary L. , living at home, and two that died
in infancy. The mother of these passed
away to the "better land" in 1883, and
September 7, 1885, Mr. Daskam wedded
Miss Osca Bemis, daughter of George W.
Bemis, register of deeds, Antigo, and by this
union there are three children: Edith, Ed-
ward and Bemis. Socially our subject is
prominent in Masonic circles, having at-
tained the thirty-second degree; he is a
member of Antigo Lodge F. & A. M. No.
231, of Wausau Commandery No. 19, of
Milwaukee Consistory, and of the Mystic
Shrine, Milwaukee; he is also a member of
the G. A. R. , taking a lively interest in the
affairs of each fraternity. Politically he is a
Republican, and has served as assessor and
on the county board. In his religious views
he is liberal, giving freely of his means to
all denominations, and takes a deep interest
in the public schools, in fact in all educa-
tional projects. As a business man he has
been exceptionally successful, and certainly
seems worthy of being placed on the list of
the wealthiest men of Antigo, his career be-
ing proverbial for honest, straightforward,
fair-and-square dealings with all with whom
he has had business transactions of any
kind. He is a man, take him for all in all,
of whom everybody always speaks well, and
who has not, and does not deserve to have,
a single personal enemy.
JOSEPH DESSERT. Few men have
resided continuously in the Upper Wis-
consin Valley for over fifty years.
Joseph Dessert has not only been a
resident of Marathon county for over half a
century, but he has during that period built
up a vast lumbering business that is perhaps
second to none in the State. He has made
no business failures, and his name is a syno-
nym of enduring confidence and integrity.
Not swerved from his business b}' this or
that glittering bubble, he has made it one of
the substantial bulwarks of northern Wis-
Mr. Dessert is a native of Canada, hav-
ing been born in Maskinonge, Province of
Quebec, January 8, 1819, son of Peter and
Melonie (Baulien) Dessert, both natives of
that province. Twelve children were born
to them, four of whom survive: Melonie,
wife of Adolphus Martin, still living in her
native home at the advanced age of eighty-
one years; Joseph, subject of this sketch;
and Dosite and Bozilis, both residents of
the Province of Canada, the latter being
widow of Louis Landry. Joseph attended
the schools of the neighborhood of his
father's home, and worked at lumbering in
Canada until he was twenty-two years of
age. In May, 1 840, he made a trip to the
Lake Superior region, and for four years
was employed by the American Fur and
Trading Co. Returning home July i, 1844,
he remained only a few months, and Sep-
tember 16 started, an unknown young man,
on a long journey to the unknown forests of
Wisconsin, where thenceforth he was to
make his home, and which he was destined
to honor by his e.xemplary and potent busi-
ness career. Reaching Buffalo, he pro-
ceeded by steamer to Milwaukee, thence b}-
lumber wagon to Fort Winnebago, now
Portage City. He pushed on to Whitney
Rapids by team, but the destination was still
nearly seventy-five miles away, and the
country sparsely settled, principally by In-
dians. This long and tiresome journey was
made afoot. Mr. Dessert reached Mosinee
October 20, 1844, and from that date to the
present he has been a continuous resident
of Marathon county For fi\e years he
worked for wages in the solitudes of this
vast wilderness, lumbering and logging on
the river. Then, in 1849, he joined for-
tunes with three other young men — William
Pencast, Henry Cate and James Etheridge
— and, under the firm name of Pencast, Des-
sert & Co. , started the business which has
grown into the extensive trade now com-
manded by the Joseph Dessert Lumber
Co. One by one the original parties dropped
out, until Mr. Dessert was left sole owner.
First Mr. Pencast withdrew, in 1850, and
the firm became Dessert, Cate & Co. Four
years later Mr. Etheridge sold his interest
to the remaining partners, and the style of
the firm became Dessert & Cate. In 1859
Mr. Dessert purchased his partner's interest
and became sole owner. Alone he con-
ducted the business for twenty-one years;
then, in 1880, he admitted to partnership
his nephew, Louis Dessert. For ten j'ears
the business was under the firm name of
Joseph Dessert & Co. , and in December,
1 890, the present Joseph Dessert Lumber
Co. was incorporated, now officered bj'
Joseph Dessert, president; Louis Dessert,
vice-president and manager, and H. M.
Thompson, secretary and treasurer. Mrs.
H. M. Thompson is a stockholder. The
company conducts one of the most exten-
sive lumber business in the State.
In 1862 Joseph Dessert was married, in
Waukesha county, to Miss Mary Sanford,
daughter of William E. and Lavina T. San-
ford, the former a native of Connecticut, the
latter of New York State. Mr. and Mrs.
Dessert have had two children: Marion M.,
who died in infancy, and Stella, wife of
Henry M. Thompson, secretary and treas-
urer of the Joseph Dessert Lumber Co.
Mrs. Dessert died July i. 1881. Though
frequently tendered important and responsi-
ble offices Mr. Dessert has almost invariably
refused to accept, and in no sense has he
ever been an aspirant for political honors,
knowing that his business, if neglected, must
suffer. Yet he has ever been ready with his
counsel and means to forward enterprises
promoting the public v\-elfare; he served for
several terms as a member of the county
board, and was also county commissioner
for one term. Mr. Dessert is now in his
seventy-seventh year, and has shifted the
burden of active business life to younger
shoulders. He is in the enjoyment of good
health, and has the friendship and esteem of
all who have known him, either in public or
in private life. No man better deserves
the good will of others than he, and none
possesses it in a greater degree.
LOUIS DESSERT, vice-president of
The Joseph Dessert Lumber Co. ,
Mosinee, was born in the parish of
Saint Ambroise, Kildare, Province of
Quebec, Canada, June 6, 1849, and is a son
of Antoine and Edvige (Rotelle) Dessert,
both natives of Canada, the latter of whom
is still a resident of the old homestead.
Our subject received a French education
in his native town, and when nineteen years
of age he came to Mosinee, where he at-
tended the public schools for two terms, in
order to perfect his knowledge of the Eng-
lish language. After leaving school he
was employed in the extensive lumber busi-
ness of Joseph Dessert, remaining in the ca-
pacity of an employe until 1880, in which
year he became a partner, the firm name be-
ing changed to Joseph Dessert & Co. In
1890, when the Joseph Dessert Lumber Co.
was organized and incorporated, Louis Des-
sert became vice-president, an official title
which he still holds, and under it he is the
active general manager of the company's
extensive business.
On November 25, 1882, he was married,
in Mosinee, to Miss Abbie Richardson.
Their family of three children is composed
of Howard, born September i6, 1883;
Louise, born March 25, 1887; and Blanche,
born May 15, 1892. In politics Mr. Des-
sert is a Republican. In 1889 he was presi-
dent of the village of Mosinee, and he has
also served as supervisor. He is one of the
active, progressive business men of the coun-
ty, and deservedly popular among all classes
of the community. Mr. Dessert is also a
member of the firm of C. Gardner & Co.,
lumbermen and general merchants. He
possesses business abilities of a high order,
and though yet comparatively young in
years, his influence in the development of
Marathon county is widely felt.
TER, one of the substantial aud en-
terprising business men of Mara-
thon county, owns and operates e.x-
tensive mills near Mosinee, and for many
years has been prominently identified with
the lumbering interests of the Upper Wis-
consin Valley. He was born in Wittenberg,
Germany, January 20, 1833, and is a son of
Miphael and Francisca (Funk) Kronen-
Our subject attended the German schools
in his boyhood, and in 1846, when thirteen
years of age, emigrated with his father and
mother to America. They settled at St.
Mary's, Elk Co., Penn., and here the par-
ents remained, honored and respected resi-
dents through life. Of their five children
three now survive: Sebastian, Nicholas
and Charles, both of the latter still residing
at St. Mary's. Sebastian grew to manhood
at the home of his parents, and at St.
Mary's, on October 15, 1855, he married
Miss Mary Biri, a native of Alsace, France,
now Germany, and daughter of Benedict and
Barbara Biri. Two years later he resolved
to seek a home in the Northwest. Coming
to Wisconsin in 1857, he located in Mosinee,
where for two years he worked in the piner-
ies. In 1859 Mr. Kronenwetter engaged in
the hotel business at Mosinee, conducting it
successfully for two years. Then, in 1861,
he removed to Wausau, and opened a hos-
telry in that bustling little city. For two
years he prospered, but in 1863 fire des-
troyed his hotel, consumed all his earthly
possessions, and left him with his wife and
babes penniless. It was a severe blow,
enough to dishearten many men, but Mr.
Kronenwetter went bravely to the task of
restoring his perished fortunes. Perhaps
the fire was a blessing in disguise; at any
rate it directed the energies of Mr. Kronen-
wetter into a new channel, and into one
through which, by well-directed efforts, he
has risen to prominence aud a measurable
degree of affluence. Beginning anew at the
foot of the ladder, in the pineries, he
worked for a year or two, then launched
into the logging and lumbering business on
his own account in a modest way. Through
careful attention the business grew, and Mr.
Kronenwetter gained in experience and
capital. In 1870 he removed to his present
location, which at that time was an un-
broken wilderness. Here he erected his
spacious mills, and time has demonstrated
the correctness of his business judgment.
He has ever since been engaged in the lum-
bering business, and through energy and
perseverance has won for himself a place
among the solid and respected business men
of Marathon county. He has for twenty-
one years held the office of chairman of
Mosinee and Kronenwetter townships, and
was chairman of Marathon County Board in
the year 1880. He was elected to the
Assembly for the year 1885. All his family
at this writing reside in Mosinee and Kron-
enwetter townships.
The children born to Mr. and Mrs.
Kronenwetter have been as follows: Michael,
born at St. Mary's, Penn., February 2,
1857, died in infancy; Helen O. , born at
Mosinee June 22, i860, wife of Michael
Lutz; Francis M. K., born at Mosinee June
26, 1 86 1, died November 18, 1863; Karl A.,
born at Wausau, August 2, 1862; George S. ,
born at Mosinee, September 15, 1864; Clara
F., born at Mosinee, October 9, 1866, now
the wife of Eugene Wirth; Henry M., born
April I, 1869; Frances Mary, born Febru-
ary 21, 1872, died February 10, 1874;
Marie T. , born in Mosinee, September 15,
1874, and Anna Otilia, born in Mosinee,
March 31, 1877. The family is one of the
best known and most influential in Mara-
thon county.
HON. W. L. ARNOTT. So closely
have the lumber interests of the up-
per Wisconsin Valley been woven
into the history of this region that
few of the prosperous lives in the Vallev
have escaped a more or less intimate rela-
tion with this great industry. Mr. Arnott,
one of the most prominent men of Stockton
township. Portage count}', is not an e.xcep-
tion. He, too, has worked in the lumber
woods, and "run the river." He was born
in the town of Jerusalem, Yates Co., N.Y. ,
September 5, 1832, only child of Amasa L.
and Lydia (Rouse) Arnott. The father,
who was a civil engineer, died when the son
was but eighteen months old, and the mother
subsequently married Isaac Haight,by whom
she had one daughter, Adel, who died at the
age of twent)'-four years. Mrs. Haight
passed away in Yates county, N. Y., in
W. L. Arnott was reared on the farm of
his grandfather, Timothy Rouse, attending
the district schools and assisting in the farm
duties until the age of fourteen, when he
went to Woodhull township, Steuben Co.,
N. Y. , and there worked for his uncle, M.
D. Hathaway, on a farm, remaining thereon
till he was nineteen years old. After leav-
ing his uncle in the spring of 1851, he passed
a couple of months in Huron county, Ohio,
then returning to New York State, worked
in Yates county on a farm up to the time of
his marriage. He was married at Bath,
Steuben Co., N. Y., March 25, 1856, to
Mary J. Walker, who was born in the same
town, March 25, 1832, daughter of James
and Gretia (Warren) W'alker, who were the
parents of nine children, to wit: Sarah,
who died at the age of fourteen years; James
W. , now a retired farmer of Shawano coun-
ty, Wis.; Gratia A., wife of A. B. Daniels,
a farmer, of Georgia; Susan E. , now Mrs.
Charles Beach, of Stevens Point; Mary J.
(Mrs. Arnott); William R., who was ser-
geant of Company E, Fifth Wis. V. I., and
was killed at the battle of the Wilderness in
May, 1864; Frank R. , who also served in
the Fifth Wis. V. I., and died in 1889; Ada
J. (Mrs. Curren), a resident of Stevens
Point; and Murray W., who died when five
years old. The father of this family, who
was a son of Abram Walker, and was of
English descent, was a native of New York
State, and died at Bath, N. Y. Gratia
Walker, the mother, was born in Vermont,
in 1804, daughter of Phineas Warren, who
was a direct descendant of Dr. Joseph War-
ren, of Revolutionary fame, and came of
English stock. Phineas married Mary
Knight, who was of the historic Scottish
house of Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Arnott
have two children: Lillian A., and Mary
G., both school teachers, the latter at West
Superior, Wisconsin.
Mr. Arnott began housekeeping on a
seventy-five-acre tract of land which he had
contracted for. He had little means, and
what he did possess v^'as his own accumula-
tion from wages received. In May, 1 864,
he decided to move west; and accordinj*ly
set out by rail for Plover, Wis. , where rela-
tives of Mrs. Arnott lived. Coming by rail
to Berlin, he and his wife and daughter jour-
neyed by stage to Plover. Here he lived
for one year, working in the lumber woods
in the winter, and running the river to Al-
ton, 111., one trip. Renting some land in
Stockton township. Portage county, in 1865,
he moved there, and three years later, in
July, 1868, he purchased 160 acres, the
northeast quarter of Section 29, where he
has since lived, excepting four and a half
years — from the fall of 1887 to the spring of
1892 — during which time he was making his
home at Stevens Point. During two of
these years — from May, 1889, to May, 1 891,
— he served creditably as State timber agent
under the appointment of Gov. Hoard.
Politically, Mr. Arnott is an earnest and
active Republican. He is regarded as the
foremost worker among the members of his
party in Stockton township, and is one of
its advisors and counselors in the county.
He has served as assessor two years, as
chairman two years, as chairman of the
county board one year, and in 1876 was
elected to the State legislature. For many
years he was clerk, and then treasurer of his
district, and has filled various other local
offices. Socially he is a prominent member
of the F. & A. M. On account of his ef-
forts in securing a certain station on the
Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul railway, it
was named in his honor. Mr. Arnott has a
wide acquaintance through the count}', and
is one of its most influential and substantial
GEORGE WERHEIM, one of the
most substantial and respected citi-
zens of Marathon county, and one
of Wausau's oldest settlers, is presi-
dent of the Werheim Manufacturing Com-
pany, of Wausau, one of the largest estab-
lishments of that city.
He was born in Hessen-Homburg, Ger-
many, January 6, 1834, son of Konrad and
Margaret Werheim. The mother died when
George was a boy, attending the common-
schools of Germany, and in 1851 the father
and his five children emigrated to America.
The family consisted of John, who was after-
ward killed in the war of the Rebellion;
Mary, wife of Henry Hett, of Wausau; Philip,
a clergyman, now stationed at Valparaiso,
Ind. ; George, and Elizabeth, wife of Charles
Klinkie, of Chicago. For two years they
remained in New York, and then moved to
Chicago, where many years afterward Kon-
rad Werheim died. Our subject worked at
the carpenter's trade at Chicago for about
three years, then in 1856, at the age of
twenty-three years, he came to Wausau. For
a time he followed his trade, but later he be-
gan the manufacture of doors, sashes, blinds,
etc.; this business he sold out, and in 1881
he started anew on a more e.xtensive scale.
Ten years later a company was organized,
officered by Mr. Werheim as president; Phil-
ip Werheim as vice-president; Joseph Reiser
as treasurer; and George Werheim, Jr., as
secretary. It now conducts on a still more
extensive scale the business that was found-
ed by Mr. Werheim, and on an average em-
ploys some sixty men.
George Werheim was married, in 1855,
to Miss Theresa Myers, and to them five chil-
dren were born: Emma, wife of Frank Het-
tinger, of Chicago; Theresa, wife of Charles
Burke, of Wausau; Philip, of Wausau, who
in 1884 was married to Miss Ulrica Kleutz;
Mary, married in 1890 to Joseph Reiser,
their family consisting of two children, John
Raymond and Elsie Elizabeth; and George,
Jr. After the death of his first wife in Au-
gust, 1870, Mr. Werheim was married in De-
cember, 1874, to Miss Elizabeth Paulus, by
whom he has two children, Carl and Aman-
da. For manyyears Mr. Werheim has served
as trustee of Wausau, was under-sheriff one
term, and for seven successive years he served
as city treasurer. He was elected to the
Legislature November 6, 1894, on the Re-
publican ticket, by a majority of 540 votes
over his opponent, Bradd Jones. Mr. Wer-
heim is a member of the A. O. U. W., and
the family attend St. Paul's Evangelical Lu-
theran Church. During his active business
and official life Mr. Werheim has by his pub-
lic spirit, by his zeal in matters of general
moment, greatly endeared himself to the
constituency of Marathon county, and he is
recognized as one of its foremost citizens.
ceased). Not only as a business
man of the highest character, keen-
est judgment and noblest impulses
was the subject of this sketch known
through northern Wisconsin, but also as a
profound statesman, a conscientious law-
giver, a patriot of the highest type.
Mr. Mclndoe was born March 28. 18 19.
near Glasgow, Scotland, son of Hugh and
Catherine (McRae) Mclndoe, formerly of
Dumbartonshire, Scotland. In his fifteenth
year he emigrated to this country, making
his home for a time in New York City,
where he was engaged as clerk in a large
mercantile house; later he was a salesman
in Charleston, S. C, and at St. Louis, Mo.
He was married at Florisant, St. Louis
Co., Mo., by Rev. Father Butler, February
20, 1845, to Miss Catherine Harriet Ann
Taylor, born in Stafford county, Va. , July
II, 1825, daughter of John B. and Cather-
ine (Spaulding) Taylor, the mother being a
first cousin to Archbishop Spaulding. In the
same year Mr. Mclndoe made a trip to the
pineries of northern Wisconsin. Returning
to St. Louis he started again for Wisconsin,
with his wife, two years later, in 1847, and
established a home at Wausau, Marathon
county, where he devoted all his energies to
the development of the lumber business.
This was a year before Wisconsin was ad-
mitted as a State. Mr. Mclndoe was a
man of enlarged business views, and his
operations soon became quite extensive.
He became generally known to the people
of Wisconsin as one of the most enter-
prising and prosperous men of the State.
His efforts were crowned with speedy suc-
cess, for in a short time he accumulated
quite a respectable fortune. All his busi-
ness transactions were conducted on liberal
and honorable principles, and he used his
means freely in bestowing comforts upon
those about him. Few if any lumbermen
were better or more favorably known in the
business circles of the State, or at the cen-
ters in the lower Mississippi Valley.
Mr. Mclndoe was as prominent in polit-
ical as in business life. A man of strong
convictions and indomitable energy, he was
of necessity a potent force in shaping the
political status of the infant State. In 1849
he was elected to the State Assembly, and
was an able and useful member of that body
during the session of 1850. In politics he
was a Whig, and that part}' being in the
minority in the Assembly that year he was
less conspicuous perhaps than he would
have been had his party had the ascen-
dancy; yet his sound practical suggestions
and his manly bearing gave him popularity
and standing with all members, regardless
of party. In the session of 1854 he again
represented his District in the Assembly in
the same acceptable manner. In 1857 he
was a prominent candidate for governor
before the State Republican Convention.
The contest was mainly between him and
Hon. E. D. Holton, but after a protracted
and ineffectual struggle, as often happens in
a situation like that, a third candidate was
taken up in the person of Hon. A. W. Ran-
dall. In 1 862 he was elected to Congress
to succeed Hon. Luther Hanchett, and in
1864 he was re-elected. While in Congress
he labored very earnestly and efficiently for
the interests of the Upper Wisconsin Valley.
Among the many measures, favorable to
this locality, which were adopted through
his instrumentality, was the land grant to
any railroad that should build a line through
the center of Wisconsin to Lake Superior.
It resulted in the construction of the Wis-
consin Central road.
He was general of the State militia,
and during the war of the Rebellion tilled
the office of provost-marshal of the State
with exceptional ability. In 1866 he retired
from official business to attend to his large
business interests, which had been some-
what neglected. In the Republican Na-
tional Conventions of 1856, i860 and 1872
he was a delegate, voting at these momentous
gatherings for John C. Fremont, Abraham
Lincoln and Gen. U. S. Grant, respectively.
Gen. Mclndoe was called to rest August 22,
1872, at the age of fifty-two years, while
yet in the prime of life, but not until he had
attained a success in life, wider and nobler
than that which comes to most men who
attain their allotted three score years and ten.
As a politician Gen. Mclndoe was a man
of rare sagacity, incorruptible integrity and
commanding influence. With strong con-
victions and inflexible will he was a tower
of strength during the dark daj'S of the Re-
bellion, and his energies in the halls of Con-
gress during that crucial period of the Na-
tion's life were strained to give aid and sus-
tenance to the cause of national unity. In
private life he possessed a broad and gen-
erous sympathy, and to his friends he gave
chivalrous devotion. To many thousands of
men his death was a personal affliction. Too
positive in disposition to escape opponents,
he always retained their respect and admira-
tion for the qualities of candor, generosity
and endurance which he displayed. He
could oppose without vindictiveness, and
earnestly advocate without undue heat. In
the fullest sense of the word he was a self-
made man, one of those energetic, self-re-
liant men who in the tide of humanity walk
with head erect, towering above the sur-
rounding masses, and giving directions to
the hundreds of men who fall within their
The funeral services of Gen. Mclndoe
were conducted by the Masonic body, of
which the deceased had been a prominent
member, and were attended by some two
thousand people, many of whom were from
abroad. In the funeral train, at the par-
ticular request of Gen. Mclndoe, was his
favorite horse, "Dan." Gen. Mclndoe was
childless, but his widow still survives, an
honored resident of the old homestead
at Wausau. Though bereft of her chosen
companion and loving consort, she is com-
forted by a solace unknown to the careless
world. Mrs. Mclndoe was one of a family
of twelve children, only two of whom, be-
sides herself, are now living — Spaulding
Taylor, a resident of Memphis, Tenn., and
Philip C. Taylor, late sheriff of St. Louis
county, Missouri.
Hugh Mclndoe (deceased), a brother of
Gen. Mclndoe, was born in Dumbarton-
shire, Scotland, February 26, 1832, emi-
grated to America in 1857, and for twenty-
seven years was a prominent citizen of
Wausau. He was associated in business
with his brother, and witnessed the develop-
ment of the little woodland hamlet into a
prosperous city. He was one of those rare
generous characters whom it is a pleasure
to meet. Quick to resent an insult, he
never gave one himself; thoughtless of self,
he would give his last penny to the suffer-
ing or afflicted. Unhampered by creed or
dogma, he stood forth in the genius of his
own nature, an honest man. His death oc-
curred September 23, 1881; his widow sur-
vives, and is now a resident of Rhinelander,
Wis. Their six children are Walter D., a
lumberman, at Barron, Wis.; Thomas B., a
prominent physician of Rhinelander; Hugh,
a prominent attorney, at Chicago; John B.,
of Rhinelander; Charles S., a dentist, at
Rhinelander, and Archibald J., a dentist, of
Toledo, Ohio.
ANDREW G. NELSON, at this writ-
ing serving his third term as mayor
of Waupaca, Waupaca county, is,
by his capable administration, leav-
ing an impress upon that city that will long
remain. He is a descendant of a prominent
Swedish family. His grandfather, Nels G.
Nelson, who was a farmer in Sweden, reared
a family of five children, Nels, John, An-
drew, Mary and Bertha, all of whom are
still living, and all are landowners. Nels
Nelson, the eldest, and father of Andrew G.,
was born April 10, 1822, and married Chris-
tine Deburg, a well-educated young lady,
and daughter of John Deburg, a judge of
Toysse count}'. They reared a family of
seven children: John P., Andrew G. , Nels
T. , John H., August, Anna and Elizabeth.
August Nelson still lives in Sweden, a pros-
perous farmer and lumberman. The mother
of our subject died in 1893, in Sweden.
Their son, Andrew G. Nelson, born
June 15, 1849, was educated in the common
schools of Sweden, and at the age of fifteen
began a course of study in the Agricultural
College at Seffle, Sweden, where he re-
mained two terms. At the age of twenty-
one 3'ears he resolved to emigrate to Amer-
ica, his older brother, John P., having come
two years earlier. When Andrew reached
Waupaca, in 1871, his capital consisted of
$16, but he soon found work in a planing
mill, and two years later, forming a partner-
ship with his brother, they purchased a small
planing mill, running in debt for almost the
full amount. Four years later it was burned,
a total loss, for there was no insurance upon
the property; but the plucky boys rebuilt at
once, and continued in business until 1888,
when the brother sold his interest to Mr.
Churchill, of Waupaca. Thej- removed the
plant to its present site, and in 1891 Mr.
Nelson purchased Mr. Churchill's interest,
and became sole proprietor. He also bought
the water power and built a custom grist-
mill. Still later he added a large lumber
yard, and acquired various lumber interests,
including a sawmill.
In 1875 Mr. Nelson was married to
Hulda Brown, a native of Waupaca, daugh-
ter of C. O. Brown, an early settler of
Swedish birth, who followed farming here,
and was a public-spirited citizen and a county
official in various capacities. By this mar-
riage Mr. Nelson had one child, Edwin.
The wife died in 1881, and in 1883 he mar-
ried Anna S. Beadmore, daughter of Thomas
and Elizabeth (Barber) Beadmore, early
English settlers in Waupaca county. Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson have one child. Van An-
drew Nelson.
Mr. Nelson's executive abilities are of a
high order, and have often been called into
service by his fellow townsmen. He is a
Republican, and for many years served as a
member of the city council. He was also a
member of the county board, and in 1884
was elected to the State Assembly; but,
though he has since been urged to accept a
nomination for ihe same responsible legisla-
tive office, which would be equivalent to an
election, he has declined the honor. That
he has proved the right man in the right
place for mayor, is evinced by his many re-
elections. Under his administration many
cit}' improvements have been made. The
city hall, a beautiful structure, has been
built, of granite taken from Waupaca's own
quarries; many streets have been macadam-
ized, and stone bridges have been con-
structed. Like the magnificent public vvork
of Mr. Shepard in Washington City, these
improvements, in after years, will rise up
and call Mr. Nelson blessed. The mayor's
public policy, like that in his private busi-
ness, has been marked by thoroughness, en-
durance and honesty. Socially he is a mem-
ber of the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. and the
Knights of Pythias.
JEROME CROCKER, general mer-
chant at Weyauwega, Waupaca coun-
ty, has enjoyed a continuous business
career much longer than falls to the
lot of most men. He carries a full line of
hardware and general merchandise, and,
having begun business in 1859, has now
been thirty-six years on the site of his pres-
ent store. Mr. Crocker traces his ancestry
back to Revolutionary times.
He was born October 1 1, 1824, in Per-
rysburg, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. , son of
Stephen and Polly (Black) Crocker. Stephen
Crocker was born in Schoharie county, N. Y. ,
July 13, 1788, son of Stephen Crocker,
who was a native of Rhode Island, of Eng-
lish Quaker extraction, and who lived to
the age of 102 years. Stephen Crocker,
Jr., was a farmer by occupation, and in
1844 moved to Miami county, Ind., to land
pre-empted by his son Jerome. He was a
Democrat of the Jackson school, and died
in 1847. Polly (Black) Crocker, mother of
Jerome, was born in Chautauqua county,
N. Y. , July 21, 1802, daughter of James
and Polly (Putney) Black, the father a na-
cA.^^^ a.
tive of New York, the mother of Vermont.
Stephen and Polly Crocker had five chil-
dren: Mary Jane, who died June 6, 1845,
in New York; Lorinda, wife of Seymour P.
Ensign, of Erie, Penn. ; Jerome; Eliza, wife
of Robert Hughson, of Ripley, N. Y. , and
Benjamin Franklin, who died in New York
September 2, 1848. The mother died Oc-
tober 7, 1832, and Stephen Crocker mar-
ried Rachel, widow of David Black, by
which union he had one child, Rosetta, wife
of Daniel Risinger, of Kokomo, Indiana.
The boyhood of Jerome was spent on
the farms of Cattaraugus and Chautauqua
counties, N. Y. , and his education received
in the schools of western New York and of
Indiana. At the age of eighteen he entered
the employ of John Morrison & Co. , mer-
chants, at Nashville, N. Y. Eighteen months
later he entered the employ of Smith & Foote,
merchants, at Peru, Ind., remaining ten
years. In 1856 Mr. Crocket went to Cali-
fornia, via the Isthmus, and for three years
was engaged by J. A. Cole and John Stevens
in constructing a flume from the Sierra
Nevadas to the mines, an enterprise that re-
quired three years to complete. In 1859 he
returned from California, and located in
the budding little settlement at Weyauwega.
He at once entered the mercantile trade,
and from that time on he has been promi-
nently identified with the development of
that locality, being engaged in various enter-
prises. He was a prime mover in the
establishment of the Badger Basket Factory;
at one time he owned the brewery, and for
a while he owned a tin shop. He was an
original stockholder in establishing the
county fair grounds.
Mr. Crocker was married, in 1852, to
Miss Angeline Rice, daughter of Charles and
Harriet (Ainsworth) Rice, natives of Con-
necticut who became early settlers of Chau-
tauque county, N. Y. , and who afterward,
in 1859, removed to Weyauwega, Wis.
Mrs. Crocker died February 2, 1854, in
Chautauqua county, N. Y. His second
wife was Mrs. Helen M. Rice, of Jamiestown,
N. Y. , daughter of George W. and Mary
Tew. She died October 24, 1879, and in
August, 1 88 1, Mr. Crocker married his
present wife, the widow of Jacob Weed.
Politically, Mr. Crocker has always affiliated
with the Democratic party. He has served
as a member of the county board. He owns
a farm adjoining Weyauwega, and has al-
ways taken an active interest in public im-
provements. Few men can, as he, look
back over the entire business development
of Weyauwega, noting its reverses, and
more particularly its successes, almost from
the inception of the settlement. His life has
been devoted to its business interests, and
his influence felt for good in every step of
(deceased), " the father of Antigo."
The life of this gentleman presents
a striking example of industry and
integrity conducting to eminent success, and
of political consistency based on enlightened
and moderate views — views at all times com-
patible with a generous toleration of the sen-
timents entertained by others, and com-
manding general confidence and esteem.
Mr. Deleglise was a native of Switzer-
land, born February 10, 1835, in Bagnes,
Valais, a son of Morris and Catherine Dele-
glise, the former of whom was by profession
a teacher and surveyor. In 1849. realizing
that in the New World their numerous fam-
ily would have greater advantages and
broader opportunities for advancement and
success in life, they emigrated to America,
coming direct to Wisconsin, and locating
first in Gibson township, Manitowoc county,
where the mother died in 1854. Later the
family moved to Shawano county, settling
in Morris township, near Leopolis, where
the father followed farming, dying there in
1877. The son Francis, our subject, was
fourteen years old when he came with the
rest of the family to Wisconsin. He had al-
ready received a fairly liberal public-school
education, and his first occupation in this,
to him, new country, was sailing on the
lakes, a vocation he followed until he was
seventeen years old, after which he worked
in the woods during the winter season, as-
sisting his father in locating settlers, in sur-
veying, and in many other ways, to the best
of his ability. At tTie age of twenty-one he
married, and shortly afterward he and his
young wife removed toAppleton, where they
remained until 1877. During this time Mr.
Deleglise was always more or less engaged
in civil engineering, locating new settlers on
homesteads, and other employment of a like
nature, but during the first years of his resi-
dence in Appleton, when not thus occupied,
followed different lines of work, being ever
ready to turn his hand to any labor which
would bring him remuneration. Thus he
continued until the breaking out of the war
of the Rebellion, in which he served over
three years. He was among the first to re-
spond to his adopted country's call for vol-
unteers, enlisting June 28, 1861, in Com-
pany E, Sixth Wis. V. I., Capt. Marsten,
of Appleton, commanding the company, in
which he was speedily promoted to corporal.
The regiment was, in the following July, at-
tached to the army of the Potomac, and
participated in all the battles of the " Iron
Brigade." At Antietam, September 17,
1862, our subject was wounded, which ne-
cessitated his confinement to hospital; but
he convalesced soon enough to be present at
the battle of Gettysburg, July i, 2 and 3,
1863, where, at the railroad grade, he was
again wounded, and was taken prisoner. He
did not long remain in the enemy's hands,
however, as when they retreated they had
to leave all the wounded behind. On July
16, 1864, he was honorably discharged from
the service with the record of a valiant sol-
dier, one who did his duty faithfully and loy-
ally. But he suffered much in health, for
when he enlisted his weight was 190 pounds,
and when he left for his home the scales
showed but 90 pounds — a loss of 100
pounds; and he painfully carried a bullet in
his thigh till it was extracted at Madison at
the time of his discharge. While recuperat-
ing Mr. Deleglise resumed the study of civil
engineering, and became a proficient sur-
veyor, in 1867 commencing the looking up
and locating of lands in this part of the
State. It was then that he, in reality, picked
out the site for the future city of Antigo, en-
tering lands and locating settlers on home-
steads, and in 1877 he settled there with his
family. In that same year he platted the
village and commenced the sale of lots,
which, and his after active connection with
the place, brought him the well-merited ti-
tle of ' ' Father of Antigo. " He was the first
chairman of the city, and served as county
treasurer for some time; dealt largely in real
estate, and became possessed of extensive
tracts of land in and around Antigo, having
unbounded faith in the growth of the em-
bryo city.
On November 29, 1856, Mr. Deleglise
was united in marriage, at Two Rivers,
Wis., with Miss Mary Bor, who was born
January i, 1835, in Taus, Bohemia, daugh-
ter of Simon and Dora (Kerzma) Bor, the
parents of two children. The family came
to America in 1855, settling at Gibson, Man-
itowoc county, and the father, who was a
merchant in Europe, and a farmer in this
country, died in Antigo in 1 881; in his na-
tive land he served as a soldier eight years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Deleglise were born chil-
dren as follows: Mary T. , now Mrs. John
Deresch, of Antigo; Sophia E., wife of
Samuel E. Leslie, of Antigo; Francis A.
(deceased); John E. ; Anna E., wife of
Thomas Morrissey, of Antigo; Adelbert A.;
Alexis L. ; Henry (deceased), and Edmond,
at home.
Mr. Deleglise was public-spirited and
progressive from the crown of his head to
the sole of his foot, and the primary and
great object of his ambition was the devel-
opment and improvement of the village,
town and city where he passed so many busy
years of his life. He was liberal in all
things, especially in Church and educational
matters, in which latter he took special in-
terest; in politics, he was, during the war, a
Democrat, later a Republican, and in 1892
he was elected to the State Legiskiture,
where he made a brilliant record as a legis-
lator. In all things he w'as a most success-
ful man, and when he died he left not only
large landed interests in northern Wiscon-
sin, but the record of one whose memory is
inseparably connected with the rise and
progress of this portion of the State, in al4
his efforts toward the consummation of which
he was instigated by no spirit of selfishness
or gain to himself beyond what is conceded
to be a right due to every American citizen.
He died March 25, 1894, in the full faith of
the Roman Catholic Church, beloved and
respected by all, regardless of party or re-
ligion, and deeply mourned by hosts of
friends and acquaintances, as a man, locally
speaking, not of to-day alone, but for all
community there are families that
by their strong personality make
deep and lasting impression upon
the people about them, and by their well-
guided energies give direction and momen-
tum to the forming and growing industries
about them. To no one, perhaps, is the
town of Weyauwega more greatly indebt-
ed for its early prosperity than to Jacob
Weed, one of its founders. He was a mas-
ter spirit, fitted and willing to grapple with
the problems and difficulties that must be
solved and overcome in order to make an
obscure and unpromising locality smile with
the lasting fruits of industry. The son of
Air. Weed, in the person of him whose name
heads this sketch, is now at the helm in di-
recting some of the most important enter-
prises of Weyauwega.
Jacob Weed was born October 27, 18 19,
in Saratoga county, N. Y. , a son of Alfred
and Rolina (Hewett) Weed, natives of that
county. Their children were nine in num-
ber, as follows: Harriet, deceased wife of
Matthew West, a pioneer of Oshkosh; Wal-
ter H., a prominent merchant and lumber-
man of Oshkosh, Wis., who died in 1876;
Jacob; James H., a resident of Oshkosh;
Sarah, deceased wife of Corydon L. Rich,
of Oshkosh township, Winnebago county;
Mary, first wife of William G. Gumaer. died
in 1856; Priscilla, second wife of William
G. Gumaer, died in Weyauwega in 1876;
Alfred, a resident of .Ashland, Wis. ; and
Carolina, wife of Homer Chandler, of Chi-
cago, Illinois.
The education of Jacob Weed was re-
ceived in the common schools of Wayne
county, N. Y. In 1847, with his two
brothers, Walter H. and James H., became
to Wisconsin, settling in Vinland township,
Winnebago county, where he purchased a
tract of 800 acres in the forest, and became
actively identified in developing the lumber
interests of that locality. Here he was
married, in 1849, to Miss Ann Elizabeth
Gumaer, a native of Onondaga county,
N. Y. , reared and educated in Washington,
D. C. , and a daughter of Elias De Puy and
Mary (Lewis) Gumaer, natives of Ulster
county, N. Y. Elias D. Gumaer was a con-
tractor of public works. He built, as a
contractor, part of the Erie canal, and
while completing a contract to construct the
canal from Georgetown, D. C, to the Navy
Yard, was prostrated with quick consump-
tion, and died soon after, in 1844, at his
home in Manlius, N. Y. His widow and
many of the children removed to Wiscon-
sin, and the latter became closely identified
with the development of the State. There
were nine children: Ann Elizabeth, wife of
Jacob Weed; Margaret, wife of Jacob Dev-
ens, of Vinland township, Winnebago coun-
ty, died in 1880; Martha, wife of Louis
Bostedo, a pioneer of Weyauwega, died in
1 881; Jane, widow of Richard Holdsworth,
of Washington, D. C, her present home
being at Penn Yan, N. Y. ; Emily, who died
in Oshkosh in 1876; Mary, wife of Walter
H. Weed, of Oshkosh, died in 1877; Elias
De Puy, who was the first county judge of
Shawano county, and who died in Shawano
in 1879; William G. , a prominent pioneer
of Weyauwega, who died in November,
1885, and Charles L., a former prominent
resident of Weyauwega, and now a resident
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
After his marriage Jacob Weed settled
in Winnebago county, and with his brothers
built up a lumbering and mercantile busi-
ness which gradually extended into Wau-
paca county. As early as 1 848 Amos Dodge,
James Hicks, M. Lewis and H. Tourtelotte
obtained possession of a fine water-power
on the site of Weyauwega, and erected a
dam and mill. The enterprise encountered
financial embarrassments, and led a precari-
ous existence for a number of years, until
sold to Jacob Weed and Benjamin Birdsell.
W. G. Gumaer and Louis Bostedo after-
ward acquired an interest in the property,
and in 1855 Weed, Birdsell & Co. erected
the Hour-mill still operated by the Weed
and Gumaer Manufacturing Co., the original
cost of building, machinery, etc., being $20,-
000. The business Hfe of Jacob Weed was
very active. Frequent!}- he made trips afoot
to Green Bay, and rarely knew the meaning
of a leisure moment. Yet his mind was al-
ways receptive to charitable or public enter-
prises, and he is kindly remembered for his
many deeds of benevolence and public im-
provement. He died in 1867, and his widow
subsequently married Jerome Crocker, a
prominent merchant and manufacturer of
Weyauwega. To Jacob Weed and wife two
children were born — William H., and Ella
v., wife of A. J. Kirkwood, of Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Kirkwood's children are Ella Weed
and Arthur William.
William H. W^eed, president of the Weed
& Gumaer Manufacturing Co., secretary of
the Badger Basket Manufacturing Co., and
an associate in the banking firm of Weed,
Gumaer & Co. , is one of the most progress-
ive and thorough business men of Waupaca
county. He was born at Vinland, Winne-
bago county, in 185 1, and his youth and
boyhood were spent at Weyauwega, and his
education obtained in the home schools and
at Oshkosh. In 1870, at the age of nine-
teen years, he became associated with the
Weyauwega Bank, giving it his exclusive at-
tention until 1883, when he was elected the
vice-president of the milling company, and
in 1890 was advanced to its presidency.
The output of the mill is 1 50 barrels per
day, and the company, besides in flour and
feed, deals extensively in lumber, lath, shin-
gles and moldings. The Badger Basket
Manufacturing Co. was organized in 1884,
Mr. Weed being one of its active promoters.
The building was erected the same year,
and twenty-six employes are required to
manufacture the product for which the en-
ergetic owners find a ready market. The
building is a two-story structure, 40 x 60
feet in size. The mill building is a substan-
tial structure, 45 x 50 feet, two-and-a-half
stories high, with an oval elevator having a
storage capacity of 30.000 bushels. It is a
fully-equipped roller-mill, with two systems
for wheat and r3-e. The planing and saw
mill is a two-story structure 40 x 60 feet.
Mr. Weed was married at Weyauwega,
in 1879, to Miss Jennie Smith, a native of
Berlin, Wis. She died in 1882, leaving one
child, Jacob. In 1886 Mr. Weed was mar-
ried at Waupaca to Miss Margaret Reed,
daughter of Hon. Myron and JuHa (Hanson)
Reed. Mr. Reed was born in Massena, St.
Lawrence Co., N. Y. , September 19, 1836.
He was educated in the common schools
and at Union Academy, Belleville, N. Y.
Entering the law school at Albany Univer-
sity in 1857, he was admitted to practice in
1858. The following year he came to Wau-
paca, Wis., and formed a law partnership
with E. L. Browne, O. E. Druetzer and M.
H. Sessions, which continued until 187 1.
Mr. Reed was prominent in county politics,
and filled many local offices, including those
of mayor, clerk, supervisor, etc. In 1871
he was elected State senator, his own part-
ner contesting on the opposite ticket for the
honor. While in the Senate he secured, al-
most by his own unaided efforts, the adop-
tion of Article 4 of the amendment to the
Constitution. Mr. Reed has been grand
master of the State of Wisconsin, high priest
of Waupaca Chapter No. 39, R. A. M.,
Master of Waupaca Lodge No. 123, F. and
A. M., and a member of the Knights of
Pythias. He is now a resident of West Su-
perior, Wisconsin.
Mr. Weed is a member and treasurer of
Weyauwega Lodge No. 82, and a member
of Waupaca Chapter No. 123, R. A. M. He
is a Democrat in politics, and has served as
a member of the county board.
DEWTTT S. JOHNSON, the popular
and courteous postmaster at Rhine-
lander, Oneida count}', is a native
of Wisconsin, born July 23, 1851, in
the city of Appleton.
William Johnson, father of our subject,
was born July 27, 181 1, at Philadelphia,
Penn., and his earliest recollection was of
life in Columbia county, in the same State,
where he received such tuition as the coun-
try schools of that period afforded. His
mother died when he was very young, and
the family became separated. William
lived with a cousin on a farm until he was
sixteen years of age, and passed the follow-
ing two years in learning the wagon-mak-
er's trade. Proceeding to Oswego, N. Y.,
where a brother was living, he remained in
that place eleven years, during which time
he became master also of the carpenter's
trade. Locating at Syracuse, he for five
years was there engaged in contracting and
building, at the end of that period moving
to New York City, where he followed the
same line of business some five years.
Among buildings for which he had contracts
were a cut-stone hotel at Syracuse, costing
two hundred thousand dollars; another at
Oswego, costing one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars; numerous fine buildings in
New York City, and many costly residences
at Brooklyn Heights. In 1850, having met
with serious business reverses, he arranged
his affairs as advantageously as possible,
and came to Appleton, which was then in
the midst of a decidedly new region, as far as
settlements were concerned. Here he joined
his wife's father, Amos A. Story, who had
the contract for building the Green Bay &
Mississippi canal, from the Wisconsin river
to Green Bay, and Mr. Johnson, who was
made foreman, was engaged on this work
about two years when the company sold out.
He then proceeded to Chicago and entered
into contract to build depots for the Illinois
Central Railroad Company, remaining with
that company three years. Upon his return
to Appleton he became interested with oth-
ers in the sawmill business, but sold his in-
terest in 1 87 1, and in company with Mr.
Mory built a gristmill; disposing, however,
of his share of the property inside of two
years, he began the manufacture of rakes,
seed-sowers and woodwork of all descrip-
tions. Meeting with fresh reverses about
two years later, he was obliged to relinquish
that line of work, after which he was not
steadily engaged in business. He superin-
tended the construction of a number of
buildings, and busied himself in various
ways, but a few years preceding his death
he lived a retired life. Mr. Johnson died
November 19, 1894, aged eighty-three years,
in which connection we glean the following
from the Appleton Daily Post of November
20, the day after:
"William Johnson, who was stricken
with paralysis Sunday, continued to fail in
strength all day yesterday. Last night the
end came quietly, and his spirit entered into
the great hereafter to claim the reward of a
well-spent life. Mr. Johnson had been a
resident of Appleton for forty-four years, and
during all that period possessed the esteem
and confidence of his fellow citizens to a
degree which falls to the lot of few men. In
his passing is removed another of the sturdy
personalities which bind the Appleton of the
present to that Appleton of the early ' fifties '
which was little more than a name and a
clearing in the virgin iorest."
In politics Mr. Johnson was a Democrat,
and he served as city treasurer, alderman,
and chairman of the board of supervisors;
was also mayor of Appleton three terms dur-
ing the war of the Rebellion. In 1867 he
was appointed United States collector of
customs for this District, the duties of which
office he discharged for two years. He was
a member of the Masonic Order twenty-five
years, and became an Odd Fellow in 1842,
being at the time of his death the oldest
member of the latter organization in Apple-
ton. He was married in Syracuse, N. Y.,
May 18, 1845, to Miss Lydia Sophia Story,
a native of that State, daughter of Amos A.
and Sarah (Tourtelotte) Story, and eight
children were born to this union, viz. : Amos
A., DeW^itt S., Sarah Lois, Frances S., Ina
B. and John Allen, living, and Lina B. and
William B., deceased. John Johnson, grand-
father of William Johnson, was a mason by
trade. He married Hannah Duberry, and
reared a family of seven children — Charles,
David, James P., Gilbert, Eliza, William
and Ellen.
The subject proper of these lines, whose
name introduces this sketch, received his
education at the public schools of his native
city, and deciding on making the printing
trade his life work commenced at the age of
twenty- one to inquire into its many mys-
teries in the office of the Crescent at Apple-
ton, finishing his apprenticeship in the River-
side Job Office, Milwaukee, in which latter
establishment he remained two j'ears. Sub-
sequently taking up his residence in Manito-
woc, he had charge there of the Pilot one
year, thence returned to Appleton, where he
served as foreman in the office of the Ci\s-
cent until 1884, at which time he went to
Merrill, working at his trade there a few
months. In 1885 he established the ]\\-st
Merrill Herald, which paper he in the fall
of the following year moved to Rhinelander,
changing its name to Oneida County Herald,
and conducting it up to some time in 1890,
when he sold it out, having been elected to
the office of register of deeds for Oneida
county. This incumbency he filled until
1894, in which year he received the appoint-
ment of postmaster at Rhinelander, his pres-
ent position.
In 1S74, at Appleton, Wis., Mr. Johnson
was married to Miss Beulah A. Johnson, of
Clinton, Wis., daughter of Job J. and Kate
(Strobridge) Johnson, well-to-do farming
people, both natives of Cortland county, N.
Y. , the parents of four children — Seth, Jay,
Beulah A. and Ellen. Both parents died in
1892, within one week. To this marriage
of Mr. Johnson there were born three chil-
dren— DeWitt S., Jr., Bryant A. and Beulah
A. The mother of these died in 1881, and
in 1889, at Rhinelander, Mr. Johnson for his
second wife married Miss Maud Jenkinson,
who was born in Brandon, Wis., the result
of which union is one child — George William
— whose mother was called to her long home
in January, 1892. In politics our subject is
a stanch Democrat, and has always been a
leader in his party; was a delegate to the
State convention that elected Peck governor
of Wisconsin the first time. Socially he is
a member of the I.O.O.F. In 1874, when
he was twenty-three years of age, he paid a
year's visit to the Pacific coast, spending
most of his time in San Francisco.
whom there is no one better known
throughout the entire State of Wis-
consin, in both public and private
life, is a man of whom the city and county
of Shawano may well feel proud.
He is a native of Vermont, born at
Vergennes, Addison county, November 16,
1834, and comes of a sturdy race, for the
most part farmers who live by honest toil in
the valleys of the Green Mountains. His
father, John Pulcifer, a ship carpenter by
trade, and a native of New York State,
married Mary Haight, who was of the same
nativity, and they had a family of thirteen
children, six of them being sons — of whom
the following reached maturity: Daniel H.,
subject of sketch; Edwin D., a wealthy
farmer of Plainview, Pierce Co., Neb.,
where he is prominent in local politics as a
stanch Republican; and Jane E., Mrs.
Charles Connely, of Syracuse, N. Y. ;
Mary E., Mrs. Dennis Darling, of near
Syracuse, N. Y. ; Martha E., Mrs. William
H. Wright, of Syracuse, N. Y. ; Bertha,
Mrs. David Jones, of Shawano, Wis. ; and
Dora R. , Mrs. Parmalee W. Ackerman, of
Shawano, Wisconsin.
Owing to an unfortunate infirmity, the
father of this large family was unable to
wholl}' support them, and as a consequence
much fell upon the shoulders of the eldest
son, our subject, who for some years was
the mainstay of the famil}', the entire sup-
port, in fact; but he was equal to the task,
as the spirit of determination and resolute-
ness, which has so forcibly characterized his
entire after life, was a dominant feature in
his boyhood years. Thus it can be readily
understood how it was that his education
was so limited that at the age of twenty he
could read with great difficulty, and write
not at all, much of what he did know hav-
ing been gained by practical experience in a
country printing office which he entered as an
apprentice at the age of fourteen years, at
Whitehall, N. Y. , and where he had to do
all the chores that usually fall to the lot of
a happy printer's "devil. " In 1855, ^t the
age of twenty-one years, he migrated to
Wisconsin, locating at Oasis, Waushara
county; but in February, 1865, he removed
to Shawano, where his energ}', honesty and
genial temperament soon made him one of
the popular citizens of that new section.
In the meantime he had some more news-
paper-office experience, where he had little
difficulty in appreciating the necessity of im-
proving what little education he had, and,
with all the energy of a strong physical and
mental constitution, he proceeded with a
fixed determination, not onlj- to learn but
even to excel, if possible. In the spring of
1858 he made a bold dash into the arena of
journalism by starting, at Pine River, Wis.,
the Pine Rive?- Arff!is,\vh\da soon afterward
was merged into the WaiisharaCoiinty Argus,
the plant being removed to Wautoma, where
Mr. Pulcifer succeeded, by ingenuity and
finessing, in securing the county printing,
taking it out of the hands of another office,
and this proved a source of considerable
profit to him. Later he sold out the Argus,
and became editor of the Plover Times, at
Plover, Portage county; still later he be-
came editor and proprietor of the Columbus
Republiean, at Columbus, Wis., so continu-
ing until in 1863 he became connected with
the Commonwcaltli, at Fond du Lac (daily
and weekly), as local editor. Severing his
connection with this journal in February,
1865, Mr. Pulcifer came, as already related,
to Shawano (his family following him a
few daj'S later), to take charge of the
Journal, a thriving newspaper of that city,
with which he was connected some time. In
1889 he became a member of the present
firm of Kuckuk & Pulcifer, general mer-
chants, Shawano.
Our subject filled various offices, among
them those of clerk of the court, sheriff and
deputy U. S. marshal, and served three
terms as mayor of the city of Shawano. In
1866 he was elected to represent the Dis-
trict of which Shawano county formed a
part in the Assembly, and was again chosen
in 187S, each time by an unusual majority.
He was also sergeant-at-arms of the Assem-
bly in 1880. As a legislator he was practical
and influential. His firm convictions, clear
perception, and affable, though brusque,
manner, made him a universal favorite with
members of both political parties. He com-
piled the Blue Book for 1879, and did it as
well as it had ever been done before or has
been since. In 1882 he was appointed, by
Postmaster-general Howe, post office in-
spector, and he was regarded as one of the
shrewdest and most valuable officials in
that most difficult branch of the service.
Reminiscences of his experience would make
an interesting volume, and thousands of post
offices were subject to his examination.
Among those agencies of Uncle Sam he was
noted for his patient kindness in giving in-
struction and counsel to the inexperienced,
and in meting out justice fearlessly in cases
of dishonesty or wilful negligence. Patience,
shrewdness, industry and cool judgment are
requisites of a successful inspector, and few
officials possess these qualities in a greater
degree than did Mr. Pulcifer. He was con-
tinuously retained in his position in spite of
political changes, serving as inspector under
Postmaster-general Howe, Gen. Gresham,
Frank Hatton, William F. Vilas, Don E.
Dickinson, John Wanamaker and W. S.
Bissell, under all of which administrations
he was never once censured for failing to do
the work assigned to him. His duties in
the capacity of post office inspector took him
into thirty other States and Territories, and
his labors in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississip-
pi, North Carolina, Virginia and other
Southern States gave him a rare oppor-
tunity to acquaint himself with the customs
and habits of the people of those sections;
and his after conversations about them and
their ways were regarded by his friends as
being "as entertaining as a lecture." As
sheriff he was known for his utter fearless-
ness in the discharge of his duty. On sev-
eral occassions he arrested parties who
drew revolvers and knives on him, but
Sheriff Pulcifer was always quick and strong
enough to arrest his man without serious in-
jury, although he was wounded on one oc-
casion, necessitating a painful and dangerous
surgical operation.
On July 6, 1856, Mr. Pulcifer was mar-
ried at Oasis, Waushara Co., Wis., to Miss
Anna E. Wright, a native of New York
State, born May 26, 1840, whence when a
girl she accompanied her parents, Orvil and
Emily Wright, to Wisconsin, their first new
western home being made at Kenosha. Mr.
Wright was a well-to-do farmer, who drove
his own team all the way from New York
State to Wisconsin. To Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Pulcifer were born children as follows: Or-
vil W. , who was a farmer in South Dakota,
dj'ing there at the age of twenty-seven
years; John H., a prosperous merchant of
Shawano, who married Laura E. McLaugh-
lin, at White Lake, S. D., in 1S85; Charles,
deceased in infancy, and Mary E., now
Mrs. Anton Kuckuk, of Shawano. In his
political preferences Mr. Pulcifer has always
been a stanch Republican since the organi-
zation of that party, and he was the first
man, in the Republican State Convention
of 1880, to vote for Gen. Grant (as a dele-
gate from the First Senatorial District).
During the Harrison Convention of 1892,
held at Minneapolis, he was appointed mes-
senger, duties of importance and secrecy
connected with the Convention being en-
trusted to him. It is a notable fact that he
was never beaten as a candidate for office,
and that he always ran largely ahead of his
ticket. Few men have done more effective
work for their party; but in the performance
of official duties he knew no party, no friend,
no enemy — he simply did his duty, and al-
ways did it well. Socially Mr. Pulcifer is a
Freemason, and was instrumental in estab-
lishing a Lodge of that Fraternity at Sha-
wano. He has always been a total abstain-
er, and has taken a more or less active part
in the temperance cause, for several j-ears
past having been a prominent member of
the Temple of Honor in Wisconsin, in which
Order he in 18S3-84 was grand chief tem-
plar of the State.
Mr. Pulcifer owns one of the finest pri-
vate collections of minerals, curios, etc., to
be found in the State, many of which are of
much value; and besides what he has in his
own cabinet he has presented many interest-
ing specimens to the Wisconsin State His-
torical Society and to Lawrence University,
Appleton. His collection is the result of
fifteen years research throughout the several
States he has visited, and to give an idea as
to its value it may be further mentioned
that Mr. Pulcifer carries an insurance on it
of $500.00. He has amassed considerable
property, owns a pleasant home in Sha-
wano, with large, fine, well-kept lawn,
shaded with pines and oaks. The village of
Pulcifer, in Green Valley township, Sha-
wano county, was named in his honor. Such
is a brief sketch of one of Wisconsin's typi-
cal self-made men and representative suc-
cessful business citizens, one possessed of
much natural ability, supported by a due al-
lowance of courage, acumen and, perhaps
best of all, sound judgment in all his acts,
and to be relied upon as a friend under all
HON. P. B. CHAMPAGNE (deceased).
The gentleman, whose life we pro-
pose to here briefly sketch, in his day
laid no claims to political distinction,
far less to military renown. His triumphs
may have been of a less brilliant order; but
whether less associated with the well-being
of his race, and with developing the re-
sources, and fortifying the powers of the na-
tion than those of a political leader or a
military chieftain, the true friends of human-
ity must judge.
Mr. Champagne was a Canadian by birth,
born in St. Felix de Valois, Jolliette county.
Province of Quebec, December 8, 1845, son
of Nelson and Amelia Champagne, well-to-
do farming people, natives of France, who
emigrated to Canada, where they married
and had children as follows: Three sons —
P. B., John N. and Nasaire — and two daugh-
ters— Mrs. L. Coulters and Mrs. R. Bressett,
of whom two sons and two daughters are
living with their widowed mother at the old
home in Canada; the father died several
years ago. At the schools of his place of
birth our subject received his education, and
when seventeen years old, in 1862, he came
to Wisconsin, locating at Grand Rapids,
Wood county, where he found employment
with Francis Byron, a lumberman, with
whom he worked some time, later, for one
winter, lumbering for H. A. Keyes, who aft-
erward said of Mr. Champagne: " He was
a hard worker, one who took as much inter-
est in my affairs as if they were his own, and
I never employed a better man." After that
winter Mr. Champagne returned to the em-
ploy of Mr. Byron, and with him remained,
in the capacity of superintendent of logging,
until embarking in business for his own ac-
count. For two years he followed mercan-
tile trade at Wausau, Marathon county, aft-
er which he returned to the lumber business,
continuing to make his home, however, in
Wausau until 1880. When he sold out his
store at Wausau he moved to Grand P"ather
Rock Falls, Lincoln county, where his fam-
ily spent their winters, their real home being
in Wausau, in order to be near his logging
interests, and the post office at that place
was named in his honor. When the town
of Rock Falls was organized he represented
it at the county board three years. In 1882
he moved to Merrill (at that time called
"Jenny"), Lincoln county, and he rerepre-
sented the town of Jenny at the county
board. In 1881 he incorporated the Lin-
coln Lumber Co., from which he soon after-
ward withdrew, and built the mill now owned
by the Champagne Lumber Co. ; then or-
ganized the P. B. Champagne Lumber Co.,
he being president and treasurer. This con-
cern was in turn succeeded by the Cham-
pagne Lumber Co., our subject being treas-
urer and general manager thereof, which
position he was filling at the time of his
death. He was the most extensive lumber-
man on the Wisconsin river, and was pos-
sessed of superior business ability, which
enabled him to weather every financial storm,
of which, in his wide and long experience,
there were not a few.
Mr. Champagne passed from earth July
I, 1 89 1, after an illness of four weeks, and
had the largest and most imposing funeral
ever held in Merrill. It was conducted un-
der the auspices of the Masonic fraternity,
special trains bringing mourning friends and
brother Masons from Wausau, Grand Rapids,
Marshfield, Stevens Point and many other
places. He was a most progressive business
man, engaged in many enterprises, was very
public-spirited, and made many friends,
who one and all mourned the taking
away of a good citizen. In the early
days of Lincoln county he was a con-
spicuous member of all the Republican
gatherings, for a long time was chairman of
the Republican County Committee, and to
him was due in the main, the success of that
party in the county. In 1883 he was sent
to the Assembly to represent his District, but
declined re-election, though he served with
distinction and eminent ability. In Merrill
he did the heaviest mercantile business of
any, and was never tired of giving both time
and money toward the advancement and
prosperity of that then rising young city.
To the stock of the First National Bank of
Merrill he was one of the first to subscribe,
and was vice-president of the Merrill Rail-
way and Lighting Co. Socially, he was an
enthusiastic Free Mason, and at the time of
his death was of the 32nd degree. Prom-
inent among his numerous friends was Alex-
ander Stewart — a bosom friend, he may be
called — who was Mr. Champagne's first
backer in business. Truly he was a remark-
able man, one at all times commanding the
esteem of his fellowmen — rich and poor
alike — for he was universally esteemed and
On July 29, 1 87 1, Mr. Champagne was
married, at Nile, Allegany Co., N. Y. , to
Miss Alice G. Coon, youngest daughter of
Elijah H. and Prudence (Bowler) Coon, and
three children were born to them — Percy
Beaugrand, now (September, 1895), twenty-
three years old, a graduate of Ann Arbor,
Mich., class of '94 (he is practicing law in
Detroit, Mich.); Marie and Stella, attending
school at Kenosha, Wisconsin.
WR. BINKELMAN. There is per-
haps no more prominent busi-
ness man in the northern part of
Waupaca county than Mr. Binkel-
man. He has been farmer, school teacher
and merchant, and, on his way upward to a
comfortable competence, has also engaged in
various other vocations. His present mer-
cantile establishment is the largest in the
village of Marion.
Mr. Binkelman was born in Joliet, 111.,
in 1849, son of Leonard and Jane (McCor-
mick) Binkelman, the father a native of
Germany, the mother of Irish extraction.
Leonard Binkelman was a ship builder by
trade, and for many years was a resident of
Joliet, removing thence in 1852 to Manito-
woc, Wis., where he also followed his trade.
Mrs. Binkelman died in 1894, and he now
resides with his son, W. R. , at Marion.
Their children were: W. R. ; Mary Jane,
wife of William Clark, of Manitowoc; Fred,
and Emma E., wife of John Bodwin, of
East Gibson, Manitowoc county. W. R.
Binkelman was reared in Manitowoc, and
after leaving the schools there clerked in a
grocery store for some time, after which
for about ten years he was engaged in the
confectionery business at Manitowoc. In
1872 Mr. Binkelman moved to Shawano
county, and there engaged in farming, teach-
ing school and speculating in land for several
years, teaching in Grant and Belle Plaine
townships, and also in Uupont township,
Waupaca county. In 1876, he removed to
the latter township, locating on a tract of
land one and half miles distant from Mar-
ion. Three years later he opened a hard-
ware store at Marion, where he has since
been continuously in business. There was
only one store in the village when he located
there, that of McDonald & Ramsdell, a firm
which has since gone out of business. The
village contained but three houses, Mr.
Binkelman erecting the fifth building, but
there is now a population of 800, and it is
still growing rapidly. He erected his pres-
ent building, a good two-story frame, in
1 88 1, and carries a full line of hardware
and farm machinery, the most valuable stock
of goods in Dupont township. He is a
notary public, and for thirteen years, up to
January i, 1895, he was in the insurance
business. In earlier life Mr. Binkelman
filed cross-cut saws and adopted various
other honest and honorable means of obtain-
ing a start in life, and he began business at
Marion with onlj' $350, his present exten-
sive trade testifying to his abundant, per-
haps unequalled, success at this point.
Mr. Binkelman was married, in 1871,
to Miss Mary M. Ramsdell, who was born
in Manitowoc Rapids, daughter of Erastus
Ramsdell, an early pioneer of Manitowoc
country, who subsequently moved to Dupont
township, where he died in 1890. To Mr.
and Mrs. Binkelman came six children, five
of whom are now living: Olla A., Irvine,
Luella, Lindon J. and Murrell. Mark died
at the age of eight years. In politics Mr.
Binkelman is a Republican, and socially he
is a charter member of Marion Lodge No.
256, I. O. O. F. , in which he has passed all
the Chairs, and is now serving as chaplain.
He attends the M. E. Church, and his eld-
est daughter, Olla A., is superintendent of
the Sunday-school of that flourishing Church.
In January, 1895, Mr. Binkelman was elect-
ed chairman of Dupont township; he was
clerk of the courts of Waupaca county from
1884 to 1888; was postmaster at Marion
under President Harrison from 1888 to 1892,
resigning in the latter year; has been town
clerk of Dupont for five years; in January,
1895, ^^^s appointed chairman of the town
board, and, in the spring of that year
was elected chairman, receiving 241 votes
out of a total of 307, a fact which testifies
better than words to his popularity. He is
well known throughout Waupaca county,
and commands the esteem and good fellow-
ship of all who know him.
JEFF. WOODNORTH, publisher and
editor of the Waupaca Record, is a na-
tive of New York City, son of Paul S.
and Sarah (Astley) Woodnorth, both
natives of Stourbridge, Worcestershire, Eng-
Paul S. Woodnorth was born January
16, 18 1 5, and when a boy was apprenticed
by his widowed mother to a tailor. He
learned the trade, and at nineteen ran away
and worked his passage to America aboard a
sailing vessel, landing at New York, after
six weeks at sea, with one cent in his pocket.
He found employment in the new city, and
for eleven years worked faithfully at his
trade, then, in 1845, revisited his old home
in England. Returning, he established him-
self in business at the corner of 29th street
and Third avenue, New York City, prosper-
ing until fire (during the winter of 1848-49)
destro3"ed his shop and left him penniless.
The gold excitement was then intense, and
selling his lot Mr. Woodnorth started for
California via the Isthmus. He was suc-
cessful in prospecting at first, and later
found employment as a cook. In accident-
ally purchasing supplies in excess he sold
the surplus at a profit so great that a new
business opened before his eyes, and he
quickly seized the opportunity. He pur-
chased a schooner and plied between vari-
ous points, making money rapidly, until his
clerk during a trip absconded with all his
effects, and left him bankrupt. He began
mining again, but in 185 1 he returned to
New York City and resumed his trade.
Here he was married to Mrs. Sarah
(Astley) Page, widow of Joseph H. Page
and daughter of Robert Astley. Mr. Wood-
north adopted the children of Mrs. Page, and
bestowed upon them his name. In addition
to his tailoring establishment a china store
was added, which his wife conducted.
Owing to Mrs. Woodnorth's failing health
Mr. Woodnorth bargained in New York for
some land in Royalton township, Waupaca
Co., Wis., on misrepresentation paying an
exorbitant price for the same, and in 1856
started with his family by lake for his new
western home. The first improvement had
yet to be made on the property. Mr. Wood-
north secured the services of two men to
build a log house while he boarded at a
neighbor's. Eighteen months later he
traded the farm for twenty acres in Section
32, Waupaca township, moving thereon and
following his trade of tailoring while the
boys did a little farming. About this time
Mr. Woodnorth put to use the experience
as a cook which he had picked up on his
voyage to California, and secured a position
as cook for a gang of men who were con-
structing a railroad through Waupaca
county. In 1869 he sold his land and re-
moved to Waupaca, where for some years
he remained in business. Mrs. Woodnorth
died in January, 1882; Mr. Woodnorth is
still living, a well-preserved old gentleman
of eighty years. The children who attained
majority are as follows: Joseph H., now
United States pension agent at Milwaukee,
a veteran of Company G, Twenty-first Wis.
V. I., and for many years a prominent drug-
gist at Waupaca; Franklin S., who served
in Company I, Seventeenth Wis. V. I., and is
now a druggist at Manawa, Wis. ; Amelia P. ,
wife of Thomas Pipe, hardware merchant, at
Waupaca; Jeff., the subject of this sketch;
George R., of Bayfield county. Wis., and
Isabel E., now Mrs. Frank Houseman, of
Jeff. Woodnorth was a pupil in the " Old
White School " at Waupaca, under the in-
struction of Mrs. Marcus Burham, now of
Lind. He displayed little aptitude for farm
work, but was eager for an education, and
received special instruction from several
principals who were later at the head of
the Waupaca schools. Possessing a re-
tentive memory, he learned rapidly and
looked forward to a liberal education; but
at the age of eighteen he found himself en-
gaged in his life work. He had entered the
office of the Waupaca County Republican,
and seven years later was its foreman and
job printer, when he went to Oshkosh with
his employer, C. M. Bright, who had pur-
chased the Oshkosh Times. Six months
later Mr. Woodnorth returned to Waupaca;
then for four years he was on his father's
farm in Lanark township. Portage county,
keeping " bachelor hall " with his brother.
In January, 1885, he entered the law of-
fice of E. L. Browne, as a student, and two-
and-a-half years later was about ready to
take his examination for admission to the
bar, when he was induced to become fore-
man of the Waupaca Post, then edited by
E. E. Gordon. A few months later, in
August, 1887, he took charge of the paper
as editor, and in April, 1888, he and his
brother George purchased a one-fourth in-
terest in the paper, Mr. Woodnorth remain-
ing in charge. The brothers sold their in-
terest to Mr. Gordon in December, 1889,
and in June, 1890, Mr. Woodnorth became
editor of The Tozoiier A^czus and Stockman
at Towner, McHenry Co., N. Dak., remain-
ing until January i, 1891. In March, 1891,
he entered the office of the Waupaca County
Republican as job printer and all-round
newspaperman, remaining until March 13,
1893, when he purchased a half interest in
the job office, which later became part of
the Waupaca Record plant, D. L. Stinch-
field being his partner. The first number
of the Record was issued from this office
March 17, 1894, with Stinchfield & Wood-
north as proprietors. Three months later
Mr. Woodnorth became sole proprietor,
and has since conducted the paper. The
Record is a weekly, 16-page, 3-column pa-
per, the form being original in the office
where used, and quite a deviation from the
usual form of newspapers. It is non-parti-
san in politics, and an advocate of good gov-
ernment. The growth of the Record has
been phenomenal, probably without a paral-
lel as regards circulation and popularity.
tired merchant and business man,
has spent a lifetime of activity and
usefulness in Marathon county, and
is one of its most worthy and highly-
respected citizens. He was born in Cort-
land county, N. Y. , May 24, 1823, and is
a son of George A. and Abigail (Lull) Stro-
bridge, both natives of the Empire State.
Of their seven children four survive: Mrs.
Sophrona Cook, widow of Henry Cook, liv-
ing at Salt Lake, Utah; James, residing in
Michigan; Cyrus, the subject of this sketch;
and Julia, widow of the late Joshua C.
Kline, of Bradford county. Peon. The
mother died when Cyrus was about one-
year old, and the father about the year of
1855, removed to Merrill, Wis., where he
died in 1866.
Our subject attended the common
schools of his home in New York State, and
when fourteen years of age went to Yates
county, N. Y. , where he worked on a farm
until he was twenty-one years old. Then
he removed to Bradford county, Penn.,
whither his father in the meantime had re-
moved. Here he was engaged in lumber-
ing for several years, and quite naturally
became interested in the great lumbering
regions of northern Wisconsin. According-
ly, in 1848 he came west, locating at what
is now called Pine River, about five miles
from Merrill, Lincoln county, where for
three years he engaged in lumbering pursuits.
In 1 85 I Mr. Strobridge returned to Bradford
county. Penn., where he was married, in
1852, to Miss Lydia Jane, daughter of John
and Alvina Kline, natives of that county.
Remaining in Pennsylvania for about five
years, engaging there at farming, Mr. Stro-
bridge in 1856 again started for the great
Northwest, this time with a family. At
Merrill (then called "Jenny ") he built the
pioneer hotel, calling it the "Jenny House,"
and for seven years he provided accommoda-
tions for man and beast at this outpost of
an advancing wave of civilization, during
which time he served four years as post-
master (the first postmaster at that place),
also as first assessor. He then disposed of
his hotel business and engaged in mercantile
pursuits. In the spring of 1870 he sold his
stock of merchandise and removed to Wau-
sau, where he has since resided, excepting
the two years (1880 to 1882) he was again
in business at Merrill. During his career as
a merchant at Wausau Mr. Strobridge built
up a large trade, and became one of the
leading business men of the city; of late
years he has retired from active life.
Mr. Strobridge is a stanch Republican,
but has never aspired for office, though he
has served several terms as assessor and
supervisor of Marathon county. Of his four
children, three survive: Sarah, wife of Wal-
ter Alexander (a prominent lumberman of
Wausau, and a member of the firm of Alex-
ander, Stewart & Co.), Libbie, and France
D. The family attend the Methodist Epis-
copal Church. Mr. Strobridge has been an
upright, honorable business man, and his
successful career has been alike creditable to
himself and to Marathon county.
EDWARD C. KRETLOW, the popu-
lar and efficient register of deeds for
Marathon county, is a splendid type
of the self-made man. He has en-
ergy, decision, integrity, affability. He has
aims in life, and he sets resolutely about to
attain those aims. He has been a man of
action, and in his constant contact with men
he has, by his manner and character, creat-
ed a favorable impression. Few men are
more popular than he.
Mr. Kretlow was born in Germany, July
22, 1852, a son of Edward and Frederica
(Schmidt) Kretlow. In 1855 the parents
with their family left the Fatherland for
America, and landing at New York at once
proceeded westward to Wisconsin, locating
at Milwaukee. Here for many years the
father was a cigar manufacturer; he is still
living at that city a hearty old gentleman of
seventy-five years. His faithful wife passed
from earth December 19, 1893. To Edward
and Frederica Kretlow seven children were
born, five of whom survive, as follows: Louis,
who conducts Kretlow's dancing academy, at
No. 401-403 Webster avenue, Chicago;
Emil, of Wausau; Edward C, subject of
this sketch; Otto, of Milwaukee, and Julius,
of Chicago. The family has inherited mu-
sical talent of a high order, and can play
any instrument. Three of the sons — Louis,
Emil and Otto — are leaders of musical bands.
Our subject received his education in the
public schools of Milwaukee, and he also
took a course in the Spencer Business Col-
lege, of that city, graduating from the insti-
tution in 1866, at the age of fourteen years.
He had also, by that time, learned the trade
of cigar maker from his father. In 1866 he
came to Wausau, and for three years he was
a salesman, and also deputy register of
deeds. From 186910 1S71 he lived at Chi-
cago, where he followed his trade as a cigar
manufacturer. Returning to Wausau in 1 87 1 ,
he for three years engaged in the insurance
business with C. H. Mueller; then in 1874
he again took up the manufacture of cigars,
and continued in the business uninterrupted-
ly until 1893. During this period he was
also bookkeeper for Heinemann Bros. , of
Wausau, from 1882 to 188S. In the latter
year he was elected city clerk, and he filled
that office for two years; then in 1890 he was
elected register of deeds, and in November,
1894, was re-elected to that important coun-
ty office, on the Democratic ticket.
Mr. Kretlow was married in Wausau, in
1873, to Miss Johanna Starge, daughter of
Gotlieb and Frederica Starge, natives of Ger-
many. To this union one child has come,
Louis T., who was born May 18, 1874, and
is now deputy register of deeds for Marathon
county. Mr. Kretlow is a member of Wau-
sau Lodge No. 215, I. 0.0. F. , also of the
Sons of Hermann, the A. O. U. W., Ameri-
can Legion of Honor, and other minor so-
cieties. In political views he is an earnest
Democrat, and he is an active worker in the
ranks of that party.
was one of the first settlers of An-
tigo, Langlade county, and comes
of well-known New England ances-
tors, who have been mostly farmers, and
also active in religious matters, being iden-
tified with the Congregational Church.
The parents of our subject were Ansel
and Salome (Graves) Bridgman, the former
of whom was born in Northampton, Mass.,
in 1802, and was a Congregational minister.
The father of Ansel was Joseph Bridg-
man, who married Mary Judd, and they had
eight children. The Bridgmans date their
ancestry back to James Bridgman, who came
to this country in 1640 from Winchester,
England, and our subject is of the eighth
generation, and is the only son of his par-
ents. Ansel Bridgman was first married in
Massachusetts to Salome Graves, who died
in 1836. He then, in 1837, married Sarep-
ta Pool, and died in 1838. No children
were born of this union. Mrs. Bridgman
afterward married a Mr. Ellsworth, and
they had one son, Ansel, who lives in Lud-
ington, Michigan.
Edward P. Bridgman, the subject of
this sketch, was born in Huntsburg, Ohio,
March 7, 1834, and when five j'ears of age
was adopted by his uncle, John Bridgman,
who lived in Northampton, Mass , and was
a farmer. Here Edward lived until he was
of age, in the meantime pursuing his stud-
ies at the State Normal School in Westfield,
Mass. In 1856 he went to Kansas, enlisted
under the famous John Brown, and was in
the fight at Ossawatomie. Owing to polit-
ical conditions and pro-slavery sentiment of
Missouri, it was unsafe to remain, so he re-
turned to his former home, and again took
up his studies in the Normal School, from
which institution he was graduated in i860.
In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in
the Thirty-seventh Mass. V. I., and served
three years in the Army of the Potomac,
being in seventeen battles and engagements,
but escaping without a wound. His first
battle was that of Fredericsburg, his last
being the memorable one at which Lee sur-
rendered in 1865.
After his discharge from the arm}' in
1865, Mr. Bridgman returned to Northamp-
ton, Mass., and engaged in the boot and
shoe business, which he carried on some
eight years. In 1874 became to Wiscon-
sin, and was connected with a trading post
store on the Menominee reservation, remain-
ing there four years. In 1879 Mr. Bridg-
man took up a homestead in Polar town-
ship, Langlade county, being piloted to his
new home by Indians, Mrs. Bridgman rid-
ing a pony for thirty miles. Here they lived
three years, cleared seven acres of land,
enduring some hardships, but being fairly
prospered in their work. In the fall of 1882
they returned east, on a visit, and remained
until June of the following year, when they
came back to the farm. In October of that
year they settled in Antigo, and Mr. Bridg-
man started a store, but did not continue it
very long. Since that time he has dealt in
real estate, and in 1888 became interested
in a broom-handle factory. In 1893 a stock
company was formed for this industry, in
which Mr. Bridgman took stock, and was
made one of the directors and also secretary
of the company.
Our subject was married January i,
1877, on the Indian reserv-ation, to Miss
Sophia B. Dresser, who was born at Goshen,
Hampshire Co., Mass., March 30, 1846, a
daughter of Caleb C. and Julia M. (White)
Dresser. In this family were eight children,
as follows: Sophia B., Albert B., Helen
M., Edward W., Charles, Martha H., Laura
M., and Hattie F, , also two that died in
infancy. The father, who was a carpenter
and millwright, was born in Peru, Mass.,
December 19, 1813, and died at Goshen,
same State, March 25, 1880. His father,
Moses Dresser, was also a native of Massa-
chusetts. The Dresser family date back for
many years, and are characterized by their
anti-slavery sentiments and strong character.
Caleb Cushman, Grandmother Dresser's
father, was a descendant of Robert Cush-
man— one of the Pilgrim Fathers, who was
born about the year 1580 — and Mary Aller-
ton, the youngest passenger on the "May-
flower." He preached the first sermon
ever printed in America. This was in
Plymouth, Mass., where a fine monument
has been erected to his memory. In early
times they were mostly farmers, but later
were engaged largely in the professions,
many being ministers and missionaries.
Mrs. Julia White Dresser, mother of Mrs.
Bridgman, was the daughter of Deacon Ben-
jamin White, a farmer, who was born in
Massachusetts, and was the son of William
White. The family was a very prominent
one in the early history of that State, and
succeeding generations find them well known
in the professional as well as the mercantile
world. Mrs. Dresser died June 26, 1877.
To Mr. and Mrs. Bridgman five children
have been born, of whom two died in in-
fancy; the others are: Edward P., Jr.,
born July 13, 1880; Lewis W., born August
28, 1882, and Robert W., born June 16,
Mr. Bridgman is a self-made man. and
is highly respected in the community. He
is a Republican, but is no politician. He is
a charter member of the Congregational
Church in Antigo, and a deacon in the same.
He is a member of the Blue Lodge, F. &
A. M., and also of John A. Kellogg Post,
G. A. R. Mr. Bridgman's uncle and adopt-
ed father, John Bridgman, was a strong
anti-slavery man, and an intimate friend of
those great humanitarians, ^^'illiam Lloyd
Garrison, Wendell Phillips and Fred Doug-
lass. Indeed, on both his own and his
wife's side, Mr. Bridgman has good reason
to be proud of his family, who have some
of the best blood in the country in their
veins, and who were people distinguished
for their integrity, religious characters, and
progressive ideas.
JAMES McCROSSEN, a retired lumber-
man and merchant of Wausau, Mara-
thon county, is a living instance of the
marked success which may come to a
man possessed of willing hands, clear brain
and correct principles in life. He is essen-
tially a self-made man, one who began
lumbering when a mere child, and has since
advanced steadily onward. The interests
which he now control are vast and varied,
and their acquisition he owes to his own in-
domitable energy.
Mr. McCrossen was born in Carleton,
New Brunswick, February 13, 1829, son of
Robert and Elizabeth (McCrossen) McCros-
sen, both of whom were of Irish birth and
Scotch ancestry. Robert McCrossen emi-
grated to New Brunswick in 1822, residing
in Carleton ten years, and then removed to-
the parish of Lancaster, St. John county,
where for eleven years he engaged in lum-
bering and agricultural pursuits. Thence he
removed to Bailie, near St. Andrews, Char-
lotte county, same province, dying in 1887,
at the advanced age of eighty-seven years.
His faithful wife passed away at Musquash,
parish of Lancaster, St. John county, in
1840. Of their nine children, five are yet
living, as follows: John, one of the pio-
neers of Portage county, and now a resident
of Waupaca county, Wis. ; James, the sub-
ject of this sketch; Jane, wife of M. M.
Patridge, a prominent merchant of Wausau;
Ehzabeth, widow of the late George Fur-
nald, of Wausau; and George, a prominent
farmer of Marathon county. Of the de-
ceased, Isabella (wife of W. P. Quist, an
early settler of Waupaca county, now living
at Rural), died in April, 1895; Thomas (a
veteran of the Civil war), died in April,
1895, at the Soldiers' Home, Waupaca; and
Ann (Mrs. MacAllister), died May 20, 1895.
In his childhood James McCrossen at-
tended the district schools of Lancaster
parish, "St. John Co., N. B., but was
evidently born for an active rather than a
scholastic life, for at the early age of thir-
teen years, in 1842, he left home and went
to Calais, Maine, where for eight years, or
until he became of age, he worked at lum-
bering. He then came west, locating at
Oshkosh, Wis., in 1850, when that city
was a small village, and for two years fol-
lowed lumbering on the Wolf river. Then,
in 1852, he removed to Waupaca county,
and for eighteen years was actively engaged
in developing its rich primitive resources.
For eight years he followed lumbering and
farming, then in 1 860 he engaged in flour-
milling and mercantile pursuits. In all this
he prospered, and in 1 868 he started another
venture, a general mercantile business at
Wausau, in connection with W. P. Quint.
In 1870 he sold out his interests in Wau-
paca county, and by purchase obtained sole
possession of the Wausau business, remov-
ing to that thriving little city. Giving it his
exclusive attention, this mercantile trade
grew rapidly. In 1878 it had assumed
large proportions, and in that year he sold
a one-third interest to his son, J. A. Mc-
Crossen, a one-third interest to W. F. Col-
lins, and retired from the active management
of the business. In the same year he pur-
chased a half interest in the Wausau Lum-
ber Co. 's mill, and was actively connected
with its management four years. In 1S82
he sold his interest to Kno.x Bros., and re-
sumed lumbering and logging on the Wis-
consin river until 1887 — in which year he
associated with Ale.xander Stewart, J. E.
Lahoe and William Atwater, and organized
the Montreal Lumber Co., with J. E.
Leahy president, James McCrossen vice-
president, and Alexander Stewart treasurer.
Later Messrs. Leahy and Atwater sold their
interests to Messrs. Moon & Knight, Mr.
Moon becoming president. In 1891 Mr.
McCrossen sold his interests in the company
to the Alexander Stewart Lumber Co. , and
retired from active business life.
Mr. McCrossen was married, at Rural,
Waupaca county, July 4, 1853, to Miss
Cornelia A. Jones, daughter of J. H. and
Nancy Jones, natives of New York and early
settlers in Waupaca county. Of the seven
children of Mr. and Mrs. McCrossen five
survive, as follows: Julien A., of Everett,
Wash.; Ellen I., wife of Lyman Thyar, of
Everett, Wash. ; Charles A., of Antigo, Wis. ;
Elizabeth, wife of H. H. Grace, of West
Superior, Wis.; and Henry G., a merchant
of Wausau. James M. (deceased), who
comes between Ellen and Charles, was at
one time a resident of St. Paul, Minn. ; Kit-
tie, the youngest, died January 2, 1881,
aged two years and five months. Since his
retirement from active life Mr. McCrossen
has spent his winters in southern California.
He is largely interested in timber land and
real estate, and is the owner of 12,000 acres
of timber land in Wisconsin, situated in
Marathon, Price, Taylor and Lincoln coun-
ties. He also owns considerable farming
land in South Dakota, has extensive landed
holdings at Everett, Wash., and has erected
some of the finest business blocks in Wausau.
In politics Mr. McCrossen is a Republi-
can, and for two terms he served as chair-
man of the county board. He is a member
of Forest Lodge No. 130, F. & A. M.,
Wausau Chapter No. 51, R. A. M., and St.
Omer Commandery No. 19. The family
attend the Universalist Church. He is a
typical self-made man, and during his twen-
ty-five years' residence at Wausau he has
been one of its most progressive oitizens, ac-
tively interesting himself in all measures
tending to advance the interests and welfare
of the county. No man deserves greater
credit for the wonderful progress Wausau
has made in mercantile and manufacturing
affairs than James McCrossen.
JOHN R. BABCOCK. There are few
men more worthy of representation in
a work of this kind than the subject of
this biography, who for several years has
been prominently connected with the busi-
ness interests of Merrill, Lincoln county, of
which fine city he is the present maj'or.
He is a native of New York State, having
been born at Albany May 19, 1855, a son of
James H. Babcock, who was born, in 1826,
in Otsego county, N. Y. The paternal
grandfather, Richardson Babcock, was a na-
tive of Connecticut, born there in 1798, and
was a carpenter by trade; building many of
the best residences and business blocks in
Otsego county, N. Y. He married a Miss
Robinson, who came to this country from
the Emerald Isle, and they became the
parents of five children — Adelia, Sarah,
James H., Samuel and Mary. His wife
died in New York in 1864, and he departed
this life in 1875, at the age of seventy-
seven. He had followed contracting until
within a few years of his death, when he
retired to a small piece of land he owned
near Schenevus, Otsego county.
James H. Babcock, father of our sub-
ject, was educated in the common schools,
remaining under the parental roof until his
marriage in 1848, at which time he had at-
tained his twenty-fourth year. The lady of
his choice was Mary A. Herdman, who was
born in Westford, Otsego Co., N. Y. , in
1832, a daughter of John and Clarissa
(Smith) Herdman, who were the parents of
si.x children — Mar}' A., Martha, Georgiana,
Julia, Louisa and David. Her father was a
harness maker by trade, which he followed
in early life, but later took up farming. His
first wife died in 1844, and subsequently he
married a Miss Wright, by whom he had
four sons — Eugene, Charles, John and
Everett. The father died in New York
State about the year 1874. Mr. Babcock
had five children: Frank M., John R.,
Clara L. , Mary and Georgiana.
After his marriage James H. Babcock
removed to Albany, N. Y. , where he re-
mained until 1855, serving as bookkeeper
for a commercial house. In that year he
came west, locating in Wausau, Wis., and
then formed a partnership with one Flet-
cher in the lumber business which continued
until 1858. when he kept a hotel, or station
house, at Knowlton until the fall of 1859,
at which time he was elected register of
deeds of Marathon county. After his election
to that office he removed his family to the
city of Wausau, and held the office for six
years, being elected by the Democratic
party, of which he was a stanch supporter,
taking an active part in politics. He died
in Wausau in 1867. The mother of our
subject still makes that place her home; she
is now the wife of Henry French.
The primary education of John R. Bab-
cock was obtained in the common schools,
after which he attended the high school
of Wausau, later taking a course at Law-
rence Universit}', Appleton, Wis., where
for six months he paid his own tuition
with money he had earned at the age of
twelve years by clerking for Mr. Cham-
pagne, and later for James McCrossen,
where he remained two years. After his
return from school he served as bookkeeper
in a private bank two years, and for the
same length of time kept books in a store;
then at the age of nineteen, with the money
he had saved, he purchased some land from
which he cut the timber. This was in the
winter of 1874-75. In the spring of 1877
he went to Kansas for the benefit of his
health, and there carried on agricultural
pursuits until 1S80. On his return to .Wis-
consin he located at Merrill, where he en-
gaged in clerking in Mr. Champagne's store,
when the same company built a sawmill
in which he became bookkeeper and time-
keeper, serving thus for one year. In the
fall of 1882 Mr. Babcock embarked in the
lumber business, acting part of the time as
expert lumberman, and the remainder as
expert accountant until 1889, when he be-
gan the insurance and real-estate business.
Selling out in 1894, he in company with
Mr. Norway purchased the plant of the
Wolf River Lumber Co., and established
the Norway Box & Lumber Co. , which now
has a fine trade and is one of the leading
enterprises of Merrill.
In September, 1882, Mr. Babcock was
married to Josephine O'Neil, who was born
in Wood county, Wis., and by her marriage
has become the mother of two interesting
sons — West O. and John R., Jr. Mr.
Babcock takes great interest in the welfare of
Merrill and the surrounding country', and is
now serving as secretary of the Business
Men's Association. He is enterprising and
progressive in his ideas, and aids in every
object for the good of the community.
Politically he identities himself with the
Democratic party, being one of its stalwart
supporters. He served as member of the
city council from the Second ward; has also
been city comptroller, and in 1889 and
1890 was city assessor, in which offices he
served faithfully and well. In April, 1895,
he was elected mayor of Merrill, having
been nominated by both the Democratic
party and the Republican party, his oppo-
nent being a Populist, Mr. Babcock receiving
a majority of nearly 500 votes.
CARL F. PAFF, treasurer of Mara-
thon county, is one of the promi-
nent and progressive merchants of
Wausau, the city of his birth. He
was born there April 23, 1861, son of Jacob
and Sophia (Doell) Paff. The father emi-
grated from Germany in the fall of 1848,
and after spending the winter in Columbia
county, Wis., came in the spring of 1849 to
Wausau; Mrs. Paff came from Germany in
1853, was married in Watertown, Wis.,
and died at Wausau in February, 1889,
where Jacob Paff resided until his death
May 6, 1895, ^'^ honored citizen, and vice-
president of the First National Bank.
Carl F. Paff attended the village schools,
and also took a four-years' course in the
German and English Academy at Elmhurst,
III. Graduating at that institution, he com-
pleted a course of bookkeeping at R. C.
Spencer's Business College, Milwaukee, and
thus equipped for commercial life Mr. Paff
returned to Wausau and for two years was
bookkeeper for John C. Gebhart. He ac-
cepted a similar position with F. W. Kick-
busch, manufacturer of doors, sash and
blinds, but six months later the factory
burned and Mr. Paff entered the post office,
as a delivery clerk, remaining there about
three months. He then went into business
for himself by purchasing the interest of
F. W. Stroud in the paint and oil business
of Stroud & Zentner. Three years later
Messrs. Paff & Zentner sold out to J. M.
Stroud & Co., of Oshkosh, and started a
new business as dealers in lime, cement and
sewer pipe. They continued partners
four years, then, in 1887, Mr. Paff pur-
chased Mr. Zentner's interest, and has since
conducted the business alone.
He was married, in Wausau, November
22, 1888, to Miss Matilda Kickbusch, daugh-
ter of F. W. and Matilda (Braatz) Kick-
busch, both of whom emigrated when young
from Pomerania, Germany, to America.
F. W. Kickbusch has been one of Wausau's
most prominent citizens. He settled there
in i860, after a three-years' residence in
Milwaukee, was three times elected county
treasurer, was engaged extensively in the
manufacture of doors, sash and blinds,
operated a large flouring-mill, and in June,
1893, left Wausau to accept the position of
United States consul at Stettin, Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Paff have two children, Selma,
born November 2, 1889, and Carl F., born
January 15, 1892. Mr. Paff is a member of
the Modern Woodmen, and of the Haru-
gari. As the candidate for county treasurer
on the Democratic ticket in 1892, he was
elected in November, 1894, defeating his
opponent, Chris. Voight, by 168 votes. Mr.
Paff, though yet a young man, has won his
way into the esteem and confidence of the
public, and is one of Marathon county's
most popular citizens.
JACOB PAFF (deceased), an early pio-
neer of Marathon county, and late
vice-president of the First National
Bank of Wausau, was one of its best
representative citizens. He was unostenta-
tious in manner, and a man of few words;
yet his character was as sterling as the na-
tional coin that lay in the vaults of his bank
or circulated over its counters. For nearly
forty-five years he lived in the glare of pub-
lic life at Wausau, and his reputation re-
mained untarnished and unblemished. Mr.
Paff was born in Prussia November 5, 1824,
son of Phillip (a farmer) and Margaret
(Feurrinp) Paff, both natives of Germany,
who died in the Fatherland when Jacob was
youiig. They had a family of four chil-
dren, three of whom emigrated to America,
and the only servivor now is Mrs. Louisa
Baker, who remained in Germany.
Our subject in his boyhood attended
the district schools, learned the trade of a
cabinet maker, and worked at it in the old
country until 1849, when at the age of
twenty-five years he emigrated to America.
Landing in New York July i, of that year,
he proceeded west at once, and stopping
for a few months in Columbia county he
pushed on through the almost unbroken
wilderness to Marathon county, at once
becoming identified with its awakening lum-
ber interests. In the same year of his im-
migration he located at Wausau, and was
a continuous resident of the city from that
date, ranking at the time of his death,
which occurred May 6, 1895, as one of the
oldest living and most highly-respected of
the old settlers. For six years he followed
his trade of cabinet making, then, in 1857,
engaged in mercantile pursuits, continuing
until 1 87 1, when he retired from active
business life. In 1863 he was elected coun-
ty treasurer, serving faithfully and satis-
factorily during the years 1863 and 1864.
In 1 87 1 and 1872 he also served as county
clerk, and he represented Wausau as its
chief officer. Mr. Paff was connected with
the First National Bank of Wausau from its
organization, and was vice-president of this
well-known banking institution at the time
of his demise.
On January 20, 1856, he was married,
at Watertown, Wis., to Miss Sophia Doell,
a lady of German birth, and eight children
were born to them, four of whom survive, as
follows: Matilda, wife of Fred T. Zent-
ner. United States E.xpress Agent at Wau-
sau; Carl F., county treasurer; Jacob and
William. The family attend St. Paul's
Evangelical Church. In politics Mr. Paff
was a Democrat. He was always foremost
in works of public improvement, giving his
aid and influence cheerfully to all worthy
Fred T. Zentner, son-in-law of Mr. Paff,
was born in Oshkosh August 15, 1858, son
of Frederick and Barbara (Wiler) Zentner,
both honored and early German emigrants
to that cit}'. He was educated in the public
schools and business college of Oshkosh,
and when fourteen years of age became a
clerk in a law and real-estate office, re-
maining six }'ears. In i 880 he removed to
Wausau, and since that date has been a
continuous resident of the city. For six
years he engaged in the oil and paint busi-
ness, and in 1886 he entered lumbering and
manufacturing pursuits, in which he still
continues in connection with his Express
agency. He is secretary of the Clay Lum-
ber Company, and vice-president of the
Wisconsin Moulding Company. Mr. Zent-
ner has served as a member of the city and
county board for eight years. He is a mem-
ber of Forest Lodge No. 130, F. & A. M.,
and is a worthy and highly-respected citizen
of the community. His marriage to Miss
Matilda Paff occurred December 28, 1881,
and they have one child, Fred T., born
October'31, 1882.
the firm of Van Doren & Andrews,
prominent lumber merchants at Bir-
namwood, Shawano Co., Wis., was
born at Whitehall, Washington Co., N. Y. ,
September 29, 1849. He is the son of Ben-
jamin M. and Ann (Lyons) Andrews, the
former being born in Danbury, Conn., Sep-
tember 5, 1820, and the latter in Rutland,
Vt., March 16, 1825. They were married
in New York about 1847, and had a family
of eight children, as follows: Benjamin
Burton; Mary, who died when an infant;
Mary Ann, who died when nineteen years
of age; Annetta, now Mrs. R. Lyons, of
Oshkosh; Adella; Leverett Brainard, who
died when four years old; Emma Amelia,
and Merton; the latter is an Episcopal min-
ister and resides at Oshkosh.
Benjamin M. Andrews, father of our sub-
ject, came to Wisconsin in 1850, and settled
on a farm in Juneau, Dodge county. He re-
mained there some twelve years, then went
to Beaver Dam and later to Oshkosh, where
he still resides. He was a carpenter by
trade, although he has followed farming the
greater part of his life. His wife, Ann (Lj'-
ons), is also still living.
Benjamin B. Andrews, the subject of
this sketch, obtained his education in the
public schools at Juneau, and remained at
home until he was seventeen years old,
learning, in the meantime, to run a station-
ary engine. At the age mentioned he went
to Milwaukee, and was employed on the
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad for some two
years, after which he returned to Oshkosh
and worked in a mill, taking full charge of
the same until the spring of 1884. At that
time he came to Birnamwood, and in com-
pany with Mr. Van Doren began the manu-
facture of staves and headings; three years
later they built a sawmill, and in 1892 an
extensive mill. They also carry on a gen-
eral store, and are large owners of real es-
tate, and Mr. Andrews, being a practical
millman, looks after that branch of the busi-
ness. He is a wide-awake, enterprising man,
and has been very successful in all his un-
dertakings. Mr. Andrews was married in
1865, his wife being Miss Agnes Parris, who
was born in Canada of Scotch descent, one
of a family of five children. Her father was
a baker in Canada. By this marriage Mr.
Andrews became the father of four children:
James, who died when a child; William
Henry, who also died when an infant; Mary
who married H. G. Deyer, an attorney, of
Shawano, and Harry, who died in 1894 at
the age of twenty-one years. The mother
passed away December 14, 1874. The sec-
ond marriage of Mr. Andrews took place
March 16, 1876, Miss Martha O. Thorn be-
coming his wife. She is a daughter of John
and Sarah Thorn, natives of New York, who
came to Wisconsin in 1854. Her birth took
place in Jefferson county, N. Y., March 6,
1852, and she was one of a family of ten
children. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews have four
children: John Burton, Benjamin Burton,
Bessie and Helen Dare.
In politics Mr. Andrews is a Republican,
but has never been an office-seeker. He is a
trustee of the village, a member of the Con-
gregational Church, and has been affiliated
with the United Workmen for the past fif-
teen years. He is a self-made man, one
who has attained to his present standing by
industry, perseverance and straightforward
methods of business, and is respected as a
worthy citizen, and one ready to assist in all
matters pertaining to the welfare of the com-
EMILE B. ROSSIER (deceased) was
a man whose virtues won him high
regard, and whose devotion to edu-
cational, social and moral interests
made him one of the valued citizens of Wood
county. He was born at V'evay, near Ge-
neva, Switzerland, December 2, 1832, and
was a son of J. B. and Elizabeth (Monnet)
Rossier. He was educated in the academy
of Geneva, and spent the first nineteen
years of his life in the beautiful land of his
nativity, after which he determined to seek
a home beyond the Atlantic, and in 1851
crossed the water to the New World. He
located first in Highland, Madison Co., 111.,
where he resided seven years, during which
time he carried on agricultural pursuits with
a fair degree of success. In 1858 he came
to Centralia, Wis., and established a mer-
cantile store, while in connection with this
enterprise he served as cashier of the Grand
Rapids Bank from 1870 until 1873.
His domestic relations were of the most
pleasant. He was happily married in St.
Louis, in 1853, to Miss Caroline Mennet,
daughter of Emanuel and Euphrosine (Faw-
con) Mennet, who were also natives of
Switzerland. Their union was blessed with
a family of six children: Cecelia, who was
born in Illinois, February 13, 1856, and is
now the wife of Frank Garrison, a promi-
nent manufacturer of South Centralia, Wis. ;
Alfred A., who was born in Illinois, De-
cember 6, 1857; Edmond H.,'born in Cen-
tralia, May 4, 1S60: Eugene, who was born
in Centralia, July 14. 1862, and died July 14,
1862; Emile C, born July 10, 1864; and
Benjamin, who was born in Centralia, July
II, 1866, and passed away December 22,
In connection with the interests pre-
viously mentioned, Mr. Rossier was also
identified with other concerns in Centralia.
He won considerable prominence as the
senior partner of the law firm of Rossier &
Baker, and was superintendent of the con-
struction of the Wisconsin Valley railroad.
It will thus be seen that his abilities were
not limited to one line of action or of busi-
ness, and he was recognized as one of the
most influential and enterprising residents of
Wood county, a leader in all matters per-
taining to the public welfare. He served as
city treasurer, was city clerk for several
terms, and postmaster at Centralia for ten
years, and in all these offices was an ef-
ficient incumbent, faithful to his duty and
the trust reposed in liim. His life was well
spent, and was largely devoted to the good
of mankind in one way or another. In the
family he was considerate and tender, and
the loss to wife and children is one which
only time can heal. He passed peacefully
away May 24, 1893, deeply regretted by all
who knew him. Like the husband and
father, the family share in the respect and
esteem of the entire community, and Mrs.
Rossier is a consistent member of the Con-
gregational Church.
pastor of the Catholic Church of
Hewitt, Wood county, was born in
Giesenkirchen, Germany, February
23, 1866. His father, William Daniels, was
born in the same place in 183 i, only child
of William and Anna (Diedrichs) Daniels.
He was a manufacturer of woolen goods,
and in business was thorough and system-
atic. He died in 1887, highly respected.
His father was in the German army for
some time, serving as an officer.
On November 22, 1858, William Daniels
married Barbara Langen, and they became
the parents of four children. One son, Will-
iam, was educated for the priesthood, and
on coming to America in 1891 had charge of
a church at Kankakee, 111., in which city he
died in 1892. Hermann and Catherine, the
other brother and sister of our subject, now
make their home with Rev. Father Daniels,
as does their mother. The latter was born
March 28, 1837, and is a daughter of John
and Margaret (Goetz) Langen, farming peo-
ple of Germany, who had a family of five
children: Barbara, Herman, Margaretta,
Magdalene and Winand, Barbara and Mag-
dalene being the only ones now living.
Rev. Father Daniels received' his pri-
mary education in the common schools of
his native land, and at the age of thirteen
was sent to Holland, entering a school near
Venlo, where he remained some nine years.
At the end of that time he was admitted to
a University at Innsbruck, in Austria, where
for two years he continued his studies. He
completed his literary education after one
year's attendance at the Priests' Seminary
in Mainz, when he was ordained priest
March 14, 1890. After a vacation of three
months he started for America unaccom-
panied, the remainder of the family coming
later. The first charge of Rev. Father
Daniels was at Chippewa Falls, where he re-
mained but six months, when he came to
Marshfield, acting as assistant priest for the
same length of time. He then accepted his
present charge at Hewitt. Since coming to
that place he has been instrumental in the
erection of a fine brick church and parson-
age, and has won the respect and esteem of
all with whom he has come in contact. Be-
sides the congregation at Hewitt, Rev.
Father Winand Daniels has two other
charges, one at Bakerville, Wood county,
and the other at Loyal, Clark Co., Wis.,
where he also enjoys the love and confidence
of the people.
JOHN A. LEMMER, a prominent lum-
ber manufacturer, and an early settler
of Marathon count}', was born near
Trier, in the Rhine Province, Germany,
February 1 1, 1843, a son of John and Eliza-
beth Lemmer, who were both born in Ger-
many, the former of whom is now engaged
in agricultural pursuits in the town of Mara-
thon, Wisconsin.
Our subject came to America with his
parents and other members of the family,
and in 1853 they located in Laporte, Ind.,
where they resided six years. In 1859 the
family removed to Marathon county. Wis.,
and have been residents of that county
since then. Mr. Lemmer received a portion
of his education in his native land, and also
attended school in Marathon county. Wis.
On leaving school he was engaged in teach-
ing some sixteen years, and after abandon-
ing this occupation engaged in lumbering
and lumber manufacturing. He has filled
the office of town treasurer seven times;
been chairman of the town board four times;
president of the village six terms, supervisor
of Marathon cit}' six terms, served one year
as trustee of Marathon County Insane Asy-
lum, and is a justice of the peace.
At Stevens Point, Portage county, in
1866, John A. Lemmer was united in mar-
riage with Miss Mary Fisher, and there were
born to them fourteen children, twelve of
whom are living, their names and dates of
birth, etc., being as follows: John M.,
October 9, 1866, at one time a saw-filer,
now a fire and life insurance agent at Mara-
thon, Wis.; I^obert, November 15, 1869, an
engineer and head sawyer, at present serving
as city marshal; William, October 9, 1871,
millwright and agent; Julius, March 30, 1872,
at present studying theology at St. John's
University, Collegeville, Minn. ; Otto, De-
cember 10, 1874, machine agent and head
sawyer; Richard, April 3, 1876, a school
teacher at Marathon, Wis.; Leo, June 12,
1877, lumber scaler and setter; Alexander,
October 5, 1880; Bruno, January 9, 1883;
Ludwig, March 30, 1885; Mary S., Septem-
tember 5, 1889, and Mark, January 9, 1890.
The parents of Mrs. John A. Lemmer, Bal-
thasar Fisher andTeressa (Schaeffer) Fisher,
were born in Germany, and were early set-
tlers of Marathon county. Wis., where they
resided until death. They had children as
follows: Mary, wife of John A. Lemmer;
Margaret, wife of Anthony Schilling; Benja-
min, John and Anthony, all residing in the
city of Marathon, Wis. John M. Lemmer,
eldest son of John A. and Mary Lemmer,
was married in 1890 to Rosa Baur, and to
their union have been born three daughters:
Ella, Erma and Lulu. John A. Lemmer is a
Democrat in politics. He is one of the pro-
gressive and solid business men of Marathon,
and is extensively engaged in lumbering.
He has taken an active part in matters having
for their object the improvement and wel-
fare of Marathon county, and is a highly-
esteemed and valuable member of the com-
munity in which he resides. At present he
is a member of the Marathon County Com-
mittee on Emigration and Industries for
Marathon county. The family attend the
Catholic Church.
a typical self-made man, one who
owes his success to his own enter-
prise and industry. He has led a
busy and useful life, and in the legitimate
channels of business has acquired a compe-
tency that now enables him to live retired.
Mr. Lickel was born in the Province of
Darmstadt, Germany, September 13, 1841.
His father, John C. Lickel, also a native of
Germany, was a miller by trade, and in the
country of his birth was married, in 1838,
to Catherine Gris. They became the parents
of five children: George C. , subject of this
sketch; Henry, who died in infancy; Will-
iam, who died in Nashville, Tenn., in 1864,
while in the employ of the government;
Catherine, wife of John Metz — all four born
in Germany; and Mary, who was born in
this country. The family crossed the At-
lantic about the year 1849, aud took up
their residence in Ouincy, 111., where the
father worked at his trade. While in Ger-
many he had owned and operated his own
mill, and had obtained a good business edu-
cation. His death occurred July 27, 1881,
that of his wife on February 9, 1876. She,
too, was born in Germany, and was the
daughter of a miller, but nothing more is
known about her people, except that she
was the youngest of a large family. John
C. Lickel had one sister. Our subject was
about eight years of age when he accom-
panied his parents to the New World. He
acquired his education in the public schools
of Quincy, 111., and at the age of thirteen
began learning the trade of wagon making.
When he had thoroughly mastered the busi-
ness, he established a shop of his own in
Quincy, which he conducted some three
On September 26, 1866, he was united
in marriage with Miss Catherine Miller, who
was born in Germany, in 1846, daughter of
Peter and Elizabeth (Hitridge) Miller, both
natives of Germany, the father born in 1796,
the mother in 1800; they were the parents
of four children: Lizzie (deceased), Caro-
line, Mary, and Catherine. Mr. Miller was
a merchant tailor by trade, a well-educated
man, and a leader in politics in Germany,
holding public offices there for many years.
He was very prosperous in his business,
which he followed not only in his native land,
but also in Paris, France. In the Father-
land he served in the arm\', for six years as
an officer. In 1852 he came to the United
States with his family, the voyage, which
was made in a sailing vessel, occupying sixty
days. Three months after their arrival in
the country the family settled at Ouincy,
111., where Mr. Miller became a speculator
in real estate, etc., in which he continued up
to his death, in 1892. His wife had passed
away in 1875. A Republican on this side
of the Atlantic, he took a great interest in
politics, and was honored with election to
several offices of trust. He was a member
of the German Lutheran Church, and in all
respects was highly esteemed. Mrs. Bolman,
sister to Mrs. Lickel, died in 1867, just
eleven weeks after her husband had been
laid to rest, leaving five children, one of
whom, Katie, Mrs. Lickel adopted. She
(Katie) married Robert Megow, of Minne-
apolis, Minn., and now Mrs. Lickel has her
daughter, Lulu, adopted. Thus, if Mr. and
Mrs. Lickel have no children of their own,
they have been a father and mother to the
children of others.
Soon after his marriage Mr. Lickel pur-
chased a hotel at Quincy, 111., which he con-
ducted a number of years, when on account
of his wife's failing health he removed to
Wisconsin, locating at Necedah, Juneau
county, where for several years he again
carried on a hotel. In 1888 he came to
Merrill, purchased a store and embarked in
the grocery business, which he successfully
conducted until January i, 1895, when he
sold out. There have been few idle moments
in his life, his time and attention having been
given almost unceasingly to his business in-
terests, until within the last few months,
since when he has been enjoying a rest well
earned and richly deserved. He has always
affiliated with the Democratic party, and his
fellow townsmen have frequently called him
to office, he having twice served as super-
visor, once as school commissioner, and once
as alderman. In his younger years he took
quite an active interest in Masonry, and is
now a Knight Templar; is also a member of
the Knights of Pythias. He and his wife
hold membership with the Presbyterian
Church, and are most highly-esteemed peo-
ple, their many excellencies of character
winning them the regard of all with whom
they have been brought in contact.
GEORGE E. O'CONNOR, the popu-
lar and efficient sheriff of Vilas
county, with residence at Eagle
River, is a native of Wisconsin, born
I August 31, 1865, a son of John O'Connor,
! who first saw the light, in 1833, near the
city of Newcastle, New Brunswick, Canada.
! Edward O'Connor, grandfather of our
I subject, was born in Tipperar}', Ireland,
whence, when a young man, he emigrated to
New Brunswick, where he married Miss
Catherine Welch, by whom he had seven
children, named respectively: John. Timo-
thy, Kate, Richard, Mary, Maurice and
Alice, the last two dying when quite young.
In the spring of 1845 the family came to
Wisconsin, locating in Milwaukee, where the
father took up a homestead, near where the
city hall now stands, and there remained
some three years; but, thinking to better
himself farther west, he abandoned his first
Wisconsin home, and after a brief sojourn
in Oshkosh settled on a farm in Brown
county, whereon he passed the rest of his
days, dying in 1859; his wife survived him
till July, 1883, when she, too, passed to the
"great unknown." He was a farmer and
lumberman, prominent in politics as an
ardent Whig and Republican. His ancestry
in Ireland were all well-to-do agriculturists.
John O'Connor, father of our subject,
was twelve years old when the family took
up their residence in Milwaukee, at the com-
mon schools of which then village he receiv-
ed a somewhat limited education, having in
his boyhood to assist his father in getting out
square timber and clearing the farm. At
about the age of eighteen he commenced to
work awa}- from home, finding employment
in mills and at lumbering, when nineteen
years old having charge of a mill as foreman.
In 1855, in the meantime marrying, he
moved to Oconto, having been offered, and
accepted, the position of head sawyer in a
mill at that place, also following the logging
business. Here he remained till 1866, in
which year he took up his residence in Green
Bay, where in connection with his lumber-
ing interests he conducted a hotel, and was
also interested in a sailing vessel, which,
however, was wrecked. After about eight
years' residence in Green Bay, he removed
to Eau Claire, where he resided some nine
years, with the exception of three years
passed in Texas and Arkansas, erecting
there a mill which turned out a failure. In
Eau Claire he followed lumbering, and in
April, 1883, he came to Eagle River, buying
a tract of one thousand acres of land, in
August, same year, platting the town of
Eagle River, which was described as the plat
of the N. E. quarter of the N. \V. quarter of
Section 33, Town 40 North, of Range 10
East, being the first plat of the town. After-
ward he added two additions known as the
Original Plat, and then one called the Ann
O'Connor Addition. He came to be known
as "the father of Eagle River." Here he
logged one winter, and then embarked in
the real-estate business, including the buy-
ing and selling of city property and pine
lands, in connection with which he carried
on a general supply store. He died July 4,
1889, a stanch Republican in his political
affiliations. He was a typical self-made
man, one who was favored with few school
privileges, but was a great reader and a close
student of human nature. At the time of
the Pike's Peak excitement, he passed some
six months in that region. Although reared
a strict Catholic, yet he was liberal toward
all denominations, and was particularly
charitable to the poor. He was never called
upon to serve his adopted country as a sol-
dier, but he had two brothers in the army —
Timothy and Richard.
In 1855, at Green Bay, Wis., John
O'Connor was married to Miss Anna Gold-
en, a native of County Sligo, Ireland, born
in 1835, a daughter of William and Mary
(Flatley) Golden, farming people, both also
of Irish nativity, who came to America about
the year 1838. For a time they sojourned
in New York City, thence proceeding to
Rome, N. Y. , whence after three years
passed in that city they came to Wisconsin,
settling at Wrightstown, Brown county, on
wild land, where they passed the rest of their
daj'S, the father dying in i860, the mother
in 1868. They were the first settlers of
Wrightstown, and the old log cabin wherein
they lived is still standing. They had nine
children, to wit: Thomas, Peter, Patrick,
Mary, Martin, James, Margaret, Ellen and
Anna. The father was a ' ' dyed-in-the-wool "
Democrat. To John and Anna O'Connor
were born ten children, named respectively:
Mary, Edward, Ellen, Anna, George E. ,
Matilda, Henry C, Don and Walter F.
(twins), and Harriet.
George E. O'Connor, the subject proper
of this memoir, was reared and educated in
Eau Claire, and there at the early age of
eleven years commenced learning the trade
of printer, which he followed four years, af-
ter which he worked for a time in a shingle
mill, then learned the trade of plumber. In
1883 he came to Eagle River with his fa-
ther, whom he assisted in the latter's exten-
sive lumbering interests — sometimes working
in the woods, at other times running the river
— so continuing some three years. At the
age of twenty he entered the Northwestern
Business College, at Madison, which institu-
tion he attended two summer terms, work-
ing in the woods winters, for a time keeping
books for a lumber camp. In the fall of
1888 he commenced the management of his
father's store, and after the latter's death he
was appointed administrator of the estate.
Politically he is a stanch Republican, and in
1894 he was elected to his present position
of sheriff of Vilas county; for two years he
served as town clerk, was secretary of the
school board, and filled several minor offices.
Socially he is a member of the I. O. O. F.
and K. of P. He has two brothers attend-
ing school at Detroit, Mich., while another
brother, Henry C, is studying for the pro-
fession of dentist, at the University of Penn-
sylvania, Philadelphia (at one time he was
register of deeds for Oneida county. Wis.).
Our subject has not yet joined the noble ar-
m}' of Benedicts.
herst township, Portage county, it
might be difficult to find a name
which the people would more delight
to honor than that of Mr. Nelson. It is
known throughout northern Wisconsin in
connection with the milling product which
he has made famous for its quality; it is
known as that of a brave officer who served
throughout the Rebellion; it is known as that
of apioneer who has been identified with the
material advancement of the State; it is
known as that of a legislator. The name
has been commemorated in the village Nel-
sonville, named from him. He is public-
spirited, and perhaps as well known as anj'
one in the county.
Mr. Nelson was born at Attica, N. Y. ,
January 9, 1829, the eldest child of Adin
and Sally (Randall) Nelson. Adin Nelson
was a native of Massachusetts, and at the
age of sixteen moved with his parents to
Genesee county, N. Y. In 1828 he was
married, at Attica, to Sally, daughter of
Miles Randall, a native of New Hampshire,
who prior to the war of 18 12 moved with
his wife to Canada, but was forced to return
when hostilities opened because he would
not take the oath of allegiance to King
George. He settled in New York. His chil-
dren were Betsy, Statira, John, Sally,
Esther, Harriet, Horace and Aurilla. Adin
Nelson was a farmer and a merchant. Seven
years after his marriage he removed to
Rochester, N. Y. , where he secured a posi-
tion as overseer for the New York Central
railroad during its construction. In 1836
he moved to Michigan, where he engaged in
farming in Hadley township, Lapeer county,
until about 1850, and then selling his land
he came to Fond du Lac count}'. Wis. , and
opened a general store. In 1853 he sold
out and moved to Amherst township. Port-
age county, where he farmed and also car-
ried on a small mercantile business until
shortly before his death. Desiring to revisit
the scenes of his childhood, he went east at
the age of si.xty-nine years, and after a short
illness died at the home of his sister in
Massachusetts. His wife lived until 1892,
when she died at the age of eighty-four
years. To Adin and Sally Nelson six chil-
dren were born: Jerome; Harriet, now Mrs.
Amos Wilts, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Miles R.,
a salesman in a large New York City mer-
antile house, who died while visiting his
brother Jerome in Amherst, in 1856;
George (i), who died when a boy; Orpha,
who died in infancy; George (2), who mar-
ried Miss Marion Phillips, of Amherst, and
is now a merchant of Waukegan, Illinois.
Jerome Nelson attended the schools of
New York and Michigan in his boyhood,
assisting on the farm and in the store up
to the age of nineteen, when he started out
in life for himself. He spent one summer
in Chicago, then went down the Mississippi
river to Vicksburg, Miss. , where he engaged
to cut timber in the cypress swamp for $20
per month. Two years later, with the
money he had saved, he started in the same
business for himself in partnership with
Frank Johnson, a South Carolina planter.
Following this successfully and profit-
ably two years, he, in 1852, came to Wis-
consin, and for a short time helped his
father on the farm. He then opened and
for two years conducted a store of general
merchandise at Barton, Washington county.
Trading this for real estate in the same
county, he sold out two years later and
settled in Amherst, where in the summer of
1855 he had engaged in sawmilling.
In October, 1861, Mr. Nelson enlisted in
Company H, Third Wisconsin Cavalry.
Entering winter quarters at Janesville, Wis. ,
the regiment was sent to St. Louis in
March, 1862, and two months later to
Leavenworth, Kans. Here its misson was
to exterminate Quantrell's notorious guer-
rilla band, then committing depredations
and atrocities along the western border, and
to guard supplj' trains from Fort Scott to
Fort Gibson, on the Arkansas river. Mr.
Nelson served in the West until the close of
the war, and was promoted to first lieuten-
ant during his service. When mustered out
he returned to Amherst and resumed his
milling operations.
In 1 8 5 5 Mr. Nelson built a sawmill, which,
to use his own words, "wore out." In i868
he erected the gristmill at Nelsonville; in
1873 purchased a large flouring-mill at Am-
herst, and in 1874 he put up a steam saw-
mill in Nelson, all of which mills he has
since operated, the product of them linding
a market all over the State. He was the
first man to build a dam at Nelsonville, and
utilize the e.xcellent water-power there
found. The land on which his mills and
elegant home stand he bought of the gov-
ernment in 1854. He is also interested in
a sawmill in Oneida county, Wis., which
cuts some ten million feet of lumber each
season. Mr. Nelson furnished the capital,
and the company is known as the Nelson
Lumber and Boom Co., the industry being
located on the Pelican river.
In May, 1S53, Mr. Nelson was married,
in Washington county. Wis., to Miss Mani-
la A. Yerkes, who was born, in 1835, in
Pennsylvania, a daughter of David and Caro-
line (Calkins) Yerkes, the former a native of
Pennsylvania, the latter of New York State.
Thej- for a time resided in Michigan, whence
about the year 1847 they came to Wiscon-
sin, settling in Barton township, Washing-
ton county, where Mr. Yerkes engaged in
the sawmilling business. There they died,
the mother in 1868, the father in 1893, the
parents of seven children, as follows: Marion
(now Mrs. Philips, of Amherst); Oliver J.
(a farmer of Colby, Clark Co., Wis.), who
was a soldier during the Civil war, in a New
York Cavalry regiment; Hannah E., who
died in Michigan at the age of fourteen;
Marilla A. (Mrs. Jerome Nelson); Lovilla L.
(Mrs. Baker), living in Kansas; George W.,
in Wisconsin; and Sara E. (Mrs. Eli Hanks),
of Washington county, Wis. Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson have no children of their own, but
have an adopted daughter. Flora S., who
has lived with them since her infancy; she is
now the wife of John S. Loberg (who is in
Mr. Nelson's employ), and they have three
children: Russell Jerome, Ruby S. and Eva
L. Mrs. Nelson is a prominent member of
the Episcopal Church. Socially Mr. Nel-
son has been a member of the F. and A. M.,
since joining Evergreen Lodge of Stevens
Point, in 1878, and also of the Crusade
Commandery, same place; but on account
of the distance from his home he has been
unable to attend the meetings with any de-
gree of regularity. In politics he is a Repub-
lican. In 1876 he was elected a member of
the State Legislature; was elected justice of
the peace, but refused to qualifj, for the
reason that the judicial duties were distaste-
ful to one of his sympathetic nature. He
has served several terms on the town board.
Mr. Nelson is foremost in all matters relat-
ing to the welfare and improvement of his
township and county, is public-spirited, and
ever ready to encourage worthy enterprises.
He is a typical self-made man, never having
received assistance from any one. The in-
dustry he has founded has proved a source
of much revenue to the surrounding country.
ing lumberman and representative
citizen of northern Wisconsin, was
born in Rock county. Wis. , near
Evansville, September 12, 1858.
Joseph C. Garland, his father, was born
at Great Falls, N. H., in May, 1833. He
attended the common schools, worked on
the farm and in the cotton mills, and at the
age of twenty came west and worked for a
time in the pineries of Wisconsin, afterward
settling on a farm in Green county. There
he married Eliza N. Broadbent, a native of
Goole, Yorkshire, England, daughter of
Samuel and Alice Broadbent, who had two
children: Sarah and Eliza N. Mrs. Eliza
N. Garland's parents came to America when
she was fourteen years of age. Her father
was a baker by trade, but afterward devoted
his time to agricultural pursuits in Green
county. Wis., where he died in 1859. Mrs.
Broadbent was later united in marriage with
J. F. Eggleston, removing shortly afterward
to Nebraska, where Mr. Eggleston died, his
widow still residing there. Joseph C. Gar-
land's family consisted of four children;
F. S., Ida Maria, Alice Lucinda and Frank J.
He spent his life as a lumberman, cutting
the timber and rafting the logs down the
river. He resided in and near Wausau,
Wis., for twenty-five years, and died Janu-
ary 21, 1893. The grandfather of the sub-
ject of our sketch, Hiram Garland, was a
soldier in the war of 1812. He married a
Lucinda Smith, who had six children, viz. :
Franklin, Dudley, Ann, Angeline, Joseph C,
and Winslow, the youngest, who was killed
at the battle of Antietam, in September,
1862. Hiram Garland was a farmer by oc-
cupation. The grandparents both died in
New Hampshire.
The early life of Frederick S. Garland,
the gentleman introduced at the commence-
ment of this sketch, was spent in Wausau,
■where he received his education and assisted
his father in his business. At the age of
twenty-one he entered into partnership with
him in the wholesale lumber business, and
since the latter's death has carried on the
business himself, being an extensive dealer
in lumber, piles, railroad ties, etc. Mr.
Garland was married, in the fall of 1887, to
Olive Goff, of Marathon county. Wis. ,
daughter of Benedict N. and Mary (Harris)
Goff, who had eight children, viz. : Charles
N., Daniel J., Mary M., Asa A., Oliver O.,
Laura L. , Olive and Albertine. Mr. Goff
was born in Steuben county, N. Y., in 1830;
his father and two brothers came from Eng-
land. Mrs. Goff was born in Detroit, Mich.,
in I 840, of German descent. Mr. and Mrs.
Garland have two children, viz.: Ruble V.,
born in November, 18S8, and Guy N., born
in March, 1891. In politics Mr. Garland is
a stanch Democrat, and takes a deep inter-
est in public affairs, but is no office-seeker.
He holds the position of supervisor of his
ward, and by an upright life has won the
respect of the entire community.
HKLOSTERMAN, one of the repre-
sentative prosperous citizens of Sha-
wano county, agricultiirist, dealer in
real estate, and capitalist, is a native
of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, Germany,
born April 20, 1832. He is the eldest in
the family of three sons and three daugh-
ters born to Gerhard H. Klosterman, a tailor
by trade in Oldenburg, where he passed all
his days.
Our subject received a somevvnat lim-
ited common-school training in his native
land, and was offered free education for the
ministry, but declined. But what he may
not have learned at school, where he was a
quick and apt scholar, he made up for by
home study and a close observation of men
and things, and he also commenced earning
money at a very early age, for at about the
age of ten we find him herding cattle and
sheep, receiving, it is true, very small
wages. In his youth he displayed a pen-
chant for carpentry, and, learning the trade,
followed it till 1855, in which jear, in com-
pany with his uncle, Edwin Wilke (his
mother's brother), who kindly furnished him
with the means, he came to the United
States, the voyage being made on the sail-
ing vessel '• Nelson" from Bremen for New
York, the voyage occupying seven weeks,
three days. From the latter cit\' the jour-
ney was made by rail to Buffalo, thence by
lake to Sheboygan, Wis., where our subject
secured work among the farmers, the first
money he earned in the United States be-
ing at chopping cordwood, an " art " he was
taught by a woman. Here he remained
until early in the spring of 1857, when he
moved to near Two Rivers, where his uncle
lived, for whom he now worked, in order to
repay him the price of his passage from
Germany. Subsequently he worked for
other farmers, and later in a sawmill and
gristmill at or in the vicinity of Two Riv-
ers, for three years, at the end of which
time he went to Racine, Wis., and on the
prairie near that cit)- worked as a farm hand,
in the fall of the same year going into the
lumber woods.
In his somewhat varied experience Mr.
Klosterman traveled considerably over the
State of Wisconsin, and at one time while
at Mayville, Dodge county, he bargained
with Charles Rudebusch to drive some cat-
tle from there to Shawano, at which latter
place, then a mere hamlet of a few shanties,
he in the fall of i860 found work in the
lumber woods. In the following spring he
married, an event that will be spoken of
further on, and he and his young wife com-
menced keeping house in a log building that
stood near the present outskirts of the city;
and even this humble home he did not own,
for he bought on credit. He also bought a
team of oxen and a couple of cows, and
with these oxen he went jobbing; but an
unfortunate accident happened to him which
f^ave to his now rising prospects a cruel set-
back. One day, in the spring of t86i,
while he was engaged at plowing his lot with
this same \'oke of oxen, making ready to
put in his crops, the tree-stumps obtruding
themselves pretty thickly around, the plow
accidentally caught on one of them, which
caused the team to give a sudden jerk,
whereby the plow handle struck Mr. Klos-
terman a violent blow close by the knee of
the left leg. This produced a fever sore,
later a stiff limb with a running sore which
left him helpless for a whole year. He had
just been married, and his small pile of sav-
ings was soon reduced to a minimum, ren-
dering his condition, physically and finan-
cially, anything but encouraging. He was
helpless as far as manual labor was con-
cerned, and it became clear that his atten-
tion must be given to something else totally
different to what he had been accustomed
to; so he undertook whatever kind of work
his enfeebled condition would permit him to
do. In consequence of his already injured
limb having in December, 1889, received a
further hurt by being severely cut with an
axe while he was chopping woodat his home,
he suffered so severely that the leg had to
be amputated September 6, 1890.
For a time Mr. Klosterman kept a small
saloon and grocery in Shawano, after which
he served as justice of the peace of the vil-
lage three years, then as register of deeds
four years, deputy clerk two years, and he
was county judge of Shawano county six-
teen years, the longest term held by any in-
cumbent in that office. In February, 1894,
he became a member of the firm of An-
drews & Klosterman, who conduct a general
store in ShawE.no.
On April 20, 1861, Mr. Klosterman was
married in Shawano to Miss Ernstein Fink,
a native of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Ger-
many, born December 21, 1843, and to this
union have been born children as follows:
Louise, born January 18, 1862, died Sep-
tember 17, 1862, and George H., born June
26, 1869, living at home with his parents.
In his political preferences our subject has
been a Republican ever since Lincoln's first
term, though his first vote was cast at Two
Rivers for James Buchanan. In addition to
his other interests which keep him busy he
is vice-president of the Shawano County
Bank, and deals extensively in real estate,
owning at the present time between 600 and
800 acres, chiefly timber land. He is in all
respects a public-spirited citizen, of that
stamen which is recognized as the bone and
sinew of any new country and community.
JOSEPH HOMIER, a private banker
and a leading merchant of Mosinee,
Marathon county, is not only one of
the most prominent business men in
that county, but his influence is much
broader, and he is well-known throughout
the entire State of Wisconsin. His train-
ing has been that of a business man, both in
early education and in the various vocations
which he has pursued in life. All seemed
directly or indirectly to be important in fit-
ting him for the indispensible and all-im-
portant field in which he has now for many
years been engaged.
Mr. Homier was born in Montreal, Can-
ada, December 7, 1829, and is the son of
Joseph and Margaret (Desnoier) Homier,
both of whom were also natives of Canada.
The father, who by occupation was a mer-
chant tailor in Montreal, Canada, bestowed
upon his son Joseph a course in an English
Business College in that city. Later the
young man studied French for tvvo years un-
der a private teacher. After completing
these studies, he was engaged for a year as
salesman in a dry-goods store at Montreal,
and for six months as salesman in a jewelry
store. He was not yet sixteen years old
when he left Canada for New York City,
and after a year's residence in that city he
went to New Orleans, where he enlisted in
the quartermaster's department of the United
States army, and served some seven months,
or until the close of the Mexican war. Up-
on his discharge Mr. Homier returned tcj
New Orleans, and thence proceeded to Buf-
falo, where for six years he was engaged in
the hotel business with his father. Joining
the strong tide of emigration which was
then flowing to Wisconsin via Buffalo, Mr.
Homier in 1852 moved to Sheboygan, and
there opened a hotel which he conducted
two years. That closed his experience as
a hotel proprietor. He had become ac-
quainted with the pioneer country, and the
mercantile business seemed to offer tempt-
ing possibilities. Accordingly, in 1854, Mr.
Homier removed to Grand Rapids, Wis.,
and there opened a general merchandise
business. Its success may be judged from
the fact that he continued in the trade in
that city some twenty years. In 1874, he
removed his business to Wausau, and con-
tinued in mercantile trade there for six
years. Then, in 1880, he came to Mosinee,
and in addition to general merchandising
engaged in banking and lumbering. His
business during the past fifteen years has
grown to large proportions, and to-day Mr.
Homier ranks among the most prominent
business men of northern Wisconsin.
In 1854 he was married, at Buffalo,
N. Y., to Miss Caroline Martin, a native of
the Province of Quebec; Mr. and Mrs.
Homier have adopted five children, two of
whom survive, Daisy Martin, wife of Frank
McReynolds, bookkeeper for the Joseph
Dessert Lumber Co. for the past sixteen
years, and Hattie Martin, at home. Mr.
and Mrs. Homier attend the Roman Cath-
olic Church; in politics he is a Democrat.
successful business man of Wausau,
and now leading a retired life, was
born in Prussia, Germany, June 3,
1835, son of Anton and Caroline (Low)
Williams, both of whom lived and died in
the Fatherland.
In his boyhood Balser attended the pub-
lic schools, but he early evinced a liking for
outdoor pursuits, and when his school-days
were past he followed farming and stage
driving until he attained his majority, when,
in the year 1853, he emigrated to America.
For nearly a year he lived at Reading, Penn. ,
finding employment in the iron mines near
that city, and in August, 1854, came to
Wausau, where he has ever since remained,
a valuable and prominent citizen. Like
many of the pioneers to this region Mr.
Williams first engaged in lumbering and in
rafting on the Wisconsin river. He was
thus engaged nine years, and in 1866, he
began a lumbering business of his own, fol-
lowing it successfully for five years. Mr.
Williams then gave his attention to real
estate, in which he was engaged continuously
until June, 1894, save two years when he
conducted a liver}' business. He has pros-
pered, and at the expiration of a forty-years"
career he is well entitled to a surcease from
active life.
Mr. \\^illiams has been twice married.
His first wife was Miss Katrina Kuhl. a na-
tive of Germany, whom he married in Col-
umbia count}-, W^is., and by whom there
were three children: Charles A.; Margaret,
wife of Henr}' Wolslegel, who died June 22,
1886; and Mary, deceased in infanc}'. Mrs.
W^illiams died April 16, 1862, and on July
17, 1864, Mr. Williams was again united
in marriage, this time to Miss Amelia Pes-
sert, a native of Germany. Their two
children are Caroline, wife of Jacob F.
Emter, and Albert, a resident of \Vausau. Mr.
Williams and family are members of St.
Paul's Evangelical Church. In politics he
is Democratic. He is a member of the A.
O. U. W., and has twice, in 1878 and in
1884, represented the First ward as alder-
man in the common council.
Waupaca county, has been identi-
fied with its many interests all his
life. He was born in the town of
Scandinavia, Waupaca Co. , Wis. , August
4, 1853, the son of Ora Wilhelm and Anna
(Anderson) Boggton. The father was a
Norwegian of liberal education and many
accomplishments, the eldest of a family,
which owned in the native land a large es-
state, six miles square. He had two broth-
ers and four sisters. In 1848 the father
sold his interests in Norway, and with his
wife and two children — Anna and Betsey —
emigrated to America, coming to Wiscon-
sin. For one year he resided at Milwaukee,
then, in 1849, he settled on the farm in
Waupaca county, where he still resides,
and became one of the first settlers in Scan-
dinavia township. Eight other children
were born in this country: Annie Betsey,
WiUiani, Andrew, Dena, Bie, Edward, Louis
and Anton.
Our subject grew to manhood amidst
the surroundings of this pioneer home, at-
tending school during the winters, and by
his unremitting labors helping to clear and
cultivate his father's broad acres. But at
the age of seventeen an opportunity pre-
sented itself for his material advancement,
and he was not slow to grasp it. The rail-
road was pushing itself westward and north-
ward, calling out for its construction the worl;
of many hands. Andrew secured a position
as foreman of the grading, and in that capac-
ity followed road-building for two years. In
1872 he went to Fort Howard, and learned
the trade of machinist and blacksmith. He
quickly turned his new acquisition to ac-
count by opening and operating a machine
shop at High Forest, Minn., with his brother
as partner, the firm also handling farm ma-
chinery. Mr. Williams remained in Minne-
sota from 1S75 to 1882, sper.dinghis winters,
however, at home at Waupaca. In 1883 he
was married at Rochester, Minn. , to Mary M.
King, a native of Illinois, and daughter of
Ira and Harriet (Bradshaw) King. The
father was born in Pennsylvania, and was
of German descent. The mother was a
native of New York. Mr. King had re-
moved to Illinois with his wife and two
daughters, Lizzie and Mary M., and here he
enlisted in the army, and gave up his life in
the Federal cause. After marriage Mr.
Williams devoted himself extensively to
farming. He settled on the home farm,
leased another large tract of land, and con-
ducted the two farms jointly.
Mr. Williams' prominent official life in
the county begins with his appointment as
deputy sheriff and jailer in 1887. He served
in that capacity two years, and was then
elected sheriff, assuming the office January
I, 1889. Two years later his brother Ed-
ward was elected sheriff, and Andrew was
again appointed deputy sheriff. In 1892
the subject of this sketch was again honored
with the office by his fellow citizens. His
official life has been filled with stirring inci-
dents, which brought out the sterling traits
of his character. He has been relentless in
running down criminals, and in consequence
of the signal detective ability which he has
displayed, he has done incalculable good for
good government in Waupaca county. Many
times has his life been threatened, and many
inducements have been offered him to per-
mit the guilty to escape; but Mr. Williams
has marked out for himself one plain course
of duty and faithfulness, and he never
swerved therefrom. He made three trips
to the Pacific coast for criminals, and two to
the Atlantic coast. His terms of office have
been marked by the trials of many cele-
brated criminal cases, notably the Meade
murder trial, and Mr. Williams won great
praise for the able manner in which he ad-
ministered the criminal affairs of the county.
Mr. Williams is well known throughout
the State. He is attached to the Repub-
lican cause, and prominent in the party
councils. He is interested especially in the
welfare of his home county, and is an alder-
man of Waupaca city. His society affilia-
tions are with the Masons and Knights of
Pythias. He has a beautiful home of 200
acres adjoining the city of Waupaca, where
he resides with his wife and children, Anna
Belle, Robert E. , Andrew Lynde and Esther.
Besides looking after general farming he is
widely known as a breeder of fine sheep and
other high-grade stock. He is a member of
the Lutheran Church. His successful and
useful life is the result of his own exertions
and energies, and in every sense of the word
Mr. Williams is a self-made man.
LC. BOLD, the honored mayor of
Shawano, and editor and manager of
t\\Q Shmvano County WocJtciiblatt, is
a native of Hessen-Nassau, Ger-
many, born June 10, 1848, and a son of
Christopher Bold, a highly-educated man,
who was born January 7, 1824. He was
instructed in some of the best educational
institutions of Germany, won a high reputa-
tion as a teacher, and was employed at sev-
eral schools of the Province Hessen-Nassau.
His death, which occurred August 7, 1894,
was the cause of an extended obituary in
the educational paper issued by the institu-
tion where he had given such excellent serv-
ice for so many j'ears, winning a reputation
that was far more than local. His family
numbered six children — two sons and four
Our subject attended the public schools
until ten years of age, and then entered col-
lege at Cassel; after which he pursued his
studies. He acquired an excellent educa-
tion, and then resolved to cross the Atlantic
to America, which he believed offered a bet-
ter field to ambitious young men than was
afforded in his native country. In the sum-
mer of 1868, at Bremen, he embarked on the
vessel "Herrmann," which, after thirteen
days, reached the harbor of New^ York. He
remained for some time in the East, and in
1872 was made a citizen of the United
States in Jersey City, N. J. Soon after his
arrival he entered a drug store, and con-
tinued in that line of business for some time.
In 1869 Mr. Bold was married in New
York to Miss Babetta Lieb, a native of
German}-, and to them were born three chil-
dren: Paul, who was drowned in 1880;
Charles F. , one of the prominent young
men of Shawano, now employed in his
father's newspaper office; and Louis, who is
also connected with journalistic work. In
November, 1884, Mr. Bold came to
Shawano. At that time the Skaivaiio
County Democrat was in the hands of
the sheriff, the former proprietors having
failed to make it a profitable investment.
A company was formed, consisting of Au-
gust Koepper, president; Ed Somers, sec-
retarj-; and L. C. Bold, editor and mana-
ger. The paper was changed to its present
name, and the first copy appeared January
15, 1885. In October, 1888, the company
was incorporated as the Shawano Printing
Association, and Mr. Bold is now president
and secretary as well as editor and manager.
The circulation has been greatly increased,
Mr. Bold having successfully managed the
enterprise, until the paper is now one of the
leading German publications in northern
Wisconsin. It is well-edited, and is a very
readable sheet. The equipment of the office
is by far the most modern in Shawano, hav-
ing a cylinder press and other machinery for
first-class work, driven by steam power.
In politics Mr. Bold has always been a
Democrat, but at local elections does not
closely draw the party lines, preferring to
support the man whom he thinks best quali-
fied for office, regardless of his political com-
plexion. In the spring of 1895 he was
elected mayor of Shawano on the Citizen's
ticket, defeating James Black by 59 majori-
ty. From 1888 until 1890 he was justice of
the peace; in 1891 was supervisor of the Sec-
ond ward of the city of Shawano; in 1893
was chairman of the county board of super-
visors; and in 1894 was again appointed
justice of the peace, serving until the spring
of 1895 with the same fidelit}- that has
marked his official career in its various ca-
pacities. Socially Mr. Bold is a member of
Neptune Lodge, No. 46, I. O. O. F., and
has been delegate to two grand lodges. He
is a member of the Germania Society of Mil-
waukee, and organized Enterprise Encamp-
ment I. O. O. F. He is one of the leading
men of the city, prominently identified with
its public interests, a man who faithfully does
his dut}- to himself, to his neighbor, and to
his country. His public and private career
are alike above reproach, and all who know
him respect him.
JOHN H. COFFMAN, one of the most
prominent citizens of the village of
Marion, Waupaca county, where he
owns a handsome home and a well-
cultivated farm adjoining, is a retired rail-
road man. For many jears he was connect-
ed with several of the best western railroads,
and when, as an official of the Milwaukee,
Lake Shore & Western railroad, which was
built through the rich virgin lands of northern
Wisconsin, he saw the possible development
of that region, he forthwith acquired a well-
selected farm, and upon his retirement from
active railroad life identified himself with the
interests of the Upper Wisconsin \'alley.
Mr. Coffman was born in Edgar county,
111., September i, 1838, son of \\'illiam and
Lydia (Akard) Coffman, natives of \'irginia,
who at a very early day migrated by team
to Edgar county, 111., and settled upon wild
land in Grandview township. Mr. Coffman
improved the land, devoted it to fruit cul-
ture, and made it his home for Hfe. He died
from injuries caused by his being accident-
ally run into by a railroad engine while
walking on the track. His excellent wife
preceded him to the grave, dying November
5, 1 87 1. They reared a family of twelve
children, as follows: James, a resident of
Kansas, 111. ; Joseph, his twin brother, a
resident of Dudley, 111. ; Susan, wife of
Lindsay Welch, of Edgar county, 111. ;
Jerome, a resident of Arkansas; John H. ;
Caroline, wife of John Welch, of Evanston,
111. ; Daniel, who occupies the old home-
stead in Edgar county. 111. ; George, a depu-
ty sheriff at Chicago, 111. ; Mary, now Airs.
Ratz, of Kansas; Frank, of Arkansas; Belle,
wife of Rev. Schuman, a M. E. minister,
now of Kansas; and America, wife of Will-
iam Low, of Paris, Illinois.
Our subject was reared on the farm and
educated in the schools of Grandview town-
ship, and at the academy at Paris, 111. He
enlisted at Paris June 14, 1862, in Company
G, Seventieth 111. V. I., for three months,
serving at Camp Butler and at Alton, 111.,
in guarding prisoners until mustered out in
October, 1862. Returning to Edgar coun-
ty, he sold histories of the war until 1865,
when he entered the service of the Chicago
& Alton road as a conductor. Remaining
in that capacity six years on the C. & A. , he
in 1 87 1 assisted in the construction of the
Indiana, Bloomington & Western railroad,
running the construction train between Pe-
oria and Danville. The following year he
accepted a run on the Chicago and North
Western road, with headquarters at Clinton,
Iowa. In 1877 he came to Wisconsin, run-
ning as conductor on the Oconto branch, and
on the Marshfield and Southern divisions.
He was with the Milwaukee, Lake Shore &
Western when the Northern division was built
through to Ashland, and the station Marion
— ^where he now lives — was by Manager
Reed named after Mrs. Coffman's sister,
Mary, who was Mrs. James Churchill. She
was the first white woman to come to that
section of the country. Mary Churchill died
July 7, 1862. Mrs. Coffman was the first
white woman to ride over the road from
Clintonville to Sheboygan, a distance of 105
miles. After serving for seven years as con-
ductor, Mr. Coffman was, in 1884, promot-
ed to the official title of roadmaster between
Oshkosh and Milwaukee, a position which
he filled until 1893. Since then he has en-
gaged in farming.
Mr. Coffman was married, in 1865, to
Miss Sarah A. Warnick, a native of Canada,
daughter of John C. and Ellen (Johnson)
Warnick, the former a native of New York,
the latter of Canada. John C. Warnick
was a farmer, and in 185 1 moved from
Canada to Grant township, Shawano Co. ,
Wis., and opened up a farm, the nearest
market then being New London. Mr. War-
nick died February 3, 1882, his wife Janu-
ary 20, 1885. They reared a family of
twelve children, of whom we have record as
follows: Charlotte, who died at Eau Claire,
Wis., in July, 1891; Eliza, who died in
Clinton, Iowa; Mary, who died in Shawano
county. Wis. ; Elizabeth, who also died on
the home place; John, who enlisted in the
Twenty-first Wis. V. I., served three years,
and died February 22, 1877, at Clinton,
Iowa; Thomas, who enlisted in the Eighth
Wis. V. C, served three years, and died in
Madison, Wis., in 1865; Isabelle, of Osh-
kosh; James, who enlisted in a Wisconsin
infantry regiment, and now resides on a farm
in Oconto county; Joseph, of Kaukauna,
Wis., a fireman on the Chicago & North
Western railroad; Sarah A., Mrs. Coffman;
Susan Burslam. died February 22, 1883;
and Archibald Warnick, now living in Ta-
coma, Washington.
Mr. Coffman in politics is a Democrat.
Himself and wife are members of the M. E.
Church, of which he is also a trustee. They
cleared the land that now constitutes their
pleasant and commodious home, and have
noted the rapid development of the country
that has followed the advent of the iron horse.
EDWARD J. ROLLER (deceased) was
born March 25, 1857, in Watertown,
Dodge Co., Wis., a son of John and
Anna (Johis) Roller, natives of Aus-
tria, who were the parents of six children —
Mary, Augusta, Edward J., John, Anna and
In 1853 the parents of our subject came
to America and to Wisconsin, settling in
Watertown, Jefferson county, where they
remained some ten years, then removing to
Richwood, Dodge county, where the father
is yet Hving, all these years following his
trade, that of blacksmith, in connection
with farming. The mother died November
20, 1 886. John Roller, paternal grandfather
of Edward J., came to America from Austria
with his children, and died in June, 1891,
at the age of eighty-eight years; the grand-
mother, now at the patriarchal age of ninety
years, is at present living at the home of
her son John; they had two children — John
and Anna.
The subject proper of this memoir was
reared on the farm, assisting his father until
he was twenty-two years of age, at which
time he went to Minneapolis, where he com-
menced the trade of cooper, which he car-
ried on there some live years, and then sell-
ing out in 1883 embarked in the saloon trade,
continuing thereat in Minneapolis till 1887,
in which year he came to Tomahawk, Lin-
coln county, and opened out a general mer-
cantile business, one of the first in that line
to be commenced in the place. By strict
attention to the wants of his customers,
honest dealing and courteous deportment,
he succeeded in building up a remunerative
business and surrounding himself with hosts
of friends, among whom he was a recog-
nized leader. In addition to his mercantile
business he was interested in other indus-
tries, including logging and handling of wood,
etc. , for he was one of the most active busi-
ness men in northern Wisconsin. But death
interrupted his busy life, he being called from
earth January 1, 1893, in the heyday of his
early manhood and zenith of his usefulness,
deeply mourned by all who knew him.
In June, 1885, Mr. Roller was married
to Miss Josephine M. Cabott, daughter of
Martin and Henrietta Cabott, who were the
parents of si.\ children, to wit: Michael,
Leopold, Julia, Amelia, Leonard and Jose-
phine M. Martin Cabott, father of this
family, was born near Berlin, Prussia, in
182 1, learned the trade of carpenter, was
married in Posen, Germany, in 1840, and
came to America in 1855, taking up his resi-
dence in Detroit, Mich., where he died in
1855. His wife was born in Berlin, Prussia,
in 1822, a daughter of Judge John Van Zoe-
bol, a man of considerable prominence in
that city, who had a family of seven sons
and five daughters. After the death of her
husband Mrs. Henrietta Cabott moved from
Detroit to Watertown, Wis., and was there
married to a Mr. Howard, by whom she had
five children, named respectively, Theodore,
Albert, Rosa, Ferdinand and Henry. Mr.
Howard died in the fall of 1893, but Mrs.
Howard is yet living.
To Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Roller were
born two children — Julian A. . and George E. ,
who died in infancy. In National and State
politics Mr. Roller was a Democrat, but in
local affairs he invariably cast his ballot for
the candidate he considered best suited for
the position, regardless of party ties. He
served as deputy sheriff two years, and con-
stable four years, filling both offices with
eminent satisfaction.. The entire family (as
was also Mr. Roller himself) are consistent
members of the Catholic Church, and enjoy
the highest esteem and regard of the com-
munity at large.
and vigorous little settlement at Ar-
nott, Stockton township. Portage
county, ever grows to goodly pro-
portions, its start on the road to prosperity
will have been given it by A. F. Lombard.
If the village does not so thrive, it will be
because Mr. Lombard's efforts in its behalf
are not seconded. In other words the sub-
ject of this sketch is a public-spirited citizen,
zealous in advancing the interests of the
community in which he lives, and thor-
oughly alive to the possibilities that might
follow wise co-operation.
Mr. Lombard is the son of an early
pioneer. The family of Lombards in this
country have descended from three brothers
who many generations ago came to the
United States from the Island of Corsica,
and settled at Scituate, a small fishing town
on the coast of Massachusetts. Albion F.
was born at Readfield, Kennebec Co.,
Maine, October 7, 1842. His father, James
Lombard, was born at Gorham, Maine, De-
LA, (^T^^^S^^^^z^-t^^^/i-*^
cember 2, 1796, and the grandfather and
great-grandfather were Hkewise both named
James. The father (James) was reared at
Gorham, and there apprenticed to a saddler
and harness-maker by his stepfather. James
Lombard opened a shop at Readfield,
Maine, where, September 7, 18 17, he mar-
ried Isabella Currier, born August 31, 1799,
at Readfield, daughter of Samuel Currier,
the leading phj-sician of that village, whose
practice years afterward fell to his son
George. James Lombard's health was fail-
ing at his trade, and he took up the study of
medicine, preparing himself by a course at
Bowdoin College. Practicing successfully
at Readfield, Gorham, and Saccarappa, a
suburb of Portland, Maine, Dr. Lombard in
May, 1851, started with his family for Wis-
consin. Coming by rail from Saccarappa
to Buffalo, and by the lakes on the old
"Wisconsin" from Buffalo to Sheboygan,
they drove by team to Plover, where a son,
Lewis, had preceded them. Dr. Lombard
was a poor man, and sought a home away
from the city where he might rear his large
family. His children were James, Charles,
Isabel, George, Lewis, Leonidas, Halbert,
Orlando, Washington, Horace, Emily,
Albion F. and Emma. Of these, George
fa farmer of Stockton), Lewis (a farmer of
Lanark township), Albion F. and Enmia
(now Mrs. Sydney Stevens, of Livingston,
Mont.), are the only survivors. His first
settlement was in Section 32, Stockton
township, where Lewis had pre-empted 160
acres before the land was on sale, not re-
ceiving his patent until 1858. Dr. Lombard
died on that farm in 1858, from the effects
of a long-standing complaint. He was
buried in a private cemetery on the farm,
which in 1891 became public, and is known
as "Lombard Cemetery." Dr. Lombard
was an intelligent, well-read man, far above
the average of the early settlers. In politics
he was a stanch Democrat. By the terms of
the will the property was left to Albion F.
and James, they to provide for the widowed
mother, who survived until April 21, 1881,
and was buried by the side of her husband.
Albion F. Lombard attended the Maine
schools diligently till the journey west.
For several years there were no schools in
Stockton, but in the winters of i860, 1861
and 1862 he attended terms on "The
Prairie," under that old-time instructor,
James Walker. After his father's death
he took charge of his half of the farm. In
1863 many boy friends and acquaintances
were enlisting in the army, and Albion F.
was seized with a desire to become a sol-
dier. He had about concluded to join the
Seventh Wis. V. I., then stationed at
Arlington Heights, in which an intimate
friend, Michael Shortell, later killed on the
Rappahannock river, had enlisted, when his
brother Horace returned from service and
pleaded with him not to volunteer. It took
the united efforts of the family a long time
to keep the boy out of service. He must go
somewhere, however, for the spirit of ad-
venture was in his veins. In the lumber
country, along the Big Eau Plaine river, he
became cook for the crew of a big raft of
lumber and shingles bound for the South.
Starting March 25, 1863, the first division
of the raft collided at Clint's dam, and one
of the crew perished, others narrowly
escaping. The second division, containing
Mr. Lombard, passed in safety. At Rock
Island, 111., the raft struck one of the bridge
piers in the Mississippi river, and was con-
siderably damaged; but by the aid of tug
boats repairs were made, and the one million
feet of choice lumber loaded with shingles,
which the raft contained, reached Quincy,
and the lumber was sold for $18 per thou-
sand feet.
Receiving his pay, the young man started
for Pike's Peak. Crossing the bridgeless
Mississippi in a skifT, he reached St. Joe by
rail, and staged it to Omaha. Impatiently
waiting for a train to cross the Plains, he
hired out to drive a team of four mules,
hauling corn to Fort Laramie, Wyo., at
forty dollars per month. He had to shell the
corn himself, and started several days later.
The wagon boss was brutal and insulting,
and after several clashes Mr. Lombard left
him, at Julesburg, Keb., obtaining his pay
only after threats to sue. He had met trains
bound for Denver at Ft. Kearney, and, join-
ing one of them, paid his passage by work.
Proceeding by stage to Mountain City, near
Central City, Colo., where he expected to
find his brother, Washington, he learned
the latter had left for Idaho. Albion secured
work as a laborer at a stamp mill, at $2.50
per day; then worked in a mine at $3 per
day, and later at the Gregory Lode at $3.50
per day. His brother Horace joined him
in the spring of 1865, and they worked as
carpenters for a time, when Albion became
foreman in a mine at California Gulch,
Colo., at $3 per day in gold. Returning
to Black Hawk, he, with the brother
took a wagon train for Omaha. Here for a
short time he worked for the Union Pacific
Railway Co. , and, work becoming scarce,
hired out in the spring of 1866 as a laborer
in the construction of the Union Pacific
road at Columbus, Neb., 100 miles west of
Omaha. One month of this work was
enough, and returning to Omaha he drove
wagon to Denver, and mined during the
summer. Back to Omaha he went again in
the fall to find his brother Horace doing
contracting work, and hired out to him as a
carpenter, being a great help to him in
time of misfortune. During the winter of
1866-67 he hauled wheat to a mill twenty
miles up the river from Omaha for Edward
Creighton, afterward a multi-millionaire.
Hiring out on bridge construction for the
Union Pacific road in the spring of 1867,
Mr. Lombard learned on reaching his desti-
nation that "no hands were needed." A
company of soldiers passing <■// route to
Cheyenne, where barracks were to be erect-
ed, he hired out to Col. Carlin for $100 per
month. Six weeks later, because a comrade
was discharged, he quit, too, and did job work
at Cheyenne for$io per day. By fall he had
saved several hundred dollars, and he re-
turned to Wisconsin, where he spent the
winter. Returning to Omaha in the spring,
he was actively engaged in bridge and trestle
building for the Union Pacific road as far
west as Corinne, Utah. He witnessed the
celebrated ceremonies attending the com-
pletion of the road, June 9, 1869, and soon
after, learning of the death of his brother
James, he returned to Stockton township,
Portage Co., Wis., and took charge of the
farm. He also engaged in the sale of agri-
cultural implements and farm machinery.
In 1890 he sold the "home farm," and
erected several buildings at Arnott Station,
doing much to establish and improve busi-
ness at that point. There he erected the
first potato warehouse, a building 40 x 60
feet, leasing it to Mr. Carley, who afterward
bought it. He also sold other buildings,
and thus diversified the interests at the lit-
tle station. His business in implements and
farm machiner}^ grew so rapidly that in 1893
he built a large warehouse, and he has since
added a select line of hardware. His pres-
ent stock would be a credit to a larger town.
On April 22, 1895, he met with a heavy
loss by fire, amounting to some $3,500, on
which he had an insurance of only $1,100;
but in no ways discouraged, he has rebuilt,
and has now an even finer place of business
than was his old one.
In politics Mr. Lombard is independent,
and votes for the best man. He is well-
informed on matters of general interest, and
is widely known. He possesses the full con-
fidence and friendship of his wide circle of
acquaintances, and a more popular and
genial man it would be difficult to find.
Sufficiently provided with worldlj' goods to
make labor unnecessary, he enjoys life by
building up the interests of the locality in
which he lives.
REV. JOHN EISEN, pastor of St.
John's Church of Marshfield, was
born in the village of Weisendorf,
Bavaria, Germany, April 22, 1856,
and is a son of John Eisen, who was born in
the same locality in 181 2. He married
Margaret Bessler, who was born in Bavaria
in 1818, and they became the parents of
three children: Barbara, Michael and John,
but the last named is the only one of the
family that ever came to America. The sis-
ter, Mrs. Stoehr, died in 1881. The father
was called to the home beyond in 1865, and
the mother, who survived him some years,
passed away in 1 888.
Father Eisen acquired his primary edu-
cation in the public schools of his native
land, which he attended until thirteen years
of age, when he entered college in the city
of Bamberg, there pursuing his studies until
1878. In that year he entered the Univer-
sity of Louvain in Belgium, and in 1882 was
ordained a priest at Luxemburg. His entire
life has been devoted to the work of the
ministry, and in his clerical calling he came
to America in March, 1883, being first sta-
tioned at Chippewa Falls, where he served
as assistant priest for four months. He was
then appointed pastor of the church in Ells-
worth, Wis. , over which he remained in
charge for eight years and ten months. His
residence in Marshfield dates from May,
1892, at which time he was called to the
pastorate of St. John's Church.
His labors here have been untiring, and
it was largely through his instrumentality
that the fine brick edifice which is now used
as their house of worship was erected. A
school is also conducted in connection with
the church, in which six teachers are em-
ployed and 462 pupils are enrolled. Father
Eisen has given himself to his work with an
unselfish devotion that has brought good re-
sults to the churches with which he has been
connected. He is an indefatigable worker,
earnest!}' striving to benefit his people, and
he has their confidence and respect in an
eminent degree.
nent merchant of Mosinee, Mara-
thon county, and senior member of
the firm of C. Gardner & Co., was
born in Mosinee in November, 1857, a son
of Henry B. and Ellen R. (Priest) Gardner,
who were born in New York State.
Henry B. Gardner came west about the
year 1853, and at first locating in Minne-
sota; but after a short residence there re-
moved to Marathon county. Wis., and set-
tled near Mosinee, being among the pioneers
of that district. After coming to Marathon
county he worked in the pineries and at lum-
bering and logging, was for some years en-
gaged in shingle manufacturing, and for
several years conducted a hotel called the
" Prairie House," about four miles north of
Mosinee, on the Wausau and Stevens Point
road. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gardner
were the parents of three children, all of
whom are living, namely: Charles A., the
subject of this sketch; and George F. and
Henry A., lumber manufacturers, their mill
being situated about six miles from Mosinee.
In 1863 Henry B. Gardner enlisted in the
Thirty-eighth Wis. V. L, and was killed in
Charles A. Gardner was educated in the
public schools of Mosinee, Marathon Co.,
Wis., then engaged in lumbering and agri-
cultural pursuits until July, 1887. In May,
1887, in Oshkosh, Winnebago Co., Wis.,
he was united in marriage with Miss Effie P.
Locke, and one son, Raymond Locke, has
been born to them. Mrs. Gardner is a
daughter of Alfred and Pauline Locke, the
former of whom resides in Oshkosh; the lat-
ter died in 1893. In July, 1887, Mr. Gard-
ner, in connection with his brothers George
F. and Henry A., embarked in mercantile
pursuits. In 1890 George F. and Henr}' A.
retired from the business, and our subject
formed a co-partnership with Louis Dessert
and Frank McReynolds, under the present
firm name of C. Gardner & Co.
Politically, Mr. Gardner is a stanch Re-
publican, and he served as president of the
village of Mosinee one term; socially, he is
a member of the Modern Woodmen of
America. He is a live, progressive business
man, enjoys the esteem not only of the resi-
dents of Mosinee, but of all who are ac-
quainted with him, and his high character
and genial qualities have made him generally
the pioneer settlers and a most popu-
lar resident of Babcock, Wood coun-
ty, was born in Pittsfield, Lorain
Co., Ohio, August 9, 1823. He is a son of
Henry and Matilda (Williams) Remington,
and was the first white child born in the
town. His parents were New Englanders,
his father being a descendant of the Turkey
Hills Remingtons of Connecticut, while his
mother came of the Williams family of
Rhode Island. In 1822 the father removed
from Berkshire county, Mass., to Ohio, leav-
ing Washington Mountain, Mass. , in Jan-
uary of that year, and traveling all the way
on a sled drawn by oxen, the trip consuming
forty days, and during the last six miles of
the journey they had to cut their way
through the dense forests. They were the
first family to settle in Pittsfield, Ohio.
There the birth of our subject occurred the
following year.
When Henry W. was a child of four
years he accompanied his parents on a visit
to Massachusetts, and there for the first time
saw how people lived in civilization. In 1837
the father again thought it best to go West
and removed to Steuben county, Ind., locat-
ing in the midst of a wilderness. There he
went through all the hardships and priva-
tions that are known to frontier life, and for
three years struggled to maintain his health
against the fevers and agues that prevailed
in that new country. At one time he nearly
died when twenty miles from his home,
where were his wife and three sons and three
daughters, all sick and unaware of his con-
dition. This determined him to retrace his
steps and leave the far western frontier for
a time, so in January, 1840, he returned to
Lorain county, Ohio, and settled in the town
of Amherst, where his death occurred in
January, 1891, he having reached the ad-
vanced age of ninety-five years. His wife
passed away in 1882, at the age of eighty-
three years.
Henry W. Remington had accompanied
his parents on their various removals in his
youth. The Presidential election of 1840
aroused him to action, and he attended all
of the political meetings possible, and often
made speeches to the audiences assembled.
Although he knew but little about schools at
that time, he was very familiar with the his-
tory of his country and its great men. His
leisure hours in the woods and in his cabin
home were often spent in study, and his
mother proved to him a good teacher. The
year following he obtained permission to
leave home and began teaching school,
which he followed at intervals until twenty
years of age, also attending school within
that period. He also worked as an assist-
ant in the county treasurer's office, and while
thus employed he studied surveying.
About this time his father became finan-
cially embarrassed, and was so discouraged
that he expressed himself as ready to give up
the contest for his home, but Henry W. ,
then just of age, looked more upon the
bright side of life and determined to aid his
father in the difficulty. He had but little
time to act, but at once bought goods which
he began to sell as a peddler, traveling as
far east as Newport, R. I., and as far west
as Nauvoo, 111., during the succeeding four
months. At the latter place Joe Smith, the
prophet, and his brother had just been killed,
and the Mormon war was in progress. At
Carthage, 111., he was captured by the anti-
Mormons, and held prisoner for a week as a
Mormon sympathizer. Soon after he was
captured by the Mormons and imprisoned by
them for three weeks. He was a witness of
the killing of the sheriff of Hancock county,
saw most of the incidents of the war, and
was in that locality when the settlement was
made in which the Mormons agreed to leave
the State. He improved his time while a
prisoner in buying up the heaviest claims
against his father, these being held by Mor-
mons then in Nauvoo, and when he suc-
ceeded in getting away he was master of the
situation as far as his father's debts were
concerned. He then went down the Missis-
sippi and up the Ohio river to Cincinnati,
thence across the State to his home, having
in about six months time paid off all his
father's debts, besides seeing considerable of
the world and saving to the family their
On his return, Mr. Remington again en-
tered the treasurer's office, but after a few
months purchased i 50 acres of timber land
on credit, and began farming. The same
year he was married he cleared and fenced
fifty acres of his land, and sowed it in
wheat. This property he afterward disposed
of. He had gone security for friends, who
could not pay him, and so he could not meet
the payments upon his own property, and in
consequence he sold out, paid his debts, and
gave to his father-in-law the remainder of his
capital, to pay for the board of his wife and
child as long as it would last. W'ith indomi-
table courage Mr. Remington entered the law
office of Judge Humphriville, of Medina,
Ohio, with whom he studied for two years,
when he was admitted to the bar, having
snpported himself in the meantime by car-
penter work, by teaching school, and by try-
ing cases in justice courts. He had also
made a trip to Chicago, 111., and Madison
and Milwaukee, Wis., with a team and ped-
dler's wagon, returning to his home from the
last named place by vvay of the lakes.
In October, 1848, having completed his
law studies, Mr. Remington packed up his
carpenter's tools, surveyor's outfit, and a few
books he had obtained, together with his
household goods and, accompanied by his
wife and little girl, took a steamer at Cleve-
land for Milwaukee, where he landed No-
vember I, 1848, so ill that he had to be
helped ashore. He had only a few dollars
in his pocket, and knew no one in that place.
The roads were then almost impassable, but
as soon as he was able to sit up he hired a
man owning a team and lumber wagon, and
after twelve hours of travel they found them-
selves only fourteen miles from Milwaukee.
After six days they reached Madison, and
there the little daughter, after a three-weeks'
illness, passed away on her second birthday.
In Madison, Mr. Remington's skill as a sur-
veyor became known, and he was soon profit-
ably employed, being appointed by Gov.
Dewey to appraise school lands, which oc-
cupied his time for one year. He also had
letters of introduction to Judge Hubbell,
then judge of the Madison and Milwaukee
circuit court, which he presented, and was
admitted to the bar. Shortly after he was
established in a large and lucrative practice,
and in the following year formed a partner-
ship with Judge L. B. Vilas, father of U. S.
Senator William F. Vilas, but after a few
years, his sight and health failing him, he in
a great degree turned his law business over
to others, and engaged in the construction
of the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien rail-
road through to the Mississippi;aIso in improv-
ing the streets of Madison, in constructing
the Watertown & Madison railroad, and in
building up the village of Black Earth. In
1857, misfortune again overtook him. Dur-
ing a long and severe attack of typhoid fe-
ver his wife became insane. In the month
of January she left him, and the care of
their three young children devolved on him
alone. Three days later a large amount of
his property at Black Earth was destroyed
by fire, shortly after a bank failed by which
he lost $16,000, and by the collapse of the
Watertown & Madison railroad he lost as
much more, so that within a year the accu-
mulations of many years of hardships and
privations were all swept away.
During all this time Mr. Remington was
prominent in political matters, and succeed-
ed in introducing into the Legislature resolu-
tion for the closing of saloons on election
days, for he believed that drunkenness
caused much of the ill-feeling and trouble
that occurred on those days. This resolu-
tion resulted in the passage of the present law
in regard to the closing of all liquor saloons
at the time of elections, and this work has
brought to him more satisfaction than he
would have obtained had the highest polit-
ical favors been bestowed upon him. He
was nominated for district attorney in 1856,
and after a hotly contested election was
beaten by the saloon influence by sixteen
votes, his opponent being Hon. M. H. Or-
ton. He warmly advocates Democratic
principles, but has really never cared for polit-
ical preferment.
In i860, Mr. Remington came to Wood
county, and engaged in the lumbering busi-
ness and the cultivation of cranberries, and
was also instrumental in the building of the
Valley railroad from Tomah to Wausau,
Wis., and was vice-president of the com-
pany. He has repeadily served as chairman
of the town and county boards of supervis-
ors, and has served one term in the State
Legislature, and has been prominently con-
nected with all public enterprises calculated
to advance the general welfare. He has now
partially retired from active business (spends
some of his time writing for the Press on
various subjects), and is living in the town of
Remington, which was named in his honor.
Mr. Remington was twice married, first
wedding Betsy Wiling, by whom he had
three children: Dora, wife of Eber Steile,
of Amherst, Ohio; William H. ; and Amanda
Ellen, wife of Adelbert Cleveland, of Rem-
ington. In 1858, in Madison, Wis., he
wedded Susan McGlyn, widow of Andrew
Clavin, and they have a son, Henry, a con-
ductor on the St. Paul & Duluth railroad,
residing at St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Reming-
ton is one of the oldest residents of Wood
county, highly-esteemed for his keen intelli-
gence and unswen-ing integrity, is recognized
as a gentleman of unmistakable ability, and
is respected throughout the county.
HERMAN C. EICHE, mayor of Marsh-
field, is one of the highly-esteemed
and prominent citizensofWoodcoun-
ty, and his unselfish devotion to pub-
lic interests has won him the commendation
of all concerned. He is numbered among
Wisconsin's native sons, his birth having
occurred in Meeme, Manitowoc county,
February 8, 1856. He is descended from
sterling German ancestry.
His grandfather John Eiche, who was
an officer under the Prussian government,
was the father of two children — John B. and
Nannie — the former of whom is the founder
of the family in America. He was born in
Prussia in 181 5, and in his younger years
learned the cabinet maker's trade which he
followed in the Fatherland until his emigra-
tion. At the age of twenty-eight he crossed
the Atlantic to America, and coming to
■Wisconsin took up his residence in Mani-
towoc county. Wis. In 1845 he was unit-
ed in marriage with Catherine Walters, also
a native of Prussia, who came to this coun-
try with her three brothers: Fred, Herman
and Joseph. They all settled in Meeme
township, Manitowoc county, where they en-
gaged in farming, though Herman subsequent-
ly carried on a furniture store in Sheboygan,
Wis., until his death. The parents of this
family died in Prussia when Mrs. Eiche was
only thirteen years of age. On coming to
Wisconsin, John B. Eiche secured a farm,
and he is yet living on the old homestead,
having devoted his entire time and atten-
tion to its improvement. Eight children
were born of his marraige to Miss Walters,
one of whom died in infancy, the others
being George D., Leopold C., Herman,
Mary, Anna, Nannie and Louisa. The
mother passed away in 1 889.
In taking up the personal history of Her-
man C. Eiche, we present to our readers
the life record of one who is widely and
favorably known in Wood county — a self-
made man, whose industrious efforts have
brought him well-merited success. His
earl^' years were quietly passed upon the
home farm, while his education was acquired
in the district school, to which he had to
walk a distance of two and a half miles. At
the age of sixteen he left home to fit himself
for earning his living in some other way
than farm labor, and began to learn the
shoemaker's trade in Centerville, where he
remained three years. He then learned the
business of manufacturing cheese, and car-
ried on a cheese factory for his father two
years, when his father gave him the plant,
and he operated it in his own interest one
year. Selling out in 1879, he then removed
to Sheboygan Falls, where he remained for
a year, at the expiration of which time he
purchased a saloon in Brillion, Wis., suc-
cessfully conducting it for five years. In
1887 he sold out that business, and has
since been identified with Marshfield's inter-
ests, building here, in the spring of 1888, a
store-room, in which he began a retail
business in wines and liquors, changing it,
however, to a wholesale trade in 189 1. He
manages his interests on strict business prin-
ciples, and is always straightforward and
honorable in his dealings.
Mr. Eiche takes great delight in his
home. In 1879 he married Lena Fester-
ling, who was born in the town of Mosel,
Sheboygan county, Wis. , a daughter of An-
drew C. and Louisa Festerling, natives of
Prussia, who came to America in 1847, set-
tling on a farm in Sheboygan county. Their
family numbered eight children as follows:
Fred, Herman, Charles, Gustol, Menna,
Augusta, Louisa and Lena. The mother
died in 1890, but the father is still living.
Four children have been given Mr. and
Mrs. Eiche: Laura, Adelia, Reuben and
Melvin. The principles of Democracy are
advocated by Mr. Eiche, and he takes quite
an active interest in political affairs. While
residing in Brillion, Wis., he served for
three years as school treasurer; for two
terms has been alderman of Marshfield, and
in 1 894 was elected its mayor, which posi-
tion he is now creditably and acceptably
filling. It is his earnest desire to advance
the city's welfare, and promote all interests
which will add to its improvement and up-
building. Socially, he is connected with
the I. O. O. F. and the Sons of Hermann,
in which he has filled ail the offices. With
no special advantages in his youth, he started
out to fight life's battles unaided, and has
won the victory over poverty and other diffi-
culties, securing for himself a comfortable
Canada East (now the Province of
Quebec) May 13, 183 1, son of
Stephen and Constance Trudeau,
who were born in Canada of French ances-
try, and are now both deceased. They had
born to them ten children, of whom six are
still living, namely: Marie, wife of Oliver
Vigeault, residing in the Province of Quebec,
Canada; Eloise, a sister in the Providence
Convent at Montreal, Canada; Solomon,
the subject of this sketch; Malena, wife of
Conzaque Berard; Domitile and Orostile,
residing in the Province of Quebec, Canada.
Solomon Trudeau was reared and edu-
cated in Canada, and when twenty-four
years of age came to the United States,
locating in Wausau, Marathon Co., Wis.,
where he has been a continuous resident
some forty years. He worked in the piner-
ies, also at rafting lumber on the Wisconsin
river, and as foreman in sawmills for about
twenty-eight years, since which he has not
been engaged in any active business. In
1879 Solomon Trudeau was united in mar-
riage with Malena, widow of Moses Turner,
and daughter of the late John La Messurier.
They have had no children by this marriage.
Mr. Trudeau is one of the few men who
came to Wausau at an early period of its
history, and have lived to see it grow from
an obscure logging camp and Indian village
to a city of prosperity and note. He is a
man of high character, much esteemed in
the community in which he lives.
Malena, second living daughter of John
La Messurier, and wife of Solomon Tru-
deau, was born in the Isle of Guernsey
January 7, 1837, accompanied her parents
to America, when but four years of age, has
been a resident of Wausau for upward of
fifty years, and has been married three
times. Her first husband was Isaac Coul-
thirst, to whom she was wedded at Pine
River, Lincoln Co. , Wis. , and by him she
had three children, two of whom are now
living: Ellen Maria, wife of C. W. Nut-
ter, of Wausau; and Mary Ann, wife of
Richard Cosgrove, residing at Chippewa
Falls, Wis. Mrs. Trudeau's second hus-
band was Moses Turner, by whom she had
four children, two of whom at present re-
side in Wausau: Alice, wife of Frederick
Burt, and Aarah M., wife of Albert Empey.
In 1879 occurred her marriage to Solomon
Trudeau, as already stated. John La Mes-
surier, father of Mrs. Solomon Trudeau,
and one of the very earliest settlers
in Marathon county, was born in the
Island of Guernsey, in the English Channel,
February 2, 1799, where he was reared and
educated. He was united in marriage in
Guernsey with Elizabeth H. Allej', who was
born at Newton-Bushel, England, June 7,
1779, and to their union were born three
children, who came with them to America,
and two of whom are yet living, viz. :
Malena, wife of Solomon Trudeau, and
Priscilla, wife of Eli R. Chase, a promi-
nent lawyer, formerly a resident of Wausau,
but now of Contra Costa, Cal. Coming to
this country in 1839, Mr. La Messurier lo-
cated at Sauk Prairie, Wis., where he
erected the first house, the first store, and
the first blacksmith shop ever built in the
upper town; he also owned and operated the
first ferry at that point on the Wisconsin
river. He removed to Wausau, Marathon
county, in 1846, and was a constant and
highly-esteemed resident of that city, taking
an active part in matters pertaining to the
welfare of the county and of his fellowmen.
He continued to make Wausau his home
until his death, which occurred April 20,
1885. His faithful wife was the third white
woman to locate in Marathon county.
Priscilla, youngest living daughter of
John La Messurier, was born in the Island
of Guernsey May 11, 1839, came to Wau-
sau, Wis., with her parents when nine
years of age, and lived in Wausau, Mara-
thon county, until 1873, since which date
she has been a resident of Contra Costa,
Cal. In June, 1858, she was united in mar-
riage with Eli R. Chase, who was born in
New York State, and was a prominent law-
yer and resident of Wausau up to 1873.
They had four children: Margaret Adelia,
born at ^^'ausau where she died in infancy;
John L. , who died at the age of thirty-one
years, and Anna, deceased when fifteen
(they were both born in Wausau, and both
died in California), and Gertrude, born in
California, and died at the age of nineteen
Kingdom of Norway, that cradle
of the redoubtable and hardy Norse-
men of old, the Vikings of history
and poetry, who were wont to make the
nations of the earth tremble with awe at
their deeds of valor, daring and prowess,
has given to America many of her most
useful, enterprising, loyal and brave citi-
zens. In them still lingers a strong leaven
of the old Norse ardor, resolution and
indomitable perseverance, as well as of that
unquenchable spirit of adventure that im-
pelled Norwegian navigators, with their
white-winged ships, to seek out every
quarter of the earth, some of whom left
their footprints on the shores of this vast
continent hundreds of years before either
Cabot, or Cartier, or Columbus opened his
eyes to the world. To be descended from
such a noble race is a proud distinction, in-
deed, one that the subject of these lines is
justly entitled to by virtue of his blood, his
heritage and his instincts.
Mr. Nelson is in the heyday of his man-
hood, having been born April 8, 1846, in
Porsgrund, Bratsbergs Amt, Norwaj-, a son
of Nels Andersen Toldnes and Anna Helvik
Jacobson Hogstad (Toldnes), both also of
Norwegian birth, the father born April 14,
1802, in Slemdahl, the mother born, in
1804, at the same place. In his youth the
father learned tailoring in Porsgrund, where
by industry he accumulated a snug property,
following his trade till his emigration to
the United States. He and his wife were
the parents of children as follows, all born
in Porsgrund, Norway: Isaac, born Janu-
ary 27, 1827, married Anna Pernille Erik-
son, by whom he had three children —
Edward, Carrie P. (deceased) and Adolph
— and after her death he married Maren
Gullickson, by whom he had one child —
Anna. Ingeborg Karine, born November
27, 1829, married Jacob P. Toldnes, a
blacksmith, and had four children — Inger
Andrea, Maren (deceased), Mariane and.
Nicolai. Andrew M. (who is a banker in Am-
herst), born April 14, 1843, married for hie
first wife Isaphena Smith, by whom he had
one child — Henry I. (now deceased) — and
after her decease wedded Agnes Louise
Boss, by whom he had three children —
Elizabeth Maud, Nellie Ernestine and Agnes
Louis; the mother of these dying, he mar-
ried, for his third wife, Julia Nelson, and
they also had three children — Minnie
Eburna, Beulah Genivieve and Winifred
Rosamond. James J. is the subject proper
of this biographical sketch. The mother of
this family died in Norway in 1846, and in
1857 the father sold his property in Pors-
grund for twelve hundred dollars, then with
his family set sail from the port of Pors-
grund on the 20th of April, same year, on
the good ship " Sjofna," Capt. P. M. Peter-
sen, bound for Quebec, Canada, reaching
her destination after a voyage of five weeks
and five days. From that quaint "Gibraltar
of America " the family at once came to
Wisconsin via Buffalo and Milwaukee, from
which latter city they journeyed by wagon
to Oshkosh, thence by steamer up the Wolf
river to Northport. The then new settle-
ment of Scandinavia being their objective
point, they traveled from Northport thither
on foot, the journey occupying some seven-
teen hours, and their first day there they
passed with a friend, after which for a year
they lived at the home of Isaac N. Toldnes
(brother of our subject), who had preceded
them to America in 1848. At the end of
that time the father of the family purchased
eighty acres of partially-improved land in
Scandinavia township, Waupaca county,
whereon he built a comfortable, if not lu.\-
uriant, log house, where he passed the rest
of his days, dying August 27, 1863. He was
a son of Andreas Oleson and Isane Isaac-
son, who lived and died in Norway, the
parents of children as follows: Ole (who
located in southern Wisconsin early in the
"forties" and died there), Nels, Anders,
Karen and Anna, all deceased. The name
of our subject's maternal grandfather was
Jacob Jenson, that of the grandmother be-
ing Ingeborg Oleson.
James J. Nelson, the subject proper of
this review, accompanied his father and his
brother Andrew M. to the New World in
1857, being then a bright boy of some
eleven summers. In Scandinavia township,
Waupaca Co., Wis., his early educational
training was received at the common winter
schools of the "neighborhood," for a few
years, his attendance being somewhat handi-
capped, however, by the disadvantages of
living two or three miles from the school
house, which distance he had to tramp
daily, the way lying through woods and
swamps. During the summers he assisted
his father on the farm, clearing the land of
timber and brush, and converting it into
smiling fields of golden grain or honey-
laden clover. After the death of his father,
the lad, now sixteen years old, left the old
homestead in Scandinavia, and journeying
to Waupaca found employment there with
Dr. George H. Calkins, doing various
chores for his board and farther schooling.
At the end of five months, being an apt
and willing student, he found himself com-
petent to accept a position in the drug store
of James A. Chesley, of Waupaca, and
there remained till the following June,
when we next find him in Oshkosh, work-
ing in the harvest field for F. F. Kees — all
these his younger-day experiences illustrat-
ing with what facility he could apply him-
self to any conditions of life, no matter
how irksome or laborious.
This now brings us to our subject's en-
listment at Waupaca August 16, 1S64, in
Company A, Forty-second Wis. V. I., Capt.
Duncan McGregor, which regiment soon
thereafter was ordered to Madison, Wis.,
where the companies were drilled about two
weeks, and then sent to Cairo, 111. Here
the colonel, E. T. Sprague, who took com-
mand of the regiment, promoted Private
Nelson to the position of his orderly. After
serving eight months, he was taken sick and
was sent to hospital, where he remained
two months and thirteen days, at the end of
which time he returned to Waupaca on fur-
lough; but he had barely arrived home when
he received orders to proceed at once to
Madison for the purpose of receiving his
discharge, same being granted him June 2,
1865. On the occasion of this visit to Mad-
ison, Mr. Nelson partook of an exceedingly
frugal meal, consisting of a ten-cent loaf of
bread, which he carried to the suburbs of
the city, and there ate with a relish. (What
a contrast within the space of a few years!)
On regaining his health, which had been
much impaired, he left Waupaca for Scan-
dinavia, and for a couple of months worked
as a farm hand for his cousin Isaac Oleson
Solverud; then journeying to Stevens Point
he secured work as a porter in Mrs. Kol-
lock's hotel; but at the end of two months
he once more came to Waupaca, and ac-
cepted a position as clerk in the store of H.
J. & A. Stetson, with whom he remained
two and one-half years. On November 28,
1866, he and his brother, Andrew M., em-
barked in mercantile business at Amherst,
our subject continuing, however, with the
Stetson firm for a year after the opening out
of the Amherst business. In 1S67 he mar-
ried, an event that will presently be record-
ed, and then moved from Waupaca to Am-
herst, at once assuming charge of his inter-
ests in the firm of A. M. & J. J. Nelson.
This relationship continued until October,
1870, when the partnership was dissolved,
and our subject commenced in the same line
for his own account, and in his present place
of business at Amherst.
On October 14, 1867, at Waupaca, Mr.
Nelson was united in marriage with Miss
Juniata Patton Andrews, Rev. M. F. Soren-
son officiating, and children as follows have
come to them: Herbert Sprague, born
May 8, 1869, now a resident of Idaho
Springs, Colo. ; George Bliss, born May 2 1 ,
1876, at present attending Wisconsin State
University, Madison; and Laura Perry, born
February 17, 1882. Mrs. Nelson is a mem-
ber of the Episcopal Church. She is a most
amiable, talented and educated lady, be-
loved by all who know her, and she presides
over the home with dignified grace, and with
the hospitality and kindly greeting proverbial
of the entire home. She is a native of Wis-
consin, born July 23, 1849, in Janesville,
Rock county, a daughter of John V. and
Aurelia (Saxton) Andrews, the former of
whom was born May 17, 181 8, the latter on
November 9, 1823. Grandfather Andrews
was born in Connecticut in 1787, and his
wife April 8, 1797, in Broome county, N. Y.,
and they had children as follows: Solomon,
Harmon, John V., Phelinda (now Mrs. Carl
H. Marckstadt, of Princeton, Wis.), and
Walter. Grandfather Saxton was born in
Bennington county, Vt., April 8, 1785, was
a soldier in the war of 181 2, and died some
time in the "fifties;" he married Rosetta
Shellhouse, who was born at Ferrisburg,
Vt., October 12, 1792, and lived to be 102
years old.
John V. Andrews (Mrs. Nelson's father)
came from Cortland county, N. Y., to Wis-
consin in 1837, and settled in Rochester,
Racine county, where he married, afterward
removing to Janesville, and thence, after
some years (in 1855), coming to Waupaca.
Here he carried on the trade of millwright,
which was his vocation after marriage, prior
to which he had followed agricultural pur-
suits. In 1 869 he removed to Rea, Andrew
Co., Mo., where he is now living on a farm.
During the Civil war he was in the employ
of the government, working at his trade in
Nashville, Tenn. The record of the chil-
dren born to John V. and Aurelia (Saxton)
Andrews is as follows: Edwin R. was a
soldier in the Twenty-first Wis. V. I., serv-
ing two and a half years in the Civil war;
he married Virginia Harron, by whom he
had four sons, and died in East Rockport,
Ohio, May 30, 1887. Myra died in in-
fancy. Mary is also deceased. Juniata P.
is the wife of James J. Nelson. Emma re-
sides in Waupaca. Frank M. is a resident
of St. Joe, Mo. Anna Alma lives in King
City, Mo. Erminie resides in Rea, Andrew
Co., Missouri.
In his political preferences our subject is
a strong Republican, and, though he has
never sought office, has yet been honored
with positions of honor, both State and local.
He is well-known among the politicians of
the State. In 1894 he was a delegate to
the State Convention, and he helped to
nominate W. H. Upham for governor, having
on a previous occasion been of similar assist-
ance to Gov. Rusk. On May 17, 1895, he
was' appointed, by Gov. Upham, commis-
sioner of immigration for the State of Wis-
consin. Socially, he has been affiliated with
the F. & A. M. ; since joining the Fraternity
at Waupaca, in 1877, has attained the 32nd
degree, and is a member of the Mystic Shrine ;
is also associated with Capt. Eckels Post,
G. A. R. , at Amherst. He was baptized and
confirmed in the Lutheran faith. In 1876
he attended the Centennial Exhibition at
Philadelphia. In -the early spring of 1882, in
company with Rev. Perry Miller, he crossed
the Atlantic in the " Devonia." and journey-
ed through Scotland, visiting Edinburgh,
Glasgow and the Highlands, also traveling
through England, France, Germany, Sweden,
Denmark and Norway, in the latter country
visiting his old home, and the most northerly
town in Europe — Hammerfest, in the " land
of the midnight sun." The trip occupied
five months, and the wanderers returned
home by way of Glasgow, recrossing the
Atlantic to New York in the "Furnesia."
During the summer of 1 892, accompanied by
his wife and children, Mr. Nelson visited the
chief places of interest in the West, including
Denver, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone Park,
etc., being absent over two months on this
delightful trip.
Mr. Nelson is noted for his genial man-
ners, social nature, cordiality and courtesy,
attributes well becoming his fine physique,
quick intuition and generous sympathies.
These, all combined, have militated in
making him deservedly most popular among
all classes, and in winning for him the
success in business, which has been built
and reared on his well-established reputa-
tion for integrity. Success seldom fails to
come when it is entirely deserved. Certainly
it has not in the case of Mr. Nelson. Wealth
and friends have been given him, and he and
his faithful life partner enjoy them all with
no trace of that offensive ostentation that has
so often shaded the lives of others. It is a
pleasure to bear willing testimony to real
worth, and this last testimony voices the
sentiments of the entire community in which
they live. In addition to his extensive busi-
ness, the largest of the kind in Amherst, Mr.
Nelson is closely associated with property
interests and enterprises outside of that city.
Few men are to be found who, unaided, have
made in their early manhood so enviable a
success. He is recognized as one of the most
liberal-minded of men, believing in the es-
sense of the golden rule — "do unto others
as you would they should do unto you" —
seldom a day passing without some tangible
evidence of his philanthropical nature being
made manifest. His delight is in helping
others when worthy of assistance, and there
is nothing he would not do for a friend in
need, as many a grateful heart knows. But
his liberality is not confined to those in dis-
tress and affliction, for others have felt and
appreciated the open-handedness and frank-
ness of his generosity. When he and Rev.
Perry Miller took their never-to-be-forgotten
trip to Europe in 1882 (above referred to),
all the latter's expenses were generously de-
frayed by Mr. Nelson.
For seven years the family lived in the
apartments over the store, but in 1877 Mr.
Nelson commenced building his present mod-
ern residence, from time to time adding to
it. The dwelling is both elegant and com-
modious, situated in large, well-kept grounds
ornamented with graceful trees, picturesque
shrubbery and beautiful lawns, the mansion
inside being furnished with all modern acces-
sories to be found in a refined and cultivated
home — treasures in art and bric-a-brac col-
lected from all quarters of the world, and a
large and carefully selected library, them-
selves presenting evidence of the literary
taste and accomplishments of their owners —
the hJNi cnscuiblc presenting the refle.x of
chaste and cultivated minds.
IRA J. BISHOP is one of the honored
pioneers of Waupaca county, to whom
the experiences of frontier life are very
familiar, for he has lived in this State
since the time when the greater part of the
land was in the possession of the govern-
ment, when settlements were widely scat-
tered, and when Indians were still frequent-
ly seen. He was the third white child born
in the town of Plymouth, Sheboygan Co.,
Wis. — a son of Hiram and Amanda (Bald-
win) Bishop, natives of Oswego county.
New York.
Hiram Bishop's early life was spent
mostly on the farm, where he enjoyed but
limited educational privileges. He, however,
abandoned the farm while yet a boy in his
"teens," and became a sailor. In this he
was assisted by his brother-in-law, Capt.
Chapman, who was a man of stern de-
meanor, but under the rough exterior there
existed a very kind heart, and many a one
did he help in various ways. He secured
for Mr. Bishop a position on the lakes,
which gave him a start in life, and Hiram
was steadily promoted until he finally be-
came a sailing master. He was very am-
bitious, not content with mediocrity, but al-
ways working his way to something better.
He continued a sailor upon the lakes until
twenty-two years of age, and in 1844 emi-
grated to Sheboygan county. Wis., where
he purchased wild land from the govern-
ment, transforming it into one of the finest
farms of the neighborhood. He still retains
possession of the original eighty acres, and,
although now seventy-two years of age,
operates it. His wife, but six weeks his
junior, has shared with him in all the trials
and hardships of life, and has rejoiced with
him as prosperity has come to them. He
was a man of great muscular power, often
astonishing his companions by exhibitions of
his strength. The winter after his arrival
in this State he boarded with a neighboring
family, and having business in Milwaukee
he went on foot to that place, a distance of
sixty miles, following the Indian trails, for
there were no roads. As hotel accomoda-
tions there were very limited, he walked
back ten miles in order to obtain shelter for
the night, these seventy miles being accom-
plished in one day. Ten months previous
he had left. his trunk at the only hotel in Mil-
waukee, and had hid some money in it. The
landlord was very much surprised when he
saw him return and secure the money. In
the fall of I 845 he went to New York, and
in July, 1846, married Amanda Baldwin.
In August, 1846, Mr. Bishop brought his
bride to the little log cabin he had erected
on his Wisconsin farm. In payment for the
previous winter's board he had cut the tim-
ber from the first acre of land cleared on
what now constitutes the site of the city of
Plymouth, and on that ground now stand
three churches. He ripened the first apple
in Pljmouth, and many people came to see
it, while Ira J., then a little boy, was often
held up that he might also view the fruit.
In the little home there was at first no floor
and no windows, as lumber and building
material were hard to get, there being no
sawmill nearer than Sheboygan, fourteen
miles away. These were soon supplied, but
for a year and a half Mr. Bishop had no
team. He would work for two days for a
neighbor in order to get the use of an ox-
team for a da\', but after a few years he be-
came the owner of the best ox-team in the
county, taking premium at the first county
fair held in Sheboygan county. He contin-
ued to cultivate his farm with the aid of his
noble wife and children, until to-day the
property is valued at several thousand dol-
lars, (i) Ira J. Bishop is the eldest in the
family. (2) Mary Sophia, who was born
July 5, 185 1, and was a cultured young
lady, died at the age of twenty-five.
(3) Lester Tyler, born September 12, 1855,
is engaged in merchandising and other lines
of business in Sheboygan ; he married Eva-
line Barnard, daughter of his partner,
George W. Barnard; this estimable lady died
June 15, 1895, St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
at Plymouth, being inadequate to accommo-
date those who attended the funeral rites,
evidence of the esteem in which she was
held by those who knew her; she left two
daughters, aged fourteen and ten respective-
ly, and a son one year old; Lester pos-
sesses excellent business ability; has been
clerk of the court, and alderman, also city
clerk of Plymouth, and though he is a Dem-
crat receives a large Republican support,
which indicates his popularity and the high
regard in which he is held; he is accounted
one of the prominent citizens of Sheboygan.
(4) H. Fayette, born May 10, 1859, went
to California in 1887, to engage in mining,
and no news was heard of him until January
II, 1895, when he was married. Feeling
the necessity of an education for his chil-
dren, Hiram Bishop turned his home into a
school room, and gave his children as good
advantages as were possible. All remained
at home until after they had attained adult
age, and strong family ties still draw them
to the parental roof.
In 1 861, at the earh" age of fourteen,
Ira Bishop began teaching school, receiving
$15 per month, out of which he paid $6 for
board. In that work he was very success-
ful, and won a high reputation by untiring
application. The first school, held in a
building 16 x 20 feet, numbered fifty pupils.
He followed teaching fourteen }ears, and
his wages were gradually increased to $75
per month; but on account of ill health he
was obliged to abandon that work. Two
years previous he purchased 160 acres of
land in Waupaca county, still in its primi-
tive condition, covered with a dense growth
of hard-wood timber, and in 1876 took up
his residence thereon. He was then almost
a physical wreck. He purchased two horse-
teams, and his father gave him some grain
to feed them until he should get located and
at work; but he could not load the twelve
bags of oats into the sleigh, and it required
three days and two nights for him to drive
from Plymouth to Symco, Wis. For al-
most a year he boarded with Mrs. Z. Bald-
win, his aunt, then returned and taught a
select school of young teachers. His health
had rapidly improved under out-door exer-
cise, but this school warned him of the re-
turn of difficulty, and he returned to his
farm, on which he built a log shanty, 14 x
20 feet, and only six feet high, having pre-
viously made a small clearing. In it he
lived alone for three years, cooking his food,
when a frame house was built a short dis-
tance off, which has since been remodeled,
making a comfortable home. At one time
a bear visited him while he was cutting some
logs away from home. His lumbering was
done on the land, and afforded him some
means of living.
Mr. Bishop was married December 30,
1879, to Catherine, daughter of David and
Catherine (Remus) Wolfred, who were of
Holland lineage. Mrs. Bishop was born in
Holland, and at the age of six months was
brought to America. Her father, a farmer
by occupation, died while en route, leaving
three children: Ehzabeth, wife of Isaac
Eernesse, who died in 1890, leaving twelve
children; George C. , now a farmer of Indi-
ana, and Mrs. Bishop, the youngest. The
mother afterward married Peter Dillman,
who was of the same country. She had
brought the remains of her first husband to
Chicago, where he was laid to rest, and thus
she was left alone in a strange country with
three children to support. She then went
to Sheboygan county. Wis., where her
father-in-law, Christopher Wolfred, lived,
and worked hard to support her family,
often walking three miles to do a day's wash-
ing. The children were early forced to earn
their own living, George starting alone for
Indiana at the age of fifteen. There he se-
cured work, and through honorable dealing
has secured a good home; he is married and
now has a family of five children. By her
second marriage Mrs. Dillman became the
mother of five children: John, a fisherman
of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ; Peter, who oper-
ates the old homestead, and cares for his
mother, who is now seventy-two years of
age; Crena, wife of Jacob Verdoin, a resi-
dent of Sheboygan, Wis., and two who died
in infancy.
Mrs. Bishop began earning her living at
the age of fourteen, and later learned the
dress-making trade, which she followed until
the time of her marriage, accumulating con-
siderable money, with which she furnished
her home at the time of her marriage. To-
gether Mr. and Mrs. Bishop have labored,
transforming the rugged wilderness into an
inviting home, and the success which has
come to them is due no more to the industry
and enterprise of the husband than to the
economy and good management of the wife.
The privations and discouragements of pio-
neer life have been theirs in common with
all who have striven to extend the bounds
of civilization. In connection with farming
Mr. Bishop is engaged in raising hogs and
in the dairy business, and during the winter
of 1894 his wife made eleven hundred
pounds of butter. This worthy couple have
the highest regard of all who know them,
for their many e.xcellencies of character
command admiration and respect. They
are earnest advocates of the cause of popu-
lar education. Socially Mr. Bishop is con-
nected with Plymouth Lodge No. 71, I. O.
O. F. From the Territorial days of Wis-
consin he has resided within her borders,
has witnessed her entire growth as a State,
and has ever borne his part in the work of
upbuilding and advancement, being num-
bered among her valued citizens, as well as
honored pioneers.
NATHAN S. LOCKE, one of the
prominent and influential citizens of
Antigo, is a native of the "Old
Granite State," his birth having
taken place October 27, 1837, in the town
of Hopkintown, New Hampshire.
The Lockes are a well-known family in
New England, and date their ancestry back to
John Locke, who was born in London, Eng-
land, Sept. 16, 1618, and came to New Eng-
land about 1638. He was a man of great
energy and courage, serving as captain in
the French and Indian wars of the early
days, and was so instrumental in defeating
the Indians in several of their descents upon
the town as to incur their special enmity.
As afterward appeared, eight of their num-
ber journeyed from Canada to Rye, N. H.,
with the express purpose of killing him.
They succeeded in their attempt August 26,
1692, but found the task one of difficulty
and danger. He was attacked while reap-
ing grain in the field, and the sickle with
which the brave man stoutly defended
himself, and which was broken in the com-
bat, is now in the museum of the State His-
torical Society, and on exhibition at their
family reunions. Capt. John Locke's de-
scendants now form a numerous and in-
fluential family. • More than two hundred,
including representatives of the fifth to the
ninth generation, were present at the re-
union held August 26, 1892, at Rye, N. H.,
where their reunions are held in honor of
the memory of their heroic ancestor. Capt.
John Locke was the great-grandfather of
Jonathan Locke, who was a soldier in the
Revolutionary war, and served at the battle
of Bunker Hill with great distinction.
Jonathan Locke's son David, father of
Nathan S. Locke, our subject, was born at
Epsom, N. H., January 19, 1795. He was
a wheelwright by trade; he also owned a
farm which he managed with success. He
was an only son, and had five sisters. He
was a man of enterprise and integrity. On
December 23, 181 8, he married Elizabeth
S. Chase, who was born at Pittsfield, N. H.,
May II, 1 796, and who was a relative of
Chief Justice Chase, and also of Bishop
Chase. Ten children were born of this mar-
riage, as follows: Drusilla L. , Alpheus C,
Mary E., Sarah C, Milton P., Ann M.,
Silas M., Nathaniel C, Nathan S. and
George H. Neither of these six sons has
ever used tobacco or liquors of any kind, nor
has their father. This family inherited hab-
its of frugality and industry, so productive
of success with the true New Englander,
by which some of them have won for them-
selves positions of honor and usefulness they
now enjoy, and by which all have attained
a competency, some having become wealthy.
These brothers have given the world some
of the most valuable inventions that have
ever been produced for controlling the pres-
sure of steam and water; they have valu-
able patents, in England, Germany and
France, on devices which regulate steam
and water pressures. They own a large
plant at Salem, Mass., and manufacture
their own machines. Nathaniel C, the well-
known inventor, has made this a special
study for more than twenty-five years, and
is probably one of the best-informed men in
the world to-day on this subject. The
mother of this family, after a noble Chris-
tian life, died at Hopkintown, N. H., in
1869; the father, David Locke, after a
quiet, useful life, died at the same place in
Nathan S. Locke, of this family, was
given all the advantages of good schools,
and was a student for two years in the
Claremont (N. H.) Seminary, by careful
improvement of his time becoming quite
skilled in the trade of house building. At
the age of twenty-one he went to Lewiston,
Maine, living in the home of his oldest
brother, Alpheus. About this time he
learned the art of photography, and followed
the business for five years in Lewiston, also
two years in Boston. In 1865 he came
west, locating at Green Bay, Wis., where
he pursued his former vocation for a short
period of time, after which he purchased a
farm in Outagamie county. Wis., and began
the enterprise of farming with all the per-
sistent industry which characterizes his na-
ture, and in the course of a few years he be-
came a successful and well-to-do farmer.
He was married November 7, 1865, to Ab-
bie G. Ware, who was born in Kennebec
county, Maine, daughter of Cyrus E. and
Nancy A. (Mitchell) Ware, who were the
parents of five children, whose names are:
Mary M., Abbie G. , Emma H., Nancy E.
and James F. Her father's famil}' came
west in 1855, and settled in Outagamie
county, Wis., where Mr. Ware engaged in
lumbering and general mercantile business.
He was an active business man, and amassed
a fortune. He was a Republican in poli-
tics, and during his lifetime held numerous
public offices, though in no sense an office-
seeker. His son James F., an attorney-at-
law, is a graduate of Lawrence University,
Wis., and also of Ann Arbor (Mich.) Law
School. He was a member of the State
Assembly in 1880, 1881, 1883, and he was
elected State Senator in 1884, in which ca-
pacity he remained until 1888, proving a
hard worker, never shirking responsibility,
but by honest endeavor proving himself ca-
pable of filling the prominent positions into
which he was frequently placed. He also
created and worked for the passage of im-
portant bills which have proved to be for
the betterment of the people of Wisconsin;
the establishing of the Home for Friendless
Children at Sparta, Wis., and other bills
which have greatly improved the State laws
relative to social purity. Abbie G., of this
family, wife of Nathan S. Locke, was form-
erly a student at Lawrence University, and
was for eight j-ears a successful and favorite
teacher in the public schools of Outagamie
county. Wis. , where she was universally es-
teemed for her many virtues, and correct
Christian living. She became early identi-
fied with the Woman's Christian Temper-
ance organization, to which she is ardentl}'
attached. In May, 1866, Nathan S. Locke
and wife united with the Congregational
Church at Hortonviile, Wis., wherein Mr.
Locke was a leading and influential member,
and superintendent of the Sunday-school for
years. And through all these years of char-
acter building they have sought instruction
from the great Giver of all our blessings.
Mr. Locke sold his farming interests in
1882, and moved to Antigo. which was then
in its infancy. He invested in village lots,
and land, and began building houses to sell
and rent. He has had a prosperous busi-
ness, building generally for himself, though
he has built quite a number for other people.
He has aided several societies in securing
houses of worship and parsonages; was a
liberal contributor toward securing the rail-
road improvements at Antigo; he has al-
ways aided financially in the temperance
work of the place, of which cause both he
and his wife are strong advocates. He is
closely identified with the growth of the
town, and takes great interest in its advance-
ment and prosperity. He owns quite a
large amount of real estate, both in the city
and county, and is one of those who add
largely to the upbuilding of their commu-
lieved the Whitson family, of whom
this gentleman is a worthy represen-
tative, were of Welsh descent, im-
migrating to this country about the time the
English captured New Amsterdam (now
Long Island) from the Dutch. They were
all Quakers, and, as a rule, followed agri-
cultural pursuits.
Abraham Underbill Whitson, the father
of our subject, was born on Long Island, in
Queens county, in 1810, where he received
his primary education and was employed
about the farm. In early manhood he was
united in marriage with Hannah C. Willis,
of Long Island, where she was born in 18 10,
of English parentage. To this union were
born si.\ children, viz. : Ann, now Mrs.
Miles (a widowj, living in Marquette county,
Wis. ; Sarah, now Mrs. Frink, a resident of
the same place; Abraham, the eldest son,
who went west and was killed by the Indi-
ans (when last heard from he was in Idaho) ;
Daniel, unmarried, and living in southern
Nebraska; Townsend W., married, and living
on the old homestead, in Packwaukee, Mar-
quette Co., Wis., where the father settled
in 185 1, and died in in 18.S0; the mother's
death occurred in 1892.
Edward W. Whitson is the youngest of
the family, having been born on Long Island,
April I, 1851. He was but an infant when
his parents came to Wisconsin in 1851, and
here he received his primary education
in the common schools, but later in life at-
tended the academy at Madison, Dane Co.,
Wis., for two years. During his early life
Mr. Whitson was employed about the farm;
but on attaining his majority he accepted a
position as clerk in a store at Madison, re-
maining there one year. In 1882 he was
married to Anna D. Jones, at Montello,
Marquette Co., Wis., and immediately after-
ward entered the employ of D. J. Spauld-
ing, of Unity, Clark Co., Wis., as clerk and
lumber shipper, remaining there three years.
He then moved to Merrill, Lincoln Co.,
Wis., and engaged in the lumber business.
In 1889 Mr. Whitson came to Tomahawk and
entered theemployof the Tomahawk Lumber
Co., as foreman of their lumberyard, which
position he filled one year; but being a young
man of great ambition, he soon afterward
engaged in the mercantile business for him-
self, which he still continues to carry on,
having been very successful. In 1878, be-
fore his marriage, Mr. W^hitson worked for
one year in the Black Hills mines, being em-
ployed by a government surveying party,
and also by a stage company for one year.
Mrs. Whitson is a daughter of John C. and
Jane (Pritchard) Jones, both natives of
Wales, who came to America when very
young. They were married in Pennsylvania.
Mr. Jones was a farmer by occupation, a
highly-educated man, very much respected,
and one to whom people often went for
advice. His death occurred in 1867; his
widow is still living. Mrs. Whitson is one
of a family of ten children, viz. : John C,
Richard L. , Anna D., Maggie, William C.
Elias, David C, Robert R. , Edward and
Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. Whitson have four
children: Anna E., Grace M., Mabel and
Mr. Whitson has always been a stanch
Republican, a man of strong character and
great influence, and is looked up to, respect-
ed and admired by the entire community.
In 1 874 he was elected mayor of Tomahawk,
this being his first public office. Socially,
he is a Mason, being a charter member of
Tomahawk Lodge No. 243, and has filled
all the chairs, having been a member of this
society since he was twenty-two years of
age; he still takes an active part in the work.
In religious faith the family are members of
the Congregational Church.
JOHN FINCH. That a review of the
life of such an energetic and enter-
prising individual, as is the subject of
this memoir, should have prominent
place in the pages of a work of this kind is
peculiarly proper; because a knowledge of
men, whose substantial record rests upon
their attainments, character and success,
must at all times e.xert a wholesome influence
upon the rising generation of the American
people, and can not fail to be more or less
interesting to those of maturer years.
Mr. Finch is a native of Niles, Berrien
Co., Mich., born May 18, 1834, to Benoni
W. and Elizabeth (Hollimond) Finch, who
were of English and Scotch descent, re-
spectively, the father born in Dutchess
county, N. Y., the mother in Woodville,
Miss. Benoni Finch was captain of a boat
that plied on the St. Joseph river, Michigan,
between Niles and St. Joseph, and in 1835
he moved with his family, consisting of wife
and eight children, to Milwaukee, Wis.,
where he engaged in the manufacture of
brick. He built the first brick house ever
erected in Milwaukee, and was the first sheriff
of Milwaukee county — in fact active in all
the affairs of a public nature at that early
period. He died of cholera morbus August
15, 1 85 1, and lies buried near Fort Atkinson,
Wis., whither he had moved in 1841, follow-
ing farming there until 1846, in which year
he came to Stevens Point, where he carried
on lumbering operations; and it was while
on a visit to Fort Atkinson that death over-
took him as above related. In his political
predilections he was a Whig.
The subject proper of this memoir re-
ceived a liberal common-school education,
and when seventeen years old, the time of
his father's decease, took up the lumbering
business, with which he has ever since been
prominently identified — logging and running
lumber on the Wisconsin river by contract,
commonl}' known as " piloting," by which
it will be seen that he is a pioneer in that
industry in this section of the State. From
boyhood Mr. Finch has been a consistent
Democrat, the only vote he ever recorded
on the Republican ticket having been for
Abraham Lincoln when he first ran for
President, and he has always, as a leader in
his party, taken an active interest in poli-
tics. His ability and administrative qualifi-
cations have received substantial recogni-
tion by the people, he having been several
times placed in positions of honor and re-
sponsibility. In 1877 he was elected sheriff
of Portage county by a flattering majority
of 190, and after serving two years he was
re-elected in 1882, this time for a three-
years' incumbency, after which he served
four years as under sheriff. In 1886 he re-
ceived the appointment of chief of police at
Stevens Point, in which capacity he served
five years, proving himself a most active
official, and a terror to evil-doers. While
he was under sheriff Mr. Finch attended to
all the criminal business.
In 1855 Mr. Finch was married to Miss
Malinda jjarrett, daughter of Joel Barrett,
a farmer and lumberman by occupation, who
came to Wisconsin from Montreal, Canada,
and to this union were born nine children, a
brief record of whom is as follows: Frankie
H. is married to E. R. Week, of Alexandria,
Ind. ; Marion L. is the wife of August Fulker,
a druggist of Merrill, Wis. ; Lizzie A. is mar-
ried to Eugene Martin, of Cadott, Wis., in
the lumber business; Carrie E. is married to
Charles E. Smith, who is engaged in rail-
road insurance business at Chicago, 111. ;
Henry J., assistant postmaster at Stevens
Point, is married to Josie Main; Addie L.
is the wife of Frederick Perkins, a locomo-
tive engineer, with residence in Abbottsford,
Wis. ; while Robert B. , Merle E. and John
H. are all yet at home. Of these, Mrs.
Frankie H. Week, from the age of six-
teen to the time of her marriage, was a sue-
"/X^-- cr^^^-^-w:^
cessful teacher in the public schools, chiefly
of Portage county, also in the La Crosse
High School, all in Wisconsin, and for three
terms was president of the board of educa-
Politically Mr. Finch is a stanch Demo-
crat, and April i6, 1893, he was appointed
to his present position of postmaster at
Stevens Point, taking possession of the office
May 27, 1893. He is by nature admirably
qualified to fill any public office of trust, and
during his several incumbencies he has never
been charged with anything approaching
even a tinge of impropriety or informality,
in all business relationships proving himself
a thoroughly efficient and competent officer.
senting to our readers the life record
of this gentleman we record the
history of a self-made man, a public
spirited citizen, and of one who in the esteem
of those who know him occupies a most
enviable position. He was born in Durand,
111., on the 8th of May, 1861, and is de-
scended from one of the early New England
families. His grandfather, Allen Ames,
was one of a family of seven brothers and
sisters, and during his boyhood removed
from his native State, Massachusetts, to
New York, where he was reared to man-
hood. He there married Aloma Thompson,
and they became the parents of six children:
Milo, Anice, Lorinda, Hila, Lavern and one
who died in infancy. In his early life Allen
Ames worked in a sawmill and lumberyards,
but subsequently gave his attention to agri-
cultural pursuits. He is still living near
Jamestown, N. Y. , but his wife died about
Milo E. Ames, Capt. Ames' father, was
born in the town of Stockton, Chautauqua
Co., N. Y., in 1826, and having arrived at
years of maturity married Lydia D. Childs,
who was born in Massachusetts, but in early
life was taken to the Empire State. Her
mother Dolora (Crawford) Childs, died in
Massachusetts, when she was only eight
years of age, after which the father married,
again, having one child by the second union.
His death occurred in New York. In the
Empire State, Milo E. Ames carried on
farming until 1844, when he removed with
his family to Rock county, Wis., but after
a short time went to Durand, 111., where he
engaged in the furniture business. In 1868
he returned with his family to New York,
where his wife died the following year, while
he survived her only until 1871. Their
children, seven in number, bear the names
of Lona D., Flora E., Belle D., Elmer E.,
Solon H., Ella C. and Eunice D.
Captain Ames was left an orphan at the
age of ten years. The family was then
broken up, and in order to earn a living he
worked as a farm hand through the summer
months, while in the winter season he at-
tended school, his time being thus passed
until he was nineteen years of age. When
a youth of twelve years he decided to come
to Wisconsin and, making the journey alone,
at length arrived at the home of his moth-
er's brother in Mayville, Dodge county.
Seven years later he went to Ripon, Wis.,
and learning the miller's trade, followed that
pursuit for six years, or until the spring of
1886, when he came to Marshfield and en-
tered the employ of the Upham Manufactur-
ing Company, with whom he remained for
two years as second miller. He then acted
as their traveling salesman for two years,
and in the spring of 1891 embarked in the
furniture business in connection with G. W.
Upham, under the firm name of E. E.
Ames & Co., the partnership continuing un-
til May, 1894. He then sold his interest to
Mr. Upham, and organized the Marshfield
Bedding Company, of which he is the
heaviest stockholder. He was elected its
secretary and treasurer, and soon became
general manager and superintendent of what
is now one of the leading enterprises of the
city. Employment is furnished to thirty
workmen, and the industry is managed on
strict business principles; the employes are
paid good wages, are treated with considera-
tion, and in return labor for the interests of
the company, and turn out first-class work,
which finds a ready sale in the market.
Ever fair and honorable in all business
transactions, Mr. Ames has won the confi-
dence and good wishes of those with whom
he has had dealings, and prosperity is now
attending his efforts.
In Ripon, Wis., October 15, 1884, was
celebrated the marriage of Captain Ames
and Lulu Belle Stephens, who was born in
Wisconsin in 1863, a daughter of James and
Abbie S. (Derby) Stephens. The parents
were natives of Lewis county, N. Y., the
father born in 1822, and in the family were
three children: Lulu Belle, Carlos D., and
Clara S. The grandfather, James Steph-
ens, belonged to a family that were of the
Quaker faith. The maternal grandparents,
James and Abbie Stephens, emigrated to
Wisconsin in 1850, and the former died
in March, 1886. The family of Mr. and
Mrs. Ames numbers two interesting daugh-
ters, Clara Belle and Gladys Lona.
The Captain supports the Republican
party, and though he never seeks office for
himself labors in the interest of his friends.
Socially he is connected with the Masonic
fraternity. He won his title as commander
of Company A, Second Regiment Wis. N. G.
He took an active part in the organization
of the regiment in 1888, at which time he
was elected first lieutenant, and in August,
1889, he was chosen captain. It was first
organized as an independent company, but
was mustered into the State service in 1888,
and in the fall of 1893 was made the Sec-
ond Regiment. Mr. Ames ranks as the
eighth captain in the State, and is an hon-
ored commander, very popular with the
members of his company, and esteemed by
all who know him.
This well-known prominent farmer-
citizen, and present treasurer of
Portage county, is a native of the
State of Maine, born December 15, 1839,
in Carritunk plantation, Somerset county.
He is a son of Enoch and Lydia H.
(Fletcher) Webster, also of Maine, where
the father conducted a farming and lumber-
ing business, coming west from there with
his family in August, 1845, and locating for
a time in Lyons, Walworth Co. , Wis. In
1847 they moved to Rosendale, Fond du Lac
county, and in 1855 to Amherst, Portage
county, where the father followed farming
and other business until retiring into private
life; he is now in his eighty-second year.
He served as postmaster at Amherst sixteen
years, justice of the peace thirty-si.\ years,
besides in various minor offices, such as
supervisor, county commissioner, etc. In
1863 he was elected a member of the State
Assembly, and served one term. His wife
died in Amherst in 1892. The Webster
family, of whom our subject is a member,
are descended from Thomas Webster, an
Englishman, who came to this country in
1636, locating in the neighborhood of Ports-
mouth, N. H. ; the Fletchers were also an
old family who settled in the neighborhood
of Boston and Concord, Mass., about the
year 1630.
The subject proper of these lines receiv-
ed his education in the schools of Fond du
Lac and Portage counties, and remained un-
der the parental roof until the spring of
1 86 1, when he moved to Minnesota, and
there took up a claim in Waseca county.
About that time the war of the Rebellion had
broken out, and our subject, fired with the
spirit of patriotism, enlisted May 20, that
year, in Company G, First Minn. V. I. , in
which he served two years, when he was
honorably discharged on account of sickness.
He participated in the first battle of Bull
Run, Ball's Bluff, and was with McClellan
during the Peninsular campaign, also in the
engagements at Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill,
etc. On January 30, 1865, he re-enlisted,
this time in Company B, Forty-sixth Wis.
V. I., taking rank as sergeant, from which
he was promoted to sergeant-major, and
served through Tennessee and Alabama
until the close of the war, being finally mus-
tered out at Nashville, Tenn., September
27, 1865. Returning north, he came to
Wisconsin and bought a farm in Almond
township. Portage county, and at once com-
menced agricultural pursuits, in which he
continued till September, 1893, when he
moved into the village of Amherst and par-
tially retired from active life. At one time
he owned about six hundred acres of land in
Almond and adjoining townships.
On March 27, 1866, Mr. Webster was
united in marriage with Miss Mary Frost,
daughter of Daniel B. and Jane (Cowan)
Frost, and five children have been born to
them, as follows: Daniel Edward, a grad-
uate of the University of Wisconsin, and
now in the employ of the Westinghouse Co.,
in Pittsburg, Penn., as electrician, as is also
John E., who was a student at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, where he graduated in
June, 1894; Genevieve, attending the Nor-
mal school at Stevens Point; Oscar F., at
home, and Rollin F. , who died at Almond,
Wis. , in 1880, aged twelve years. Politically
our subject is a Republican, and he served
three years as township clerk of Amherst
township; in 1869 was elected a member of
the county board from Amond township, and
with the exception of two years served con-
tinuously until September, 1893; also served
as chairman of the county board several
years, and as justice of the peace in Almond
township sixteen years. During the session
of 1887 he was appointed and served as
transcribing clerk of the Wisconsin State
Senate; in November, 1893, he was ap-
pointed, by the county board, treasurer of
Portage county, to fill a vacancy, and is
now serving as such, having been elected in
the fall of 1894. He has always been an
active worker in politics, and has several
times served as delegate to both State and
Congressional conventions. Socially, he is a
member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R.
Although Mr. Webster is practically retired,
he to some extent deals in real estate, and
looks after his private affairs, which still
occupy much of his attention.
RUDOLPH KRATCHE, an enterpris-
ing, energetic citizen of Antigo, Lang-
lade county, is a native of Wiscon-
sin, born February 8, 1865, in Man-
itowoc county, a son of Paul Kratche, a
Bohemian by birth, who first saw the light
in 1828.
Paul Kratche came to the United States
in 1850, settling in Mishicott township,
Manitowoc Co., Wis., where he married
Miss Anna Holup, a lady of European birth,
by whom he had five children: Mary, John,
Joseph, Rudolph and Louis. The father of
these, who was a farmer, died in October,
1893; the mother is yet living, and is in
comfortable circumstances. The paternal
grandfather of our subject died in Europe,
leaving a widow and four sons.
Rudolph Kratche received a practical
public-school education, and at the age of
fifteen commenced clerking in a general
store at Manitowoc, where he remained
some five years, after which he went to Chi-
cago, and in that city clerked for Marshall
Field & Co. three years. From Chicago
he came direct to Antigo, in 1887, and
clerked for L. Strasser four years, or until
the beginning of 1892, in February of which
year he commenced business on his own ac-
count, opening a dry-goods and ladies' fur-
nishing store. He carries a full stock, an
excellent line of goods, enjoys a lucrative
trade, and has never had any help. In
1890 Mr. Kratche was married to Miss
Blanche Teitgen, also a native of Manito-
woc county. Wis., and one little daughter,
Viola, has come to brighten their home.
In politics our subject affiliates with the
Democratic party, but he is neither a poli-
tician nor an office-seeker, his business re-
quiring all his time. He and his amiable
life partner are faithful members of the Ro-
man Catholic Church of Antigo.
DANIEL SULLIVAN, a leading lum-
berman of northern Wisconsin, with
residence in Rhinelander, Oneida
county, is a native of Canada, born
in the County of Chateauquay, Province of
Quebec, April 4, 1838.
Patrick Sullivan, father of our subject,
was born in Ireland, in 1803, was married
there to Margaret O'Malley, and in 1826
they came to Canada, where they followed
farming pursuits. They had seven children,
namely: Two deceased in infancy, John and
Daniel, both living, and Thomas, Cornelius
and Mary Ann, deceased. The mother of
these died in 1847, and the father subse-
quently married Ellen Swords, by whom he
had nine children, named respectively: Mag-
gie, James, Theresa, Peter, Agnes, Veroni-
ca, Andrew, Francis and Catherine. The
father died in 1885. He had one brother,
Daniel, who came to America, settling in
New York State, where he was a lumber-
man, and died leaving a family of six chil-
dren^— two sons (Michael and Daniel), and
four daughters.
The subject of this memoir was educated
at the public schools of the neighborhood of
his place of birth, and at the age of sixteen
left home to work in the lumber woods of
Canada two winters, running logs down the
Grand river, in the Province of Quebec, dur-
ing the summer months. In 1857 he came
to the State of Wisconsin, locating at Wau-
sau, where he made his home some twenty
years, all that long period of time engaged
as superintendent of Walter D. Mclndoe &
Co.'s mills and camps; also looking up and
locating pine land (after the first two years
he worked by contract). He then returned
to Canada, purchased a farm in the Parish
of St. John Chrysostome, Chateauquay Co.,
Quebec, and conducted same four years, at
the end of that time selling out, and once
more coming to Wisconsin, in 1882, settling
at Rhinelander, where he again took up lum-
bering, which he followed until 1887. On
July I, 1889, he was appointed "govern-
ment farmer" on the Indian Reservation at
Lac du Flambeau, in Vilas county. Here he
remained five years, at the end of which
time he resigned his position, and returning
to Rhinelander resumed the lumber busi-
ness, in company with John Curran.
In September, 1863, in Canada, Mr. Sul-
livan was married to Miss Cordelia Sloan,
who was born in 1847, at Napierville, Can-
ada, daughter of Patrick and Julia Ann
(Atkins) Sloan, natives of Ireland who emi-
grated to Canada, and were there married.
They were pioneer farming people who cut the
timber, cleared the land and built the house
wherein they are yet living, at Napierville,
Quebec. They had thirteen children, two
of whom died in infancy, eleven growing to
manhood and womanhood, their names
being: Jane, Cordelia, Lizzie, Catherine,
Mary Ann, William, Charles, Albert,
George, Theresa and Isabella. Mr. Sloan
was captain in the Canadian militia
during the rebellion in that country of 1837-
38. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan have no children.
He is a stanch Republican, and, in addition
to the government position he held at Lac
du Flambeau, he has served as supervisor
of Pelican township, Oneida county. In
religious faith he and his estimable wife are
members of the Catholic Church.
ADAM PAULUS, proprietor of the
Marshficld Nnvs, and postmaster
at Marshfield, Wood count)', is a
native of Wisconsin, born at Chil-
ton, June 29, 1866.
In boyhood he learned the printer's trade
in the Times office at Chilton, and subse-
quently held positions in the offices of the
Scn/iih'l, Milwaukee, and Sun, Kaukauna,
Wis. In August, 1889, he came to Marsh-
field, and in company with John P. Hume
established the Ncios. He was chairman
of the Democratic City Committee in 1892-
93, till his appointment as postmaster at
Marshfield, September 7, 1893. In No-
vember, 1894, he bought out the interest of
John P. Hume in the Xczvs, becoming sole
proprietor. The paper is a lively, newsy
sheet, Democratic in its political leanings
and influences, and enjoys the largest circu-
lation of any in Wood county.
OWEN CLARK, a well-known pro-
minent and prosperous agriculturist
and lumberman of Portage county,
is a native of New York State, born
February 15, 1840, in Oneida county, in
the town of Deerfield, about one and one-
half miles from Utica.
Owen Clark, father of our subject, was
a farmer by occupation, and in 1849 came
to Wisconsin with his children, for about
one year sojourning in Milwaukee, but in
the fall of 1850 entering 160 acres of land
two-and-one-half miles northeast of Mon-
tello, Marquette Co., Wis. He after-
ward acquired more land, becoming quite an
extensive farmer, and he died in the fall of
1875, when aged ninety-four years, at the
home of his son Owen in Stevens Point.
His wife Mary (Condon) died in New York
State when our subject was between four
and five years old. They were both natives
of Ireland, the father being fifteen years old
when he arrived on the shores of the New
World, and they were married in Utica,
New York.
The subject proper of these lines came
to the Upper Wisconsin \'alley in the fall of
1856, locating in Knowlton, Marathon
county, where he was engaged in lumbering
both in the woods and on the river for about
a year, at the end of which time he moved
to Wausau, and here was given charge of a
sawmill, part of the time working by con-
tract. In February, 1864, he enlisted in
Company C, Third Wis. V. I., which was
attached to the First Brigade, First Divi-
sion, Twentieth Army Corps, commanded by
Gen. Hooker, and shortly after his enlist-
ment he joined his regiment at Fayetteville,
Tenn. After three months from his first en-
listment he commenced to see active service,
taking part in the battles of Buzzard's
Roost and Resaca, Ga. , also at Dallas,
Kenesaw Mountain, and in all the engage-
ments up to Atlanta, and was with Sherman's
army on its memorable march to the sea.
Mr. Clark also participated with his regi-
ment in numerous other engagements and
skirmishes from Buzzard's Roost to Atlanta,
and thence to the sea; then through North
and South Carolina to Washington. In fact
he was with his company continually, never
missing a roll-call or a meal from sickness
or any other cause, and marched the entire
distance, nearly three thousand miles,
covered by his compan}' in its several cam-
paigns. He was present at the final Grand
Review in Washington, May 24, 1865, and
was mustered out of service in August,
same year, as corporal, to which rank he
had been promoted in the preceding June.
Returning home, he in the spring of 1866
secured employment as general manager of
the Goodhue & Bellsmir Mill on the Plover
river, east of Stevens Point, where he re-
mained over summer, and then in the fall of
the same year he was employed in William
Avery's mill at Stevens Point, after about a
year and a half buying the mill, which he
operated for his own account until the spring
of 1 89 1, when it was destroyed by fire.
Since then he has been retired from the
lumber business, and has devoted his time
and attention exclusively to his farm of 420
acres just west and adjoining the city limits
of Stevens Point.
On November 30, 1867, Mr. Clark was
united in marriage with Miss Anna E. Gar-
diner, daughter of John W. and Lucinda M.
(Raney) Gardiner, the former of whom was
born in Cherry Valley, N. Y. , of English
origin and of patriotic Revolutionary stock,
grandfather Gardiner (who was a brother of
Lord James Gardiner) having served in the
war of Independence. He was living at Cherry
Valley at the time of the Indian massacre at
that place, but was absent, serving in Wash-
ington's army, his wife, children and servant
being left at home. The latter reported to
Mrs. Gardiner that the Indians were coming,
and the mother escaped into the woods with
her children, where they remained in hiding,
and she had frequently to stifle the cries of
the youngest one by stuffing her apron into
its mouth, fearing the savages might hear
it. John Gardiner, son of this Revolu-
tionary warrior, and father of John W. Gar-
diner, served in the war of 1812, participat-
ing in the battle of Lundy's Lane. John
W. Gardiner, when a young man, went to
Lower Canada (now Province of Quebec)
and there married Lucinda M. Raney. In
1839 he came to Wisconsin, locating at
Evansville, Rock county, where he erected
a gristmill and followed the milling business
until 1848, the year of his coming to Stevens
Point, leaving his family behind. Here he
invested in several hundred acres of land,
heavily timbered with pine, and in 1850 he
brought his wife and ten children to their
new home; the names of the latter are John
W. , James I., Ellen, Jane M., Emeline,
Elizabeth M., Almond, Anna E., Henrietta
and Franklin. Of these John and Almond
were soldiers in the Union army, the latter
enlisting when but si.xteen years old. Mr.
Gardiner was engaged in the lumber busi-
ness on a large scale, and became very suc-
cessful; he was public-spirited and popular,
much given to works of benevolence, and he
donated the timber for the building of the
first Methodist Church and the first Episco-
pal Church buildings ever erected at Stevens
Point. In 185 I he built the residence (now
occupied by his widow) on the south side of
Main street, between George and Church
streets. He was killed by an accident, in
1852, while running his lumber over the
Little Ball Falls, Wisconsin river, and was
buried under the auspices of the Temper-
ance Society, of which he was an ardent
The children that have come to the mar-
riage of Mr. and Mrs. Clark are Byron F.,
born August 15, 1869, educated at Notre
Dame, Ind. ; Hallie M., born July 27, 1874,
now attending Knox College at Galesburg,
111.; Owen W. , born November 29, 1877,
and Raney J., born July 12, 1880, all living
at home except Hallie M., as above men-
tioned. Politically Mr. Clark is a Demo-
crat, has served as alderman of Stevens
Point sixteen years, as mayor three terms,
and is now serving his fourth. Socially, he
is a member of the G. A. R. , Stevens Post
No. 156, of which he has been commander
three times, and is now serving the fourth
time. He is a thoroughly representative,
progressive and liberal-minded American
CARL H. MUELLER. Anomalies
exist in the lives of many prominent
men that perplex unless the key to
their solution is found. It might
seem strange that Carl H. Mueller, now a
prominent attorney of Wausau, should, as
the scion of a prominent German family,
flee the Fatherland in order to escape con-
scription in the German army, only to espouse
with ardor the Union cause in America, and
enthusiastically give it the best years of his
life. Yet such is the case. The explana-
tion is that the conscription was compulsive
and tyrannous, and that in America he
quickly imbibed the spirit of national lib-
berty and unity, and was ready to yield his
life's blood for its perpetuity.
Mr. Mueller was born in Schwelm, West-
phalia, Prussia, July 16, 1839, son of Her-
mann Henry and Amelia (Langewiesche)
Mueller, of whose four children three sur-
vive: Carl H., and two in Germany —
Marie, widow of Rudolph Kline, and Her-
mann, both of Schwelm. Hermann Mueller
was a merchant of high standing in that vil-
lage, a member of a family in which large
landed interests in Westphalia have been
entailed since the year 800 A. D., now in
the possession of Carl's cousin. Two of
Mrs. Mueller's brothers were lieutenants in
the German army. Carl H. attended the
common schools at home, and the commer-
cial college of Ebberfeld, after which he en-
tered the ofifice of a wholesale hardware
store, and at the age of eighteen was a com-
mercial traveler. He expected to escape
conscription, as his father was over sixty
years of age, and his one brother was only
eight years old; but at twenty he received
the fatal notice that he must serve four years,
and then go into the Landwehr, and be lia-
ble for service for maneuvres, or during
war, until he was forty-two years old. A
cousin from Houghton, Mich., was then vis-
iting the old country, and before the time
arrived for taking the oath Carl was on his
way to America with his cousin. Landing
at New York in 1859 they proceeded to
Houghton, Mich. Unable to speak English,
and thus unable to use his commercial train-
ing, Carl found work as a common laborer
in the mines until the fall of i860, when he
entered the employ of Ransom Sheldon, a
merchant of Houghton.
When the call for volunteers came, the
young German emigrant was among the first
to enroll his name, enlisting in Company F,
First Mich. V. I., and was hurried to the
front. He participated in the battles of
Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, the seven-days'
fight before Richmond, Peach Orchard,
White Oak Swamp, Savage Station, Mal-
vern Hill, the retreat to Harrison's Land-
ing and the consequent skirmishes, Gaines-
ville, second Bull Run, Antietam, Shep-
herdsville and Shepherdstown. At the lat-
ter place, October i, 1862, he suddenly be-
came ill, for ten days being insensible, and
on regaining consciousness he found himself
in the hospital at David's Island, New York.
He was there three weeks, and was dis-
charged November 2, 1862, on account of
double hernia. During his service he had
been sergeant, and for some time had acted
as adjutant's clerk. In the fall of 1863 he
returned to Houghton, Mich., acting as re-
cruiting officer until the spring of 1 864, when,
under a captain's commission, he reported
to the provost marshal at Corunna, \Iich.,
with 135 recruits. He was assigned to Com-
pany I, Thirty-first Mich. V. I., but was re-
fused muster on account of disabiHty, and
was again honorably discharged. Later he
acted as recruiting officer on the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan, where he had entire
charge of the different recruiting offices in
that vicinity. Again he reported at Corunna
with eighty-three men, and thus saved the
Lake Superior region from draft.
Returning to Houghton Mr. Mueller re-
entered the employ of Mr. Sheldon, and
soon had the management of the express
business, and of the post office at that city.
In the spring of 1865 he established a gro-
cery and fruit business, and sold out in 1 866,
preparatory to a return to Germany, in re-
sponse to the entreaties of his parents. He
reached his native place as an American
citizen, and a crippled soldier; but he was
so thoroughly Americanized that a continued
stay in the monarchical Germany was im-
possible, and in the fall of the same year he
returned to his adopted country. Wintering
at Milwaukee, he commenced working at the
lumber business at Wausau in the spring of
1867, supplementing that occupation with
teaching, bookkeeping, etc.; in 1869 he was
elected justice of the peace, serving three
years. In 1872 he was admitted to the bar,
since when he has served seven terms as
city attorney of Wausau, and two terms as
district attorney of Marathon county. In
1887 he was re-elected justice of the peace,
and held that position until the spring of
1895. Mr. Mueller is also president of the
Wausau Cemetery Association, commissioner
of the Marathon County Soldiers' Relief
Fund, and a circuit court commissioner.
He is a charter member of Wausau Lodge,
No. 215, I. O. O. F., and of Marathon En-
campment, No. 17; also Cutler Post, No.
55, G. A. R., which he has served as com-
mander and vice-commander.
At Houghton, Mich., March 3, 1864,
Mr. Mueller was married to Miss Anna K.
Keidel, daughter of Henry Keidel, of Alsfeld,
Hessen, Germany, and two children were
born to them: Herman, who was drowned
at the age of nine years in the Wisconsin
river at Wausau, July 6, 1873, and Ida E.,
wife of Jacob Mortonson, a prominent lum-
berman of Wausau. Mr. Mueller has been
a prominent citizen of Marathon county
since his residence there.
saw the light of day in Concord,
Jackson Co., Mich., December
18, 1843, and is a son of David
Holmes, a miller and stone mason.
David Holmes built the mills for the
Padocks in Concord sometime in the " thir-
ties " when Michigan was a Territory, and
many cobble-stone houses, with sandstone
trimmings and old-fashioned gables, stand
to-day as monuments to his skill. He was
born in Pennsylvania in 1795. His father,
John Holmes, was born in the North of Ire-
land, and married Miss Sarah Moore, who
was born in Scotland. Mrs. Lucinda (Wat-
son) Holmes, mother of our subject was a
daughter of William Watson, a native of
Massachusetts, his father coming of early
New England stock who came from old Eng-
land. The mother was a native of Ireland,
her name being Anna Hamilton. The father
of Winslow Hale Holmes lived in Ohio dur-
ing the early formation of the negro " under-
ground railway," and was an active worker
toward helping slaves to gain their freedom.
He was the father of eleven children — five
sons and si.x daughters. He died in 1851,
his widow in 1861. Of the family, Wins-
low (the youngest) and two sisters only are
now living, two of the brothers having been
killed in the war for the Union (three were
in the service).
Our subject learned the printer's trade
with his brother David in the office of the
Jackson (Michigan) Citizen, under the tutor-
age of Col. C. V. DeLand in 1858-59-60.
His early schooling was gained by walking
three miles a day to a district school in Pu-
laski, Mich., in winters, and working on a
farm in the summer time. In the winters
of 1858 and i860 he attended the Union
School in Jackson, Mich. In 1863 he was
foreman of the Three Rivers (Michigan)
Reporter, and while there married a daugh-
ter of Dr. T. Oaks, of Marcellus, Mich. Mr.
and Mrs. Holmes reared one daughter, the
mother of whom died in 1873. Mr. Holmes
married Miss Hetta K. , daughter of M. J.
Lathrop, in May,. 1874, at Hastings, Mich.
Four sons and two daughters have blessed
this union; one of the daughters died in
1 89 1. Mr. Holmes was forman of the Ann
Arbor (Michigan) Courier in 1861-62; fore-
man of the Marshall (Michigan) Statesman
in 1867-68; held a business interest in and
was foreman of the Charlotte (Michigan)
Republican in 1869-70; foreman of and held
a business interest in the Hastings (Michi-
gan) Banner in 1 870-73 ; then was half-owner
in the Hastings yf;/;-^*?/ until 1880. Remov-
ing to Wisconsin, he was foreman of the
'^\^on Free Press in 1880-82; bought the
Waupaca Republican in 1883, and still con-
tinues as its editor and publisher. He was
city clerk from 1889 to 1893, has taken an
active part in helping to herald the beauties
and resources of Waupaca, and encourage
the establishment of enterprises of various
kinds in the city, having taken an active
part in establishing a rival telephone line
and exchange, "The Badger," in the city,
he being manager of the exchange in Wau-
paca. Mr. Holmes is also secretary of the
Humane Society and recorder in the Uni-
form Rank K. of P.
different circumstances and in the
many varieties of human character
we find exhibited in biography some-
thing to instruct us in our duty, something
to encourage our efforts under every emer-
gency and, perhaps there is no combination
of events which produces this effect more
certainly than the steps by which distinc-
tion and positions of honor have been
acquired through the unaided efforts of
youthful enterprise, as illustrated in the life
of Henry W. Wright.
A native of Wisconsin, he first saw the
light at Racine, March 10, 1846, and is a
son of Thomas W. Wright, who was born
in the city of Manchester, England, a son
of James Wright, also of English birth,
who was married in the Mother country,
some years later emigrating to the New
World, and settling on a farm in Michigan
where he died. The son Thomas W.,
however, had come to this continent prior
to this, making his first American home in
Syracuse, N. Y., where he married Miss
Angeline Knowles, a native of New York
State, by whom he had a family of eight
children: Thomas, James (I), Lydia, Mary,
Henry W. , James (H), Charles and Belle,
all born in Wisconsin except Thomas and
James (I). In an early day Thomas W.
Wright and his wife came to Wisconsin, at first
making their home at Geneva, afterward
removing to Racine. By trade he was a
carpenter, and was engaged in the manu-
facture of wagons. In 1854 he went to
California, and died there; his wife was
called from earth May 6, 1882, while resid-
ing in Racine.
The subject proper of this writing re-
ceived his education at the common and high
schools of Racine, Wis. ; but at the age of
seventeen he laid aside his books for the
rifle, enlisting, in 1862, in Company K,
Seventh Missouri Cavalry, in which he saw
active service two and one-half years, when
he was appointed second lieutenant of Com-
pany H, First Missouri Cavalry, having
previously been promoted, while in the
Seventh, to sergeant and sergeant-major,
respectively. While scouting he was cap-
tured by the enemy, but succeeded in mak-
ing his escape twelve hours afterward. He
participated in the battles of Memphis,
(Mo.), Prairie Grove (Ark.), Springfield
(Mo.), Cassville (Mo.), and Helena, Little
Rock, Pine Bluff, and Saline River, or
Jenkins Ferry (Ark.). He was mustered out
of the service in June, 1865, with an excel-
lent war record, and returned to Racine,
Wis., where for a year he was employed on
the railroad, afterward keeping books for
several prominent commercial firms.
In 1 87 1 Mr. Wright commenced busi-
ness for himself in Racine, in the manufac-
ture of sash, doors and blinds, an enterprise
he successfully conducted until September,
1 88 1, when he sold out and, in company
with ex-Congressman Myron H. McCord,
commenced business in Merrill, Lincoln
county, and laid the foundation for the
present vast plant of the H. W. Wright
Lumber Co., of which our subject is the
chief moving spirit — "the head and front."
The firm have the most extensive plant of
the kind in the Upper Wisconsin Valley,
consisting of sawmills, sash, door and blind
factory, etc. , which, combined, give employ-
ment to an average of 300 men, at times as
many as 640 names being on the pay-roll.
The buildings, which in every respect are first-
class, are equipped with all modern im-
provements, and are lighted throughout
with electricity. With all his employes Mr.
Wright is on the most friendly terms, and if
there are any wrongs to be righted or favors
granted, he is appealed to individually.
On November i, 1871, Mr. Wright was
united in marriage with Miss Carrie Buchan,
who was born in Dover, Racine Co. , Wis. ,
daughterof Edward and Jane (Tillie)Buchan,
who were the parents of eight children,
named-respectively: Andrew, Oliver, Mary,
Edwin, Alfred, Samuel, Carrie and Thomas,
all born in America. The parents were
both natives of Scotland, whence, about the
year 1840 they came to the United States,
and here Atr. Buchan for a time followed
his trade, that of miller; but his health fail-
ing him, he settled on a farm near Dover,
Racine Co., Wis., whereon he passed the
rest of his days. He died in 18 — ; his widow
is yet living, now at the advanced age of
eighty-three years. To Mr. and Mrs.
Wright have been born three children:
James A., manager of his father's lumber
yard; Alfred H., in his father's office, and
Nettie E., attending school at Kemper I-Iall,
Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Wright is a member
of the Presbyterian Church.
In politics Mr. Wright is an uncompro-
mising Republican, and, as a local paper
has said of him, ' ' while he has never sought
an office of honor or emoluments in his life,
yet he has filled responsibilities of trust, and
helped to shape the policy of the Republican
party in Wisconsin. " While a resident of
Racine he served as postmaster for nearly
six years, having been appointed to that po-
sition by President Hayes; he was also alder-
man and supervisor of that city. Since
coming to Merrill he has served as alder-
man of the Fifth ward, and filled the may-
or's chair one year, during which adminis-
tration it was demonstrated that the man-
agement of the city affairs could not be im-
proved upon. At present Mr. Wright takes
no more interest in politics than any good
citizen ought, being too closely engaged in
business to devote more than a little time to
political affairs. While a resident of Ra-
cine he was secretary of the Building Com-
mittee of that city. In Merrill he is a
stockholder in the First National Bank; is a
member of the Lumberman's Association of
the Wisconsin Valley, and of the F. & A.
M. , in high standing. Mr. Wright is a man
of commanding presence, possessed of great
force of character, and "when he under-
takes to do anything the work is almost done
before it is begun. Such men are generally
stern men, not easily swayed from any given
path, and this can be said of the subject of
this sketch. Yet he has a heart as tender
as a woman, and no man, woman or child
ever went to good, big-hearted Henry W.
Wright with a tale of woe without coming
away helped and encouraged."
JAMES B. DAWLEY. There is more
of the romantic and pathetic in some
life histories than in others, yet if the
depths of each could be sounded rom-
mance might perhaps be found in all. But
however that may be, it is certain that the
early struggles of the Dawley family in Port-
age county, and the golden character thereby
developed from the straits into which these
pioneers were forced by circumstances makes
an appealing and interesting recital. It is
the story of a man who, on the verge of the
grave, comes into a wilderness, and with al-
most superhuman efforts seeks to make a
home for his wife and little ones before
death takes him away, and then of the brave
efforts made by the widow to continue the
toilsome undertaking thus inaugurated.
The subject of this sketch was born in
Providence, R. I., June 12, 1850, son of
Jesse B. and Lydia (Searles) Dawley, both
natives of Rhode Island. Jesse B. Dawley
was born May 9, 1823, his wife September
5, 1822. He was a carpenter and joiner,
practically without means, and a victim of
consumption. Yearning for a home of his
own he in the fall of 1852 with his wife and
family, then consisting of two sons, started
from Newport, R. I., for Providence, same
State, from which city he embarked for Mil-
waukee. Three days later he was in Jeffer-
son county, Wis., with fifty cents in his
pocket. For a year he supported his family
here by day's work, then in October, 1853,
he pushed northward to what is now Section
6, Stockton township. Portage county. It
was then in a primitive condition. Not a
stick of timber had been cut. Mr. Dawley
had for a little while indulged the fond delu-
sion that the change of climate might bene-
fit his health, but this was quickly dispelled,
and his only aim was to secure a home for
his family. He knew nothing of farming,
but he was ambitious and anxious to learn.
With his own hands he built a log cabin, the
first habitation on the farm. Gradually
growing worse, he died August 23, 1857,
and was buried in a private cemetery on the
farm. A widow was left to mourn and to
provide for four small children, the eldest
not yet nine years of age. Inspired by her
affection for the children, the brave woman
struggled on amid the hardships of the fron-
tier, beneath which men often quailed. She
kept her family together, and the children
appreciate her efforts. They are as follows:
La Fayette D., born February 23, 1849,
now a carpenter and contractor of Ada,
Minn., who never learned his trade, but in-
herited from his father a marked mechanical
ability, and whose family consists of Mabel
F., Etha I., Lillian E. and Ivan B. ; James
B., born in Providence, R. I; Julius E., born
in Jefferson county, Wis., April 23, 1852,
now head clerk in a large general store at
Aitkin, Minn., and who has one child, Regi-
nald E. ; Emma I., born June 29, 1854, now
at home.
James B. Dawley has remained from his
early boyhood until now upon the farm, ex-
cepting seventeen months, which he spent
on a farm in Rock county. Wis., when he
was fifteen or sixteen years old. His school
advantages were meager, but, largely by his
own individual study, he has picked up a
common education. He was one of the three
brothers who, by their united efforts, in 1870,
built a good home, doing all the work them-
selves. James B. was married October 30,
1889, in Wautoma, to Letitia T. Cogswell,
a native of that village, and daughter of
Asa A. Cogswell. To Mr. and Mrs. Daw-
ley two children have been born. Royal M.
and Jessie R. In politics Mr. Dawley is a
Republican. He has served as town clerk,
and his reports were the best prepared of
any submitted that year to the county offi-
cials. For two years he was township treas-
urer, and for ten years he has served as jus-
tice of the peace. For many years he has
served either as clerk or as assistant clerk at
all elections. In 1887 he was elected sec-
retary of the Stockton Fire Insurance Co.,
and still serves in that capacity. His busi-
ness calls him all over the fourteen town-
ships of Portage county, and has given him
an extensive acquaintance. In his business
relations he is guided by his sense of right,
and unswervingly adheres to his convictions
when once formed. Mr. Dawley is one of
the best citizens of the county, and has led
a useful and active life. His services are
sought in every movement or meeting of
general interest in the township. The wid-
owed mother still lives at the age of seventy-
two years, and makes her home with her
son. She is a member of the Brethren
to be the mission of some lives to
show the possibilities of human na-
ture, to show how, for example, a
young man, without advantages of any kind,
may so seize the present, so adapt himself to
circumstances, and then mold those circum-
stances to his own well-being, that he rides
ever upon the crest of the wave, and steers
the fragile bark of human endeavor through
the tossing sea of adverse fate into the har-
bor of peace and plenty. There are men so
wise and prudent, so determined and ener-
getic, that they would succeed in any sphere
of life, and one of them is he whose name
appears above.
Antoni Breitenstein is the son of a poor
peasant of Alsace, France (now Germany),
Michael Breitenstein, who had met with busi-
ness reverses in his native land, and who in
February, 1843, resolved to mend his for-
tunes in America. He had barely means
enough to make the journey with his wife,
Catherine (Goss), and two children. Antoni
and Barbara. Antoni was born April 11,
1830, and was therefore only twelve years
of age when he took passage from Havre
with his parents and sister, in the American
sailing vessel "St. Nicholas," which, after a
passage of thirty-five days, landed them at
New York. They reached Pittsburg, Penn. ,
with a capital of two dollars. After living
with his son-in-law for some time Michael
Breitenstein rented a farm in Robinson
township, Allegheny Co., Penn., near Pitts-
burg, and three years later, while pulling
sweet potatoes, he was bitten in the hand by
a copperhead snake. Despite the best medi-
cal aid the wound resulted fatally, several
days afterward. Misfortunes multiplied, for
the mother died several weeks later, after a
brief illness, and a daughter, Mary, was
called away at about the same time. Michael
Breitenstein and wife were members of the
Catholic Church, and were buried in Troy
Hill Cemetery, Allegheny. Of their ten
children six died young; Mary married in Al-
sace, and died in Pittsburg; Lawrence, an
officer in the French army, died in the serv-
ice; Antoni and Barbara were the sole sur-
vivors, the latter being now Mrs. Lawrence
Hagennauer, of Pittsburg.
Our subject was sixteen years old when
thus orphaned. He had mastered the Eng-
lish language within six weeks after he
reached America, and in a year his foreign
nativity could not be detected from his con-
versation. Though still a boy, he resolved to
continue the gardening life of his parents. He
was industrious and energetic, and felt compe-
tent for the work. He hired help, and had
credit, and for a term of years successfully car-
ried on the business, each year adding to his
capital. He was married, in February, 1854,
at Birmingham, a suburb of Pittsburg, to
Miss Mary Beck, who was born in Wurtem-
berg, Germany, in 1832, daughter of Wit-
bold and Theresa (Biechle) Beck, and who
at the age of eighteen, with a brother and
sister, crossed the ocean from Havre to New
York in twenty-one days, and settled in
Pittsburg, \\here another brother then lived.
At the time of his marriage Mr. Breitenstein
was a well-to-do young man. He was well
equipped with farming tools, and by his good
management and industry had prospered.
He continued farming in the Chartiers Val-
ley, Allegheny Co., Penn., until February,
1865, when he migrated to what is now
Stockton township, Portage Co. , Wis. ;
while still at Pittsburg he had bought land
in Marathon county, but he never lived
there. He came with his family to Wis-
consin by rail as far as Berlin, then the
northern terminus of the railroad, and by
team continued the journey to Stevens Point
with his family, then consisting of five chil-
dren. For six years he lived near Stockton
station, then moved to Section 6, same
township, where he has since remained. He
erected the first building on the place. His
first 160 acres were enlarged by subsequent
purchases until Mr. Breitenstein owned 720
acres. This has now been reduced to 560
acres by donations to his children. His
family is as follows: Lawrence, proprietor
of a planing-mill at Knowlton, Wis. ; Lena,
now Mrs. John Gerdes, of Stevens Point;
Louisa, at home; Michael, a telegraph oper-
ator; Antoni W. , a potato merchant of
Stockton and Custer, Wis. ; Richard, a car-
penter and merchant of Stevens Point,
member of the firm of Breitenstein & Ger-
des; Charles, an operator; Mary, at home.
In politics Mr. Breitenstein was once an
active Democrat, but he is now to some de-
gree an independent, and votes in local elec-
tions for the better candidate, regardless of
politics. He has declined office himself,
preferring to devote his time to personal
business. Himself and family are members
of the Catholic Church. Mr. Breitenstein
is one of Stockton's best farmers, and he
owes his prosperity to his own efforts. He
never attended an English school. His
struggle in early years was a bitter one, and
the manner in which he has attained his
comfortable competence has won for him
the respect and esteem of all who know
him. His sons and daughters are prosper-
ous young men and women, and though
sixty-five years have come and gone in the
life of this worthy man he still has a large
reserve fund of vitality. He can yet, if he so
elects, perform any kind of farm work. His
good wife has nobly borne her share of toil
and responsibility in life's hard battle, and
enjoys equally with her husband the esteem
and best wishes of her many acquaintances.
Had his early advantages been better, it is
impossible to sa\- what wider sphere in life
Mr. Breitenstein might not, with his native
talents, ha\e creditably filled. But in the
life which he has lived none could more
manfully have met and overcome the bars
to deserved good fortune.
nent baker and merchant, is one of
the progressive business men of
Wausau. Like many other suc-
cessful men, Mr. Osswald, in his youth,
learned a trade, and by using this trade as
his capital, and by watching his opportuni-
ties, the way to a prosperous and active ca-
reer in time presented itself to him.
He is of German birth, the son of John
M. and Katrina (Getterj Osswald, and was
born in \Vurtemburg, Germany, March 12,
1834, both natives of the Fatherland. Of
the family of six Christian is the eldest sur-
vivor. Three sisters and the aged mother
are supposed at this writing to survive in
Germany, and the father died in 1854.
Christian received in Germany the thorough
elementary education which that country
now guarantees its youth, and after leaving
the schools he was apprenticed to a baker.
Upon completing the trade he worked in
Germany for a short time, but in the fall of
1854, at the age of nineteen, he immigrated
to America. Going to Utica, N. Y. , he
there learned the trade of a brewer, remain-
ing two years. In 1856, deeming the West
richer in opportunities, and desiring to re-
turn to his earlier trade, he migrated to Mil-
waukee, and for ten years was steadily em-
ployed in a baking establishment. Then he
came to Wausau, and for five years worked
on the Wisconsin river, and in the logging
camps as a cook. At last he saw what he
thought was the right opening for himself,
and in August, 1871, he engaged for him-
self in the bakery business at Wausau, at
his present location. His judgment was
correct. Mr. Osswald applied himself dili-
gently to the work of building up for himself
a large and profitable trade, and he has suc-
ceeded to an admirable degree; and during
his residence there for a period of more than
a score of years, he has thoroughly ingra-
tiated himself into the well wishes and es-
teem of his fellow citizens, and is now uni-
versally regarded as one of the city's deserv-
ing and most substantial citizens. He at
present represents the Second ward of the
city in the common council as alderman, and
is a member of Wausau Lodge No. 215, I.
O. O. F. ; also of the Sons of Hermann, and
the A. O. U. W. Mr. Osswald's political
affiliations are w-ith the Democratic party.
The family attend St. Paul's Evangelical
Mr. Osswald was married at Milwaukee,
in 1 86 1, to Miss Elizabeth Dresel, daughter
of Bernard and Sabina Dresel, natives of
Germany. To this union twelve children
have been born, seven of whom survive, as
follows: John Frederick, a baker, at Wau-
sau; Katrina, wife of H. J. Zentner, of Osh-
kosh; Gustave Adolph, a partner in the bak-
ery business with his brother, John F. ; Ber-
tha Marie; Henry; Emma Carolina; and
DINGER, pastor of the Lutheran
Church of Manawa, Waupaca coun-
ty, is a representative of one of the
honored and respected families of this sec-
tion. He was born January i, 1869, in
Bloomfield township, Waushara county, a
son of Solomon and Julia (Abraham) Mun-
dinger, the former of whom was born Jan-
uary I, 1830, in Wurtemburg, Germany,
and the latter December 6, 1839, also in
Germany. The father was a son of John
Mundinger, who was descended from a noble
In his younger days the father followed
weaving, and in 1856 came to America,
first locating in New York City, whence
after a few months he removed to Cook
county. 111., being there engaged in farm-
ing. On leaving Illinois he came to Bloom-
field township, Waushara Co., Wis., and
having sold his property purchased land ly-
ing in Sections 16, 21 and 22, all of which
was in its primitive condition. He was very
kind to the pioneers of his own nationality,
often buying land, which he would sell to
them on time. The year after his arrival
in the county he married Miss Abraham, a
daughter of Martin Abraham, who had come
to America with her parents and grand-
mother, and located in Bloomfield town-
ship, where the latter died at the advanced
age of ninety-four years.
At the time of his marriage Solomon
Mundinger had a very small clearing made
upon his land and a log house erected, in
which they began their domestic life, but
the farm is now numbered among the best
in this section of the State. He was ever
a prominent and leading citizen of the com-
munity, being instrumental in securing many
public improvements which were for the
good of the locality, and served in nearly
all the township offices. He was one of
the founders of the Lutheran Church in his
neighborhood, and many of the early meet-
ings were held at his home. His death oc-
curred in Bloomfield township, January 16,
1886, and there his remains are now in-
terred. No man in the community was
more widely or favorably known, and his
memory will long be cherished by the peo-
ple of the township and county generally.
Mrs. Mundinger still lives on a part of the
old homestead, and has now reached the
age of fifty-five years. In the family were
nine children — Ferdinand and William, both
deceased; Fred, a carpenter of Manawa,
Waupaca county; William, who is living on
the home farm in Bloomfield township;
Gustaf Adolph, deceased; Adelina, wife of
Gustave Bartel, a farmer of Bloomfield
township; Gustave S., our subject; Henry
R. , a teacher of New London, Wis., and
Julia, deceased.
Rev. Mr. Mundinger obtained his pri-
mary education in the common schools, but
at the age of seven years he entered a Ger-
man school three-and-a-half miles distant
from his home, and when fourteen he entered
Concordia College, Milwaukee, where betook
a four-years' course. For the following two
years he continued his studies in Fort
Wayne, Ind. .after which he became a student
in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where he
took a three-years' course, this completing
his literary education. His first pastorate
was at Manawa, Waupaca county, where he
still remains, having served the congregation
there since August 2, 1 891, on which day he
was ordained and installed as a minister of
the Lutheran Church. His congregation
now numbers 150 families, including 100
voting members. He is well liked, not
only by the people of his own Church, but
of other denominations as well, and he
has gained the love and confidence of all
with whom he has come in contact. He
belongs to the Wisconsin District of the
Missouri Synod.
On May 12, 1892, Rev. Mr. Mundinger
was united in marriage with Miss Clara
Behrens, daughter of Carl and Margaret
(Conrad) Behrens, natives of Germany, who
on their arrival in the New World located
at St. Louis, Mo. To this union has come
one child — Carl S., born February i, 1894.
Rev. Mr. Mundinger takes no active part in
political affairs, giving his support to no par-
ticular party, but leaves himself free to vote
for the man he thinks best qualified to fill
the office
Dickens had a knowledge of the
wrongs and privations suffered by
Joseph Raymond during the latter's
boyhood and youth, he might have written
a story as deep in pathos, as grand in its
lessons, as any which the world yet delights
to read. Unlettered and unlearned, the
simple-hearted boy had in his nature a native
pride of character that starvation could not
have subdued, a robust determination to be
truthful and independent that withstood
the fiery trial of many years. Sub-
limely his rugged, honest nature has been
preserved within him, and glorious has been
the victory he has achieved.
Joseph Raymond is now a wealthy farmer
of Stockton township, Portage county. He
was born in Canada about the year 1835,
son of Joseph Raymond, a native of that
land, a farmer by occupation, and a man of
unsteady habits, wealthy at one time, but
later in life plunged in poverty. The mother
died at Montreal when Joseph was about
eight years old, the eldest of four children.
The three sisters were Xepere, now married
and living in Michigan; Lizzie, in Canada,
and Mary Louise, deceased. The father
did not keep the family together, and little
Joe, as he was known, saw none of the
comforts of home until after his marriage.
The support of one of the sisters fell upon
him, and he began life for himself in his
tender years by working for four cents a
day. He lacked proper clothing and nour-
ishment, but he was too proud to beg and
preferred bleeding feet to borrowed shoes.
At the age of fifteen years his earnings had
risen to twenty-five dollars per year. With
a few dollars he had saved he concluded to
come to Grand Rapids, Wis. , where lived a
family he had known. His money was ex-
hausted before he reached his destination,
and for four days and four nights he walked
on the way. Reaching Grand Rapids he
was a penniless, friendless lad. Pushing on
to Plover, he met John Boursier, a farmer
of Stockton, who happened there on busi-
ness, and secured work with him. After
three weeks he grew desperately lonesome,
for he could not then speak English, and,
•with all his earthly possessions in a sack,
he walked back to Grand Rapids, where
several of his countrymen lived. There he re-
mained three weeks, but could find no work;
he slept outdoors and procured eatables
wherever he could. The lumber season
was opening, and he hired out for fifteen
dollars per month, and worked all winter in
the woods. He had no mittens, and suf-
fered terribly from exposure. Worse still,
his employers were irresponsible men, and
he did not receive a cent for his winter's
work. With threadbare clothes he began to
chop wood for his board. Going to Plover
he again met John Boursier, and in April
of that year again began working for him,
at which time he could easily carry his
clothes under his arm. For fourteen months
he remained with Mr. Boursier, and during
this time he did the hardest work of his life.
Mr. Raymond was a " green boy," as he ex-
pressed it, and strove hard to please his
employer. He hauled rails to Plover, start-
ing at 2 o'clock in the morning and reach-
ing his destination before daylight. Though
possessing great natural strength, and an
over-willingness to work, he often over-
taxed his strength. Mr. Raymond then
worked in a mill at Grand Rapids, and at
driving team, and various other kinds of
employment. He finally secured work with
Frank Biron, and it speaks well for his
efficiency and-steady character that he re-
mained with Mr. Biron until his accumulated
wages amounted to eight thousand dollars.
On May 8, 1870, he was married to Miss
Anna Boivin, a native of Canada, born
August 15, 1850, daughter of Louis Boivin,
a baker by trade. She was visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Biron, and there met her future hus-
band. After his marriage Mr. Raymond
continued to work for Mr. Biron until the
latter's death. During the winter of 1876-
yy he went to Canada to settle up his large
accounts with the Biron estate. In that
country Frank Biron was "Lord Biron."
In 1878 Mr. Raymond purchased 160 acres
in Sections 28 and 29, Stockton township,
which he now occupies, and he has added
to it from time to time until the acreage has
reached 400. In addition to his farm he
has large financial interests. To Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond eight children were born:
Joseph (deceased), Eugene, Laura, Arthur,
Mary (deceased), Fred, Hannah (deceased),
and Frank (deceased). In politics our sub-
ject is a Democrat, and in religion is a
member of the Catholic Church. He is a
representative farmer of Portage county,
and his life demonstrates the possibilities
open to a poor boy of industry and pluck.
His good wife has by her thrift and good
management been of inestimable aid to Mr.
Raymond, and deserves great credit for her
devotion and attention to his large interests.
ORRIS C. HYMAN a prominent
and popular citizen of Tomahawk,
Lincoln county, is a native of
Prussia, having first seen the light
there November 26, 1859, in which country
was also born his father, Isaac Hyman.
The latter was married in early life, and
had a family of eight children, six of whom
are now living, viz.: Morris C. , Abe D.,
Isaac, Rachel, Lena L. and Sarah. The
mother of these died in January, 1891. At
one time Isaac Hyman was a hotel-keeper,
but later in life he engaged in the milling
business, and at present he is the owner of
a large gristmill. He visited his sons in
America in 1893, remaining here one year,
then returning to Europe.
The subject proper of this sketch re-
ceived a good common-school education,
and is also well versed in the Hebrew lan-
guage. He came to America at the age of
sixteen, and secured a situation in a notion
store in Chicago, 111., where he remained
one year; then went on the road, selling
jewelry, continuing thus for five years. In
course of time he and another opened a
clothing store in Minneapolis, Minn., which
they carried on for one year, then sold out,
and in 1883 Mr. Hyman located in Merrill,
Lincoln Co., Wis., and commenced the
saloon business with his brother Abe, who
had joined him. In the fall of 1887 he re-
moved to Tomahawk and opened a saloon,
the brothers still continuing the business at
Merrill, both wholesale and retail, also con-
ducting a similar establishment at Raum,
Wis. , and they have been in business to-
gether ever since the arrival of Abe in
America. The Hyman Brothers have also
dealt quite extensively in pine lands and
hardwood in Wisconsin, besides owning
city property at Merrill. In addition to
their place of business at Tomahawk, a
brick store and other similar property, they
are interested in real estate, in which they
deal extensively. They are representative
self-made men and typical "hustlers," re-
spected for their honest straightforward way
of doing business. Morris C. Hyman in
politics is a Democrat, an active worker in
the ranks of the party, and was a delegate
to the county conventions. He was one of
the first aldermen of Tomahawk, and in the
spring of 1895 was elected mayor of that
city, the campaign proving a very hot one.
Socially he is a member of the I. O. O. F.
Lodge at Tomahawk. Mr. Hyman has not
yet enlisted into the noble army of Bene-
dicts, being still single.
ISRAEL E. BUCKNAM, proprietor of
the leading shoe store in Antigo, and
one of the most highly respected citi-
zens of Langlade county, is a native of
Maine, born in Falmouth, Cumberland coun-
ty, March 28, 1830, a son of Israel and
Mary E. (Morse) Bucknam, of the same
nativity. John Bucknam, father of Israel
Bucknam, Sr. , was also born in Maine, and
was a farmer by occupation. Israel Buck-
nam, Sr. , was a common laborer, and he
and his wife, Mary Bucknam, both died 'n
Maine, the parents of four children, namely:
Israel E. , William H., and Elizabeth E. and
Mehitabel E. (both now deceased).
Israel E. Bucknam commenced as a
section hand on a railroad in the East when
but eighteen years old, followed railroading
in all some thirty years, and rose to the
position of roadmaster. He married Sarah
J. Badger, who was born in Maine in Febru-
ary, 1830, and they had two children:
Louis E., of whom special mention will
presently be made, and Charles, who died at
the age of two years; they have also an
adopted daughter, Alice A., now the wife of
Daniel Sweeny. The parents of Mrs. Israel
E. Bucknam, Samuel W. and Mary Badger,
the former of whom was a farmer, were both
born in Maine, and had a family of twelve
children. In the spring of 1855 Mr. Buck-
nam moved west, followed agricultural pur-
suits for a short time near Minneapolis,
Minn., and in 1858 came to Wisconsin, set-
tling at Watertown, where he engaged in
railroad work. In August, 1S64, he enlisted
in Company L, First Wisconsin Artillery,
served in the forts about Washington, and
was discharged in 1865. On account of his
health he was obliged to give up railroading
in 1884, at which time he came to Antigo,
where in June, 18S5, he established his pres-
ent business. In politics he is a Republi-
can, and was a member of the city council
one year; socially, he is affiliated with the
K. of P. and I. O. O. F.
Louis E. Bucknam, cashier of the
Bank of Antigo, Antigo, Langlade county,
is a native of Wisconsin, born in Kenosha,
October 19, 1869. He received a liberal
education at Fort Howard High School,
also at Green Bay Business College, where
he graduated in 1885, in which year he came
to Antigo, where for some twelve months he
worked as a common laborer. In the spring
of 1886 he entered the Langlade County
Bank as bookkeeper, filling that incumbency
until 1 89 1, at which time, the Bank of An-
tigo having been reorganized, he associated
himself with that institution as a stock-
holder, and soon afterward was appointed
cashier, his present position.
On March 6, 1889, Louis E. Bucknam
was united in marriage at Antigo with Miss
Marian McDonald, who was born near
Prophetstown, 111., daughter of . Charles D.
and Elsie (Briggs) McDonald, and a bright
little daughter, Margaret, has come to cheer
their home. Politically Mr. Bucknam is a
Republican, and is chairman of the county
committee, as well as its secretary. So-
cially, he is a member of the F. & A. M.,
and secretary of the Chapter; is also a
member of the Antigo Fire Department.
He is a representative, pushing young
business man, self-made, and his present
responsible position is evidence sufficient of
what pluck, ambition and honest endeavor
will accomplish.
JAMES K. POLK COON (deceased).
Prominent among the names of the
representative business men of Lincoln
county, more especially of the city of
Merrill, is found that of this gentleman, who
for several years was a leader in the com-
munity, and became a martyr in his devo-
tion to his country.
He was born September 27, 1844, in
West Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y. , a son
of Elijah H. and Prudence C. Coon, the
former of whom was also a native of New
York State, born of Scottish ancestry, and
was a son of Jabez Coon. The latter was
one of five brothers who came to America,
settling in Otsego county, N. Y. , on farms
near Coonsville, in that county, which vill-
age was named after them. Jabez Coon
married Matilda Holmes, by whom he had
thirteen children, six reaching mature age,
viz. : Elijah H. (the eldest in the family).
Nelson, Daniel, Joshua, Jefferson and Bet-
sey, the others dying when young. Jabez
Coon was one of a hardy, robust race, was
a man of influence in his day, and was re-
spected far and wide for his many good
qualities, as was also the entire family. Mrs.
Prudence C. Coon, mother of James K.
Polk Coon, was an adopted child (brought
up by her uncle. Rev. Daniel Coon, who
was a brother of her mother, Mrs. Nancy
Coon Bowler), her right name being Prud-
ence Coon Bowler, and she was of Scotch
and Irish descent. Rev. Daniel Coon and
two other of her uncles were noted ministers
of their day.
Elijah H. and Prudence Coon were the
parents of eight children, to wit: Fannie
A., now the widow of Albert Burdick, and
living at Merrill; Elijah Morgan, also of
Merrill; Cortland J., deceased; William M.,
deceased; James K. P., deceased, subject of
sketch; Julius J., of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs.
Emma Witter, of Wausau, Wis. ; and Mrs.
Alice Champagne Fleming, of Merrill. The
father was b\- vocation a manufacturer of
and dealer in furniture; was something of a
politician, and held many prominent public
offices. He was a man of sterling charac-
ter, well educated, a leader of men, enjoy-
ing to the day of his death the esteem and
respect of all classes. He died in Delaware
county, N. Y. , in 1853, his wife surviving
him till August 16, 1887, when, in the city
of Merrill, she too passed away.
James K. Polk Coon, the subject proper
of this memoir, received but a limited edu-
cation at the common schools of his native
county, remaining with his mother up to the
time of his enlistment in the army, in the
meantime working out among the neighbor-
ing farmers. He had a war record worthy
of prominent mention, and suffered much
while in the service of the Union. At the
age of seventeen, October 14, 1861, he en-
listed at Friendship. Allegany Co., N. Y., in
Company C, Eighty-fifth N. Y. V. I., three
years' service, and was honorablj- discharged
April 24, 1865. He participated in the
siege of Yorktovvn, V'a., battles of Williams-
burg and Fair Oaks, and in the se\en-days'
retreat. In the campaign along the railroad
between Newbern and Goldsboro, N. C,
his regiment was under the fire of the Con-
federates seven days; thence it proceeded to
Plymouth, and was in the attack on Fort
Gray, where, after three days' hard fighting,
the entire command was taken prisoners,
Mr. Coon along with the rest. He was first
confined in Andersonville and Charleston,
S. C, whence, October 8, 1864, he was
transferred to the stockade at Florence,
where, on January 9, 1865, he and four
others ' ' made a break " for freedom. Their
flight, however, was soon discovered, and
bloodhounds being put on their track, they
were captured seven days afterward at the
Little Pee Dee river and taken to Wilming-
ton, thence to Goldsboro, Raleigh and Salis-
bury, making short stops at each place till
they came to the last named. On February
26, 1865, the end of the struggle being now
at hand, our subject and the rest of the
prisoners were sent to Greensboro, N. C,
where they were paroled and allowed to
make the best of their way to Wilmington,
N. C, at which point the Union forces were
stationed, Mr. Coon arriving there March i,
1865, whence he was sent to Parole Camp,
Annapolis, Md., where he was laid up with
fever, brought about by severe hardships
and lack of proper food, etc. ; but, receiving
a furlough, he set out for his old home and
to his mother, who, until she received a let-
ter from him, written at Annapolis after his
release from captivity, thought him dead.
He reached home the night of President
Lincoln's assassination.
After his return to the pursuits of peace
Mr. Coon was engaged some twelve years in
the manufacture of butter and cheese in
New York State, and in 1878 he came to
Merrill, his first employment being with P.
B. Champagne, merchant and lumberman.
In the following year (1879) our subject
went to Illinois, where he again took up,
near Peoria, the cheese-manufacturing in-
dustry; but in 1880 he returned to Wiscon-
sin, again entering the employ of P. B.
Champagne, having charge of his general
store at Merrill. In December, 1884, he
was appointed secretary and treasurer of
the Champagne Lumber Co., which incum-
bency he filled two years, or until 1886,
when he attended the anniversary of the
Grand Army of the Republic, held at San
Francisco, Cal. On Februar}' i, 1887, he
took up the insurance business; later, in com-
pany with Mr. Bruce, he engaged in the real-
estate and insurance business at Merrill, in
which he continued up to the time of his
death. He died February 21, 1893, at
Tucson, Ariz., whither he had gone for the
benefit of his health. He was a public-
spirited, generous-hearted and whole-souled
man, one who made many friends, who
deeply mourned the taking away, in the
prime of life, of a good man. He left a
sorrowing widow and two children, mention
of whom will be made further on. In poli-
tics he was a zealous Democrat, but no office-
seeker, and though often urged to accept
office invariably declined the honor, prefer-
ring, rather, to work for his friends. In so-
cial affiliations he was a thirty-second degree
Mason, always taking a lively interest in the
affairs of the Order, and he was also promi-
nent in the G. A. R., having served Lincoln
Post No. 131, at Merrill, as commander, and
was junior vice-commander during the in-
cumbency of General Weissert, as com-
mander of the State department. He was
also aid-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Lucius
Fairchild during the years 1886 and 1887,
up to his decease — in fact he ever took a
most active interest in the G. A. R. , and was
a zealous, untiring worker in its interests.
On December 5, 1865, Mr. Coon was
married to Miss Alice Vilmina Withey, who
was born in the town of Wirt, in the west-
ern part of Allegany county, N. Y., March
9, 1849, daughter of George and Catherine
(Mover) Withey, who were the parents of
seven children, viz. : Mary, Caroline, Sarah,
Alvira, Alice V., Jennie and Helen. The
father of these children was born in Otsego
county, N. Y. , in 1807, and died in western
Allegany county, N. Y., in January, 1879;
he was a son of Stephen and Lydia Withey,
who had four children: Alva, Eliza, George
and Harriet. Stephen Withey was born
about the year 1769, and lived to be ninety-
two years of age. The mother of Mrs.
Alice V. Coon was born in Germany July
22, 1 82 1, and died April 15, 1893, at Boli-
var, Allegany Co., N. Y. ; she was a daugh-
ter of Jacob and Mary Moyer, farming peo-
ple, who had a family of eight children,
named respectively: Caroline, Dorothy,
Elizabeth, Mary, Jacob, John, Catherine and
Louis, all born in Germany. The parents
came with their family to America about
the year 1833 on account of the father's
health, and decided to remain; but he did
not long survive his arrival in the New
World. To Mr. and Mrs. Coon have been
born two children: Mamie Genevieve,
born in Richburg, Allegany Co., N. Y. ,
March 2 1 , 1 870, married to Herman Charles
Wolff (sketch of whom follows) ; and Georgia
Prue, born in Merrill, Wis. , September 24,
1880, and entered Kemper Hall school at
Kenosha, Wis., on her fifteenth birthday.
Herman Charles Wolff was born in
Grossborkenhagen, Germany, August 3,
i860, a son of Gottlieb and Caroline
(Kluetz) Wolff, who were the parents of
four children — Herman C. , Edward J.,
Willy J. and Mary A. The father of these,
who was an agriculturist, came to the
United States and landed in New York City
July 7, 1869. He settled on a farm in Win-
nebago county. Wis., although he was not
dependent on farming for a living, as he was
a man of means when he came to this
country. On August 16, 1876, the family
moved into the village of Jenny (now city
of Merrill), and here the father, who was
born March 31, 1810, died August 20, 1891,
and the mother, born June 15, 1832, is yet
living. He had been twice married, the
children by his first wife being Tena, Au-
gust, Carl and Caroline.
Herman C. Wolff received a liberal ed-
ucation at the district schools of Winnebago
county, and worked on a farm until coming
to Jenny (now Merrill). He then entered
his uncle's store, clerking there some three
years, at the end of which time, in 1879, he
went to Milwaukee, where he filled the po-
sition of bookkeeper for a wholesale com-
mission house some eighteen months. Re-
turning to Merrill, he was employed in de-
partment stores until 1888, at which time
he was elected clerk of the circuit court,
serving two years, and then, in association
with a partner, conducted a grocery busi-
ness. On February 20, 1893, he entered
the First National Bank of Merrill as book-
keeper, his present position, which he is
filling with characteristic ability and fidelity.
JOSEPH THOMAS is the proprietor of
a fine hotel in Marshfield, and a repre-
sentative business man. As he has a
wide acquaintance in the city we feel
assured that the record of his life will prove
of interest to many of our readers, and gladly
give it a place in this volume. He was
born in the city of Teller, Prussia, October
10, 1837, and is a son of Urborn Thomas,
who was born in the same place June 29,
1809. By trade he was a cooper, and he
possessed considerable musical ability, com-
ing of a family of musicians. He was one
five brothers, intelligent and highly-educated
men, two of the number engaging in school
teaching. The names of the members of
the family are Cornelius, Jacob, John, Sy-
billa, Elizabeth and Anna Maria. The eld-
est brother has two sons who became Catho-
lic priests, and John A. also has a son who
is a priest.
Having arrived at years of maturity, the
father of our subject was married, in 1837,
to Anna Maria Holesmir, and ere leaving
their native land they became the parents of
the following children: Joseph, Anna, John,
Sophisand Sybilla. After coming to America
their family circle was increased by the birth
of Anton, Fidelia, Jacob and Peter. They
also lost three children in infancy. The
year 1845 witnessed the emigration of the
family to the New World, and they stepped
from the sailing vessel on American soil in
New York City on the 4th of July, At once
continuing their westward journey, they at
length reached Washington county. Wis.,
the father securing a tract of wild land in
Addison township when there were only
twelve families within its borders. At differ-
ent times he was interested in other busi-
ness ventures, but made farming his princi-
pal occupation through life, and he died in
the town where he had first located, in
May, 1874. His wife, surviving him a num-
ber of years, passed away in November, 1891.
The eldest child of this worthy couple is
Joseph Thomas, who was a lad of only seven
summers when his parents crossed the At-
lantic to America and took up their resi-
dence upon a wild farm, which he aided in
bringing under cultivation as soon as he was
old enough to handle the plow. For two
years his father was ill, and he was com-
pelled to work for neighborin;; farmers in
order to support the family. There was no
school in the new country, so his educational
advantages were necessarily limited. He
worked out, giving his earnings to his par-
ents until twenty-four years of age, being
employed to a considerable e.xtent in build-
ing levees in the South. He had also
learned the cooper's trade which he followed
for a time, and thus in various ways did he
gain a livelihood.
At the time of the breaking out of the
Civil war Mr. Thomas was in Little Rock,
Ark., and was obliged to run down the river;
also walked a long distance, and even then
had trouble in getting home. Soon after
his return he was married June 12, 1861,
to Lena Kopf, who was born in France in
1 84 1, a daughter of George and Catherine
(Buchart) Kopf, who came to America in
1847, locating on a Wisconsin farm. Their
family numbered seven children: Lena,
Sophia, Frances, Michael, Bartell, Adam
(deceased), and John. To Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas were born the following children:
Anna, Katie, Frances, Lena, John, George,
Joseph, Michael, August and William, who
are yet living; and Joseph and William, now
deceased. Upon his marriage Mr. Thomas
rented a farm and cultivated same eight
years, when he purchased another tract of
land which he operated until 1884; then
sold out and came toMarshfield, purchasing
some lots on which stood a frame hotel.
There he began business, and success attend-
ed his efforts until June 27, 1887, when the
hotel was destroyed in the great Marshfield
fire. With characteristic energy he began
building his present fine brick hotel, which
he has since carried on with the exception
of three years, when he rented it to his son-
in-law. He is the present genial and pop-
ular proprietor, and the place is a favorite
with the traveling public.
In his political views, Mr. Thomas is a
Democrat, and has been honored with a
number of local offices. For five years he
served as supervisor of his township, and for
four years after coming to the city held the
same position, serving in that capacity at
the present time by appointment from the
council. His fidelity to duty is well-known,
and he is accounted one of the ablest officers
on the board; at one time he was a candidate
for city assessor. From his parents he re-
ceived $300, and all that he has over and
above that he has accumulated through his
own efforts. In the rush and hurry of business
he has not neglected the holier duties of life,
and is a prominent member and active work-
er in the Catholic Church, having served as
a member of the building committee when
the present fine church edifice was erected.
ARK NEUMAN, a leading and pop-
ular clothing merchant of Antigo,
Langlade county, is a native of
Wisconsin, born January 13, 1861,
at LaCrosse, a son of Simon and Hanchen
(Hoffman) Neuman, both natives of Prussia,
the former born in 1822, the latter in 1839.
The father of our subject had two broth-
ers and three sisters, all of whom came to
America except one sister, who remained in
the Fatherland with her parents. Simon
emigrated in 1850, first locating, for any
length of time, at Granville, Washington
Co., N. Y. , in the general merchandising
business, having followed the trade of hat
and cap maker in New York for a short
time, at which he had previously worked in
London (England). About the year 1855
he came to Wisconsin, and in the city of
LaCrosse established a dry-goods store,
which he conducted some twenty-five years,
or until 1881, when he moved to Racine,
and there for four years carried on a cloth-
ing business. In 1885 he came to Antigo
and opened out the clothing establishment
now managed by his son Mark. At Mil-
waukee, in 1859, Simon Neuman was mar-
ried to Miss Hanchen Hoffman, who was
born in Prussia in 1839, and came alone to
this country in her girlhood. She has one
brother, William, living, and had one sister,
Fredericka, now deceased. Mr. Neuman
died April 13, 1893, respected and regretted
by a wide circle of relatives and friends; his
widow now has her home in Duluth, Minn.
They were the parents of four children,
namely: Mark, Rebecca (now Mrs, M. Kas-
triner, of Duluth), Louis (in business at that
city) and Hulda.
Mark Neuman, the subject proper of
these Hnes, received his education at the
common schools of his native place, after
which he was employed in his father's store
until 1890, at which time he was given a
half interest in the Antigo business, and
since his father's death has had the control
and management of the entire concern, his
mother retaining a half interest in the same.
On May 2, 1894, our subject was united
in marriage with Miss Ida DeLee, of Chi-
cago, who was born at Cold Spring, on the
Hudson, New York State, daughter of Mor-
ris fa wholesale clothier in Chicago) and
Dora DeLee, natives, the father of Poland,
the mother of Germany. They have a fam-
ily of eight children, viz.: Solomon T. ,
Charles, Abraham, Joseph, Augusta, Ida,
Nettie and Anette. To Mr. and Mrs. Neu-
man has been born one child, named Ruth
Hertha. In his political preferences our
subject is a Republican; socially, he is a
member of the F. and A. M., and K. of P.,
in which latter order he is a charter member
of the lodge at Antigo, and is master of the
JOSEPH GAUTHIER, of Keshena, Sha-
wano county, was born August 18, 181 8,
at Rock Island, 111., and is nearly a
full-blooded Menominee Indian. His
father's name was Shaw-nah-wah-quah-hah,
and his mother's name was Sho-sha-quaer,
a daughter of Kanote, who was a sub-chief
and a brother of Tomah, the head chief of
the tribe, and a noted Indian of his time.
Both Kanote and Tomah had some white
blood in their veins from a distant ancestor.
Mr. Gauthier's Indian name was Mah-
chickeney, and he was an only son. His
father died when he was eight years old, and
his mother afterward married Antoine Gau-
thier, an employe of the American Fur
Compay, who were extensive traders with
the Indians all over the Northwest. Antoine
Gauthier remained with this company for
about thirty-five years. He then went to
farming in Henry county. 111., where he re-
mained until his family grew up and were
scattered, when he went to Kansas and died
in Kansas City, Mo., in September, 1856.
After his mother's second marriage, Mr.
Gauthier took his step-father's name, which
he still retains. By the second marriage of
Mr. Gauthier's mother, children were born
as follows: Antoine, who for many years
was interpreter for the Sacs and Fox Indi-
ans, but afterward married a daughter of
Muck-Kunth, the chief of the Chippewa and
Munsee tribe; he died in 1875. Louis also
married into the same tribe and family as
his brother, Antoine, and died in 1892; Frank,
who married into the same tribe, died in
1870; John, who married into the Sacs and
Fox tribe, was a farmer near Rock Island,
111., all his life, and died there in 1845; Susan
married a half-breed Menominee, is still
living, and since the death of Mr. Gauthier's
wife has been his housekeeper; Margaret
married a son of Muck-Kunth, the chief of
the Chippewa and Munsee Indians; she died
in 1862, and her husband in 1888.
Joseph Gauthier's younger days were
spent in the vicinity of Rock Island, 111., and
he received some education by attending the
primitive schools of that period, and from
what the officers of the fort taught him,
which he improved as he grew older. In
his boyhood days he knew Gen. Harney,
Gen. Scott, Gen. Banks, and other officers
who became noted soldiers later on, and was
always a favorite with the officers and sol-
diers at the fort. Mr. Gauthier was four-
teen years old at the time of the Black Hawk
war, and has a vivid recollection of the stir-
ring times of that period. He was enrolled
with the militia and carried a musket with
the balance, but being young was not sent
into the field. He was one of the pioneer
lumber boys of the State, working for several
years on Black river for D. B. Seers & Co.,
of Moline, 111. In 1850 he rejoined his tribe,
who were located at Poygan, Wis., a few
miles above Oshkosh. After working on a
boat on Fox river one season he was given a
position in the government blacksmith shop
conducted for the benefit of the Indians at
Winneconne. In 1852 the Menominees
were removed on to their present reservation
in Shawano county, and Mr. Gauthier came
with them and continued to work in the
blacksmith shop. Shortly afterward he was
appointed the boss of the shop at $40 a
month, which was large wages for those
days, and he continued in that position until
1857, when he was appointed the official in-
terpreter for the tribe, which position he
held until i860, when a change of agents
took place, and for political reasons he was
removed. He then engaged in the mercan-
tile business at Keshena under the firm name
of Gauthier & Upham, his f)artner being
Charles M. Upham, of Shawano, Wis., who
is a brother of the present governor of the
State. Mr. Gauthier continued in the mer-
cantile business until 1866, when he was
again appointed interpreter, which place he
has held ever since, with the exception of
about one year and a half.
During the Civil war Mr. Gauthier was
an enthusiastic Union man, and if he could
have arranged his business matters satisfac-
torily would have been to the front with his
musket. As it was, he encouraged enlist-
ments among the Indians, and was the prime
mover in raising Company K, Thirty-seventh
Wis. V. I., paying the expenses of trans-
porting the company to Madison, and sup-
porting many of the families of the men who
enlisted. He accompanied the company to
Madison, and was appointed special quarter-
master for the services he had rendered. It
is well enough to say here that Company K,
Thirty-seventh Wis. V. I. were all Indians
but two. They were mustered into service
June 27, 1864. On July 31, 1864, they
were in the front of Petersburg, and were
caught in the explosion of the mine cele-
brated in the history of that fight, and nine-
teen of the company were killed, and several
others wounded.
In 1852 Joseph Gauthier was married to
Mary Ann Mo-sha-quah-toe-kiew, whose
father died when she was a small child.
They had one child, Frank, who died in in-
fancy. Mr. and Mrs. Gauthier adopted a
small boy, and brought him up as their son.
His name is Joseph F. Gauthier, and he is
now a prosperous merchant and lumberman,
and resides at Keshena, Wis. Mrs. Gauthier
died July 12, 1892, when about sixty-seven
years old, loved and respected by all.
Joseph Gauthier is a member of the
Catholic Church, and a regular attendant.
Although he is partly blind, he retains all
his mental faculties, and is respected and
held in high esteem both by the Indians and
whites. The present Chief of the Menomi-
nees is Ne-oh-pet, a son of the celebrated
chief, Oshkosh. Ne-oh-pet, Chickeney and
Nah-tah-wah-pah-my are the present judges
of the Indian court, and try all Indian cases
arising on the reservation. Mr. Gauthier
acts as interpreter for the court. The de-
cisions of this court are so pure and just
that many white judges could learn a lesson
from them in equity and justice.
lade county, was the first attorney in
the county, and is now serving as mu-
nicipal judge. He is a native of Wis-
consin, born in Manitowoc, August 22, 1853,
and is a son of Norris and Eliza (Edwards)
Norris Ross was born in the town of
Windsor, Hartford Co., Conn., in 18 16. His
father, who was a farmer, removed to Cleve-
land, Ohio, when Norris was a two-year-old
child. The latter left home when about six-
teen years old, and going to Milwaukee
worked at carpentering and ship-building.
Later he came to Manitowoc, and in 1836
built the first vessel ever constructed there,
and which was named the "Citizen." He
was here married to Miss Eliza Edwards,
who was born in Monmouth county, N. J.,
December 30, 1830, a daughter of Joseph
and Amy (Johnson) Edwards, whose fami-
ly comprised the following children: Henr}',
Daniel, Joseph, Perry, Eliza, Gertrude,
Phcebe, Jennie and Emma. The father was
a lake captain for many years, owning and
sailing his own vessels; he served in the Civil
war. His sons are all sailors. Mr. Ed-
wards died in 1866, his wife in 1887. Norris
Ross also sailed the lakes for some years,
owning and sailing his own vessels. He is
still living at a good old age, and makes his
home with the subject of this sketch. Mrs.
Ross died April 30, i88r. They were the
parents of five children as follows: Ella,
now Mrs. George H. Hoffman, of Antigo; Jes-
sie, Mrs. Albert Ross, also residing in Anti-
go; Julia, who married C. Deda, of Kewau-
nee, and is deceased; lone, who married
Richard Hampton, a farmer, and resides in
Langlade county; and Munson M., who is
the second child in order of birth.
Our subject was educated in the common
schools of Manitowoc, and learned the trade
of a printer, at which he worked some seven
years, one year of that time on the Milwau-
kee Sentinel. He was then obliged to give
up work for two years on account of his
health. At the age of twenty-five Mr. Ross,
having decided to study law, entered the
office of H. G. and W. J. Turner. Here he
remained about four years, was admitted to
the bar in 1881, and in July of that year
came to Antigo, and opened an office, being,
as already stated, the first attorney to take
up his residence in Langlade county. He
had practiced here only one year, when he
was elected register of deeds, and held that
office four years, succeeding R. G. Webb,
who was the first man to hold that office in
the county. Hs was then elected mayor,
and after his term expired he moved on his
farm near Antigo, where he remained, how-
ever, only eight months. Then he came
back to the city, and purchased a hardware
store, which he carried on for two years,
when he sold out, and built a sawmill near
his farm. This, however, proving a financial
failure, he again moved onto his farm, where
he lived one year.
In the spring of 1895 Mr. Ross was elect-
ed municipal judge of the county, and now
resides in Antigo. Judge Ross was married,
in 1 88 1, to Sarah J. Edwards, who was
born in Milwaukee, Wis., December 6, 1857,
daughter of Robert and Mary (Jones) Ed-
wards, one of eight children, whose names
are: Sarah J., Anna, Maggie, Laura, Mattie,
Thomas, Robert and John. Her parents,
who were natives of Wales, came to Ameri-
ca when young, and were married in Mil-
waukee. Her father was a sailor, first on
the ocean, and afterward on the lakes, and
is now living at Two Rivers, Wis. Her
mother died in February, 1895. Three chil-
dren have been born to Judge Ross and his
wife, Thomas M., Anieta and Munson M.
The judge is a stanch Democrat, and an act-
ive worker. He has been a member of the
school board ever since coming to Antigo,
and takes a great interest in educational
matters. He is identified with the Episco-
pal Church, and is a member of the I. O. O.
F. and K. of P.
the extensive landowners and lum-
bermen of Tola, Waupaca county,
was born September 19, 185 1, in
Norway, son of Herman Hermanson, who
was a mill employe in that country. Our
subject also had one sister born in Norway,
Christina, now Mrs. Goodman Amanson, of
lola, and one born in America, Annie, now
Mrs. Carl Hagen, of Helvetia township,
Waupaca county.
In the spring of 1852 the father, accom-
panied by the mother and two children,
crossed the Atlantic, being eleven weeks in
making the voyage, and landed at Quebec,
Canada. Their destination was Winnebago
county. Wis. , whither they came by way of
Buffalo and the lakes. The father kept a
store at Winneconne for a year and a half,
but his capital was quite small, being limited
to what he could realize from the sale of
such possessions as he had. In the fall of
1853 the family arrived in Waupaca county,
locating in Scandinavia township, where a
great many of their countrymen resided,
which fact, and the cheapness of the land,
proved a great attraction. The father there
purchased the northwest quarter of Section
3, which was quite wild, with very little
clearing done, and a few rude improvements.
To make a farm of it required much labor,
but although not experienced in farming,
Mr. Hermanson was strong and robust, and
the thoughts of owning a home inspired him.
Work was plentiful, but at first progressed
slowly, yet as he became more accustomed
to his new calling he made better headway.
The place was at last free from debt, and he
added to his possessions until at one time he
owned 260 acres of good land. He con-
tinued to reside upon the farm until 1885,
when he removed to lola, there living re-
tired until his death, which occurred March
19, 1892; his good wife had preceded him to
the final rest, dying March 19, 1889, and as
his birth had occurred August 2, 1819, and
her's on August 8, 18 16, each was seventj--
three years old at the time of decease. They
now He buried in the old cemetery at Scan-
dinavia. The father was large, being six
feet tall, was an industrious, hard-working
man, and entirely self-made. Politically he
was first a supporter of the Democratic
party, until Abraham Lincoln's candidacy,
when the Republican platform, with its
patriotic planks, seemed to please him, and
thereafter always found in him a warm friend,
stanch supporter and regular voter, as well
as a faithful servant in minor township of-
fices. He also held the position of school
trustee. He was a devout member of the
Lutheran Church, to which his family also
belonged, and helped to erect the first house
of worship for that denomination in Scandi-
navia, to which he was always a liberal con-
The common schools afforded Herman
A. Hermanson his literary education. His
first teacher was Amelia Ingersol, in District
No. 3, Scandinavia township, Waupaca
county, the primitive school house furnished
with old-fashioned benches for seats, and
other furniture in keeping. The terms were
short, and poorly conducted, and at the age
of sixteen he left the school room in order
to give his whole time to farm work, which
he has always assisted in from mere child-
hood. At the age of seven years he helped
take the wheat to Waupaca, and the flour
to Weyauwega, all being done with oxen,
which he could lead. Wheat was the main
crop in those days, and the father raised as
much as 700 bushels, thirty to the acre be-
ing nothing unusual, fn hauling flour to
Weyauwega they would start at 2 o'clock
in the morning, and with cattle, make the
round trip in a day, the price per bushel re-
ceived for wheat being so small that they
could not afford the hotel expenses over
night. Mr. Hermanson remained on the
home farm until he had reached the age of
twenty-two, when he entered the employ of
Thompson &Howen, of Amherst, Wis., as a
clerk, remaining with them some eight
months, when the firm changed, and he re-
turned home. Later he was again em-
ployed by Mr. Howen, with whom he worked
six months. In 1875, while looking up pine
lands in Township 26, Range 10, Waupaca
county, he was accidentally shot through the
hip, causing a wound which kept him from
business for two years, and represented quite
a loss, as in those days valuable pine tim-
ber was being located all over northern Wis-
consin, and he was prevented from partici-
pating in the hunt.
On October 7, 1885, the marriage of
Mr. Hermanson and Clara Hoyerd was cel-
ebrated in the Lutheran Church, of Scan-
dinavia. She was born in Scandinavia
township, Waupaca county, Februry 27,
1866, daughter of O. P. Hoyerd. After
their marriage the young couple lived for
some time with his parents, and when the
latter removed to Tola he took entire charge
of the farm, though he had for some time
previous been the mainstay of the place.
Mr. Hermanson continued to follow farming
here, but in the fall of 1889 he bought an
interest in a flouring-mill at Scandinavia, in
connection with the Sither Brothers & John
Wrolstad, who sold their interest to the
firm, continuing as Wrolstad & Hermanson
until the following spring, when our subject
sold his interest and returned to his farm.
Here he continued to carry on agricultural
pursuits until October, 1890, when he be-
came interested in a general store in Scan-
dinavia with Carl Peterson, under the firm
name of Peterson & Hermanson, they hav-
ing purchased the stock of N. I. Nelson.
This business Mr. Hermanson followed un-
til June 24, 1 89 1, when he disposed of his
interest, and bought pine lands in Helvetia
and Wyoming townships. At the same
time he started a mill, and has since con-
tinued the lumber business with good suc-
cess, purchasing the pine on almost nine
hundred acres. He yet retains eighty acres
of the home place, as well as 280 acres in
lola and Scandinavia townships, Waupaca
county, and he also owns a house and lot in
lola besides his place of business.
While not an office-seeker, Mr. Her-
manson takes considerable interest in polit-
ical matters, always casting his ballot in
support of the Republican party, and for
six years served as justice of the peace. He
and his wife are members of the Lutheran
Church, of which he is one of the trustees,
and socially he belongs to the I. O. O. F.
Lodge at lola. No. 282. He is exceedingly
generous and benevolent in nature, and in
the last ten years has lost some $5,000, going
bail for friends, and in other ways. He is
numbered among the foremost men of lola,
and seems destined to become a wealthy
man. Public-spirited and enterprising, he
has done much for the advancement of the
community, and is numbered among her re-
spected citizens.
BYRON B. PARK, an active and wide-
awake attorney at law of Stevens
Point, Portage county, is a native of
that city, born October 6, 1858, a
son of the late Hon. Gilbert L. Park. He
graduated at the high school of that place,
and afterward, in 1876, entered the Wiscon-
sin State University at Madison, taking a
special three-years' course preparatory to be-
coming a law student. In the fall of 1879
he commenced the study of law in the office
of Jones & Sanborn, Stevens Point, so con-
tinuing until 1880, when he became a stu-
dent in the Law Department of the State
University at Madison, graduating from there
in June, 18S1, at which time he was also ad-
mitted to the bar. He then moved to Mil-
waukee, and there entered the office of Win-
field & A. A. L. Smith, a prominent law
firm of that city, and with them remained
one year, when, owing to the illness of his
father, who was obliged to go to California
for his health, he returned to Stevens Point,
in order to give his attention to his father's
business. The latter dying in June, 1884,
our subject during the next two years was
engaged in settling up his father's estate and
private affairs; then in the spring of 1886
he formed a parnership with Frank B. Lam-
oreux, under the firm name of Lamoreux &
Park, which continued until December,
1891, when J. O. Raymond was admitted
as a partner, the firm names becoming Ray-
mond, Lamoreux & Park, which still exists,
Mr. Park as a rule having charge of the trial
branch of the business, though each member
of the firm is more or less actively engaged in
all departments of law. Our subject practices
before all State, United States and District
courts, and is full}' recognized as one of the
prominent attorneys of northern Wisconsin.
The firm enjoy a wide and lucrative clientage
throughout this section of the State, and,
probably, have the most extensive practice,
locally, of any in the profession.
Politicall)- Mr. Park is a Democrat, and
has always taken an active part in the coun-
cils of the part}-; was a delegate to the Demo-
cratic State Convention held at Madison in
1888, and has been a delegate to ever}' State
Convention since; was also a delegate to the
Congressional Conventions held in 1884,
1888 and 1892. In 1888-89 he served as
city attorney; in 1891-92 as mayor of Stev-
ens Point; in 1892 was elected district attor-
ney, and is now (1895) serving as such. In
February, 1892, he was appointed regent of
State Normal schools by Gov. Peck, and was
re-appointed in February, 1894. In every
political campaign he has been active on the
"stump," his services always being in de-
mand and highly appreciated. Socially our
subject is a member of the F. & A. M., Blue
Lodge, and of Forest Chapter at Stevens
Point ; also member of the Knights of Pythias,
Phoenix Lodge No. 33. On September 29,
1886, he was married to Miss Bertha N.
Wyatt, daughter of William Wyatt, of
Stevens Point, and two children have come
to brighten their home, named respectively:
Gladys and Laurence W.
land of Scott and Burns the United
States is indebted for many of her
most loyal, most progressive and most
successful of citizens, not a few of whom
are to be found in the State of Wisconsin.
In this connection it is a pleasure to here
outline the life of the gentleman whose name
introduces this sketch.
Mr. Fleming was born in Lanarkshire,
Scotland, near the city of Glasgow, Novem-
ber 22, 1846, and is a son of William and
Janet (Mclndoe) Fleming, both also natives
of the "land of the heather," where they
followed agricultural pursuits, and were
highly respected and esteemed for their
many virtues. The father was born near
Bathgate, in 1820, the mother in Dumbar-
tonshire, in 1825; she died in Scotland in
1 87 1. They were the parents of nine chil-
dren, a brief record ftf whom is as follows:
John Russell, the subject of these lines, is
the eldest; Catherine is now the wife of R.
Crum, and lives in Idaho; Jessie is de-
ceased; Peter is a wool-grower and sheep
raiser in Idaho; William is in Montana,
Walter in Australia, and James in Idaho;
Hugh was engaged in the sheep industry in
Idaho, where, in 1894, he was killed by
cowboys while protecting his flock; Agnes
was married in Scotland, and emigrated to
Australia, where she died.
John Russell was the first of the family
to come to the United States, the date of
his immigration being June 2, 1868. The
rest of them followed him to the New
World soon afterward, except the father,
who did not come till 1889, and he is now
living near IMinocqua, Vilas county. Our
subject followed farming some nine months
in Canada, at the end of which time, his
uncle, Hon. Walter Duncan Mclndoe, being
a prominent resident of Wausau, Wis., he
moved thither, and for three years was em-
ployed in the pineries in various pursuits.
In 1872 he went to Nevada, but did not re-
main there long, Idaho appearing to him to
be more inviting for his purposes, and ac-
cordingly he proceeded to that then Terri-
tory. In Idaho he remained nearly twenty
years, engaged in the rearing of sheep, cat-
tle and horses, besides extensive farming,
and during those years he had some thrill-
ing experiences with the Indians, Mormons,
cowboys and sheep owners, with all of
whom he had considerable business dealings
from time to time. For nearly two years
he held a government position as agent
over the Bannock and Shoshone Indians
while at war with the whites. In 1892 he
returned to Wisconsin, and is now a resi-
dent of Merrill, Lincoln county.
On November 28, 1893, Mr. Fleming
was united in marriage with Mrs. Alice G.
Champagne, widow of Hon. P. B. Cham-
pagne. He is a pleasant, genial gentleman,
and although his education in boyhood and
youth did not extend beyond the limits of
the common schools of his native county,
Lanarkshire, yet by culture and close ob-
servation of men and nature he has become
a man of superior literary attainments, as
is evidenced by his many contributions of
poetry and description to the public press; he
is also a producer of music and art of high
rank. A lover of fine horses, he finds no
enjoyment more congenial or healthy than
driving some fine team, and at the present
time he is owner of a superb pair of
"blacks." A familiar figure in the com-
munity, possessed of an ever-cheerful coun-
tenance, he has a smile and cheery word for
all whom he meets, and no one in the county
possesses more fully the esteem, good will
and respect of his fellow-citizens than does
John Russell Fleming,
OLE G. FROGNER, one of the fore-
most citizens and successful business
men of lola, Waupaca county, is
now serving as president of the vil-
lage. He was born near Skien, Norway,
May 29, 1852, and is asonofGunder Frog-
ner, who was head sawyer in a mill in his
native land. In 1872 the father, accom-
panied by his family of five children, came
to the United States, the passage being made
in a sailing vessel, and occupying seven
weeks and three days. They first located in
New Hope, Portage Co., Wis., where a
temporary home was made on rented land;
but soon after the father purchased land in
Section 2, Scandinavia township, Waupaca
county, and began farmmg it. This was the
first land he ever owned in the United
States, and it was here that he followed
agricultural pursuits during his active life.
On landing in this country he had limited
means; but at the time of his death he was
possessed of a comfortable amount of world-
ly goods. He passed away July 2, 1886,
and was buried in the Lutheran Cemetery,
of Scandinavia, of which Church he was a
faithful member. Though no politician, he
regularly cast his ballot in support of the
men and measures of the Republican party.
His widow now makes her home with our
subject. In the family were the following
children: Louis, of the firm of Frogner
Brothers, of lola; Olc G. ; Mary, wife of Ole
Gordon, of Nelsonville, Portage Co., Wis.;
John, also a member of the firm of Frogner
Brothers; and Gusta.
The educational advantages which Ole
G. Frogner received were very limited, al-
though he learned very readily. He attended
school to some e.xtent in his native land, but
after coming to the New World most of his
time had to be given to work instead of
study. At the age of nineteen years, while
in the old country, he began learning the
trade of wagon making, and in the fall of
1872 commenced work at his trade with
Martin Perkins, of Stevens Point, whose
death caused him to lose what wages were
due him, some seventy dollars, and he was
thus left with no money, having to borrow
to pay his board. He then worked at the
carpenter's trade for three or four years. In
the fall of 1 877 he bought the wagon shop of
Harrison Warren at lola, with whom he had
previously worked four months, and he con-
ducted the business alone until January,
1878, when his brother Louis became a
member of the firm, and later John also be-
came interested in the business. In 1 884 they
added a blacksmith shop, which they car-
ried on until 1893, when they sold to Han-
sen & Johnson Brothers, who had formerly
been in their employ. The firm in 1885, in
connection with their other business, also be-
gan wagon making in Scandinavia, of which
our subject had charge, and has two work-
men under him; but later the employes
bought out the business. In 1879 they
added farm implements to their stock, and
for four years also had a wagon on the road
for the sale of pumps. Their plant has been
enlarged, and many new improvements
added, including an engine, which was put
in in 1887; in 1890 an Atlas engine and saw
outfit was added, and also a planing depart-
ment. In 1892 a steam dry-kiln was put in
operation. Three years later they sold out
the implement business with the exception
of the sale of mowers, binders and steam-
threshing outfits, which they continue to
supply. Repairing of machinery and boilers
forms a part of their business, and this
branch is under the charge of John, who dis-
plays great natural mechanical ability. The
firm of Frogner Brothers is widely known
in Waupaca county, and they have built up
an extensive and paying business.
On June 30, 1878, Mr. Frogner was
joined in wedlock with Miss Christina Pe-
terson, of Scandinavia, Waupaca county, a
daughter of Simon Peterson, a leading
farmer of that community. To this worthy
couple seven children were born: Hans J.,
who died at the age of one year and six
months; and Hannah J., Myrtle T., Guj-
S., Oliver C, Arthur W. and Herbert N..
all at home. After his marriage Mr. Frog-
ner located in lola, but in the fall of 1886
Frogner Brothers purchased the father's
farm, on which our subject resided about a
year, when he returned to lola, where he
remained until the spring of 1895. At that
time he bought his present farm of 120
acres, near the village, on which he now
makes his home.
Mr. Frogner is a stalwart supporter of
the principles of the Republican party, and
is one of its leaders in the community. For
ten years he was township treasurer; was
the first treasurer of the village of lola; and
in the spring of 1893 was elected president
of the village, which office he is now ac-
ceptably filling. After serving two terms
as school clerk he resigned in order to be-
come eligible to bid on the erection of a
new school house. Mr. Frogner is promi-
nently connected with the I. O. O. F. , be-
longing to lola Lodge, No. 282, in which he
has filled all the offices, being noble grand
in 1882. He often attends the State meet-
ings of the Order; has been State delegate
to the Grand Lodge, and was district deputy
grand master in 1890 and 1891. Himself
and wife are charter members of Rebecca
Lodge, No. 331, at lola, and their religious
connections are with the Lutheran Church.
Mr. Frogner has ever been an untiring
worker, and has been an important factor
in the building up of one of the most lead-
ing industries of Waupaca county. His
success is only the more creditable when it
is considered that he had little or no educa-
tion in English, that in fact in his first
business correspondence he had to consult
friends in order to learn the contents of his
letters. Too much praise can not be be-
stowed upon him for the success he has
made, and his energetic disposition caused
him to fill a sick bed for two years and a
half, the result of overwork. Though many
predicted disaster when they saw the firm of
Frogner Brothers adding to their business,
they have met with nothing but success,
which is well-merited.
senting a record of the lives of rep-
resentative self-made men of north-
ern Wisconsin, more especially of
Langlade county and the city of Antigo, it
is a pleasure to include that of the gentle-
man whose name is here given, because it is
men of his caliber who have made this com-
paritavely new State what it is, and brought
it to its present condition of prosperity.
Mr. Leykom is a native of Wisconsin,
born in the city of Manitowoc November
14, 1858, a son of John and Ann (Wallace)
Leykom, the father born in Bavaria. Ger-
many, in 1 807, the mother in Quebec, Canada,
in 1830. The parents and brothers and sisters
of John Leykom all died in Germany,
John, alone, emigrating to Canada. He
was reared by an uncle, John Hoffman, and
before crossing the Atlantic he served in the
German army. He had a family of eleven
children, of whom John R., Harriet (now
Mrs. H. A. Kohl), Catherine (now Mrs. G.
W. Hill, of Antigo), Mary Ann and Charles
S. , are the only survivors. All the eleven chil-
dren were born in Canada except Catherine
and Charles S., who are of Wisconsin birth.
The family came to Wisconsin in 1845, set-
tling in Manitowoc, where the father is yet
living, and where the mother died in 1887.
John R. and James served in the Union
army during the Civil war, James enlisting
when seventeen years old, serving eighteen
months; in 1868 he was drowned in the
wreck of the ill-fated " Seabird." Thomas
died in Manitowoc at the age of seventeen,
Albert when twenty-six, while other mem-
bers of the family passed away in infancy.
The mother, Mrs. Ann (Wallace) Leykom,
was a daughter of James and Ruth Wall-
ace, the former of whom, a mason by trade,
died in Canada, the father of two sons and
four daughters, one son, only, now living.
Charles S. Leykom, the subject proper
of these lines, who is the youngest in his
father's family, received a liberal common-
school education in the city of his birth,
and when fourteen years old commenced
learning the trade of cigar maker, which he
followed some eighteen months, but had to
abandon on account of impaired health.
Later he clerked in a hardware store in
Manitowoc three years, then in a grocery
store one year, after which he returned to
the hardware store and clerked there an-
other three years. In July, 1881, he
came to Antigo, Langlade county, where,
in company with Mr. John Hessel he em-
barked in the hardware business, the firm
(Hessel & Leykom) building their own
store, the first of the kind in Antigo, and
they have met with the success due to
enterprise and indefatigable energy. At that
time the place was in a very primitive con-
dition, the nearest railroad station being
fifteen miles distant, and Mr. Leykom had to
come on foot to the then village of 1 50
In 1883 Mr. Leykom was united in mar-
riage with Miss Nellie A. Williams, who was
born in Potsdam, N. Y. , in 1864, daughter
of G. C. and Alois (Heath) Williams, both
natives of Vermont, who came to Wiscon-
sin in 1882, settling on a farm; they had a
family of eight children, of whom Abbie,
Winnie, Nellie A. , Bertha and Jennie are
living, the others having died in infancy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leykom have been born
two children: John W. and Charles S.
In his political preferences our subject is a
Republican, and he has served as member
of the school board; socially he is affiliated
with the A. O. U. W., and is very active in
that Order; in religious faith he and his wife
are members of the Episcopal Church. He
is recognized as one of the wide-awake
pushing men of Antigo, in the building up
of which young city he has always taken
the deepest interest, and given substantial
aid. At the present time he is president of
the Langlade County Bank; treasurer of the
Antigo Electric Light Plant Company; and
president of the Agriculturial Society, and
of the Antigo Cemetery Association. He
and his amiable wife are proverbial for their
hospitality and genialit\', and enjoy the well-
merited respect and esteem of the entire
point of residence is the oldest settler
of Grant township, Shawano county.
In 1857 he purchased from the Fox
River Improvement Co. a tract of 160 acres
in Section 35, Grant township, distant a
scant mile from the present flourishing little
village of Marion, Waupaca count}'. This
pioneer home was then under the territorial
jurisdiction of Matteson township, and in-
cluded what is now Grant, Pella, Matteson,
Fairbanks and Split Rock townships. The
little log house which he built stood in the
midst of the dense forests, and here for
many years he lived, a pioneer, when pio-
neers were few, and when frontier life meant
hardships and privations almost innumer-
Mr. Churchill was born in Lock town-
ship, Cayuga Co., N. Y. , in 1831, son of
David A. and Martha (Buchanan) Churchill.
David A. Churchill was the son of Daniel
and Marion (Clark) Churchill, both of New
York nativity and English ancestry. Daniel
Churchill was a captain in the Continental
army in the war of 1812, and died in Cayuga
county, N. Y., where he was a large land-
owner. Miriam Buchanan was the daugh-
ter of John and Miriam (Yaeger) Buchanan.
John Buchanan was a native of Ireland, and
served during the Revolutionary war as a
captain in the Patriot army. He was a re-
lative of President Buchanan, and a farmer
by occupation, living through life on a farm
in Orange county, N. Y. David A. Churchill,
father of James B., was a currier and shoe-
maker by trade, and in 1845 moved from
Cayuga county, N. Y. , to Tioga county,
Penn., where he remained until 1867. In
that year he came to the Wisconsin home
of his son, and remained there until his
death, in 1880; his wife died in 1887. Their
family of eight children consisted of Clark
L. , a lumberman, who died in i85 5,inSimcoe
county, Canada West (now Ontario); James
Buchanan, subject of this sketch; [erome,
of Tioga county, Penn; Wilber, a resident
of the same county, who enlisted in a Penn-
sylvania cavalr}' regiment and served three
years; William, his twin brother, now a re-
sident of Larrabee township, Waupaca coun-
ty, who also saw active service in a Penn-
sylvania infantry regiment; David, also of
Larrabee township, Waupaca county, and a
veteran of a New York regiment; Daniel,
who died in Maryland while in the service,
January i, 1862; and Martha, wife of Eben-
ezer Burley (also a Union soldier), of Tioga
count}', Pennsjlvania.
James B. Churchill attended the district
schools of Cayuga county, N. Y., and at the
age of thirteen years accompanied his father's
family to Tioga county, Penn., remaining
there, engaged in farm labors, until the age
of twenty. In 1 851 he went to Canada,
and there followed lumbering, and six years
later was married to Miss Mary Warnick, a
native of Canada, after which, with his
young wife, he started for his prospective
home in the wilds of Wisconsin. The jour-
ney was made by rail to Fond du Lac, thence
via boat to New London, and the balance of
the waj' afoot through the primeval forests.
There were then no roads, and here in the
fastnesses of the woods the hardy and ven-
turesome pioneer lived for years. For several
years after their settlement their only beasts
of burden were oxen, and the only vehicle a
wood-shod sleigh, which was used summer
and winter, no wagons having yet been
brought into the settlement. In going any
distance in any direction streams of all kinds
had to be forded. Their flour was all bought
at New London, and brought by boat up to
Clintonville, from which point Mr. Churchill
would bring a lOO-lb. sack on his shoulder
to his home, a distance of ten miles as the
roads run. The first interment in the adjoin-
ing graveyard at Marion was in 1872. In
1864 Mr. Churchill enlisted at Menasha,
Wis., in Company K, First Wisconsin Heavy
Artillery, which was assigned to the Twenty-
second Army Corps and stationed at Arling-
ton Heights and Ft. Lyons, Alexandria, on
garrison duty. He was mustered out at
Washington, D. C, in July, 1865, and re-
turned to Shawano county. Wisconsin.
Mr. Churchill's first \\ife died in July,
1862, and in September, 1865, he was mar-
ried in Bear Creek township, Waupaca
county, to Miss Elizabeth Hehman, a lady of
Holland birth, whose parents, Gerhard and
Bertha (Haytink) Hehman, emigrated in
November, 1856, from Holland to Milwau-
kee, Wis., and in May, 1857, settled in
Section 18, Pella township, Shawano county.
Their nearest neighbor then was fourteen
miles distant. Mr. Hehman cut a road
through the woods from a point two miles
below Buckbee, Larrabee township, Wau-
paca county, to Pella, Shawano county, and
from the farm to Embarrass village. He
built a shanty 10. \ 12 feet, and lived in it
from May to November, by which time he
had erected a log cabin, quite commodious
in comparison. By faithful and persistent
labor he improved the farm, and he died at
this pioneer home in 1872, his wife surviv-
ing until 1879. Their five children were:
Henrietta, wife of Fred Strausburg, of Mar-
ion, Wis. ; William, formerly of Seneca, Sha-
wano county, who died of heart disease July
4, 1895; John, who died in Grant township
in March, 1893; Mrs. Churchill; and Ger-
hard, who lives in Sugar Bush, Outagamie
After his second marriage Mr. Churchill
settled in Bear Creek township, and oper-
ated the Welcome Hyde farm for about five
years. He then returned to his old farm,
which he improved, and in 1883 equipped
with a good one-and-a-half-story dwelling
16 X 28, with an L i6.\ 16 feet, and having
a one-story kitchen 14 x 15; his substantial
barn, an imposing structure 36x56 feet,
with 18-foot posts, he erected in 1869.
Here Mr. Churchill is engaged in farming,
and in raising an excellent grade of stock.
In politics he is a Democrat, and he is one
of the most public-spirited and enterprising
citizens of the prosperous community in
which he lives. In 1859 he served as com-
missioner of Matteson township, and in
1869 he assisted actively in organizing Grant
township. He was instrumental in building
many of the roads throughout the township,
and in various ways contributed liberally to
the convenience and welfare of the tide of
immigrants who later filled up this wild land
and converted it into an expanse of happy
and prosperous homes. In matters of local
history Mr. Churchill is an undisputed au-
thority, and none stand higher than he in
the esteem and respect of his fellow-citizens.
Though not a member of any Church or de-
nomination, he has been a liberal con-
tributor to the different churches of his
neighborhood, having assisted all of them
by donations at different times, for their
erection and afterward in their support.
Socially he is a member of Shawano Lodge,
I. O. O. F.
JOHN BOURSIER, Jr., one of the rep-
resentative young farmers of Stockton
township, Portage county, and one of
its most prosperous citizens, was born
August 21, 1852, son of John Boursier, Sr.,
who is one of the earliest pioneers in that
part of the county.
The father was born in LaPrairie, near
the St. Lawrence river, June 2, 18 19. His
father, whose name was also John, was a
farmer in ordinary circumstances, and had
a large family. He was twice married, and
John is now the only surviving child by the
first marriage. When fourteen years of age,
or in 1833, the latter left home. His moth-
er had died when he was two years old, and
his step-mother reared him. The lad made
his way westward to Detroit, and after work-
ing there on the lakes some time he walked
the entire distance to Chicago, and grubbed
in what is now that city. He was of a rov-
ing disposition as a boy, and in his wander-
ings reached Manitowoc, Wis. Working
there four months, he went to Green Bay.
Then he went afoot to the mining regions
of Illinois and Iowa. In the spring he raft-
ed on the Mississippi river as far as St.
Louis, and at Prairie du Chien, Wis., he
was sick five months with ague. Proceed-
ing to Galena, 111., he hired out to Robert
Bloomer, a lumber operator, and with three
others walked thence to Portage county.
Wis., where he learned of certain dissatis-
faction in the lumber country, and he walked
to Green Bay. Next proceeding to Wood
county. Wis., in 1839, he worked in the
woods until 1850. In 1849 he bought eighty
acres in Section 32, of what is now Stock-
ton township. Portage county, buying it as
a claim, and securing title for it and an ad-
joining eighty acres from the government,
in 1852.
Mr. Boiirsier was married, July 26, 1847,
at Mill Creek, Wood county, to Miss Mary
Young, born July 26, 1827, in Corina, Me.,
and daughter of Simon and Lois (Knowles)
Young, who in 1838 removed from Maine to
Illinois. Miss Young, with a brother, was
visiting in Mill Creek, and while cii route she
first met her husband. After marriage he
lived in a log house on Mill creek until he
removed to his farm in Stockton township,
April 18, 1850, at which time there was no
building on the farm and but one house on
"the prairie." Their first house was a
shanty 12 x 16. Mr. Boursier was a strong
man physically, and proceeded at once to
improve the farm. For forty-five years he
has lived here, a longer residence, perhaps,
than anyone else in the township can claim.
Starting with eighty acres, he now owns
320, well improved. In politics he is a
Democrat, and while not a member of the
Church, attends the services of Protestant
denomination. Socially he is a Mason. He
has met with many reverses. Twice he was
burned out. When the "Old Horicon "
railroad was projected he, with many others,
pledged assistance; it cost him $2,000. In
1892 Mr. Boursier retired from active farm
work. The winter of 1891-92 he spent
with his wife in California. He has been a
self-made man in the full sense of the word,
and has done Spartan service in developing
the material interests of Stockton township.
He possesses a rare sense of personal honor,
and when his home was burned he felt com-
pelled to decline the generous offers of
friends to assist him in rebuilding, prefer-
ring to bear the entire cost himself. The
children of John and Mary Boursier are as
follows: Arvesta, now Mrs. Orleziam De-
Rosier, of Stockton; Arvilla, now Mrs.
Thomas H. Hackett, of Escondido, Cal. ;
Zoa J., now Mrs. Warren Onan, of Buena
Vista township; John, a farmer, subject of
this sketch.
John Boursier, Jr. has always lived at
home, attending the district schools and as-
sisting his father until the latter's retire-
ment, several years ago, since when he has
conducted the farm. He was married, De-
cember 25, 1874, at Plover, to Miss Eliza-
beth Baker, born December 3, 1857, in
Tioga county. Penn., daughter of James H.
and Eliza (Bartlett) Baker, who in 1863 re-
moved with their family to Wisconsin. Mrs.
Boursier has a good education, and before
her marriage she taught school. To Mr.
and Mrs. Boursier have been born four chil-
dren— Myra M., a teacher, born in August,
1875, no^v attending Normal school; Grace
E. , also a teacher, born in June, 1878, a
student at Stevens Point Normal; Clair J.,
born in April, 1880, and Cecil F. , born
April 30, 1885, both at home. Mr. Bour-
sier is a Democrat in politics, has Protestant
S3'mpathies, and is a member of the Masonic
order. He is an enterprising and progress-
ive farmer, . popular and influential among
his many friends.
PETER McMILLIN, one of the best
known citizens of Stockton town-
ship. Portage county, and an ex-
soldier, is a native of the Green
Mountain State. He was born in Alburg,
Grand Isle Co., Vt., September 20, 1824,
son of Peter and Sarah H. fSowles) Mc-
The father of our subject was a farmer
and carpenter, comfortably situated in life.
He was born in Jersey City, N. J., son of
emigrants from Edinburgh, Scotland, and
after learning his trade at Jersey City re-
moved to Grand Isle county, Vt., where he
married and reared a family of nine children,
as follows: Jane, who married Nathan
Miles, and died in Vermont; Harriet, who
died when a young woman; Maria, who mar-
ried Isban Kenyon, and died in Hinesburg
in 1894; Philyer, who died a farmer in Mis-
souri; William, a railway engineer, who died
at Burlington, Vt. ; Peter, subject of this
sketch; Gustavus, who went to California
during the gold fever, and has never since
been heard from; Norman, a carpenter, of
Denver; Sarah H., now Mrs. Noel Potter,
of Bombay, Franklin Co., N. Y. The
father was an Old-line Whig, and died in
Vermont at the age of sixtj'-three; the
mother died at the age of forty. They
were members of the Universalist Church.
Peter McMillin was only eight years old
when his mother died. Sisters took her
place, and the boy remained at home until
he was eighteen. He received a district-
school education, much more meager then
than now, and at his home, by precept and
and example, learned the value of honesty
and straightforwardness. Beginning farm
work for others at the age of eighteen, in
Essex county, N. Y. , he several years later
went to Tioga county, and worked for a few
months in a sawmill. With a young com-
panion he undertook the venture of getting
out some timber, but the failure of higfi
waters in the stream which was to carry
the lumber to market made the enterprise
unremunerative. In the fall of i<S49 he put
into execution a cherished plan by coming
west. Traveling by lake to Milwaukee, he
walked to Oshkosh, took boat for Gill's
Landing, on Wolf river, and came afoot
through the woods to Plover. Here he
found work teaming goods from Madison to
Plover for C. S. Ogden, now a merchant of
Waupaca. In June, 1850, he pre-empted
160 acres in Section 32, of what is now
Stockton township. The land was then
undisturbed, and there were only three or
four settlers on the prairie. There was lit-
tle timber on the tract, but burr oak sur-
rounded the site selected by Mr. McMillin
for his primitive habitation, a rude shanty,
16 x 16. He at once began to break this
land, and in the fall of the same year, No-
vember 17, 1850, he was married at Plover
to Miranda Dimond, born in Canada Octo-
ber I, 1820, daughter of Enos and Miranda
(Richmond) Dimond, New Englanders by
birth. Enos was twice married, and Mi-
randa, his second wife, bore him six children:
Fannie, Miranda, Sanford, Royal, Paulina
and Clara. Miranda in 1849 came to Plover
with her brother Royal, and was employed
as a domestic in the same household her
husband worked for. The couple began
housekeeping at once, in the little shanty on
the farm they still occupy. The rude habi-
tation was scantily furnished, but the hap-
piest five years of their married life were
spent there. Mr. McMillin improved the
place during the summers, and in the winter
followed teaming. The present dwelling,
with various alterations and additions, suc-
ceeded the shanty. To Mr. and Mrs.
McMillin were born these children: Emma
M., who was born October i, 1851, and
married James Bremmer, of Stevens
Point, January 28, 1873; Edith S., born
May 18, 1855, married December 25,
1876, to Oscar Drake, of Stevens Point
(she passed from earth. May 30, 1895, her
death being the first in the family); William
P., born May 18, 1856, a farmer of Lincoln
county. Wash.; Sidney G., born January 8,
1859, a resident of Oregon; Annie J., born
October 4, i860, married December 12,
1885, to George Iverson, and now living on
the home farm; Carrie A., born May 12,
1866, and married January 3, 1888, to
Merritt Kenyon, of Stevens Point. For
several years, in addition to farming, Mr.
McMillin followed lumbering operations ex-
tensively during the winter.
In November, 1861, he enlisted, at
Plover, in Company E, Eighteenth Wis. V.
I. The regiment was ordered from Mil-
waukee to Tennessee, and at Shiloh saw its
first active engagement, Exposure and dis-
ease cost more lives during the war than
bullets, and Mr. McMillin, though possess-
ing a naturally rugged constitution, was one
of those who succumbed to the climatic
conditions of the South under the exposures
to which troops were necessarily subjected.
His health was ruined, and at Corinth, in
Ausust, 1862, he was discharged on account
of disability. From Corinth he came di-
rectly home, and the ailment he contracted
in service has never since disappeared.
To-day he is almost a physical wreck. Mr.
McMillin in a later year of the war was
drafted, but at La Crosse, Wis., he was
rejected for ill health, before entering active
service. He has continued farmingoperations
since the war, but during the past five years
has given up active work. Politically he is
an earnest Republican in National affairs,
but in local matters he is independent. For
two years he served Stockton township as
assessor. Mrs. McMillin is a member of the
Baptist Church. Though deprived of the
benefits of good schools in his youth, Mr.
McMillin is as strong an advocate of thor-
ough education as may be found in Stockton
township, and by observation and judicious
reading he has more than overcome the de-
ficiencies of his own opportunities. He is
widely known and highly esteemed as one
of Stockton's oldest and best residents.
ALANSON C. NORWAY, who is now
living on a small farm of forty acres
within the corporation limits of Mer-
rill, Lincoln county, is one of the
honored pioneers of that section, having ar-
rived in that place in 1851, when the city
was called Jenny, and had not more than
one hundred white inhabitants, though there
were a great many Indians still living in the
neighborhood. Wild game was to be had
in abundance, and furnished many a meal
for the early settlers.
The State of New York has furnished
many worthy citizens to Lincoln county,
not least among whom is numbered Mr.
Norway, who was born in the town of Lis-
bon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. , June 11,
1824, and is a son of Charles Norway, a na-
tive of New Jersey. The grandfather, who
bore the name of Charles, came to this coun-
try from Scotland when a young man, locat-
ing in New Jersey, where he carried on farm-
ing. Later he removed to New York, where
both he and his wife died. In their family
were si.\ children — five sons: William, John,
James, Gregor and Charles, and one daugh-
ter whose name is not known.
The father of our subject was reared to
manhood on the home farm, after which he
married Esther Sheldon, a daughter of Ne-
hemiah and Sarah Sheldon, and to them
were born nine children: Alanson C, Will-
iam and Jeremiah, who are still living; and
Jerod, Sheldon, Geddin, Elizabeth, Claris-
sa and Sarah, who have passed away. Will-
iam and Geddin were soldiers during the
Civil war, fighting Indians in Minnesota in
1862. The father followed agricultural pur-
suits most of his life, though at an early
day he ran a flatboat between Ogdensburg,
N. Y., and Montreal. He was a member of
the Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church,
and a man of high moral principals, while
politically he was an Abolitionist. His death
occurred in New York in 1872. His wife, a
woman of firm, decided character, died in
1883, greatly beloved by all who knew her.
Alanson C. Norway, the subject of this
sketch, was the second in his father's fam-
ily, and upon the home farm he remained,
assisting in the labors of the field until he
had attained his majority. He was allowed
to attend school only about two months
during the year, and his literary education
was completed at the age of eighteen. He
worked some for others while still in New
York, and at one time went with a raft of
square lumber to Quebec. In the winter of
1849 Mr. Norway came west, stopping at
Saginaw, Mich., where he was employed in
the woods until the following spring, when
he continued his journey to Walworth
county, Wis. In that county he engaged
in farm labor during the summer, but in the
fall returned to New York, where he re-
mained all winter, and then again came to
Wisconsin, spending another summer in
Walworth county. At the end of that time,
in the fall of 1851, he came to Merrill,
locating here when the town had but one /■
industry — an old sawmill owned by An-
drew Warren. For one season Mr. Norway
worked in the lumber woods, after which he
made a contract with Jones & Goodard to
cut and put in their logs. From that time
on he followed lumbering for a number of
years, meeting with a well-deserved suc-
cess. In 1866, owing to poor health, he
gave up that occupation and purchased a
hotel, known then as the "Jenny House,"
but later the name was changed to the
"Merrill. ' This he successfully conducted
for sixteen years, when he built his present
home on the bank of Prairie river, a beau-
tiful spot, and his place consists of fort)'
acres. For some time he owned an addi-
tion to West Merrill, but this he disposed of/
in 1880.
In Merrill, September 1, 1856, Mr. Nor-
way wedded Martha Crown, a native of
Groton, Caledonia Co., Vt., born Septem-
ber 13, 1838, to Alanson and Amity (Steb-
bins) Crown. She is one of a family of ten
children: Harriet, Maria, Moses, Martha,
Horace, Hannah, Cynthia, Aldin, Orin and
s^^^ U ^f/o-utyu
Frank. The parents were both born in
Caledonia county, Vt. , and removed to Wis-
consin with their family in 1848, locating in
Green Lake county, where the father's death
occurred in 1886. He was a farmer by oc-
cupation. The mother, who died in 1880,
was a daughter of Horace Stebbins, a black-
smith, of Vermont, in which State he mar-
ried Hannah Eaton, £.nd to them were born
a family of four sons and four daughters.
The paternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Nor-
way was a native of Scotland, and came
when a small boy with his parents to Amer-
ica, locating in Vermont. Crown Point,
that State, was named in honor of his
father. Ebins Crown, Mrs. Norway's grand-
father was captured by the Indians when a
boy about nine years of age, and held by
them until he was sixteen, when he was
assisted to escape by a young squaw, who
never dared to return to her tribe. He was
afterward employed at Crown Point as an
interpreter by the traders. Alanson Crown
and his wife were earnest Christian people,
holding membership for many years with
the Methodist Episcopal Church.
To Mr. and Mrs. Norway were born six
children, only two of whom survive — the
eldest and youngest — Charles A. and Myron.
Those deceased are: Homer, who died
while young; Clarissa, who died at the age
of one year; Elnora, who died at the age of
three; and Burton, who died in infancy. In
politics, Mr. Norway is a steadfast adherent
to the principles formulated by the Republi-
can party, although not a seeker after offi-
cial positions. For six years he served as
county judge of Lincoln county; has been
chairman of the town and city boards; and
was also assessor, in which offices he has
served with credit to himself and to the sat-
isfaction of all concerned. In religious views
he is liberal, believing that every one has a
right to his own opinion, and being endowed
with many virtues and a genial, hospitable
manner, he receives the respect and con-
fidence of the entire community.
Charles A. Norway, a representative
of one of the honored pioneer families of
Lincoln county. Wis., is at present one of
the leading business men of Merrill, being
connected with several of the most impor-
tant industries of the county. He is a na-
tive of this State, his birth having occurred
in Wausau September 29, 1859, and is a son
of Alanson C. Norway, one of the highly-
respected early settlers of this portion of
the State.
The primary education of Charles A.
Norway was received in the common schools
of Merrill, where he also attended the high
school, and later entered the normal school
at Oshkosh, Wis. At the age of seventeen
he began work in the hotel owned by his
father, and was admitted into partnership
in the business when he was but twenty
years of age. That connection continued
for three years, after which he began con-
tracting and building, following that occupa-
tion for about a year. In 1882 he was
elected register of deeds of Lincoln county,
serving four years, during which time he
opened a real-estate office and purchased
the abstracts of the county. He admitted
to partnership C. L. Wiley, and they re-
mained in that business until the spring of
1890, when they sold out and erected a saw-
mill in the town of Harshaw, Wis., which
they still own. They cut about fifteen mil-
lion feet of lumber per year, and are doing
a good business, in connection with which
they have a general store at the same place.
In 1893 their mill was burned, but they re-
built without delay, and immediately re-
sumed work. Mr. Norway is also interested
in a drug store in Merrill, and in 1894, in
company with J. R. Babcock, he built and
established a factory for the manufacture of
boxes, the firm being known as the C. A.
Norway Box and Lumber Company. Here
he is also meeting with success, giving em-
ployment to fifty men.
In 1881 Mr. Norway was united in mar-
riage with Frances Kimball, who was born
at Stevens Point, Wis., and is a daughter of
Bryant B. Kimball. Unto our subject and
his estimable wife has been born one child,
a son, Jerry A. In politics, Mr. Norway is a
Republican, and is in favor of any move-
ment that is for the benefit of the communi-
ty, or calculated to elevate the tone of so-
ciety in general. He served for one year as
alderman of the city. He is also interested
in civic societies, holding membership with
the I. O. O. F., and of the F. and A. M.
(being a Knight Templar) of Wausau. He
is an industrious, energetic business man,
and everything he undertakes he carries for-
ward to completion if it lies within his
HON. GILBERT L. PARK, deceased.
The family from which this gentle-
man descended were of English
origin, and early settlers in America
during Colonial days. Joel Park, grand-
father of Gilbert L. , was a soldier in the
war of the Revolution, and was present at
the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne's army.
The subject of these lines was born
August 31, 1825, at Scipio, Cayuga Co.,
N. Y. , a son of Elisha and Sarah (Mc-
Dowell) Park, prosperous and highly-es-
teemed farming people of that State. The
lad received a liberal education at the
schools of his native place till the age of
fifteen, when, without in anyway consult-
ing his parents, he left the parental roof —
in other words "ran away from home" —
and enlisted in the service of the Hudson
Bay Company. With a party of their em-
ployes he went up the Ottawa river, in Can-
ada, in the direction of Hudson Bay, and as
far north as Fort Churchill on the river
Severn. Returning, however, southward at
the end of a year, by way of the Georgian
Bay, he there left the company and took
passage on a steamer for Detroit, thence
proceeded to Port Dover, county of Norfolk,
Upper Canada (now Province of Ontario),
where his father's family had recently set-
tled. The next three years Mr. Park spent
at an academy in Millville, Orleans Co. ,
N. Y. , then once more proceeded to Can-
ada, where he embarked in business as a
lumberman, meeting with encouraging suc-
cess for some two years, or till in 1848,
when he had the misfortune to lose a large
raft of logs which had broken up on Lake
Erie, nearly every ' ' stick " floating over the
Falls of Niagara This caused him to close
out his business, and he then commenced
the study of law at Kalamazoo, Mich., in
the office of Hon. N. A. Balch of that place.
He was admitted to the bar of that county.
in September, 1851, and in November, same
year, he removed to Wisconsin, where, his
funds being e.xhausted, he went to work
cutting saw logs on the Wisconsin river, at
which he continued until the summer of
1852, when he formed a law partnership
with James S. Alban, at Plover, at that time
the county seat of Portage county, which
firm conducted business until 1855, when it
was dissolved. Mr. Park then removed to
Stevens Point, where he opened up an office
and established a law practice, which con-
tinued up to the time of his death. He dis-
tinguished himself as one of the ablest mem-
bers of his profession in northern Wiscon-
sin, and his energy and vigor, both of mind
and body, his command of speech and pen,
inspired the people with such full confidence
in his ability and integrity that they early
honored him with election to local positions
of responsibility and trust. None, perhaps,
ever exercised more influence on the people,
or more impressed them with his own
merits, than Mr. Park. In 1854 he was
elected district attorney of Portage county,
in which incumbency he served four years;
was mayor of Stevens Point at the time of
the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion,
and being a "War-Democrat" he resigned
the office in order to take up the sword in
defense of the integrity of the Union, as ad-
jutant of the Eighteenth Regiment Wis.
V. I., afterward accepting the captaincy of
Company G. same regiment. He accom-
panied his regiment in all its fortunes for a
period of nearly three and one-half years,
during which he participated, among other
engagements, in the famous battle of Look-
out Mountain, where they "fought above
the clouds," also at Vicksburg, and Corinth,
and with Sherman on his march to Atlanta.
Although never wounded, he experienced
several narrow escapes, at one time his
horse being shot under him, at another a
bullet striking his scabbard (while the sword
was sheathed), a portion of the sword blade
being broken off. On retiring from his
service in the army. Judge Park, in the
spring of 1865, returned to Stevens Point,
Wis., and resumed the practice of his pro-
fession, at the same time applying himself
to the study of advanced legal lore so assidu-
ously that before very long he became both
a jury and consulting lawyer of no little
reputation, probably, if anything, excelling
in the latter capacity. He died June 5,
1884, of Bright's disease, and was buried
under the auspices of the Masonic Frater-
nity. He had been in ill health for some
time, and had traveled considerably in Cali-
fornia in the hope of bettering his physical
condition; but he returned home in 1883,
little improved, and in January, 1884, be-
came a patient in the Sanitarium at Wau-
kesha, Wis., where he succumbed to the
disease which had so long and painfully
afflicted him.
Judge Gilbert L. Park, as has already
been remarked in this article, was a " War-
Democrat," but in earlier days he voted
with the old Whig party. On March i,
1875, he was appointed, by Gov. Taylor,
circuit judge, to fill a two-years' vacancy,
and in April following was elected by the
people. In 1878 he was re-elected for the
full term, but owing to ill health he was
obliged to resign in July, 1883, before the
expiry of the term. As a jurist he was cool,
clear-headed, candid and logical; he pre-
sided with ease and dignity, and with the
utmost fairness and impartiality. As an
evidence of his popularity it may be men-
tioned that while serving in the army he
was nominated (without his knowledge or
consent), and run by his party, for State
Senator on two or three occasions; he was
also urged to bring himself forward as can-
didate for the lieutenant-governorship of
Wisconsin, and also for member of Con-
On February 26, 1856, he was married
to Miss Mary D. Beach, daughter of John
and Anna (Waterhouse) Beach, and three
children were born to this union, to wit:
Byron B., sketch of whom follows; Gilbert
L. (practicing law in Stevens Point), and
Anna, both living at the old homestead in
Stevens Point. The mother of these died
November 9, 1893, and she and her husband
lie side by side in the cemetery of the Church
of the Intercession (Episcopal) at Stevens
Point. Mrs. Park was, however, associated
with the Methodist Church. The Judge was
a prominent member of the F. & A. M.,
had reached the thirty-second degree, and
was a Knight Templar. He was an ardent
student and lover of Nature and Nature's
God, and, as described by one who knew
him well, was a man who saw something
beautiful in every phase and form of life;
one who was the delight of every social
group — young or old; one whose smile would
lighten a household, whose frown would
cause a pang; the quiet ease, the social
converse, the varied learning — all were his,
and no one ever sat in his company without
feeling disquieted at his departure; he was
never boisterous, never rude, and always
mindful of the feelings of others. In do-
mestic life he was a lovable character, a
kind husband, and loving father, and true
friend to his children.
D LLOYD JONES. This leading
member of the bar, one of the ex-
perienced and reliable attorneys of
Portage county, is conspicuous not
only as such, but as one of the best-known
and widely-respected citizens in this portion
of the State.
He is a native of North Wales, born Oc-
tober 9, 1 84 1, in the parish of Llanfair,
Denbighshire, a son of Edward and Anna
Maria (Lloyd) Jones, well-to-do farming
people of North Wales, who lived at Graig
Cottage. The father died at Graig Cottage
in 1856, the mother at Rock Cliffe, North
Wales, in 1881, and both their remains re-
pose in the cemetery of Llanfair's Parish
Church. They were members of the Epis-
copal and Congregational Churches, respect-
Our subject received his education in
part at the British and Foreign School at
Ruthin, Denbighshire, North Wales, and in
part at a Church school in Wrexham, Flint-
shire, after which, February 18, 1856, he
entered the North and South Wales Bank as
junior clerk, in which capacity he served in
that institution two years, at Liverpool,
Chester and Wrexham. On May 15, 1858,
he emigrated to America, sailing from Liv-
erpool on the "Jeremiah Quin," of the
Black Ball Line, and arriving in New York
in June. After remaining there a couple of
weeks endeavoring to secure a position in
one or other of the banking institutions of
that city, he came to Wisconsin, for a brief
space sojourning in Milwaukee; but he soon
found employment on a farm near Wau-
kesha. At the end of a month he moved to
near Oshkosh, to the home of his uncle,
George Griffiths, where and in the vicinity
he remained until the spring of i860. He
then proceeded to Lake Emily, near Fox
Lake, and worked on a farm until his enlist-
ment at Beaver Dam, Dodge county, in
Company C, Sixteenth Wis. V. I., in De-
cember, 1 86 1, with which regiment he par-
ticipated in the battles of Shiloh and Cor-
inth, siege of Vicksburg and Atlanta, and
many minor engagements, and Sherman's
march to the sea, during which latter,
toward the close of. the march, he had
charge of the foragers for his brigade. In
October, 1862, after the battle of Corinth,
he was promoted to first sergeant; in July,
1864, after the battle of Atlanta, was pro-
moted to second lieutenant; in December,
1864, was appointed adjutant of the regi-
ment, and July 12, 1865, was mustered out
of the service with the latter rank. On
July 21, 1864, while making a charge on
the works at Leggett's Hill, before Atlanta,
he received a bullet wound in the back part
of the neck, rendering him unconscious, so
that he had to be carried from the field. It
was a very narrow escape for him from
death, as had the bullet struck him a little
higher or a little lower the result would
have been instant death. After leaving the
army he returned to the peaceful pursuits
of agriculture, and so continued till Jan-
uary, 1866, when he was appointed, by
State Treasurer W. E. Smith, clerk in the
treasurer's office at Madison, in which capac-
ity he remained until October, 1871. In
the meantime he took up the study of
law, in September, 1870, entering the Uni-
versity Law School at Madison, where he
graduated in June, 1871, at the same time
being admitted to the bar of the supreme
court. In October, 1 871, he came to
Stevens Point, where he commenced the
practice of his profession, in partnership
with G. L. Park, under the firm name of
Park & Jones. In 1875 Mr. Park was
elected circuit judge, and the partnership
was dissolved, Mr. Jones then conducting
the business alone until August, 1876, at
which time he associated himself with A. W.
Sanborn, the firm being known as Jones &
Sanborn till March, 1886, when Judge Gate
was admitted into partnership, the style of
the firm becoming Cate, Jones & Sanborn,
and has since so remained, Mr. Jones having
charge of all the supreme court work of the
firm, and giving his special attention to
corporation, real-estate and commercial
law business.
On May i, 1867, Mr. Jones was united
in marriage with Miss Addie Purple, daugh-
ter of Chauncey H. Purple, at that time as-
sistant State treasurer. Two children have
been born to this union, viz. : Grace Pur-
ple, married to George S. Rodd, and Chaun-
cey Lloyd, now a student of law. Politically
our subject is a Republican, and for five
3'ears he represented his ward in the council
as alderman, part of the time filling the
president's chair. In 1872 he was appoint-
ed United States commissioner for the West-
ern District of W^isconsin, which office he
yet fills. In religious faith he and his wife
are members of the Episcopal Church, of
which he is one of the vestrymen. Socially,
since 1870 he has been a member of the F.
& A. M., was in Madison Lodge No. 5, and
is now a member of Evergreen Lodge No.
93, of Stevens Point; has passed all the
minor degrees up to and including that of
Knight Templar, is member of the Wiscon-
sin Consistory, Scottish Rite, Milwaukee,
and is a member of Crusade Commandery
No. 17, Stevens Point. In 1891 he was
elected grand commander, Knights Templar
of the State of Wisconsin, serving as such
one year; was commander of Crusade Com-
mandery six years, high priest of the Chap-
ter four years, and at the present time is
master of the lodge at Stevens Point. By
virtue of his honorable service in the Union
army during the Civil war, he is a member
of the G. A. R., Stevens Post No. 156, of
which he has been commander, and has
served in the Council of Administration of
the Department of Wisconsin; also was
judge advocate on the staff of Col. Upham
while the latter was department commander.
M. D. Among the eminent phy-
sicians and surgeons of Portage coun-
ty, the more prominent of wliom find
place in this volume, none enjoys to a great-
er extent the confidence and esteem of the
community at large than the gentleman
whose name is here recorded.
Our subject is an Ohioan by birth, hav-
ing first seen the light at Harpersfield, Ash-
tabula county, August 17, 1827, a son of
Ezra and Eve (Brakeman) Gregory, natives
of Schoharie county, N. Y. , the former of
Scottish ancestry, the latter of German.
The father, who was a farmer by occupa-
tion, came with his family to Walworth
county, Wis., in 1846, afterward moving to
Sauk county, where he died at his home in
Winfield township. He was a Whig of the
old school, and at one time served as sheriff
of Ashtabula county, Ohio; also as justice of
the peace, and in other positions of honor
and trust, after coming to Wisconsin, in-
variably winning and retaining the confi-
dence and esteem of those with whom he
was associated. Courteous, genial and kind-
hearted, he was universally liked, and was
extremely popular. In Sauk county he filled
various offices, such as justice of the peace,
supervisor, etc. , and so valuable were his
services that he was almost continually called
upon to serve the community in which he
lived in an official capacity of some kind or
The subject proper of these lines received
his education at the public schools of Ohio,
and at the age of fourteen commenced read-
ing medicine in the office of Ur. Jerome
Gregory, of Harpersfield, Ohio, with whom
he remained till coming to Wisconsin with
the rest of his father's family in 1846. Here
he resumed his medical studies in the office
of his brother, H. N. Gregory, at Fort At-
kinson, Jefferson county, and then attended
the Indiana Medical College at Laporte,
Ind., two sessions, and keeping up his
studies closely ultimately graduated from
Cleveland Medical College, at Cleveland,
Ohio. In 1850 he located in Plover, Port-
age Co., Wis., and at once commenced the
practice of his profession, being the only
physician in the place at that time, and here
remained until the spring of 1887, the time
of his removal to Stevens Point, since when
he has been in active practice as physician
and surgeon in that prosperous and progress-
ive city.
On February 22, 1852, Dr. Gregory was
united in marriage with Miss Olive S. Bab-
cock, and they have two children, namely:
Frances R., born July 27, 1855, and Will
W., born September 16, 1870, living at home
with his parents. Politically the Doctor is a
stanch Republican, and for four years, under
the administration of Garfield and Arthur,
he served as pension examiner. His full
time has been given to his profession, to
which he is devoted, and as he is a busy
man at all times, he finds leisure time for
little else. A prominent member of the F.
& A. M., he has been a Knight Templar for
the past nine years, and he is highly re-
spected and esteemed by the community.
THOMAS LOVE is proprietor of the
"Love Hotel," Grand Rapids, and
probably no resident of Wood county
is better or more favorably known
than he. Mr. Love is universally esteemed
by those who have the pleasure of his ac-
quaintance, and no better evidence of his
worth can be given to the public than a record
of his personal history in this volume.
Our subject was born in Canada, about
twenty miles west of Quebec, July 24, 1838,
and is a son of Patrick and Isabella (Beatie)
Love (natives of Ireland), both now de-
ceased. The father was a farmer by occu-
pation, but taught school for thirty-five
years in one district in Canada. The family
comprised twelve children, of whom nine are
still living, namely: Mary, who resides in
Milwaukee, Wis. ; Patrick, a resident of
Rochester, N. Y. ; Catherine, wife of James
Mehan, who makes his home in Milwaukee;
Elizabeth, who also lives in Rochester, N.
Y. ; William and Thomas, both of Grand
Rapids, Wis. ; Eugene, residing in Rochester,
N. Y. ; James, of the same city; and Alex-
ander, who lives at Stevens Point, Wis.
The father died March 10, 1876.
The subject of this sketch was reared
and educated in Canada, and after leaving
school engaged in aggricultural pursuits un-
til he was twenty-iive years of age, when on
the 5th of February, 1864, he left home for
Rochester, N. Y. In Orleans county, that
State, he went to work for H. H. Benedict,
and continued in his employ until November
of the same year. On November 12, 1864,
he removed to Grand Rapids, Wis. , where he
has since made his home. The trip from
New Lisbon, N. Y., to Grand Rapids, was
made by stage and occupied three days.
During the first winter after his arrival Mr.
Love worked in the lumber woods for James
Mehan; the following year he engaged with
John Rablin at carpentering and building,
and was also employed in a mill. He con-
tinued in that employ until 1873, when he
started his present business, that of hotel-
On June 4, i860, Mr. Love wedded Ma-
tilda Reinhart, who was born December
15, 1842, daughter of Jonathan and Lucinda
(McWilliams) Reinhart, who had a family
of five children: Mary M., born November
17, 1 841; Matilda (Mrs. Love); J. G., born
October 15, 1844; M. L. , born January i,
1850; and Jonathan, born April 12, 1S52.
Mr. Love's brothers were born as follows:
William, born July 19, 1836; Eugene, August
6, 1840; Stephen, December 7, 1843; James,
October 6, 1845; and Alexander, Octo-
bers, 1849. The mother of these died Oc-
tober 12, 1863. The children who bless
the union of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love
are John Graves, born June 2, 1861, who is
foreign or commercial agent for the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company,
with residence at Centralia, Wis. ; Peter,
born March 24, 1863, an engineer on the
Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul railroad, his
home being in Grand Rapids; Mary M., born
April 20, 1865, died November 4, 1868;
William E., born April 26, 1867, a train
dispatcher on the Wisconsin Central rail-
road; Arthur T. , born October 8, 1871,
cashier in the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railroad office at Centralia, Wis. ; Lavin
M., born April 18, 1874, died October 5,
1874; Ale.xander Raymond, born October
21, 1875, has just graduated with honors
from the schools of Grand Rapids; James
Irving, born December 18, 1877; Francis
Roger L. , born September 2, 1879; Paul
Carl, born September 28, 1 88 1 ; and Matilda
M., born January 17, 1886, died September
28, 1888.
Mr. Love and his family are devout
members of the Roman Catholic Church;
in his political views he is a Democrat, and
stanchly supports the principles of that
party. In everything pertaining to the wel-
fare of Grand Rapids he takes an active
part, and is numbered among her honored
and respected citizens.
THOMAS CHRISTY, a leadingblack-
smith and wagonmaker of Merrill,
Lincoln county, is conducting a suc-
cessful and well-established business,
one that occupies a prominent place among
the various industries of that thriving city.
He is a man of high standing in the com-
munity, as he conducts his business on
strictly honest principles, and is looked upon
as a useful and honorable citizen.
The birth of Mr. Christy occurred in
New Brunswick, Canada, August 13, 1835,
and he is a son of John Christy, who was
born in the same province in 1801. The
grandfather, Jesse Christy, was born in New
Hampshire August i, 1755, and went to
Canada in 1762 with the first colony that
settled along the St. John river. He was
there married in 1781 to Easter Burpee, a
native of the same place in New Hamp-
shire, born May 3, 1759, also a member of
the colony. They became the parents of
thirteen children, their names and dates of
birth being as follows: Agnes, January 12,
1782, died 1828; James, February 2, 1783;
Thomas, June 12, 1784, died 1853; Mary,
June 14, 1786, died 1835; Jesse, September
25, 1787, died 1789; Jesse, June 16, 1789;
Hepzibah, May 3, 1791; Elizabeth, March
I. 1793; Peter, February 15, 1795; Joshua,
September 28, 1797; Jeremiah, June 16,
1799; John (the father ot our subject),
September 5, 1801, died September 5,
1872; George, January 3, 1803. Jesse
Christy and his wife were highly-respected
people, honored and esteemed. They both
died in Canada, at a ripe old age, where he
for many years had carried on agricultural
John Christy, father of our subject, was
a millwright by trade, which occupation he
followed some fifty years. He was twice
married — first time August 2, 1828, to Par-
melia Quint, who was born in September,
1809, in the State of Maine, daughter of
William and Susan (Payne) Quint, both also
natives of Maine (the former born Novem-
ber 20, 1785; they were married in 1808),
where the father was a sailor during the
earlier years of his life. They removed to
New Brunswick in 1723, where Mr. Quint
was engaged in lumbering, and Mrs. Quint
died. They were the parents of ten chil-
dren, to wit: Permelia, born September i,
1809. married in 1828, died in 1836; Jo-
annes, born March 28, 181 1, died 1812;
Diana, born February 5, 1813, married
1833, died 1892. Eliza, born August 18,
1816, married 1834, died 1842; William
Payne, born December i, 181 8, married
1846; Amsom Parker, born May 11, 1824,
married 1855; Susan Payne, born July 26,
1826, married 1846, died 1861; Jane Al-
lingham, born May 13, 1829, married 1853;
Elizabeth E., born October 13, 1832, died
1842; Henry D., born August 25, 1835,
married 1866. The father of these died in
1843, the mother in 1865. Samuel Payne,
maternal grandfather of Mrs. Permelia
Christy, was a Revolutionary soldier. To
John and Permelia Christy were born chil-
dren as follows: Mary Ann, May 11, 1829;
John P., December i, 1830; Diana, Feb-
ruary 21, 1833; and Thomas, August 13,
1835. The mother of these died May 27,
1836, and in 1845 Mr. Christy, for his sec-
ond wife, married Miss Jane B. Perley, who
was born December 4, 1808, daughter of
Thomas Perley; she died September 21,
Thomas Christy, whose name introduces
this record, received his education in the
common schools of his native country, and
remained at home until he had attained his
twenty-fifth year, working with his father
at the millwright's trade. He then started
out in life for himself, following lumbering
and milling for some six years. At the end
of that time he began blacksmithing in New
Brunswick, and was thus employed ten years,
when he sold out and purchased a saw and
grist mill, operating the same some five
years. In September, 1881, he came to
Wisconsin, locating at Wausau, where he
worked at his trade for others about four
years. He then removed to Scofield, Wis. ,
remaining there about a year, when he
came to Merrill and built his present black-
smith shop, which he has since conducted.
He has in his employ five workmen, and the
work he turns out is all of a first-class de-
scription. During his residence in this State
Mr. Christy has also superintended the con-
struction of many dams in Michigan, Mon-
tana, Iowa and Wisconsin. He has had a
great amount of experience in his line of
work, for when at home he often aided his
father who was an expert in that line of
On September 3, 1868, in Canada,
Mr. Christy was united in marriage with
Miss Helen White, who was born in that
country June 23, 1851, a daughter of
Peter and Esther (Wiggins) White, who
were the parents of ten children, named
respectively: Ebenezer H., Elizabeth A.,
Henry K., Helen, Esther R. , Amelia M.,
Neville V., Rebecca A., Carrie E. and Eva
E. The father was a carpenter and mill-
wright by trade, and he died in New Bruns-
wick May 2, 1867, his wife in the spring of
1894, in Duluth, Minn. His grandparents,
who were Loyalists, removed to Canada from
the United States at the time of the Revolu-
tion. To our subject and wife have come
two sons — John K., born September 26,
1869, and Wesley H., born June 8, 1871,
both connected in business with their father.
The cause of temperance has always
received the earnest support of Mr. Christy,
and he now stanchly advocates the principles
of the Prohibition party, with which he casts
his ballot, though he is no politician ; he is now
serving as alderman of the Fourth ward of
Merrill. With the Presbyterian Church he
holds membership, and is at present one of
its elders; socially, he is a member of the
F. & A. M. In business he has won a well-
merited success, and in connection with his
sons not only does general blacksmithing
and repairing, but also deals in wagons.
cutters, sleighs, etc. They conduct a hicra-
tive trade, and rank among the best firms
of the city.
tensive manufacturer and general
merchant at Hewitt, Wood coun-
ty, has grown by slow degrees to
his present active and influential life from a
start as modest as ever fell to the lot of a
poor boy. He commenced with no capital,
and directing his attention to an industry
that permitted the use of an abundance of
hard work and energy, he has gradually
broadened his sphere of action. An unin-
terrupted continuance of this course has
brought him wealth and prosperity.
Mr. Ruplinger was born in Polk town-
ship, Washington Co., Wis., July 22, 1850,
son of Nicholas and Magdalena (Wahlen)
Ruplinger, who in 1846 emigrated from
Prussia, their native land, and settled on a
farm in W^ashington county, Wis., where he
remained through life. Of their si.\ chil-
dren— Mathias, John, Joseph, Michael,
Mary and Margaret — two were born in Ger-
many, one on the ocean and three in Wis-
consin. Michael was reared on his father's
farm, and attended the district schools in
that neighborhood. At the age of sixteen
he began life for himself, for three years
worked out on a farm, then at the age of
nineteen entered upon business operations
of his own. In partnership with Henry
Knapp he began, in the town of West Bend,
the manufacture of staves with horse-power.
For eight years they followed this work suc-
cessfully, when Mr. Ruplinger, believing
that steam-power would prove profitable,
risked the construction of a steam plant at
the city of West Bend; his judgment proved
correct; but in 1879 he met with misfortune
in the shape of a fire that destroyed the fac-
tory, by which he lost everything, less about
$500. However, he rebuilt, and continued to
operate the plant successfully until 18S5. The
northern part of the State seeming to offer
greater opportunities in the way of material,
Mr. Ruplinger in that year decided to locate
in Wood county. In company with two
others he built a large stave and heading
factory at Hewitt. Wise management made
the venture a success, and in 1887 a saw-
mill was added. In the same year they
started a general store, the partners being
his brother John R. , and Baltus Christmann.
In 1889 Mr. Ruplinger, in company with
Mr. Uthmeir, opened a general store at
Marshfield. In 1883, in companj- with his
brother John, he still further extended his
business interests to a stave factory and lum-
ber yard at Allenton, Washington county,
some twenty men being employed, John
Ruplinger looking after the lumber yard at
Allenton; he was a soldier during the war of
the Rebellion, serving in the First Wis. V.
C. In 1 89 1 Mr. Ruplinger, in company
with his brother John R. , Baltus Christ-
mann and William Uthmeir, started a steam
and heating foundry at Loyal, Clark Co.,
Wis., and also a general store. In 1892 he
bought out the company, and purchased
1,500 acres of timber land in order to
supply their mill for future years. The
general store in Marshfield, which is one
of the finest in the county, carries a stock
valued at $8,000, and handles all kinds of
farm produce. Mr. Ruplinger also deals to
some extent in land, timber, etc. He has
been a heavy loser, not only by fire, but also
through endorsing for others, losing within
a couple of years as much as $9,000, by
signing for the accommodation of others.
In 1872 Mr. Ruplinger was married, in
Milwaukee, to Miss Mary Ritger, a native
of New York. Her parents, Philip and
Katherine (Wolf) Ritger, emigrated from
Bavaria, Germany, to America, in 1848, and,
after residing for some time in New York
State, moved to Washington county, Wis. ,
where they died. Their children were John,
Philip, Jacob, Peter, August, Frank, Mary
and Paulina. To Mr. and Mrs. Ruplinger
ten children have been born, as follows:
Philip M., Anna K., Peter L. , Edward,
Joseph and Richard B., all living at home,
and John, Mary, Rosa, and an infant, all
four deceased. Philip M. is clerking in the
store at Marshfield. In politics Mr. Rup-
linger is a Democrat. Against his wishes
he was nominated on his party's ticket for
member of the State Legislature in 1894,
for his private affairs do not permit the de-
-^yt^f^i^AJ^/yy fd^t^^^yU-^r^y^/O^
votion of his time to politics. He talces a
lively interest in school matters, and for six
years was school treasurer at Hewitt. In
religious affiliation he is a member of the
Catholic Church. Mr. Ruplinger is dis-
tinctively a self-made man. He owns a fine
home, and his large business interests and
sterling character have given him an influen-
tial standing in Wood county. He is "one
of the people," for, whatever may be his po-
sition in life, he is thoroughly permeated
with the essence of the Democratic princi-
ples upon which the American form of gov-
ernment is based.
JOHN P. CHRISTY, though a recent
arrival in Merrill, Lincoln county, has
already won the respect and esteem of
all with whom he has come in contact.
He is a brother of Thomas Christy, the well-
known blacksmith and wagon maker of Mer-
rill, in whose sketch a full record of the
family is given.
The subject of these lines was born in
New Brunswick, Canada, December i, 1830,
and in that country during his boyhood and
youth was educated, attending the common
schools of the neighborhood of his home.
He was there reared, and with his father
learned the trade of a millwright, remaining
with him until the latter's death, in 1872.
Since then he has made that occupation his
life work, and is recognized as a thorough
expert. He remained in his native country
until 1892, when, accompanied by his family,
he came to Wisconsin, locating in Merrill,
which he now makes his home.
In New Brunswick Mr. Christy was mar-
ried, in 1869, to Miss Frances Mitchell, a
native of that country, and a daughter of
William and Anna (Doby) Mitchell, who had
a family of eight children, John, James,
William, George, Alexander, Janet, Mary
Ann and Frances. Both the parents were
natives of Scotland, and were married in
Canada, where the father engaged in farm-
ing. To Mr. and Mrs. Christy have been
born two sons, both of whom arc at home —
Alexander, who is working in the mills at
Merrill (he holds membership with the
I.O.O.F.); and William, who is still attend-
ing school. The father belongs to no secret
society; in religious faith he is a member of
the Presbyterian Church, and is a consistent
Christian gentleman. He bears a high char-
acter for sterling integrity, and his honesty
is unquestioned.
EDWARD D. GLENNON, editor and
proprietor of The Gazette of Stevens
Point, Portage county, is a native of
that city, having been born there
September 3, 1857, when it was a village of
but a few hundred inhabitants.
Until about the age of fourteen years he
attended the public schools of his native
place, after which he became an apprentice
in the Journal office, remaining there until
1877. He then established a job-printing
establishment and confectionery store; later,
on July 17, 1878, in company with H. W.
Lee and W. C. Krembs, started the Portage
County Gazette. The newspaper firm was
known as Glennon, Krembs & Co., for some
eighteen months, at the end of which time
it was changed to Glennon & Cooper, Clay
C. Cooper having bought out the interests
of the other partners. In May, 1883, Mr.
Glennon became sole proprietor, and has
since so continued to the present time. Tlie
Gazette is an active local publication, enjoy-
ing a circulation extending throughout the
county and neighboring cities and towns.
On March 31, 1880, Mr. Glennon was
married to Miss Annie M. Krembs, eldest
daughter of Charles Krembs (now deceased)
who during his life time was a leading hard-
ware merchant of Stevens Point. To this
union have been born six children: Mar-
guerite, Edward, Carl, George, Katherine
and Grace, the eldest being now (Septem-
ber, 1895) fourteen years old, and the
youngest an infant of seven months. Mr.
Glennon in politics is a Democrat, has been
a member of the board of education for ten
years, and president of the local branch, C.
K. of W., nine years. His father, who was
born in Ireland, coming to this country when
a boy, is living at Stevens Point in the en-
joyment of good health at the age of sixty-
eight years.
JAMES O. RAYMOND, one of the
oldest established attorneys at law of
Stevens Point, Portage county, has long
held, in the opinion of those competent
to judge, an enviable place in the front rank
of the array of legal talent which constitutes
the bar of this State.
Mr. Raymond is a native of New York
State, born May 30, 1831, in McDonough,
Chenango county, a son of Edward and
Maria (Osborn) Raymond, who were of En-
glish and Irish extraction respectively, the
former a native of Athol, Worcester Co.,
Mass., the latter of Washington county, N.
Y. Our subject received his education at
the public schools of Chenango and Tioga
(N. Y.) counties, at Newark Valley (N. Y.)
High School, and at the academy at Owego,
Tioga county, after which he taught school
some four terms. When twenty-two years
old, in 1853, he commenced the study of law
in the office of John M. Parker, of Owego,
N. Y., remaining under his preceptorship
two years, or until 1855, when he came west
to Wisconsin, and in Fond du Lac continued
his law studies in the office of Edward &
Bragg. In the fall of the same year he
moved to Plover, Portage county, where he
taught school one term. On May 26, 1856,
he was admitted to the bar at Plover, and at
once commenced the practice of his chosen
profession. On February 20, 1866, he was
admitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court,
and on June 5, 1873, to the United States
Circuit and District Courts. In July, 1873,
he moved to Stevens Point, where he has
since resided. At first, and for some years,
Mr. Raymond conducted a general practice,
being employed on many important cases;
but for the past five years he has restricted
himself more exclusively to acting as coun-
sel, appearing only occasionally in court to
argue cases, generally in the supreme court.
The cases he argued in that court numbered
over one hundred, and altogether it may be
said that he has been identified with and in-
terested in more important cases than, prob-
ably, any other attorney in this section of
the State. In 1856 he was elected, on the
Republican ticket, district attorney of Port-
age county, re-elected in 1858, and again in
1866, and he was a member of the board of
supervisors of Plover for some years. In
1865 he was elected to the Assembly, and in
1 88 1 he was appointed postmaster at Stevens
Point, serving four years. During the Civil
war, February i, 1865, he enlisted in Com-
pany C, Fifty-second Wis. V. I., at its for-
mation, and on the organization of the com-
pany he was appointed first sergeant. He
saw service at St. Louis and Pilot Knob,
Mo., also at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. , and
at the expiration of his service was brevetted
second lieutenant.
On October 25, 1857, Mr. Raymond was
united in marriage with Miss Mary Eliza
Harris, of Canton, Ohio, and three children
were born to them, only one of whom grew
to maturity — Mitchell Harris Raymond, now
cashier of the Merchants State Bank, of
Rhinelander, Wis. The wife and mother
died in October, 1864, and April 15, 1867,
our subject was married to Mrs. Lucinda
Hanchett, widow of Hon. Luther Hanchett,
a former partner of Mr. Raymond, and who
died while a member of Congress. Socially
Mr. Raymond has been a member of the F.
& A. M. since September, 1856, is a Royal
Arch Mason, belongs to the Chapter, and is
a Knight Templar; while a resident of Plover
he served as Master of Blue Lodge No. 76,
and after coming to Stevens Point was mas-
ter for a tune of Evergreen Lodge, of that
city. He is also a member of the G. A. R. ,
Stevens Point Post No. 56, was its first
commander, and held that position some
three years. He is one of the most popular
men of Portage county, is possessed of
marked abilit}', and has acquired a reputa-
tion for business tact and fairness greatly to
his credit.
JOHN OELHAFEN, a prominent and
influential citizen of Tomahawk, Lin-
coln county, is a native of Bavaria,
Germany, born January 22, 1836, a
son of Andrew Oelhafen.
The father of our subject was born in
Bavaria, Germany, June 15, 1806. and was
a man of rank and owner of a large estate.
He came to America in 1845, landing in
Milwaukee, and purchased a quarter section
of government land in Washington county,
Wis., which he cleared and cultivated, liv-
ing there until 1863. He then removed to
Milwaukee, residing there until his death,
in 1875. He was united in marriage with
Elizabeth Beck, daughter of a well-to-do
farmer, and one of a large family. Their
children were: John, Jacob, Maria E. ,
Margaret E., Fritz, Frederick, Elizabeth,
Ludwick and Marguerite.
John Oelhafen, the subject proper of this
sketch, came to America with his parents
when eight years of age, and his childhood
days were spent on the farm, his primary
education being received in the village
schools. He remained on the farm, assist-
ing his father until he reached his majority,
although at the age of seventeen he com-
menced working in the pineries, giving his
earnings to his father to help in the support
of the family. In September, 1861, he was
united in marriage with Anna S. Miller,
daughter of Andrew and Mary (Krouse) Mil-
ler, the former of whom was an extensive
landowner in Germany. Anna S. came to
America, alone, at the age of seventeen. To
this union were born six children, viz. :
Anna E., born October 3, 1862, now the
wife of August Zastrow, living in Toma-
hawk; Andrew, born February 29, 1864,
married, and is clerk in his father's store;
John W., born May 11, 1866, married, and
also a clerk in his father's store; Mary E.,
born June 28, 1868, now the wife of George
Pfeiffer, of Wausau, Wis. ; William, born
April 2, 1872, and Anna L. , born November
19, 1878. After their marriage Mr. Oelha-
fen and his wife removed to a farm in Wash-
ington county, where they remained for
about two years. Mr. Oelhafen then sold
his interest in the farm and removed to Mil-
waukee, where he opened a general store,
remaining there some ten years. In 1872
he removed to Wausau, at which place he
opened a general store, and also engaged in
the lumbering business, both in Wausau and
in Millbank, S. Dak., where he still has
large interests in farm lands and city prop-
erty. In July, 1887, he erected the first
building in Tomahawk, Lincoln county, be-
fore the days of railroads in that section of
the countr}'. At Tomahawk he again opened
a general store, which he still carries on, be-
ing assisted by his three sons.
Mr. Oelhafen has invested heavily, but
profitably, in pine and farm lands all through
the northern part of the State. He owns a
very handsome residence in Wausau, and
has always been an enterprising and influen-
tial citizen. He at one time filled the office
of vice-president of the first bank of Toma-
hawk, now Bradley's private bank. The
family are all leading members of the Lu-
theran Church. In politics Mr. Oelhafen is
a Republican, and although often urged by
his friends would never accept any office.
He is a man of considerable means, which
he has acquired by a life of industry.
most prosperous farmers of Stockton
township. Portage county, is the son
of an old pioneer, and though still a
young man, has lived to witness the mar-
velous changes that have occurred in the
Upper Wisconsin Valley during the past
forty years. He was born in Toronto, Up-
per Canada, August 9, 1853, son of Patrick
and Margaret (Cullon) Laughlin, natives of
County Wicklow, Ireland, where Patrick
was born, in 181 5, the son of Dennis Laugh-
lin, a stock farmer of some means, and
where Margaret was born, January 10, 1826,
daughter of Thomas Cullon.
Soon after their marriage Patrick and
Margaret Laughlin crossed the Atlantic in a
sailing vessel, starting from New Ross and
landing at New York City in June, 1847,
after a seven-weeks' voyage. At Utica, N.
Y., they secured employment as attendants
in the insane asylum. They moved to Can-
ada early in the year 1853, where Mr.
Laughlin entered the grocery business, but
within a year he returned to the United States,
coming in the fall of 1853 to Wisconsin.
They reached Stevens Point November 2,
1853. It was election day, and the site of
the present " Curran Hotel " was on the out-
skirts of the village. Election excitement
was high that day, for between the hotel
site and the Wisconsin river fourteen fist
fights were in progress at one time. The
journey was made from Milwaukee by team.
Mr. Laughlin bought two lots at Stevens
Point, which the family still owns. He also
purchased from the government 120 acres
in Section 28 of what is now Stockton town-
ship. During the winter of 1853-54 the
family lived at Stevens Point; but in the fol-
lowing spring removed to the farm, where
they lived in a shanty 16x20 feet, which
Mr. Laughlin had built, the first habitation
on the farm. The father at once began to
improve the place, and he lived here until
his death, May 8, 1885, after a brief illness.
He was the owner of 360 acres of land in
Stockton and New Hope townships. In
politics he was a Democrat, and his religion
was that of the Catholic Church. The
widow still lives on the farm with her son
« Dennis. The children of Patrick and Mar-
garet Laughlin were Mary, born in Utica,
N. Y. , and now the widow of John McGin-
ley, of Almond township; Dennis; Margaret,
now Mrs. Patrick Ryan, acting postmaster
at Custer post office; Catherine, now Mrs.
Michael Lally, of Rhinelander, Wis. ; Eliza-
beth, now Mrs. M. O'Keefe, of Stockton
township; Theresa, Mrs. George Wood-
north, of Helena, Mont.; Martha, a teacher,
at home.
Dennis Laughlin was a babe when he
was brought to Portage county. He was
reared on the farm he owns, spending the
winters in the woods. All told, he has fol-
lowed lumbering for twenty-two winters.
He was married July 10, 1S79, in Stockton
township, to Miss Margaret Conniff, who
was born in Beloit, Wis., December 18,
1855, daughter of John and Winifred
(O'Rourkej Conniff, natives of County Gal-
way, Ireland. The family of Dennis and
Margaret Laughlin consists of Amanda W. ,
John Thomas, Mary F. , Stanley P., Daniel
F., and Ruth A.; Margaret E. died in in-
fancy. After his marriage Mr. Laughlin
began housekeeping on the home farm, and
in 1885, after the death of his father, he
completed a large stone residence, which is
the finest in the township. He is the owner
of over 400 acres of land, and one of the
most prominent citizens of the township.
He is a member of the Catholic Church, and
in politics is a Democrat. In the spring of
1894 he was elected town chairman, and is
generally regarded as one of the political
leaders of the township. Under President
Harrison's administration he was appointed
postmaster at Custer, and has since held that
office, giving over the details of the work to
his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. Laughlin
has a remarkable memory, and is gifted with
a high order of business ability.
ANTON LIEG & SON is the name
of one of the most prominent business
firms of Shawano, and these gentle-
man demonstrate what can be accom-
plished through industry, diligence and per-
severance. The senior member of the firm
was born in Prussia June 22, 1835, and is
a son of Kasler Lieg, a tailor by trade.
The father died when Anton was only
seven years of age, leaving the widow with
two children — Anton and John.
After obtaining an ordinary education,
Anton Lieg at the age of fourteen began
working as a slater, and when seventeen he
came to the United States, going down the
Rhine to Rotterdam, thence sailing across
the North Sea to Hull, England, and from
there journeying by rail to Liverpool, where
he boarded a sailing vessel, which sixty days
later reached New York harbor in safety.
From there traveling westward, his funds
were exhausted at Erie, Penn., in conse-
quence of which he was forced to seek work
there, and obtaining a position as a farm
hand, remained there from August, 1852,
until Jul}', 1853, when he came by boat to
Milwaukee. He had been employed on the
construction of the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern railroad, but through a dishonest
contractor lost his wages. In Milwaukee,
he secured work in a brickyard, receiving
from $25 to $30 per month, and in that
locality he remained until 1856, when he
went to Green Bay, Wis., where he again
secured work in a brickyard.
On October 20, 1864, in Green Bay,
Wis., Mr. Lieg married Miss Gertrude
Bibelhausen, a native of Germany, born
February 18, 1844. When a child she
came to the United States with her father,
John Bibelhausen, who engaged in farming
in DePere township. Brown Co. , Wis. For
four years Mr. Lieg continued his connec-
tion with the brickyard, then worked as a
gardener in the summer and chopped cord
wood in the winter. He also clerked for
two winters in a store there, purchasing a
house on Main street near Rahr's brewery,
and kept boarders. In 1871 he came to
Shawano — traveling by stage — and here
worked as a gardener, while his wife con-
ducted a little store, beginning with a capi-
tal of only $60. In the fall of 1871 they re-
turned to Green Bay, where for a short
time Mr. Lieg was employed as overseer of
a gang of men. In the spring of 1872 he
again came to Shawano, and purchasing
twenty-two acres of land began the manu-
facture of brick. He had disposed of his
property in Green Bay, and now had a cap-
ital of $1, 100; but the new business proved
a failure, and left him with only $200.
With this he began merchandising, at first
renting his store room, but after thirteen
days he purchased it. He first opened with
a stock of groceries, and subsequently add-
ed dry goods, later developing a general
store. At first the family lived in the store
room which was 40 x 20 feet, as they did
not wish to go beyond their means; but as
time passed prosperity attended the new
undertaking, and to-day the establishment
is one of the best mercantile houses in
Shawano, occupying as it does a brick build-
ing 82 X 20 feet.
The firm of Anton Lieg & Son have car-
ried on a successful business, and fair and
honorable dealing, courteous treatment and
earnest desire to please their patrons have
been the important factors in their success.
Theirs is one of the most substantial firms
in Shawano, and in connection with general
merchandising, they are interested in the
Shawano Water Power and River Improve-
ment Co., the Shawano Shoe Factory, and
the Shawano County Bank. The business
history of this locality would be incomplete
without the record of their lives, for they
have greatly promoted commercial activity
in this region, and while promoting individual
prosperity have advanced the material wel-
fare of the community.
While living in Green Bay, the follow-
ing children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Lieg: Catherine who died in infancy; John
A., a member of the firm of Lieg & Son;
John, who died at the age of five years; and
Mary, who died at the age of ten. Since
coming to Shawano the family circle has
been increased by the birth of the follow-
ing children: Catherine and Frank, who
are employed in their father's store; Charles, ,
who died in infancy; Peter and Joseph, at
home. In politics, Mr. Anton Lieg has al-
ways been a Democrat, and served as alder-
man for five years, but has never been a politi-
cian in the sense of office seeking. In
religious belief he is a Catholic, and helped
to build the beautiful church in Shawano.
He also belongs to St. Bonifacius Society
of Green Bay. — [Since the above was writ-
ten Mr. Anton Lieg died at his home August
12, 1895.]
John A. Lieg, the wide-awake and
enterprising young business man of the firm,
was educated in the common schools of
Shawano, and has been connected with the
mercantile store here from the beginning.
He has served as a member of the city
council for two years.
of the wealthiest and most prosper-
ous citizens of Stockton township,
Portage county, has not always en-
joyed the comforts of his present life. He
can look back over many years of hardships
and struggles, more perhaps than fall to the
lot of most men, and through them all he
can trace the threads which have guided him
upward to a plane considerably above the
high-water mark of restless want. Those
threads are patience, steadiness of purpose,
industry and good management.
Mr. Kussmann was born in Prussia, May
20, 1833. His father, John Kussmann, was
a common laborer, who owned a small piece
of land, and had five sons and one daughter
to support — Christian, Peter, John, Gott-
lieb, William and Regina. With little
schooling the boys were early put to work.
Gottlieb at ten years of age began herding
I cattle, and a little later sheep. His earn-
' ings barely sufficed for a scanty livelihood.
At seventeen he was apprenticed to a tailor,
and for three and a quarter years received
no wages. Following his trade for a few
years, conducting a shop of his own for one
and a half years, he saved a few dollars with
which he resolved to pay his passage to
America. In Germany he saw no hope of
attaining a home. Bidding farewell to
friends he took passage August lo, 1856, at
Hamburg, in the sailing vessel " Elizabeth,"
bound for New York. An incident at sea
was a collision with another craft in mid-
ocean, resulting not more seriously, fortun-
ately, than in the loss of a mast. Another
feature of the trip was that aboard was the
young woman whom Gottlieb afterward
made his wife. She too, with her mother,
stepfather and brothers and sisters was
journeying to a land of greater opportunities.
After six weeks and two days the ' ' Eliza-
beth " reached New York. Gottlieb's in-
tended destination was Montello, Marquette
Co., Wis., where friends lived. At Green
Lake Prairie he struck his first job, and for
si.x weeks' work received fifteen dollars,
which was paid in gold dollars, queer little
coins indeed as they seemed to the German
boy. During the winter he worked at his
trade, and May 3, 1857, came to Stevens
Point by team. En route he spied some
Indians, and the aborigines frightened him
somewhat. Stevens Point was then a primi-
tive village, and pine trees stood in the pub-
lic square. Gottlieb secured work with a
farmer, Dewey Brown.
In June, 1857, Mr. Kussmann was mar-
ried, at Stevens Point, to Henriette Heiman,
his sweetheart on the "Elizabeth." She
was born in Germany June 25, 1834. Dur-
ing the harvesting season he visited Green
Lake Prairie, and in the fall returning to
Stevens Point worked at his trade. With
his brother he ran the river during the sum-
mer of 1858, making four trips to Galena,
111., Alton, 111., and Dubuque, Iowa. They
had several narrow escapes from drowning.
For twelve years Mr. Kussmann worked
land he had rented, then, about 1870, he
bought on credit 120 acres in Section 18,
Stockton township, only ten acres of which
had been broken, and it was destitute of
buildings. Where his house now stands
were large oak trees. Mr. Kussmann erect-
ed buildings, and has ever since resided on
this farm, adding to it until it now includes
240 acres. To Mr. and Mrs. Kussmann were
born the following children: Julius, a farmer
of Lanark township; Anna, who married
Frank Pollard, and died in Stockton town-
ship; John, a farmer, of Stockton township;
Samuel, at home; Fred, a grain buyer of
Fall Creek, Eau Claire Co., Wis.; Lena,
now Mrs. Rupert Ward, of Stockton town-
ship; Ernest, at home.
For two years after coming to America
Mr. Kussmann was a Democrat. He has
ever since been a Republican, and all his
sons are Republicans. He has never sought
office, but one year served as path master.
Himself and family are members of the Lu-
theran Church at Stevens Point. In the
early days he hauled wheat with ox-teams to
Berlin, a distance of sixty miles, and sold it
for from 30 to 40 cents a bushel, and other
pioneer experiences were on a par with this
one. He is now one of the leading farmers
of the township, and no family is more high-
ly respected than his.
JAMES O'CONNOR, deceased. While
transmitting to posterity the memory
of such men as was the subject of this
sketch, it will instill into the minds of
our children the important lessons that honor
and station are the sure reward of continual
exertion; and that, compared to indomitable
will power, abundant experience, coupled
with habits of honest industry and judicious
economy, the greatest fortune would be but
a poor inheritance.
The subject of this memoir was a native
of Wisconsin, born April 19, 1853, in Mar-
quette county, to Edward and Bridget
(O'Connor) O'Connor, the former of whom
was born in Ireland, whence when a young
man he emigrated to Canada, where he mar-
ried, and where his four eldest children —
Margaret, Catherine, Thomas and Timothy
— were born, of whom Margaret and Cath-
erine died when young; the other two chil-
dren in the family — James and Charles —
were born in \\^isconsin. Early in 1853
the family came to the "Badger State,"
the father having been attracted hither by
the bright promises held out for the then
young State, and here, in Marquette county,
near the county seat, they settled on a farm,
which, by cultivation, they brought to a
high state of perfection. Here the mother
died in 1874, the father afterward passing
away in Portage City, Wis. Thomas, their
eldest son, was a soldier in the Union army,
and died while in the service.
James, the third son, and the subject
proper of this sketch, was reared on his
father's farm, and received his education at
the district school of the neighborhood, re-
maining at home until the death of his
mother, when he moved to Lincoln county,
locating in what was then known as the
village of Jenny, now the bustling city of
Merrill, and for several years worked in the
lumber woods. He then formed a partner-
ship with J. N. Cotter, under the firm name
of Cotter & O'Connor, in the logging and
lumbering and real-estate businesses, which
continued until the spring of 1886, when the
death of Mr. O'Connor, which occurred
April 20, severed the partnership. He was
reared in the Roman Catholic faith, and
died in same. Politically he was a Demo-
crat, but no office-seeker, simply quietly re-
cording his vote at the polls according to the
dictates of his conscience.
On January i, 1884, Mr. O'Connor was
united in marriage with Miss Prue Cotter,
who was born in Franklin county, N. Y. ,
a daughter of John Cotter, and the result of
this union is one child, Prue L. O'Connor,
who is brightening the home of her widowed
mother, in Merrill. As a representative self-
made man Mr. O'Connor in his day had few
equals, and he deserved the highest credit
for the success he secured within the short
twelve years of his experience in Lincoln
county — from the time he came here with all
his worldly effects contained in a small par-
cel to the day death summoned him from
his labors.
C ROWEL W. WHITE, in his varied
but successful career as farmer, lum-
berman and merchant in the Upper
Wisconsin Valley, has run almost
the entire gamut of fortune from the pinch-
ing poverty of the struggling pioneer, labor-
ing without adequate tools, to the affluence
which is the fruitage of his many years of
intelligent and determined effort. He was
born at Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Novem-
ber 27, 1 8 19, son of Joseph and Catherine
(Moyer) White, both natives of the Empire
State. Joseph was the son of John White,
a farmer, and had nine children: Crowel
W. ; Harriet, who died in Michigan; Phcebe,
now Mrs. Deporter, of Michigan; Adonijah,
a blacksmith and farmer, in New York;
William, by trade a shoemaker, now living
in Iowa; Emily, widow of William Kline, a
jeweler; Achsah, who died at the age of
sixteen years; John, by trade an engineer,
living in Pennsylvania; and one child who
died in infancy.
As the eldest child of this family Crowel
W. White was deprived of the opportunity
for a good education. He attended school
during winters until he was twelve years of
age, and was then " buckled into the collar."
His father owned fifty acres of poor land,
and was engaged principally in lime burning
rather than farming. Crowel helped his
father until he was sixteen, then worked for
E. Newman one summer for twelve dollars
per month. He then hired out to the same
man until he was twenty-one years old for
his board and clothes, and for $100 and two
suits of clothes, to be paid when the term of
service expired His mother had died in
1833, when Crowel was still at home. After
his children had all left the homestead the
father married a widow, Mrs. Towne, and
died about 1870.
Reaching his majority and receiving the
promised stipend from Mr.- Newman, Mr.
White drove team six months on railroad
construction in Allegany county, N. Y. , then
scored timber in Pennsylvania. In 1842 he
went to Galena, 111., and mined for two
years, then in 1844 moved to Grand Rapids,
Wis. , and for several years followed saw-
milling and lumbering. Here he was mar-
ried, October 3, 1848, to Elizabeth P.
Anthony, born in Oswego county, N. Y. ,
Novemljer 9, 1826, daughter of Abraham
and Mary (Allen) Anthony, the former
a native of New York, the latter of Massa-
chusetts. Abraham Anthonv, who was a
farmer, reared a family of four children:
Sarah, Elizabeth, Allen and Mary, Eliza-
beth, wife of Mr. White, being the only sur-
vivor. In 1844 Abraham Anthony purchased
and moved upon eighty acres of wild land in
Dane county. Wis., which he engaged in
clearing, but several years later moved to
Grand Rapids, and there embarked in the
lumber business. About 1853 he returned
to Dane county, and in 1S58 sold his farm
and came to Almond township. Portage
county, where he and his wife lived with
their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. An-
thony was instantly killed by lightning, and
his wife died nine days later, from the effects
of the same shock.
After his marriage Crowel W. White re-
mained in Grand Rapids until the spring of
1853, when he moved to Almond township.
He purchased eighty acres of wild land in
Section 7, now owned by Joseph Springer,
and lived two months with a neighbor, until
a log shanty, 12 x 12, could be built. They
moved into this, and in turn gave shelter to
another family, the two families numbering
twelve people. In the fall a frame house
was built, which still stands. Mr. White
had brought with him a team of horses, but
he was without farming implements, and the
work of breaking the land proceeded slowly.
It was only by the hard and toilsome efforts
of both Mr. and Mrs. White, aided by their
children, that they succeeded. After twelve
years on the farm Mr. White returned to
Grand Rapids, and for about seven years
quite profitably conducted a meat market.
He then engaged in the general merchandise
trade for thrfee years, also very successfully.
Returning to Almond township, where he
then owned 160 acres, he built a store at
Lone Pine, and engaged in general trading.
Three years later he erected a commodious
two-story residence 16x24, with two one-
and-one-half-story Ls, each 16x24, sold his
business, and moved to the farm. Again
taking charge of the store, he sold it after-
ward to Michael Curtis, whose widow now
conducts it. Mr. White now owns an ex-
cellent farm of 200 acres. He is a Republi-
can in politics, and has for three years been
a member of the side board. Four children
have been born to Mr. and Mrs. White:
Alonzo A., born July 22, 1850, died at the
age of sixteen years; S. Melissa, born July
27, 1852, died aged five years; Emma A.,
born August 30, 1854, and Bert E., born
March 27, 1868. The two j'ounger children
have always remained at home, and have
been of great assistance to their parents.
JULIUS THIELMAN. Amongwell-to-
do citizens of Merrill, Lincoln county,
not the least worthy of special mention
in the pages of this volume is the gen-
tleman whose name here appears, who is a
thoroughly representative, progressive Ger-
He is a native of Wisconsin, born in
Watertown, Jefferson county, September 20,
i860, a son of Gottfried and Julia (Baum)
Thielman, natives of Prussia, Germany,
where the father was born, in 1829, and
where they were married. They came to
the United States in 1852, making their
home in Watertown, Wis., where the fa-
ther followed the business of contractor and
builder, for many years also being employed
on the Chicago, l^Iilwaukee & St. Paul rail-
road. In 1888 he came to Merrill, Lincoln
count}', where he and his wife are at present
residing. To them were born eleven chil-
dren, named respectively: Alvina, Louisa,
Julius, Emil, Albert, Robert, Helen, Louis,
Theodore, Amanda, and Mollie. Julius,
the subject proper of this article, received
his education at the common schools of
Watertown, Wis., and at the age of four-
teen commenced to learn the trade of butch-
er. When eighteen years old, in 1S78, he
started in the same line of business for him-
self at Grand Rapids, Wis. , which he con-
tinued until the spring of 1881, when he sold
out there, and, coming to Merrill, opened out
a first-class butchering establishment, the
business of which has since so increased
that now he has two leading markets in that
city, besides one in the city of Tomahawk,
in the same county; these are, it is unneces-
sary to say, retail establishments, and in ad-
dition he does a lucrative wholesale business.
On April 20, 1879, at Grand Rapids,
Wis., Mr. Thielman was married to Miss
Minnie Plahmcr, a native of German\',
whose parents, John and Carolina (Knutt)
Plahmer, came with their nine children to
America in 1870, settling at Grand Rapids,
Wis., where the father followed farming
pursuits. He is now living in the town of
Grant, near Grand Rapids. To Mr. and
Mrs. Thielman have been born three chil-
dren: Amanda, Lillian, and William. In
politics our subject is a strong Democrat,
active at all times in the workings of the
part}', and for three years he was chairman
of the Democratic County Central Commit-
tee; was mayor of Merrill one year; chair-
man of the county board of supervisors, and
alderman two terms. In July, 1893, he was
appointed postmaster at Merrill, an office in
which he gives unbounded satisfaction, and
each and every one of these incumbencies
he has filled with scrupulous integrity. For
six 3ears he was secretary of the Central
Manufacturing Co., which establishment
burned in May, 1S94, and he is a director
of the First National Bank of Merrill. In
religious faith he and his wife are members
of the Lutheran Church.
Mr. Thielman is a typical self-made man,
one whose only capital, when at the age of
fourteen, he vaulted into the arena of busi-
ness life, was naught save a level head, a
stout heart and a willing pair of hands, and
bearing for his motto the words: "Fort una
fai-ct fort! bus. " He is now one of the lead-
ing business men of Merrill, is a power in
his party, and a leader in the development
of all enterprises tending to the growth and
prosperity of the city of his adoption — a
typical Western man. Without ostenta-
tion, either in their manner or style of life,
he and his amiable life partner always main-
tain a high social position, and are at all
times in the enjoyment of the highest
esteem and regard of the community in
which they live.
JOHN H. LIVINGSTON began life in
the Upper Wisconsin Valley under the
most unpropitious circumstances. The
burdens of unusual responsibilities had
been thrown upon his young shoulders. As a
boy he helped to support his widowed mother
and his younger brothers and sisters. When
eighteen years of age he came to Wisconsin
with his mother and her four younger chil-
dren, supporting them by his daily labor.
Four years later he entered forty acres of
land in Almond township. Portage county,
but was too poor to pay for an axe with
which to clear the farm. But Mr. Living-
ston has overcome all difficulties. He has
successfully passed the trying ordeal of those
stern, forbidding years, and is now one of Al-
mond township's most prosperous farmers.
His life has been one of struggle and triumph.
Mr. Livingston was born in Chazy, Clin-
ton Co., N. Y., July 3, 1832, son of Will-
iam and Polly (Newman) Livingston. The
grandfather of Polly Newman was a soldier
in the Revolutionary war. William Liv-
ingston was a blacksmith and a native of
Milton, Vt., son of Rensselaer and Mary Liv-
ingston. Rensselaer was also a blacksmith,
and from him his son, William, learned
his trade. After marriage William and Polly
Livingston migrated from Vermont to Clin-
ton county, N. Y. They had ten children:
Harriet, deceased wife of Alexander Irwin,
a merchant of Knowlton; Olive, deceased
wife of Cludius McLaughlin, a farmer, of
Oasis, Waushara county; Catherine, de-
ceased wife of William Fellows, a mer-
chant of Stevens Point; John H. ; Frederick,
deceased; Marj', deceased wife of Silas S.
Walsworth, a lumberman, of Stevens Point;
Ardelia, now Mrs. Mott, of Oklahoma; Nor-
man, deceased; and two who died in infancy.
William Livingston died about 1845, when
John H., the eldest son, was only thirteen
years old. He had little opportunity for an
education, and began work at 25 cents per
day; but a little later secured a position in an
hotel at $10 per month. Remaining there
three years, he saved enough money to buy
a small home and a cow for his mother.
They remained there until 1850, when he
concluded to bring his mother and her four
younger children to Stevens Point. Here
he rented a house and secured work at raft-
ing at $1.50 per day, which seemed like a
fortune. Remaining at Stevens Point four
years, he in 1854 purchased forty acres in
Almond township, buying a claim from one
Robert Huston. It contained a small log
house, 16 X 24, which stood just back of Mr.
Livingston's present residence, and to this
habitation he brought his mother's family.
He had no team; he purchased an axe on
credit, and began the work of clearing up
the oak openings of his little farm. The
first crop, a diversified one, consisting of
wheat, corn, oats and potatoes, yielded well,
and he was soon the happy possessor of an
ox-team. He added gradually to his farm
until it grew to 240 acres of well-cultivated
land. Polly (Newman) Livingston, wife of
William Livingston, died at Stevens Point
in 1882. Our subject was married, March
3. 1869, to Laura M. Hinkley, born in Con-
necticut January 13, 1842, daughter of
Lucius and Laura (Waterman) Hinkley.
Mrs. Laura M. (Hinkley) Livingston is a
lineal descendant of Samuel Hinkley, who
was the ancestor of all of the name in Ameri-
ca, coming in the spring of 1635 to New
England, with his wife Sarah, and four chil-
dren, the voyage from the mother country
being made in the ship, " Hercules," Capt.
John Witherly. They landed at Boston, and
settled at Scituate, a town situated about
thirty miles from Boston, but within the
boundaries of the old Plymouth Colony. In
1639 he removed with all his family and ef-
fects to Barnstable, on Cape Cod, being one
of the first settlers of that town. His first
wife (Sarah) died in Barnstable, August 18,
1656, and December 15, 1657, he married
Mrs. Bridget Bodfish, widow of Robert Bod-
fish, of Sandwich. Samuel Hinkley died in
Barnstable October 31, 1662, leaving a large
landed estate. The homestead remained in
the possession of the family until the com-
mencement of the present century, the last
occupant being Squire Isaac Hinkley.
Thomas Hinkley, eldest in the family of
eleven children of Samuel Hinkley (all by
his first wife Sarah), was born in England,
in 161 8, and came with his father to New
England. He was twice married, first time
December 4, 1640, to Mary Richards, daugh-
ter of Thomas and Welthean (Loring) Rich-
ards, of Weymouth, Mass. She died De-
cember 4, 1659, and for his second wife
Thomas Hinkley was married March 16,
1660, to Mrs. Mary (Smith) Glover, widow
of Nathaniel Glover, of Dorchester, Mass.
She was born at Toxteth Park, Lancashire,
England, July 20, 1630, and died at Barns-
table, Mass., July 29, 1703. Thomas Hink-
ley died at Barnstable April 25, 1705, aged
eighty-seven years. He was a lawyer by
profession, and one of the most prominent
and influential men of his day, having been
a deputy magistrate, governor's assistant,
commissioner of the confederated colonies of
New England, and governor of Plymouth
Colony. He had seventeen children in all
— eight by his first wife, and nine by his
Samuel Hinkley, son of the above and
his first wife (and fifth in the order of birth),
was born at Barnstable, Mass., February 14,
1652, and died at Barnstable (Great Marsh-
es) March 19, 1687. He was married No-
vember 13, 1676, to Sarah Pope, of Sand-
wich, Mass., daughter of John Pope, and
they had a family of ten children. She sur-
vived her husband, and married again, after
which the family of children removed to
Harwich, a town situated about twelve miles
from Barnstable, lower down toward the ex-
tremity of the Cape.
Thomas Hinkley, third child of Samuel
and Sarah (Pope) Hinkley, was born at
Barnstable March 19, 1681, removed to Har-
wich, as above related, and was there mar-
ried to Mercy . [The family history is
here incomplete.] Thomas appears to have
died young, probably in 17 10, as administra-
tion on his estate was granted to his widow
October 11, 17 10.
Thomas Hinkley, second child of Thom-
as and Mercy Hinkley, was born at Harwich,
Mass., March 11, 1708-09, and was a
blacksmith by trade. He was thrice mar-
ried: first time March 31, 1730, to Ruth My-
rick, of Harwich; second wife was Lydia
Nickerson, of Chatham, married March 17,
1765; third wife was Hannah Severance, of
Harwich. [The family record is again in-
Seth Hinkley, eldest child of Thomas
and Ruth (Myrick) Hinkley, was born at
Harwich, Mass., September 2, 1730, and died
at Hardwick, Worcester Co., Mass., April
21, 1797. He was married in Harwich Feb-
ruary 2, 1755, to Sarah Berry, daughter of
Judah Berry, and who died in Hardwick
Aprils, 1 81 3, aged eighty-one years. They
appear to have removed to Hardwick soon
after marriage, as the births of all of their
eight children are recorded here. [They
were the great-grandparents of Lucius Hink-
Scottoway Hinkley, seventh child of the
eight children of Seth and Sarah (Berry)
Hinkley, was born at Hardwick, Mass.,
April lo, 1 77 1, settled in Vernon, Conn.,
and there married Eunice Kellogg, who was
born November 15, 1773, daughter of Rev.
Ebenezer and Hannah (Wright) Kellogg.
He died in Vernon, in August, 1849; his
wife passed away in November, 1823. He
was a physician, and a very large man, weigh-
ing, it is said, 300 pounds. They had six
Lucius Hinkley, eldest of the six chil-
dren born to Dr. Scottoway and Eunice
(Kellogg) Hinkley, was born in Vernon,
Conn., September 6, 1799, married at Bol-
ton, Conn., November 9, 1830, to Miss
Laura (Waterman), born at the same place
in February, 1805, daughter of Charles and
Anna Waterman. Lucius Hinkley was a
manufacturer of woolen goods, merchant
and farmer. He removed from Connecticut
to Troy, N. Y. , about 1842, and became a
grocer. Ten years later he came to Wau-
pun. Wis., and in 1855 to Pine Grove
township. Portage county, where he pre-
empted a farm of 160 acres and erected a
one-story log house, I4.\ 24, into which he
moved with his family. The parents in
1 872 removed from Pine Grove township
to Marcus, Iowa, where Mr. Hinkley died,
April 23 1883; his wife, November 16,
1893. They had six children, their names
and dates of birth being as follows: Jane
Gray, December 2, 1831; Lucius Dwight,
November 8, 1834; Julian Wisner, March
12, 1838; Laura Maria, January 13, 1842;
Mary Amelia, February 14, 1844; and
Myron Edward, February 15, 1846. Of
these, Jane G. is married to William H.
Wilson, and resides in Milwaukee; Lucius
D. is a dealer in pumps and windmills at
Waupun; Julian W. is a contractor and
builder, of Minneapolis, Minn. ; Laura M.
is the wife of John H. Livingston; Mary A.
died in 1894; and Myron E. is a nursery-
man at Marcus, Iowa.
The children born to John H. and Laura
M. Livingston are Stacia, born April 16,
1870, a student at Oshkosh; Olive, born
December 2, i87[, a school teacher at
Plainfield; Zella, born December 27, 1876,
a student at Oshkosh; Ralph Allen, born
March 26, 1885. In politics Mr. Living-
ston is a stanch Republican. He has been
a member of the side board, and for twenty-
two years has been school treasurer. He
is now vice-president of the Stockton In-
surance Company.
of the early pioneers of Wisconsin
are the descendants of pioneers.
From the New England and other
Eastern States the more active and enter-
prising element of society migrated to the
outposts of civilization, and by successive
waves of migration extended farther and
farther westward. It was so with the Rog-
ers family. It settled originally in Vermont.
Then many years ago its representatives
sought Western homes in Oneida county,
N. Y. Another movement brought the
family to the wilderness of Wisconsin, in
Almond township, Portage county.
Our subject was born in Vernon, Oneida
Co., N. Y., August 4, 1844, son of Orim
and Velinda (Wood) Rogers. Orim Rogers
was a native of Vermont, and in his earlier
years had moved to New York, where he en-
gaged successfully in farming and dairying.
He had four children: Caroline, now Mrs.
Albert Wood, of Almond township; George,
also of Almond township; Sarah, wife of
Edwin Forsyth, a carpenter, of New York;
and Adelbert D. Sarah, at the age of sev-
enteen years, had married Mr. Forsyth.
The other children were still at home in
1855, when the parents sold their New
York property and came to Almond town-
ship, Portage Co., Wis. Here Orim Rog-
ers purchased eighty acres of government
land in Section 18, paying $1.25 per acre
for it; it was wild land, innocent of any im-
provement whatever. For a time the family
lived with Albert Wood, but in the spring
of 1856 they built a frame house, 16x24,
in which they lived about twelve years.
Mr. Rogers had purchased a yoke of oxen
in the southern part of Wisconsin, and drove
through to the new home. The work of
breaking the land began, but progressed slow-
ly at first. The mother at one time received
some money from the settlement of her broth-
er's estate, and contributed the amount to the
general welfare of the family. Mr. Rogers
added forty acres to his original purchase,
and remained on this homestead of I20 acres
until his death. May 28, 1892, he dying at
the age of eighty-two years; his wife died
February 22, 1870, at the age of sixty-three
Adelbert D. Rogers received only a
common-school education. He was ten
years of age when he came with his parents
to Wisconsin, and he has ever since remain-
ed on the home farm, assisting in breaking
the land and taking charge' of the farm
since the death of his mother. He has
added eighty acres to the land, which is
now a well-improved farm of 196 acres.
Mr. Rogers was married December 19, 1869,
to Eliza Monday, the eldest child of Ed-
ward and Emma Monday, of Almond
township. To Mr. and Mrs. Rogers two
children have been born: Reuben S., now at
home, and Lyman, who died at the age of
ten years. Politically Mr. Rogers is a Re-
publican. He is a thorough and successful
farmer, and highly respected by all who
know him.
now conducts a large and excel-
lent farm in Almond township,
Portage county, is the worthy
representative of an early and influential
pioneer family of this locality.
She was born in Freemansburg, Penn.,
August 27, 1839, daughter of Jeremiah and
Caroline (Merrill) Roseberry. Jeremiah
Roseberry was born in Warren county, N.
J., August 15, 1812, son of Michael and
Margaret fMackey) Roseberry. Caroline
Merrill, a native of Pennsylvania, was the
daughter of Otis and Susanna (Ravenau)
Merrill. To Jeremiah and Caroline Rose-
berry were born eleven children, as follows:
Freelove E., who died at the age of sixteen
years; Arabella, subject of this sketch; Anna
M., now Mrs. Leman Pratt, of Minnesota;
Charles O., who died in Andersonville prison
during the Civil war; Robert I., a farmer of
Pine Grove township; George A., deceased;
Laura J., now Mrs. William Beggs, of Plain-
field; William M., deceased; John A., de-
ceased; Lillie M., deceased; Harriet, now
Mrs. Everett Beggs, living on the old Rose-
berry homestead in Pine Grove township.
Jeremiah Roseberry was a physician, practic-
ing at Alexandria, Va. , in 1854. Ill health
induced him to abandon his profession, and
to seek renewed strength in the great piner-
ies of the Northwest. Accordingly in that
year he migrated with his family to Wiscon-
sin, and took up a farm in Pine Grove town-
ship. Portage county, of 1 50 acres mostly
covered with oak openings. Dr. Roseberry
remained a resident of the farm until his
death, December 3, 1888, at the age seventy-
six years. He bore a high reputation for
honesty and fair dealing, and was a success-
ful and influential citizen of the new coun-
try, respected and esteemed by all who
knew him.
Arabella Roseberry was fifteen years of
age when she came with her parents to Wis-
consin. She had meager opportunities for
a finished education, yet from her native in-
telligence, and from her association with her
father, who was a cultured man, she fared
much better by way of education than many
others whose lot was cast in the pioneer
land. She was married to James Beggs,
and with him began housekeeping on his
farm in Pine Grove township. In 1864
James Beggs enlisted in Company F, Fifth
Wis. V. I. , and was mustered into the service
at Madison; his brother Albert was in the
same regiment. The regiment was pushed
right to the front, and at Petersburg Al-
bert was killed by a Rebel bullet. James
Beggs served in Virginia until the surrender
of Lee's army, the crowning victory of
Northern arms, which was witnessed by Mr.
Beggs. After his return from the army he
bought 140 acres of land in Almond town-
ship. Portage county, which is a portion of
the farm now occupied by Mrs. Beggs. He
removed there with his wife, and engaged in
practical farming, adding to his possessions
until at the time of his death, January 3,
1890, they had reached 200 acres. The
death of Mr. Beggs was hastened by in-
juries which he had received in the army.
It was a severe blow to the bereaved wife
and family. In politics Mr. Beggs was a
Democrat. The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Beggs are Charles A., a bookkeeper of Plain-
field; Harmon H., of Almond township; and
Frank R. The latter was married February
22, 1892, to Miss Maggie Gould, who was
born in Canada, near Ontario, December
29, 1 87 1 , daughter of Robert and Jane (Liv-
ingston) Gould, whose eight children are
John, Lizzie, Jane, Maggie, William, Margie,
Mary and Lottie. At the time of her mar-
riage Maggie Gould was a school teacher.
Frank R. and Maggie Beggs have one child,
member of the widely-known firm
of H. & J. D. Curran, the popu-
lar and genial proprietors of the
"Curran House," Stevens Point, Portage
county, is a native of the State of Illinois,
born in Winnebago county, near Mt. Carroll,
January i, 1841.
The grandfather of our subject, also
named Henry, who was a man of no small
degree of prominence, descended from a dis-
tinguished family in Ireland, and was a well-
to-do agriculturist in that country, owning
eighty acres of land, besides renting other
farmsteads. He came to this country with
his family, and died at the home of his son
John, at Plover, Portage Co., Wis., in 1849,
at a very advanced age; his wife had prece-
ded him to the grave in Ireland. John Cur-
ran, the son just referred to, was born
in County Carlow, Ireland, and came to the
United States in 1830, locating in Illinois,
near Mt. Carroll. At Galena, in that State,
he married Miss Mary Ann Code, a native of
Missouri, and they had four children. The
father came to Plover, Wis., in 1847, be-
coming an Indian trader in the Wisconsin
Valle)', and in Plover he opened a general
supply store which he operated until a short
time before his death, which occurred No-
vember 2, 1852, caused by neuralgia of the
heart. His widow died in June, 1S56, and
they as well as his father, sleep their last
sleep in the Plover burying ground. They
were all members of the Roman Catholic
Church, and all died in that faith.
The subject proper of this memoir re-
ceived a fair!}' liberal education at the com-
mon schools of Plover, Wis. , and at the
early age of twelve years commenced to
"hustle" for himself. When fourteen he
began lumbering, part of his duties being
the running of lumber down the Wisconsin
river as far as St. Louis, Mo. ; and he so
continued until the breaking out of the war
of the Rebellion when he enlisted May 10,
1 86 1, at Madison, Wis., in company E (a
Jeffersonville company). Fifth Wis. V. I.,
which soon afterward was sent to the front,
the first active hostilities our subject partici-
pated in being at Centerville, Va. , in a skir-
mish with the enemy. He served until July,
1864, his term of enlistment then expiring.
Veteranizing, he re-enlisted September 30,
1864, becoming sergeant-major of the re-
organized Fifth Wis. V. I., in December,
1864, in which he was promoted to second
lieutenant of Company A; in February,
1865, he was further promoted to captain
of Company G, and, finally, after the battles
of Petersburg and Sailors Creek, "for gal-
lant and meritorious conduct," he was bre-
vetted major. He served faithfully and
well to the close of the war, being mustered
out in June, 1865. Major Curran partici-
pated in all the battles of the army of the
Potomac (except that of first Bull Run) up
to May 5, 1864, the day he was wounded
at the battle of the Wilderness, a minie
ball striking him in the left leg below the
knee, which laid him up till the middle of
the following July; he was also injured in
the same battle, on the stomach, by a bullet
striking the brass plate of his belt with ter-
rific force, causing a severe and painful con-
tusion; afterward, from November, 1864, to
the close of the campaign, he participated
in all the battles fought by the army of the
Potomac. The brevet commission was giv-
en to our subject for the following acts of
bravery: at Petersburg the conunand led by
him was the first to yntcr the enemy's
works at the storming of the place; at
Sailors Creek, Capt. Curran and his com-
mand were in charge of the skirmish line on
the enemy's left, when, just toward the
close of the battle. Gen. Ewell, of the Con-
federate service, and staff raised a white
flag as a signal of truce. Thereupon Capt.
Curran detailed Sergt. Cameron of Com-
pany A to meet Gen. Ewell and see what
he wanted; the sergeant did so, and returned
with Ewell and his entire staff who desired
to surrender, and were accordingly sent to
the rear to report to Gen. Wright or to Gen.
Sheridan, and soon afterward Ewell surrend-
ered with his army of 7,000 men (this was
April 6, 1865, three days before Gen. Lee's
surrender) ; after this engagement had been in
progress some time, Col. T. S. Allen, com-
manding the Fifth Wis. V. I., asked Capt.
Curran if he would not charge the enemy's
skirmish line, and drive them in or capture
them, to which the Captain responded that he
" would try," so, taking Companies G andA,
he advanced on the Rebels in skirmishing or-
der, drove in the picket line and took many
prisoners. The Major participated in the
Grand Review held at Washington in 1865.
On returning to civil life Major Curran
resumed citizenship in Portage county, first
in the capacity of manager of " Phelps'
Hotel, " Stevens Point, so continuing until
December 2, 1866, when he bought the
hotel he has since successfully conducted in
partnership with J. D. Curran. On October
II, 1866, he was united in marriage with
Miss Addie Walker, daughter of James
Walker, and three children were born to
them as follows: John D., a graduate of
Stevens Point High School, also of St. John's
Military Academy at Delafield, Wis., and
was a teacher in that institution for two
years (he is now attending Wisconsin State
University); Florence Gratia and Henry, Jr.,
both at home; they have also an adopted
son, Russell W. Walker, whom they reared
as their own from the age of two years, is
now a resident of Astoria, Oreg. , and is
studying law.
Major Curran is a Republican, filled the
position of alderman at Stevens Point some
fifteen years, and is looked upon as one of
the most substantial men of the place.
standing high in the community, has always
been active in politics and influential in the
affairs of his party.
HERMAN FELKER, one of the
progressive young farmers of Al-
mond township. Portage county,
lives on the farm from which the
present village of Almond was carved, and
which was settled by his father, Isaiah
Felker, over forty years ago. The land
was partly timbered by oak, and parti}'
prairie, and hence was easily cleared. Mr.
Felker has one of the two stump machines
that are owned in that part of Portage
county, and it has helped greatly in prepar-
ing the land for cultivation. Of the orig-
inal 240 acres which the father possessed,
Herman now owns and cultivates 120 acres.
Isaiah Felker, the father, was born in
Stratford, Stratford Co., N. H., in 1820.
He was well-educated, and in his younger
days was a school superintendent near Bos-
ton, Mass. He came west to Wisconsin
about 1854, and purchased a farm in Al-
mond township, and also a half-interest in
a hotel where the village of Almond now
stands. In 1857 he was married to Chris-
tina Ferber, who was born in Baden, Ger-
man}', daughter of John P. and Barbara
(Buerkle) Ferber, the eldest of whose five
children is Barbara, now Mrs. Michael
Milure, of Almond township; the second,
Elizabeth, is Mrs. D. Shafer, of Almond;
the third is Mrs. Felker; the fourth, Mary,
now Mrs. George Tysan; the fifth, Mar-
garet, now Mrs. Albert Young, of Almond.
In the fall of 1846 John and Barbara Fer-
ber emigrated to America, were eight weeks
in crossing the ocean, and came direct to
Racine, Wis. Mr. Ferber bought 160
acres of partially-improved land ten miles
from Racine, and lived there until 1854,
when he came to Almond township. Portage
county. Here Mr. Ferber bought 260
acres of land, where Albert Young now
lives. It was mostly prairie land, and con-
tained a small building. The parents occu-
pied and improved this farm until their
death, many years later. After their mar-
riage Isaiah and Christina Felker engaged
in farming and conducting the hotel at Al-
mond until the death of Mr. Felker, Nov. 24,
1874. He had four children, Anna Rosetta,
now Mrs. William Walker; Herman, who
now owns the old homestead; and twins who
died in infancy. Politically, Isaiah Felker
was a Republican, and for many years he
was postmaster at Almond. The widow,
Mrs. Felker, now lives at Stevens Point.
Herman Felker was born in Almond
township July 6, 1862. He was educated
in the common schools, and when quite
young assisted in clearing the land. He
was only twelve years old when his father
died, and at that early age he took his place
at the head of his mother's household. Mr.
Felker has ever since engaged in farming,
and now plants about twelve acres of pota-
toes. On March 27, 18S9, he was married
to Carrie J. McCrossen, born in Waupaca
county, daughter of John and Rachel
(McDougle) McCrossen, both natives of
Maine, and of Scotch-Irish extraction.
John McCrossen was a successful farmer
and lumberman, and about 1856 emigrated
with his family to Waupaca county, where
he purchased and opened up a farm. The
parents now live in Waupaca, at the ages
of seventy-three and sixty-nine years re-
spectively. The children of John and
Rachel McCrossen were Mary, now wife of
W. Chady, a merchant in Waupaca; Will-
iam, who died at the age of twelve years;
and Carrie J., wife of Mr. Felker. Mr.
Felker is in politics a Republican, and is
well and favorably known throughout the
southern portion of Portage county as one
of the most enterprising and influential citi-
LD. SCOTT is one of the foremost
citizens of Belmont township. Port-
age county — foremost in enterprise,
foremost in enlightened opinion, fore-
most in public spirit. He is a self-made
man, and one of the pioneers of the Upper
Wisconsin Valley.
Born in Tioga county, Penn., August 2,
1 83 1, he is a son of Luke and Julia
(Seeley) Scott, the former of whom, who
was a farmer, died in 1836, leaving a
widow and a large family of chil-
dren, as follows: Lucretia, Levi, Julius,
Charlotte, Abigail, James, Charles, Julia,
Phoebe, L. D. and Hester A. The oldest
brother took charge of the farm, and the
family remained together. The mother died
in Tioga county, Penn., October 17, 1858,
aged 64 years, 8 months, 22 days. L. D.
Scott, who was the youngest son, remained on
the home farm, attending the district schools
and assisting in the farm work until he was
twenty-one or twenty-two years of age,
when he went into the lumber woods. In
the fall of 1855 he came to Oshkosh, Wis.,
traveling by rail to Sheboygan, and thence
by stage to his destination. In the winter
he worked in the woods, and during the en-
suing summer he was employed in a sawmill
at Oshkosh; then, in the fall of 1856, he
came to Portage county, and worked in the
pinery on the Big Plover, running the river
the following summer. He bought land in
Springwater township, Waushara county,
but never occupied it. For several years
longer he followed lumbering, then in the
fall of 1 86 1 he purchased eighty acres oi
poorly-improved land in Section 8, Belmont
Mr. Scott was married, March 29, 1862,
in Oconomowoc, Wis., to Susan E. Dopp,
who was born in Oneida county, N. Y., May
16, 1832, daughter of John W. and Cather-
ine (Miller) Dopp. Mrs. Scott migrated to
Waukesha county. Wis., May, 1846, with her
parents, coming via the Erie canal to Buf-
falo, thence by lake to Milwaukee, and
thence to Waukesha county. She was the
youngest of six children, and before she was
eighteen she began teaching school. She
taught eighteen or twenty terms, and it is
an evidence of her ability that she received
unusually high wages for those times. Her
first term was for fourteen shillings per
week, extraordinary wages then, and in
later years she received as high as twenty
dollars per month, .\fter his marriage Mr.
Scott lived for about six months on his
eighty-acre tract, then in the fall of 1862 he
moved to his present farm, where he has
lived ever since, engaged in farming. He
now owns 200 acres of land, highly im-
proved, it being one of the excellent farms
of the township. Two children have been
born to Mr. and Mrs. Scott: Mattie A.,
September 12, 1866 (now Mrs. John H.
Johnson, of Blaine, Wis.), and Bertha E.,
December 12, 1871 (now Mrs. Frank Casey,
and living with her parents). On October
4, 1864, L. D. Scott left home to join the
army, was discharged from Jeffersonville
Hospital, and reached home Julj' 22, 1865.
In 1893 and 1894 Mr. Scott was engaged
in mercantile pursuits at Blaine. In politics
he is a Republican, and voted for John C.
Fremont in 1856. He has held various
local offices, including those of town chair-
man, supervisor and treasurer of District
No. 6; has been an active advocate of Re-
publican principles in Belmont township,
and from his influential position has been
one of the chief advisors of his party in
his section. For fifteen years, from Sep-
tember 4, 1878, to December 25, 1893, he
was postmaster at Blaine, conducting the
office in his house. Successful in business,
always active in public matters, well-in-
formed and happy in his domestic relations,
Mr. Scott is most highly esteemed by a
large circle of friends and acquaintances.
AUGUST H. STANCE, president and
manager of the A. H. Stange Co.,
Merrill, and whose enterprise, en-
ergy and business tact and public-
spiritedness have done so much toward
the building up of the city of his adop-
tion since he came to it, is by birth a
German, having been born near the city of ,
Berlin October 10, 1853.
Charles F. Stange, his father, also a na-
tive of Germany, born in 1820, was married
in the Fatherland to Miss Caroline Boetcher,
of the same nativit}', the date of her birth
being February 6, 1826. In Germany three
children — Caroline, August H. and Charles
— were born to them, and in 1856 the fam-
ily came to America, settling in Watertown,
Jefferson Co., Wis., where six more chil-
dren were born — Ida, Augusta, Anna and
Emma, living, and two that died in infancy.
The father was called from earth in 1886,
while a resident of Merrill, Lincoln Co.,
Wis., having been an invalid for eleven
years; the mother is yet living.
The subject proper of these lines se-
cured but a limited education, as on account
of his father's ill-health he had early to
commence work in order to aid in the sup-
port of the family. To the astonishingly
rapid development of lumber manufactures
in Wisconsin during the past quarter of a
century Mr. Stange has conspicuously and
effectually contributed, and he entered the
arena of business with a vigor and energ}'
which has never flagged. At the age of
thirteen we find him in a sash, door and
blind factory, giving all his earnings to his
parents, which, in fact, he did until he was
married. When eighteen years old he went
to Racine, Wis. , to accept the position of
foreman in a sash and door factory, where
he remained eleven years, or until com-
ing to Merrill in the sprmg of 1882, in
company with H. W. Wright, working for
him on salary until the organization of the
H. W. Wright Lumber Co. , of which he be-
came a member. After two years, however,
he sold his interest, and in partnership with
Mr. Mihill, bought the present plant consist-
ing of sawmill, sash, door and blind factory,
which he has vastly increased and improved,
employment being now given to an average
of 350 hands. Within one year Mr. Stange
bought out his partner's interest, and the
business was conducted in Mr. Stange's own
name until January, 1895, when it was or-
ganized into a stock company, know as the
A. H. Stange Co., of which he is president,
a part of the stock being distributed among
his trusted employes, Mr. Stange owning the
controlling interests. When he bought his
present plant, it was far from new, and con-
siderably run down; but his energy and busi-
ness ability soon built it up to its present
standard of efficiency, and to-day the con-
cern stands at the head of all similar indus-
tries in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. Stange
enjoys the unqualified esteem and respect
of his employes, for reasons, chief among
which, probably, is his thorough personal
knowledge of the business in every detail,
there not being a single machine in all the
extensive plant that he can not operate him-
self — well-establishing his claim to be recog-
nized as a master of every department of
the industry.
In February, 1874, at Racine, Wis., Mr.
Stange was married to Miss Emily Miller, a
native of that city, and daughter of William
and Hattie Miller, Germans by birth. Six
children have been born to this union, named
respectively: Hattie, Charles, Adaly, Au-
gust, Emily and Lydia. In religious faith the
entire familj' are identified with the Lutheran
Church, while, socially, they are held in the
highest esteem by the community.
Mr. Stange's business interests will not
permit of his taking much, if an}', active
part in politics; but his popularity is such
that he has, even in a measure against his
inclination, been placed in public offices of
trust and honor. For six years — or in fact
until he positively declined to act longer — he
served the city of Merrill as alderman, and
in the spring of 1895, although a Demo-
crat, he was offered the nomination for
mayor of his adopted city by the best rep-
resentatives of the Republican party of
Merrill. We have said he does not take
active part in politics, but he is looked upon
as such an able adviser that he is repeatedly
waited on and consulted on political ques-
tions of moment. One of his business capa-
city, administrative ability and unblemished
integrity is certain to be sought after to fill
positions where experience and sound judg-
ment are essential, and to-day Mr. Stange
is vice-president of the First National Bank,
as well as one of the directors of the Na-
tional Bank of Merrill. He takes great inter-
est in the welfare and advancement of the
city. Liberal in his views, and charitable
almost to a fault, yet quiet and unostenta-
tious, as becomes a man of modest mien, he
has ever been a powerful supporter of any
philanthropic or similar cause to which he
could conscientiously give his sanction.
JOHN S. COWAN, who is one of the
most enterprising farmers of Alinond
township. Portage county, has thor-
oughly experienced in his career as a
pioneer the vicissitudes antl hardships which
are inseparable from life on the outskirts of
civilization, and has lived to witness the won-
derful development of the Upper Wisconsin
He was born in Oshkosh, April iS, 1S49,
son of James and Mary (West) Cowan, na-
tives of County Armagh, Ireland, who in
1828 emigrated to America. From Mon-
treal they went to Genesee, N. Y. , whence
Mr. Cowan moved to Rochester, N. Y. , and
afterward to Erie, Penn., where he was en-
gaged on the Erie canal. He then went
to W^arren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where he
bought a small unimproved farm, and began
to clear it. In 1846 he pre-empted and oc-
cupied 1 20 acres of land in Algoma township,
Winnebago county, near Oshkosh. That
city then consisted of one store and one
blacksmith shop. Settlers were few, and
wild beasts abounded in the unbroken for-
ests. Mr. Cowan came from Ohio in com-
pany with Noah and Clark Miles. He be-
gan life in Wisconsin without a team, but
prospered and remained on the homestead-
in Algoma township until his death, April
14, 1882, the wife surviving him until Octo-
ber 27, 1889. Their children were Jane,
now Mrs. D. B. Frost ; Margaret (deceased) ;
David ; William (also deceased); Sarah ;
Mary Ellen ; Martha ; William, now with
his brother John ; Jefferson ; John S., the
subject of this sketch ; and West, who oc-
cupies the old homestead in Winnebago
In his boyhood John S. Cowan attended
the public schools, also the city high school,
and graduated from the business college at
Oshkosh. In 1870 he left his father's home
and came to Almond township. Portage
county, where for three years he was in the
employof hissister,who was then a widow. In
1873 he went to Lincoln county, S. Dak.,
and homesteaded a farm of 160 acres, con-
sisting of prairie land. He remained here,
engaged in wheat growing, until December
I, 1876. Mr. Cowan was married March
16, 1876, to Etta Frost, daughter of Locke
and Maria J. (Frost) Frost, who emigrated
to Wisconsin from Arlington, Mass. Taking
his bride to the Dakota home Mr. Cowan re-
mained there until the following winter, when,
I his wife being homesick and not liking the
new country, they decided to return to Wis-
consin. Starting in December they made
the entire journey in an emigrant wagon,
using sled runners when the snow permitted,
and were seventeen days in reaching Ahnond
township, Portage county. Until the fol-
lowing spring Mr. and Mrs. Cowan remained
with her parents, then purchased from Mr.
Frost a farm of 120 acres in Sections 22
and 27, Almond township. About forty
acres were cleared and in good farming con-
dition. Mr. Cowan constructed a frame
house, 16 X 24, which is now a portion of
their residence. Here they started anew in
life. The team with which they drove
through from Dakota, they lost, and the
only stock they had on the new farm was a
colt given them by his father. Plainfield,
the nearest market, was eight miles distant.
The work of clearing proceeded slowly but
surely, and to-day Mr. Cowan has his whole
farm under cultivation. In 1884 he pur-
chased seventy acres of additional land, cov-
ered with hardwood timber, and easy to clear.
In 1885 he made a one-and-a-half-story ad-
dition, i8.\ 26, to his house. He built a sub-
stantial barn, 24 x 36, and each year has wit-
nessed new improvements. Mr. and Mrs.
Cowan have two children: Wayne F., born
January 15, 1879, and Etta Irene, born
July 14, 1881, both at home, and attending
school. The son is at this writing prepar-
ing to enter the Normal school at Stevens
Point, in 1895. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan are
Spiritualists, and in politics he is a Repub-
lican. He was town clerk four yeai's, and
has served as assessor two terms. He was
appointed chairman in 1893 to fill a va-
cancy, and in the following year was elected
to that office. He is now serving his sec-
ond year as school district clerk. Mr.
Cowan is one of the prominent citizens of
Almond township, and one of its most in-
fluential farmers.
was no more progressive, well-known
or more highly-esteemed citizen in
Wood county than the gentleman
whose name introduces this memoir — a man
of but few words, quiet and undemonstra-
tive, but of great force of character, and a
credit to the profession to which he devoted
his life.
Mr. Powers was born May 9, 1828, in
Marshfield, Vt., and was a son of Parsons
and Susan (Cooper) Powers. He was edu-
cated in his native town, and his early years
were passed upon his father's farm; but at
the age of sixteen he began teaching school,
at the same time spending his leisure hours
in the study of law. He began reading for
the legal profession with a Mr. Wilkinson,
and afterward continued his studies with
Judge Poland, of Vermont. Coming west
in 1 849, he spent one year in southern Wis-
consin, and then after two years' residence
in Sauk City came, in 1852, to Grand
Rapids. During his early residence here he
was engaged in various lines of business; but
after a time he entered upon the practice of
his chosen profession, and was soon in the
foremost ranks of the legal fraternity, being
considered one of the best counsellors in this
section of the State. He was fitted for
leadership, being a broad-minded man, pos-
sessed of keen discernment and progressive
views. In politics he was a stalwart Demo-
crat, and when Wood county was organized
he was elected clerk of the board of super-
visors, holding that office for several terms.
He served in the State Legislature of Wis-
consin in 1863, and was the vice-president
of the Wisconsin Valley Railroad Company,
in the organization of which corporation he
was an active and efficient mover, while up
to the time of his death he served as its at-
Mr. Powers was possessed of a marvel-
ous memory, and it was generally conceded
that he had few rivals in his knowledge of
law records, and also the history of Wood
county and the State from the time of his
residence within its borders. New settlers
learned to look to and rely upon him for
suggestions, aid and counsel in almost every-
thing that pertained to their interests, and
especially so in legal matters, until his fame
became known throughout his adopted State
and even beyond its limits, while his friends
were legion. In his appearance he was unos-
tentatious, but in his convictions he stood as
firm as the mountains among which his early
childhood was passed, yet he readily yielded
to logical reasoning, and was ever earnest
and untiring in his search for the key that
would solve the problems presented to him
through his life, doubting when he could not
demonstrate. In religion it can not be said
that he was an unbeliever. He had no fear
of death, but the question of the hereafter
he could not solve to his satisfaction. He
never tired of studying and pondering upon
religious and scientific subjects, and his ever
honorable and upright life assures us that if
existence is continued beyond the grave he
will live in immortality. In his practice he
made considerable money, but more often
his services were unrequited by pecuniary
remuneration. He seldom asked for a
stated sum, letting his patrons give him
what they believed to be his just due. He
was generous and benevolent, ever kind and
thoughtful of others, none could speak aught
against him, and he probably had not a
single enemy in his wide circle of acquaint-
Mr. Powers was married, in Grand
Rapids, September 8, 1870, to Mary Eliza-
beth, daughter of Robert and Mary Ann
(Brown) Dickerson, and one daughter, Alta
Charlotte, was born to them January 22,
1876. The devoted husband and father
passed peacefully away on the morning of
September 24, 1S88. He has left an im-
press upon this State and her laws that will
be seen and felt for many generations, and
in the records of the courts has built for
himself a monument more splendid and en-
during than could have been made by the
sculptor, and his memory will be cherished
throughout Wood county and Wisconsin
while the friends who have known him are
still in life.
NICHOLAS GROSS. Among the en-
terprising, wide-awake hustlers of
Stevens Point none is more deserv-
ing of special mention in the col-
umns of this work than the gentleman
whose name is here recorded.
Mr. Gross is a native of Lorraine, France
(now in Germany), born April 4, 1854, a son
of Nicholas and Christina (Deminerle) Gross,
highly respectable and well-to-do farming
people of that historic province. In 1865,
accompanied by their then family of eight
children, they set sail from Havre, France,
in the ship "Bremen," and after a passage
of forty-two days landed at New York, when
they at once proceeded to Wisconsin via
Buffalo, where they remained a short time.
In the spring of 1866 they came to Portage
county, and in the town of Sharon, at Po-
land Corners, the father, in 1867, built a
tavern, which was known far and near as
the "Poland Corner Tavern," the first
hostelry ever seen in that neighborhood.
Here he died, in comfortable circumstances,
in 1876, his wife passing away at Stevens
Point in 1892, and they were buried, the
father at Poland Corners, the mother at
Stevens Point. In religious faith they were
members of the Catholic Church, and in
political affiliation Mr. Gross was a Demo-
crat. Their family of children were as fol-
lows: Born in Lorraine — Richard, a resi-
dent of Stockton, Portage Co., Wis. ; Cath-
erine, now Mrs. N. Jacobs, of Stevens
Point; Victor, of the same place; Nicholas,
our subject; Henry, living in W^ausau, Wis.,
representing the Pabst Brewing Co. ; Aloy-
sius, member of the hardware firm of Gross
& Jacobs, Stevens Point; Christina, now
Mrs. John Khiel, of Stevens Point; Felix, who
died at Poland Corners when twelve years
old; those born in the United States are —
Mary, a Sister of the Order of Notre Dame;
and Rosa, now Mrs. John Martini. The
father of this family at one time owned
some land in this country, but never lived
on it.
The subject proper of these lines re-
ceived his primary education at the schools
of his native place, and after coming to this
country attended a short time a German
school at Buffalo, N. Y., while the family
were remaining there while on their west-
ward journey. At the age of seventeen he
left the parental roof, and coming to Stev-
ens Point made his home here with a Mr.
Jacobs, and attended the Second Ward
School. For a time he found employment
in a supply store; but prior to this he went
up the river to Big Eau Claire to work on a
lumber raft bound for St. Louis, Mo., in
which expedition he came near losing his
Hfe, for on running down the Little Bull
Falls he was accidentally knocked off the
raft into the water. James McHugh, the
pilot, made an effort to save him, Mr. Gross
being unable to swim, in which effort (un-
successful, it seems) McHugh lost his pocket-
book, containing $250, and our subject a
trouser leg. Mr. Gross finally succeeded in
reaching shore through what is known
among lumbermen as the " emptying of an
eddy," his ardor for raft-running being
thoroughly cooled. This occurred at a place
called Mosinee, and by the time the raft
reached Stevens Point, Mr. Gross conclud-
ed he had had enough of aquatic adventures,
and embarked in the less perilous stream of
commercial life, securing a position in a
supply store, as already related. In 1877
he thought he would vary the monotony of
life by trying his hand at railroad life, and
proceeding to Colby he worked on the con-
struction of the Wisconsin Central railway
a couple of days, "riding the crowbar;"
then once more returned to Stevens Point,
making the trip on a freight train, whereof
James Doi^sey was conductor. For a time
after this Mr. Gross worked in a supply
store for Thomas Gray, the result of which
was that in the fall of 1874 he opened up a
saloon business on Main street, Stevens
Point, between First street and the square,
John O. Herren being his partner; but the
business was not a success, and at the end
of some six months was closed out. Our
subject next tended bar for his brother-in-
law, Nicholas Jacobs, at the "Jacobs
House," and with him remained until 1877.
From 1878 to 1881 he was employed in the
machine shops of John and James Rice,
keeping books and running machinery; then
again opened out a saloon on the northeast
.corner of the Square, in which he continued
alone until the spring of 1882, when he re-
moved his business to the Lutz Block, on
Main street, Peter Eiden becoming his part-
ner. There Gross & Eiden continued the
saloon till June, 1883, when Mr. (iross sold
out to A. Watke, and began the handling of
Pabst's beer, selling it by the carload from
October, 1883, to May, 1884, since when he
has been local representative at Stevens
Point for that vast brewery, the trade of
which has considerably increased under his
careful management and thorough business
capacity. On November 21, 1875, Mr.
Gross was married at Stevens Point to Miss
Johanna C. Splawn, who was born in Hart-
ford, Washington Co., Wis., a daughter of
Patrick Splawn, a native of Ireland; she
was brought to Portage county when a year
old, and was here reared and educated.
The children born of this marriage were as
follows: Nicholas, who died at the age of
two years and two months; Alice, born
November 7, 1882, still at home; and Ma-
bel, who died when three years and sixteen
days old. In politics Mr. Gross is a Demo-
crat, and in 1878 he was a member of the
school board; socially he is affiliated with
the Catholic Knights, the Catholic Order of
Foresters, and has served as trustee of each,
at the present time being trustee of the
Knights. In 1894 he built one of the finest
dwelling-houses in Stevens Point, and he
has every home comfort due to a man who
has earned it well and is deserving of all
he owns.
JAMES BARR. In every agricultural
community there are some men who are
generally known as poor farmers, and
others who have the reputation of be-
ing good farmers. Among the latter class
are a few who excel even among the excel-
lent. The reputation of James Barr, of
Belmont township, Portage county, is that
he is one of the best farmers in the county.
He is not specially interested in politics. It
is the farm that interests him, and as a re-
sult he is a model for the man who wishes
to make farming a successful business.
Mr. Barr comes of sound Scotch stock.
Now, at the age of seventy, he is a very
well-preserved man. He is one of a family
of twelve children, all of whom lived to the
age of twenty-one years, and six of whom
now survive. He was born in Renfrew-
shire, Scotland, June 2i, 1825, son of Rob-
ert and Janet (Pettiker) Barr. Robert Barr
was a joiner, and supported his family in
Scotland by working at his trade. Becom-
ing discontented there, he made a prelimin-
ary prospective trip to New Brunswick, and
soon after, in 1827, he emigrated with his
family, then consisting of four children, to
a farm in Lower Canada, in a new and
wooded country. He was a poor man, and
sought a cheap home. On the farm he
thus settled he lived through life, and died
aged seventy-five years, his wife surviving
to the age of eighty-six. Their family was
as follows: Janet, now' Mrs. Gilmour Dan-
skin, of Iowa county, Iowa; Jane, who
married and died in England; James, sub-
ject of this sketch; Mary, who married and
died in Michigan; Robert, of British Colum-
bia; John, who died in Lower Canada;
William, of Indiana; Margaret, widow of
George Ma.xwell, of Lower Canada; Eliza-
beth, who married and died in Iowa; Isabel,
who married and died in Lower Canada;
Peter, of Lower Canada; and Allan, who
died in Lower Canada.
James Barr was reared in a new country
in Canada, where there were no schools for
years ; but, nevertheless, he got education
enough to carry him through. When about
eighteen years old he started out in life for
himself, working at whatever he could find
to do, chiefly lumbering for a while. For
some time he worked in Lower Canada, then
went to Upper Canada where for four years
he was engaged in loading and unloading
vessels at Port Ryerse, and during these
years secured his start in life from wages of
from twelve to eighteen dollars per month.
He first came to Wisconsin in the winter of
1854-55, when he was engaged in lumber-
ing on the Big Eau Claire river. Returning
to Canada, he again came to Wisconsin in
the spring of 1856, and settled on 120 acres
in Section 21, Lanark township, Portage
county, which he had purchased a year pre-
vious. It was a new piece of land, without
buildings, and for three years he spent the
summers in improving it, passing the win-
ters in lumbering.
In 1 860 he was married, in Lanark town-
ship, to Mary Donavan, who was born Sep-
tember 22, 1841, in New Brunswick, daugh-
ter of Patrick and Julia (Coughlin) Dona-
van). Patrick was a mason and stone cut-
ter, and a great traveler. He lived succes-
sively in New Brunswick (Canada), Fall
River (Mass.), Richmond (Vt.), Rensse-
laer county (N. Y.), Willimantic (Conn.),
Upper Canada near the Suspension bridge,
and in various points in Ohio. In the fall
of 1854 he came with his family to Wau-
paca, Wis., and later bought forty acres in
Lanark township, Portage county, also pre-
empting 120 acres and making the first im-
provements on the farm. The family first
lived in Lanark township in a shanty twelve
feet square, boarded up and down, and here
during severe winters they suffered little from
the cold as the house was so small it was
easily kept warm. Mr. and Mrs. Donavan
had ten children — five sons and five daugh-
ters. The parents both died in Lanark
township, the father at the age of seventy-
five, and the mother when fifty-three. Mrs.
Barr when a girl of fourteen summers worked
away from home, and as a domestic received
wages as low as fifty cents per week. After
marriage Mr. Barr began housekeeping in
Section 21, Lanark township ; in 1873 he
removed to Section 19, Belmont township,
where he had purchased 160 acres, and has
lived here since. His four living children —
John, William, Jessie L. and Allan — are all
at home : three children, Robert, Anna and
Jane, died young. Since coming to Bel-
mont township, Mr. Barr has engaged solely
in farming, and has erected all the substan-
tial buildings which the farm now possesses.
He is a great reader, and always has daily
and weekly newspapers in his home.
FRANK FLETCHER, a representa-
tive citizen of Portage county, was
born 'in the town of Burton-on-the-
Water, Gloucestershire, England,
December 18, 1848, and is a son of John
and Charlotte (Humphries) Fletcher, who
were also natives of that locality. The
father learned and followed the trade of a
baker in his native land, and in the spring
of 1841 was married. In the spring of 1854,
accompanied by his family, he sailed for this
country on the "George Washington," a
merchant vessel. They had previously in-
tended sailing, but were fortunately preven-
ted from doing so, for on the vessel on which
they had intended taking passage yellow
fever broke out, and nearly all on board
The Fletchers spent thirty-three dajs
upon the water, and then continued their
journey by rail to Oshkosh, Wis., where
Mrs. Fletcher had an uncle living. Two
years later they came to Portage county and
located a claim, but after six months were
obliged to leave, for it was found that a cer-
tain John Gray had a prior claim to the
farm. In Buena Vista township the father
secured eighty acres, which, however, re-
verted to the original owner. He ne.\t rent-
ed land for two years, and then purchased
forty acres in Section i6, Buena Vista town-
ship, and now became more prosperous.
He afterward bought an additional eighty
acres, later the eighty-acre farm on which
our subject resides, and subsequently a quar-
ter section on which his son George is living,
and eighty acres on which a nephew is liv-
ing. He also owned forty acres of timber
land, making in all 360 acres. In politics
he was a Republican, and he was a valued
citizen. His death occurred May 29, 1890,
on the old homestead, when he was aged
seventy-one years. His wife, who was born
September 18, 18 19, died a Christian in
April, 1890.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher were the parents
of eight children, viz.: (i) Arthur, a farmer
of Belmont township. Portage county, mar-
ried Sarah Handel (he served in the Union
army throughout the Civil war); (2) Mary
Ann is the deceased wife of Charles Went-
worth, a farmer of Kansas, by whom she
had one son, Louis, who married Margaret
Gasman, and had two children — John and
Perry; (3) William died in infancy; (4)
Frank is the ne.\t younger; (5) Caroline is
the wife of Gilbert Puariea, and they have
six children — Charles, Fred, Daisy, Bessie,
Ollie and Wayne (they reside in Buena Vista
township); (6) Charles R., a farmer of Stev-
ens Point, Wis., married Hattie Wanty,
and they have four children — Pearl, Roy,
Harry and Ray Arthur; (7) George, a farmer
of Beuna Vista township, married Emma
Wanty, and they have six children — Eugenia,
Irene, who died in infancy, John, Clara,
Millie and Ward; (8) Herman D. is a car
inspector in the employ of the Wisconsin
Central Railroad Company at Stevens Point
(he married Josie Grover, and they had
three children — Guinevere, Gladys, and one
that died in infancy.
Our subject was about seven years old
when his parents came to America. He
began his education in England and com-
pleted it in Buena Vista township; but much
of his youth was spent in work upon the
home farm. He also worked for others as a
farm hand, and was in the lumber woods
during two winters, also rafted lumber down
the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers as far
as Hannibal. In May, 1874, he was mar-
ried in Belmont, Wis., by Ira Whipple,
justice of the peace, to Miss Sarah A. Berry,
a daughter of Andrew and Angeline (John-
son) Berrj', the former a native of Pennsyl-
vania, the latter of Sweden. Mrs. Fletcher
was born near Wausau, Wis., in the lumber
region, where her father kept a boarding
house. He was born August 4, 18 14, and
his wife on February 9, 1835. The)' still
reside on the old homestead in Buena Vista
township. Portage county; they had six
children, of whom Mrs. Fletcher is the
eldest; after her came Clara, born March 12,
1856, deceased wife of Nelson Winslow, a
lumberman; Mary B., a milliner of Am-
herst, Wis. ; William, who died in infancy;
Andrew B., first married to Emma Young,
and afterward to Barbara Young, by whom
he has two children — Effie and Robert P. ;
Alice, born August 13, 1865, died in Sep-
tember, 1886.
After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Flet-
cher located on the farm which is still their
home. His father had given him a deed to
eighty acres of land, and to this he added
140 acres. Fortenj^ears they lived in a small
frame dwelling, one of the first homes in
the township, and in 1884 erected a com-
modious modern residence, in which they
reside with their only child, Clarence, who
was born April 6, 1878, and is now at-
tending school in Buena Vista township.
Mrs. Fletcher is a member of the Methodist
Church at Liberty Corners, and takes quite
an active part in Church work. In politics
Mr. Fletcher is a stanch Republican, and
has served as supervisor about eight years,
being at present a member of the board
He has been clerk of the school board
eighteen years, is a warm friend of the cause
of education, and gives his hearty support
to all worthy enterprises and interests cal-
culated to prove of public benefit.
ALMON MAXFIELD holds a leading
place among the enterprising and
prominent men of Plover, Portage
county, where he is now carrying on
a successful mercantile business. He is a
native of New Hampshire, born in Goshen,
November 5, 1829, and is a son of Jonathan
C. (a farmer) and Judith (Cheney) Maxfield,
who had a family of three children: Almon,
Electa E., wife of John Patterson, a lum-
berman (they have a family of children),
and Leander, a miner of New Me.xico.
The educational privileges of Almon
Maxfield were but meagre, all the literary
training he received being obtained in an
old log school house. He was early inured
to hard labor, however, and began life for
himself at an early age. In 1840, accom-
panied by his parents, he moved with their
children to Janesville, Wis., and here our
subject was engaged in work by the day.
Wisconsin at that time was considered on
the frontier, and there were few inhabitants
in the section where they located. Almon
made his home in that vicinity until 1850,
in which year he came to Plover. His
mother for many years had been an invalid,
and it was mainly on account of her health
that the family had come west; her death
occurred in Janesville in 1842. The re-
mainder of the family arrived in Portage
county in 1852, and for many years the
father made his home at Stockton; he died
at the home of our subject in 1892, at the
age of eighty-three years.
Almon Maxfield engaged in general labor
for about five years after coming to Plover,
at the end of which time he purchased 120
acres of totally unimproved land. For two
years he made his home with a family who
were living upon his farm, and then on June
20, 1 86 1, he was married to Miss Mary
Elizabeth Rice, a native of New York, and
daughter of Benona and Mary (Livingston)
Rice, who also had a son, Lemuel G., a
merchant of McDill, Wis. Her father fol-
lowed the vocation of farming, and with his
family emigrated to Wisconsin about the
year 1852, locating in Plover; since 1894
both he and his wife have resided with our
subject. Mr. Rice has now reached the
ripe old age of eighty-three, his wife being
eighty-one. To Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield
have been born four children: Irene, now
the wife of W. W. Dake, who operates her
father's farm in Plover township; Cora E.,
now employed as bookkeeper for a merchant
in Gladstone, Mich.; Marion E., attending
the Normal School at Stevens Point; and
Julian P., at school.
Until 1886 Mr. Maxfield carried on agri-
cultural pursuits in Plover township, Port-
age county, and during that period cleared
and developed his .fine farm of 120 acres.
In that year he removed into the village of
Plover, and has since engaged in merchandis-
ing, carrying a stock valued at $3,000. He
has a well-appointed store, in which he con-
ducts a lucrative business, receiving a liberal
patronage from the people of Plover and
the surrounding country. Politically he al-
ways supports the Republican party, and on
its ticket was elected supervisor for four
years; he also served as justice of the peace.
He possesses the entire confidence of the
community in which he lives, and is held in
the highest respect by all with whom he
comes in contact. Mrs. Maxfield is a true
Christian woman, and a consistent member
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to whose
Aid Society she belongs.
HENRY KOLLOCK, one of the early
pioneers and successful farmers of
Almond township. Portage county,
was born in New Brunswick, Novem-
ber 12, 1828, son of Shepherd F. and Mary
Eliza (Taylor) Kollock, both natives of New
Shepherd F. Kollock was by occupation
a lumberman and fisherman, and the shift-
ing center of the lumbering interests induced
him several times to move. He lived for
some years in Maine, and in 1836, soon
after the death of his wife, he moved west,
settling near Detroit, Mich., where he en-
gaged in fanning. Four years later he came
to Waukesha, and followed lumbering, liv-
ing with his eldest son, William, who owned
land. Here the father died in 1843. He
had nine children, as follows: William, who
died in Kansas; Jane, who married Thomas
Curry, a harness maker, and died in Michi-
gan; Wellington, a resident of Buena Vista
township, who was killed in the tornado of
1863; AnnC, who, as the widow of Michael
Little, lives with her children at Detroit,
Mich.; George, an hotel keeper at Merrill;
Mary Eliza, wife of George Sanford, a
farmer and lumberman at Hustisford, Dodge
county; Henry, of Almond township; Nel-
son, a farmer of Almond township; and
Frances, widow of B. F. Cooper, of West
Until the tender age of eight years our
subject received some educational advan-
tages in the East, and he can remember
when a teacher could be employed for $1
per week; on coming west with his father
his school days were less frequent. After
the father's death, which occurred when
Henry was fifteen years old, he remained at
the home of his brother William for three
years, then with his brother Nelson he came
to Wausau, and for six years they worked
in the pineries. Then, in 1852, the two
brothers came to Almond township, where
they bought a claim of 320 acres, at that
time unsurveyed. They lived for a time
with their brother Wellington, in Buena
Vista township, and their nearest neighbor
was John Moss, who occupied the land now
known as the Dickson place. The brothers
had oxen, and at once began breaking up
the land. Henry was married, March 20,
1854, to Permelia Barber, daughter of Ches-
ter Barber, a cooper by trade, who had been
a soldier of the war of 1812, and who came
from New York to W^aushara county. Wis.,
about 1847, engaging in farming until his
death, several years later. When Henry
Kollock was married about fifty acres of the
land was under the plow. He built a frame
house, 16x24, and here the two brothers
lived. They speculated in land to some ex-
tent, and remained in partnership until
1873, when they divided 560 acres between
them. Henry now owns 200 acres. He is
the father of four children, as follows: Ella
A., who married Walter Nugent, of Plain-
field, Wis., and died at the age of thirty-five
years, leaving one child, Cora E. ; Cora D.,
now Mrs. William Brady, of Almond town-
ship; Edith, now Mrs. Charles H. Pratt;
and Shepherd F., at home. All the children
have been school teachers except Shepherd
F. The latter was married November 12,
1894, to Anna Smith, daughter of Osborn
and Sarah (Clark) Smith. Osborn Smith, a
plumber by trade, is now a farmer of Buena
Vista, and is the father of twelve children,
as follows: William (deceased), Jennie,
Anna, Alice, Ella, Maggie, William (2),
Catherine Reece, Maria, Theresa, Adeline
and James. Politically Mr. Kollock is a Re-
publican, and in ante-bellum times he was,
like his father, a Whig. He is a prominent
member of Plainfield Lodge No. 208, F. &
A. M., and is one of the most influential
and most highly-respected citizens of Almond
been said that the life of every man,
if properly written, would be as in-
teresting as a romance. Few lives
perhaps have so well typified the rewards
that come to a man of honor, bravery and
fidelity after a prolonged battle against ad-
verse fate, as that of him whose name appears
above, one of the most highly honored citi-
zens of Dayton township, Waupaca county.
He was born in Alsace, France (now
Germany), August 27, 1826, son of Jacob
and Elizabeth Shoemaker, the former of
whom, who was a farmer, died when Fred-
erick was fourteen years of age, the eldest
of thvee children. The property was ample
but incumbered, and upon the shoulders of
the young lad fell the main burden of the
fight against accumulating interest and fore-
closure. The struggle was manful, and for
a time kept the little family at home with
the mother. In 1845 and 1846 there was a
notable exodus of emigrants to the United
States, the promised land of liberty and
plenty. It was partially with the hope of
placing his mother beyond want that Fred-
erick, too, a lad of twenty, in the year 1846
resolved to try his fortune in the new country.
Bidding his mother, brother and sister adieu,
he proceeded via Strasburg, Paris, Rouen
and Havre to New York, landing with but
iive dollars in his pocket. Unable to speak
English, he in vain sought work for several
weeks, and his little fund was exhausted.
Finally he succeeded in borrowing ten dol-
lars to take him to his uncle, who lived in
Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y. He
reached Attica, ten miles from his destina-
tion, penniless, and started afoot for his
relative's home. All night, in the blustering
month of March, he tramped in the cold and
snow, but lost his way and was compelled
to turn back. Not daring to go to the hotel,
for he was without money, he hung around
the depot till directed anew, and this time
he succeeded in reaching his destination.
He remained there a month, then lived out
at seven dollars per month with Marshall
Cowdin, " if he suited, " and remained seven
months. Then he worked near Attica,
N. Y. , for eight dollars per month. Re-
turning to Orangeville, N. Y. , good fortune
awaited him. His services were engaged by
Truman Lewis, a prominent farmer and
dairyman, and for three and a half years he
remained on that farm. Better fortune
still, he in 1850 married Miss Jane Lewis,
daughter of his employer. She was born
June 30, 1826, of Puritan extraction. Tru-
man Lewis was one of the most prominent
men of his county, and at one time was a
member of the New York Legislature.
Having saved his money, though much
of it was sent to his widowed mother, Mr.
Shoemaker purchased a farm in Weathers-
freld township, Wyoming Co., N. Y. , which
he occupied two years. He then returned
and worked for his father-in-law. In the
spring of 1853 he started with his wife for a
Western home. Oshkosh, Wis., was his
destination, which was reached via the
lakes, stage, and lake again. Here he
met an acquaintance, and while looking
around he was advised by an Oshkosh mer-
chant to go to the Indian land then just
opened up. Acting on the advice, he pro-
ceeded by boat to Gill's Landing. Leaving
his wife here, he proceeded to Dayton town-
ship, and by chance met Lyman Dayton,
formerly of Attica, N. Y., who he was. sur-
prised to discover was a personal friend of
his father-in-law, Truman Lewis. Mr.
Dayton interested himself in the newcomer,
and gave him some valuable hints upon
making a location. Mr. Shoemaker finally
purchased the southwest quarter of Section
1 5 from Thomas Morgan, who had made
some improvements on that place, clearing
three acres and building a small house, and
in May, 1853, in an ox-wagon, the pur-
chaser brought his wife and small outfit to
their new home. The first purchase of
ninety acres was augmented from time to
time until, in 1893. previous to the transfer
of some 270 acres to his sons, the farm in-
cluded 450 acres. Meantime matters had
not prospered in the old country, for the old
home was sold, leaving the mother in
straightened circumstances. She lived to
the age of seventy-five, and her support
came largely from Wisconsin. Elizabeth,
the only sister of Frederick, married Charles
Haenel in Europe, and emigrated to the
United States. Her husband died in New
York City, and she returned to Alsace.
Again coming to New York City, she mar-
ried Christian Schuekle, and died in that city
in 1885. Jacob, the only brother of Fred-
erick, entered the F'rench army, and on ac-
count of his superior military presence be-
came a member of Louis Napoleon's body
guard. He is now a station agent at Mon-
cel, on one of the government railroads of
France. The children of Frederick and
Jane Shoemaker are Lewis F., Lucy (now
Mrs. A. R. Potts), Truman and Corinne, all
residents of Dayton except Corinne, who is
living at home.
In politics Mr. Shoemaker is a stanch
Republican, and though he has not been an
office seeker has twice served his township
as supervisor. For thirty-five years he has
been an elder in the Presbyterian Church,
of which he and his wife are members. He
was trustee also, for years was Sunday-
school superintendent and chorister, and in
1 883 was a delegate to the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church, at Saratoga,
N. Y. While nearly seventy years old, he
has the health and strength of a man many
years younger. Thoroughness, honesty and
fairness have been the characteristics of
his successful Hfe. He is one of the best
types of self-made men, and is most hap-
pily situated at the old homestead, in the
midst of his children, who are following in
his footsteps and thus exemplifying a high
JACOB H. VAN DOREN, an extensive
manufacturer at Birnamwood, Shawano
county, was born December 17, 1846,
in Steuben county, N. Y. , near Naples.
Isaac O. Van Doren, father of our subject,
was probably born in Holland, at any rate
he was of Dutch descent; his father was
married in New Jersey to Rebecca Smith,
and they became the parents of six children:
Abraham, Mary Ann, Isaac O., Jacob, Will-
iam and Samuel. He was an early settler
in New York, and came to \Msconsin in
1853, settling near Oshkosh, where he re-
mained until his death in 1864; his wife
passed away in 1862.
Isaac O. Van Doren, father of our sub-
ject, was married in Naples, N. Y. , to
Sarah Bush, who was born in that town in
1824, one in a family of eight children, viz. :
Paulina. Sarah, Vinna, Jane, Myra, Rufus,
John H. and Arthur. Both the parents died
in New York. By this marriage Isaac O.
Van Doren became the father of nine chil-
dren, as follows: Adelaide, James, Jacob
H., Alfrida, Ella, Wheeler, Frank, May and
Charles. He was a farmer by occupation,
and came to Wisconsin in 1854, settling on
a farm in Winnebago county, near Oshkosh,
also carrying on a hotel. The mother dying
at this home in 1880, the father married
again; he is now living in Brown Valley,
Jacob H. Van Doren, the subject of this
sketch, attended the common schools in his
native State, also after coming to \\'iscon-
sin, and assisted his father upon a farm until
he was twent\-oue years of age. He then
went to Menasha and bought a livery stable,
which he managed one year, when he sold
out and embarked in the lumber business in
Shawano count}', remaining there one year.
His next step was to buy a farm near Osh-
kosh which he operated two years, and
then purchased a farm in Green Lake
county. Here he lived for four years,
when he again disposed of his property, and
moving to Oshkosh engaged in the grocery
business, which he carried on some eight
years. In June, 1S84, he sold out his store,
and coming to Birnamwood bought a small
mill. In July he sold a one-half interest in
this to his present partner, B. B. Andrews,
and they are now carrying on an extensive
business, which has grown from an invest-
ment of $2,000 to the value of $50,000.
Their plant consists of a sawmill, shingle-
mill, stavemill, planing-mill and an excel-
sior factory, and they employ forty men the
year round; they also conduct a general store
in connection with their establishment.
These various industries, which have done
so much for the growth and prosperity of this
section of the county, are managed with
much abilit}', and by the latest and most
approved methods, and testify to the fore-
sight and good judgment of their owners.
The town, which numbered only one hun-
dred people when these factories were
started, now has a population of four hun-
dred, and is a growing and prosperous vil-
Mr. Van Doren was married March 20,
1870, to Miss Anna Cook, who was born
in Winnebago county November 20, 1850,
daughter of Levi and Harriet (Shelton)
Cook, natives of \'ermont, who came to
Wisconsin in an early day, where the father
engaged in farming. He died in 1879,
leaving a family of six children: Clara, Anna,
Charles, Albert, Julia and Flora; the mother
is still living. To our subject and estimable
wife five children have been born: Guy, who
superintends the store and is bookkeeper for
the company; Flora, now Mrs. Thomas Can-
non; Ray, attending Wisconsin State Uni-
versity at Madison; and Dee and Clyde, both
still at home. Politically Mr. Van Doren
is a Republican, and he has been a school di-
rector six 3'ears, having ever taken a deep in-
terest in the cause of education. He is self-
made, and ever ready to help those who are
striving to make a way for themselves in the
world. Though an energetic business man,
he yet takes time to do much charitable
work, and is liberal to the Church and all
worthy objects. He is highly respected in
the community of which he is a valuable cit-
izen. Birnamwood was organized as a vil-
lage in the spring of 1895, ^"d Mr. Van-
Doren was chosen it sfirst president. With
his family he attends the Congregational
Church. He was too young to go into the
army during the Civil war, but one of his
brothers, James K., when he was seventeen
years old enlisted in the First Wisconsin
Cavalry, and served throughout the war, in
all five years. He had some exciting ex-
periences, and was made prisoner three times.
REV, E. J. HOMME, owner and man-
ager of the Orphans' Home and
Home for homeless old people at
W'ittenberg, Shawano county. Wis.,
was born at Thelemarken, Norway, October
17, 1S43, a son of John and Carrie (Lundj
John Homme, father of our subject, also
a Norwegian by birth, born in 1817, was a
cabinet maker in his native land, a business
he made a success of, and was married in
Norway to Miss Carrie Lund, by whom he
had eight children, as follows: Evan J.,
subject of sketch; Ole, now a resident of
Houston county, Minn. ; Osmond, a wagon
maker and carpenter in Wittenberg, Wis.
(he is married and has five children); Miss
Helga, who has charge of the boy's depart-
ment in the Orphans' Home, Wittenberg, in
the capacity of assistant matron; Birgitte,
married and living in Clay county, Minn. ;
Annie, who married Oscar Frohling, and
died leaving a family of children, three of
whom are inmates of the Orphans' Home at
Wittenberg; Andrew, an engineer with resi-
dence at Grand Forks, N. Dak. ; and Fred-
erick, foreman of Kemnitz Manufacturing
Company, at Green Bay, Wis. In 1854 the
parents came to America, locating in Dane
county. Wis., where for two years the father
worked at his trade, or until 1856, in that
year moving to Houston county, Minn., set-
tling on a piece of land, and there combined
farming with cabinet making during the rest
of his busy life, dying in 1885 at the age of
sixty-seven years; his widow is now passing
her declining years with her son, Ole, in
Houston county, Minnesota.
Rev. E. J. Homme, the subject proper
of these lines, after attending elementary
schools, at the age of nineteen entered col-
lege, taking a two-years' course, and then
proceeded to St. Louis, Mo., where, at Con-
cordia Seminary, he commenced the study
of theology, at the end of three years being or-
dained a minister of the Norwegian Lutheran
Church of America. He then, in 1867, took
up his abode in Winchester, Winnebago Co.,
Wis. , and was pastor of the Lutheran Church
there some fourteen years, thence in 1880
coming to what is now Wittenberg, of which
village he may be said to be the founder,
there not being a human being in the place
when he came to it. He walked all the way
from Tigerton (a distance of nine miles),
which at that time was the terminus of the
Lake Shore & Western railroad.
From a pamphlet, published in 1894, at
Wittenberg in the interest of the Orphans'
Home at that village, is gleaned the follow-
ing: The village of Wittenberg was founded
February 13, 1880, by Rev. E. J. Homme,
which event happened in the following way:
The Norwegian Synod, to which Rev. Homme
belonged at that time, had for several years
discussed the great need of a home for
orphan children and homeless old people, as
no such institution existed among the Nor-
wegian Lutherans of America. Rev. Homme
declared his willingness to take the lead in
this move toward the establishment of such
a home, on the condition that he be at liberty
to select the place for it. To this the Synod
agreed, but declared that he should consider
this as a private enterprise, and not under-
take the erection of buildings with the idea
that the Synod should be obliged to pay for
them. On the other hand, the Synod
promised to lend their support to every hon-
est means he might make use of in further-
ing the cause. On the 27th of January,
1880, a number of German Lutheran clergy-
men resolved to form an association for the
purpose of establishing a high school (an
academy or progynmasium) for the congrega-
tions in this section of the State. Rev.
Homme was a member of this association.
The German brethren resolved to locate
their high school in the same place where
Rev. Homme thought of building his Or-
phans' Home. At the same meeting it was
■decided to select a location between Clinton-
ville and Wausau on the Milwaukee, Lake
Shore & Western railway, which was then
being built through the western portion of
Shawano county. A committee was elected
to inspect and choose a site, said committee
consisting of Jonas Swenholt, of Scandina-
via, Wis., John Uvas, of \\'inchester \\'is. ,
Aug. Kraenke, of Reedfield, Wis., and Rev.
Homme (at that time stationed at Win-
chester, Wis.). The committee accom-
plished its mission the 9th and loth of Feb-
ruary of the same year (1880), and chose
this region for the founding of a Wittenberg.
Rev. Homme immediately wrote a pe-
tition to the railroad company, that the
station which was then in contemplation of
establishment might be named Wittenberg,
to which the railroad company responded
favorably. The railroad had at that time
not reached that far, and the whole region
about was a dark and lonely wilderness, de-
void of the habitation of man. The first
sign of civilization in Wittenberg was a log
cabin made by the railroad company for
some of its laborers; the first frame building
in the town was a store, built in the spring
of 1880 by Jonas Swenholt, of Scandinavia,
Wis. The following year Rev. Homme
built his residence there, and moved thither
with his family November 4, 1881. By
August 26, 1882, the Orphans' Home was
completed, and on that day was opened
with an enrollment of four children and one
aged man. During the next summer, 1883,
Rev. Homme built a second building (school
house) for the use of the orphans, and on
October 31 the whole institution was sol-
emnly dedicated. Rev. A. Mikkelson, of
Chicago, officiating. This institution was
located in the southern part of the village,
•on Blocks 30 and 31. The same fall of
1883 the German Lutheran clergymen had
their high-school building completed, and
school began on the ist of September.
After a course of six months, however, the
building was utterly consumed by fire, and
school was again resumed in Rev. Homme's
Orphans' Home. In the summer of 1884
the building was rebuilt by Rev. Homme,
but the school was not continued any
longer. The next year the school was con-
verted into the present German Orphans'
In 1882, on motion of Rev. Homme, a
committee was appointed by the Norwegian
Synod to investigate what could be done in
regard to the founding of an Indian mission
in that vicinity. As the Synod did not take
any steps to realize the Indian mission, this
committee went to work independently to
establish an Indian mission. It selected a
place three and one-half miles west of the
village of Wittenberg, where in the fall of
1884 a small school was established, and
engaged a teacher for some Indian children.
In 1885 the committee resolved to move
the Indian Mission School nearer to the
village. A large building, the erection of
which was superintended by Rev. Homme,
was completed, and dedicated by Rev. J.
EUestad in the summer of 18S6. Rev. T.
Larson, of Harmony, Minn., was chosen
by the committee as principal of this In-
dian mission. Rev. Homme made an appli-
cation to the National Gov'ernment for pe-
cuniary aid for the Indian Mission School,
which was complied with. In 1887 the
Norwegian Synod obtained full possession of
the Indian mission, and has continued it till
the present date.
Through the exertions of Rev. Ellestad
and Rev. Homme a Normal school was es-
tablished here in 1887 in connection with
the Orphans' Home. The school was con-
tinued for three years till the establishment
of the United Lutheran Church, in 1890.
In 1885 Rev. Homme built and equipped a
printing office in connection with the Or-
phans' Home. From this institution "For
Gammel og Ung " has been issued every
week, and has reached its 14th volume.
Out of this institution are also sent forth
two weekly Sunday-school papers [Son-
ihigsskoh- Bladct and Sunday School
Helper) respectively, the first Norwegian
and English Sunday-school papers issued
among the Norwegians in America. The
Orphans' Home has been in existence for
thirteen years, and during this time two
hundred children and aged persons have at
different times had their homes here. At
present writing there are seventy-five chil-
dren and nine aged people at the Home.
On June 11, 1882, a Norwegian Lutheran
congregation was formed, which now num-
bers fort}- families, exclusive of the inmates
of the Orphans' Home. The trustees of the
congregation are Peter Olson, Ole Johnson
and Andreas Grimstad. The minister serv-
ing this congregation and the Orphans'
Home is Rev. E. J. Homme; H. Madson
is deacon of the congregation. The corner
stone for this new Orphans' Home was laid
September 23, 1894, by Rev. G. Hoyme,
of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. — So much for
what we glean from the pamphlet.
In truth it reads more like a fairy talc
than a bare statement of facts, and a view
of the grounds, whereon stand the Home
and collateral industries, reminds one more
of the work of an enchanter than of a single-
handed mortal. Mr. Homme came to Wit-
tenberg a poor man, yet fearlessly and hope-
fully built and equipped a school which fur-
nished a retreat for some seventy-five home-
less boys and girls, which he soon began to
realize was too small for his philanthropic
purpose. Securing a tract of 360 acres of
heavily-timbered land on the Embarrass
river, one and one-half miles from Witten-
berg, he there established a fine water
power, and in 1892 erected a sawmill with a
capacity of 35,000 feet per diem, a planer
and matcher, and also a shingle-mill. In
1894 he began the erection of his new
Home, which is now (July, 1895) under roof,
and will be completed for occupation in
1896; when finished it will accommodate
two hundred children, have an excellent
school and a select library. The old build-
ing will be converted into a Home for home-
less old people. He has also erected a fac-
tory, equipped with a sixt3'-five horse-power
steam engine, and here it is his intention to
manufacture church furniture, thus furnish-
ing the children with employment, at the
same time teaching them a trade, thereby
making it as nearly as possible a self-sup-
porting Industrial School. Mr. Homme
has nearly one hundred and fifty acres of
land under cultivation, where the bov's are
taught the science of agriculture, and in con-
nection with the Home he will in the near
future erect a gristmill, in addition to all
which it is his intention to introduce other
industries, thus making the locality a man-
ufacturing center. It is stated in another
part of this sketch that Mr. Homme was
instrumental in founding and erecting the
Indian Mission and the German Lutheran
Orphans' Home, but he is now in no way
connected with either.
In 1869 Rev. E. J. Homme and Miss
Ingeborg Swenholt were united in marriage,
and eight children have been born to them,
named respectively: William (a graduate of
Northfield College), Clara J., Carl J., luga,
Mariin, Anna, Francke and Gerhard. Mrs.
Homme was born, in 1845, ^f Stone Bank,
Waukesha Co., Wis., daughter of John and
Ingeborg Swenholt, natives of Norwa\', who
came to this country in 1844, finally set-
tling in Scandinavia. Waupaca Co., Wis.,
where the father died and the mother is yet
living. In his political preferences our sub-
ject is a stanch Republican, and he is one
of the most highly respected citizens of
Shawano county, popular in the extreme.
In 1893 he was nominated against his
wishes for the State Senate, and although
defeated received a highly flattering support.
In all his marvelous success, the result of
indefatigable perseverance, assiduous in-
dustry, and sound judgment, Mr. Homme
never forgets to give his amiable wife due
credit for her share in the labor of love,
which has by no means been a small one.
LUTE RICH, one of the most pro-
gressive and public-spirited young
agriculturists of St. Lawrence town-
ship, Waupaca county, is the adopted
son of Henry A. Rich, a sketch of whom
Our subject was born October 20, 1865,
and when an infant of eleven months was
adopted into the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry A. Rich. He attended the common
schools of the vicinity of his new home,
and also received instruction from his foster-
mother, Mrs. Rich; was reared on a farm,
and has spent some time in the lumber
woods — never, however, being absent from
his foster parents for more than two months.
He was married December 10, 1884, at
Ogdensburg, ^^'aupaca Co. , \\'is. , to Miss
Ella A. Pray, who was born July 15, 1862,
in Sherman township, Sheboj-gan Co. , Wis. ,
daughter of Edward and Marj- J. (Sweet)
Pray, both now deceased, the father, who
was born in February, 1874, and was
a soldier in the Civil war, dying July 18,
1864, of a wound, in a hospital at Philadel-
phia, the mother, who was born in July,
1824, passing away in St. Lawrence town-
ship, Waupaca county, February 8, 1890.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lute Rich have come two
children: Ada M., born October 15, 1885,
and Roy, born February 20, 1889. In his
political preferences Mr. Rich was a Dem-
ocrat until 1894, since when he has been as
active in the ranks of the Republican party
as he had previously been in those of the
other. He is regarded as one of the exem-
plary young men of his township, a good
farmer, possessed of sound business methods,
and enjoying the esteem of many warm
friends and admirers.
Henry A. Rich was born April 28, 1822,
in the town of Bucksport, Hancock Co.,
Maine, a son of Benjamin Rich, a sailor bj-
vocation, who by his wife Debora (Ayery),
had a familj- of ten children — two sons,
Benjamin, Jr., and Henry A., the former of
whom was a farmer and died at Bucksport,
Maine, at the age of eighty-five years, and
eight daughters who all married and all died
in their native State. Benjamin Rich, Sr. ,
the father of these, died in Bucksport,
Maine, in the full faith of the Universalist
Church, of which all the rest of the family
were members.
Henry A. Rich was reared on a farm,
and remained under the parental roof until
he was twenty-one years of age, at which
time he went to sea as a cod fisher on the
Grand Banks of Newfoundland, being em-
ployed by parties who make that a regular
business. This he followed si.\ months, or
until December, 1847, at which time he was
married, an event that will be presently fully
spoken of. He and hisj-oung wife then took up
housekeeping on the Isle of Wetmore, Han-
cock Co., Maine, situated at the mouth of
the Penobscot river, where he was employed
cutting wood, thence in the spring of 1848
moving to near the town of Bucksport, same
county, where for a couple of years he lived
on a farm with his brother Benjamin, after
which he removed to Prospect, in the same
county, and during four summers was em-
ployed on the construction of Fort Knox, on
the Penobscot river, holding the responsible
and often dangerous position of head blaster
on that work. In the fall of 1854 he re-
moved to Wisconsin with his family, taking
steamer from Bucksport to Boston, thence
rail to Buffalo, from there by boat to De-
troit, from which city they took rail to Chi-
cago, then boat to Milwaukee, thence stage
to Fond du Lac, again boat to Oshkosh,
thence up Wolf river to Mukwa township,
from the landing place to the home of Mrs.
Rich's parents in Little Wolf township. [In
1850 ^Ir. Rich had \isited Wisconsin, and
was in the vicinity of Oshkosh and Wolf
river prospecting for a home, but could find
nothing to suit him, in fact was rather dis-
gusted than otherwise, declaring that he
would not accept a certain 160-acre tract of
land (where Oshkosh now stands) "if it
were tendered him as a gift. "]
For a year Mr. and Mrs. Rich made
their home with James Eldredge (her father),
Mr. Rich's first work in his new western
home being in the woods; then in the spring
of 1855 he took a business trip to Maine,
his wife during his absence filling the posi-
tion of temporary teacher of the first school
in Royalton township, which was held in a
partially completed store room in the vil-
lage of Royalton, that township, the regular
teacher, Lizzie Crane, being sick. In the
fall of 1855 he bought eighty acres of land
in Section 24, St. Lawrence township, Wau-
paca county, on which not a stick of timber
had been cut by white man, and here a farm
house was the first building to be erected, a
good one for those times, and later on he
bought forty acres of marsh land. The only
inhabitants in that town when Mr. and Mrs.
Rich arrived were: Judge Ogden and
Dreutzer, Simeon Hopkins, Marshall Levitt,
William Shambeau, Henry \\'. Eldredge,
Smith L. Wait, William Cain, Hiram Col-
lier, Smith Collier, Henry Carrick, Levi
Carrick and Peter Shepherd. Ogden &
Dreutzer were building the first mill at
Ogdensburg, Henry Eldredge being the
millwright. For fifteen winters after com-
ing to Wisconsin Mr. Rich followed
lumbering in the woods, his summers occu-
pied in improving his farm. Mrs. Rich
taught the first school in their district in her
own house.
On December 29, 1847, Mr. Rich was
married on the Isle of Wet more, Maine, to
Miss Elizabeth A. Eldredge, who was born
December 29, 1829, in Bucksport, Hancock
Co., Maine, daughter of James and Susan
(Warren) Eldredge, both also natives of that
State, the former a millwright by trade,
born March 11, 1800, in Bucksport, the
latter in Troy (near Augusta) May 28, 1801.
They had a family of thirteen children, as
follows: The first child died in infancy,
David (at the age of seventeen years was
lost at sea on the schooner Capt. Ginn, near
Cape Cod), Henry W. (died at Little Wolf,
Waupaca county, at the age of sixty-nine
years), Elizabeth (deceased at the age of
two years), James, of La Crosse, Wis. (a
natural sailor, ex-captain of a Wolf river
steamboat, and who served in the navy
during the war), Elizabeth A. (Mrs. Rich);
Harriet (married to Watson Wadwell, died
in St. Lawrence township), Alvira (married
to Smith Wait, and also died in St. Law-
rence township), John (died in town of
Little Wolf, Waupaca Co.), Isabella (mar-
ried to Edson Casey, and died in St. Law-
rence), also three that died in infancy un-
In 1850 Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge migrated
westward to Wisconsin, settling in Little
W^olf township as pioneers of the almost un-
explored region, and here hewed out a com-
fortable home. He and his wife both died in
St. Lawrence township, November 9, 1861,
and January 24, 1886, respectively, and
sleep their last sleep in Ogdensburg Park
Henry A. Rich died August 18, 1887,
after a two- years' illness, and also lies buried
in Ogdensburg Park Cemetery. He was a
medium -sized man, wiry and energetic, a
good citizen and excellent farmer, leaving a
comfortable competence, the result of his
individual industry and perseverance. Since
his death his widow has continued to reside
on the old home farm. She is a most in-
telligent and interesting old lady, possessed
of a very retentive memory, and consequently
is a charming conversationalist. She is a
member of no particular Church, believing
in the broad and humane Church of Christ,
and a straightfoward course through life,
with charity to all. She and her husband
had no children, but adopted Lute Rich as
related in sketch.
treasurer of the village of lola,
Waupaca county, was born March
II, 1829, at Hudson City, Colum-
bia Co., N. Y. , a son of Alexander Neely
Bierce, who was a native of Massachusetts,
and a direct lineal descendant of William
Bradford, who landed at Plymouth Rock in
1620, and was first governor of the Plym-
outh Colony. The mother, Deborah A.
(Morrison) Bierce, was a native- of New
When our subject was but one year old
the family moved to Greene county, N. Y. ,
where they resided until 1835, when they
removed to Schoharie county, N. Y., and
here our subject's boyhood was spent in
laboring on the farm and in a sawmill. As
one of the older children of a family of
eight, his work during his younger days was
necessarily severe. When he had reached
the age of nineteen his parents, stricken
with the western fever, again moved, this
time in May, 1848, to Illinois, at that time
a wilderness, and settled near the then
small town of Dixon, the county seat of
Lee county. Austin here apprenticed him-
self to one Charles Edson, and learned the
trade of carpenter.
On July 4, 1850, at China, 111., he was
married to Lydia Alice Hopkins, daughter
of William W. and Salome (Adams) Hop-
kins, both natives of Connecticut. Mr.
Hopkins was a lineal descendant of Stephen
Hopkins, one of the signers of the Declara-
tion of Independence. Mrs. Hopkins was
a lineal descendant of Governor Bradford
through another of his sons, of which he
had three. Thus two distant branches of
this Colonial family were united. Lydia
Alica Hopkins was born September 2 1 ,
1832, at New Milford, Penn. , and was
brought by her parents to Illinois in 1845.
Mr. and Mrs. Bierce's first child, Mar-
tha J., was born May 26, 185 i, and August
3, 1855, a son, Neely, was born, but lived
only one short 3'ear, dying August 4, 1856.
In 1858 the cry of new country struck into
the minds of the }"oung couple, and in May
of that year they came to Wisconsin, set-
tling at lola, Waupaca county, where they
now reside. Another daughter, Lenora
May, was born to them, May 3, i860.
Shortly thereafter the voice of war began to
be heard, and December 3, 1863, Mr. Bierce
left his wife and children to answer to the
call of his country, enlisting in Company K,
Tenth Wis. V. I., as private. After serv-
ing in this regiment for eleven months he
was transferred as corporal to Company K,
Twenty-first Wis. \'. I., where he was soon
promoted to sergeant, and in which he
served until the close of the struggle. His
war service took him with Gen. Sherman
on that memorable march to the sea from
Chattanooga, Tenn., to Savannah, Ga. ,
and through the Carolinas and Virginia to
Washington, where he took part in the
Grand Review of the war veterans. His
regiment was then transported by train and
boat to Louisville, Ky. , where they were
mustered out June 18, 1865. For nearly
two years after the war Mr. Bierce was un-
able to work at his trade as carpenter, on
account of rheumatism contracted in the
service. Six months of this time were
spent with relations in Illinois.
On May 30, 1868, his last child. Burton
L. , was born, and two years later, May 3 1 ,
1870, his eldest child, Martha, died. In
1885 Mr. Bierce was granted a pension of
six dollars per month, and in June, 1890,
this was increased to sixteen dollars per
month. At this time, the old trouble, sci-
atic rheumatism, had made almost a cripple
of him, and he is still most severely troubled
with it.
Mr. Bierce settled in lola when it
could hardly be called a hamlet; where the
now beautiful streets lie it was but a wilder-
ness. For thirty-five years his residence
has been on the same lot on which it now
stands, his two remaining children being
located near by- — the son on one side and
the daughter at the opposite side of the
parental home. Mr. Bierce has been a
Republican in politics from his first vote to
the present time, his first vote for President
being cast for '• Rough-and-Ready " Zach.
Taylor. Never an office-seeker, he has
held at different times town oflices, and in
1893 was elected treasurer of the village of
lola. He was re-elected in 1894, and is
the present incumbent. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Bierce have been active members of the
M. E. Church for years, and are members
of the M. E. Church at lola at the present
time. Mr. Bierce is also an active member
of the G. A. R. , and the present commander
of lola Post No. 99, lola.
FINN LAWLER. The Province of
New Brunswick, Canada, has given
to the United States, and to the
State of Wisconsin, especially, a
goodly number of her stalwart, industrious
and loyal citizens, among whom the sub-
ject of this sketch stands prominent.
Mr. Lawler was born in Douglas, North-
umberland Co., New Brunswick, May 8,
1845, ^ son of John Lawler, who was of
the same nativity, having first seen the light
about the j'ear 1825. The family are of
Irish descent, grandfather Patrick Lawler
having been born in Queen's County. Ire-
land, where he married Miss Margaret Finn.
In 1824 they came to Canada, settling in
Northumberland county. New Brunswick,
where they died, the grandfather in 1877,
the grandmother in 1880. They had a
family of seventeen children, of whom only
the names of the following six are re-
membered: John, James, Mary, Margaret,
Jane and Elisha. Patrick Lawler and his
wife were employed some thirty years
in the Marine Hospital which was estab-
lished in Northumberland county, N. B.,
by the British Government. John Lawler,
father of Finn Lawler, is at present living
at Newcastle, N. B., four miles from where
he was born. He was educated at St. John,
same province, and became a licensed school
teacher, a profession he followed many years,
some of his old scholars now holding gov-
ernment offices in both the United States
and Canada, not a few of them being mem-
bers of Parliament. In 1862 he was ap-
pointed register of deeds for Northumber-
land county, which office he still holds, and
is also a magistrate by government appoint-
'ment, his commission, which is dated 1863,
bearing the signature of Queen Victoria.
On November 6, 1844, Mr. Lawler was
married to Miss Sarah Landy, who was born
on the ocean, daughter of John and Sarah
Landy, natives of Ireland, the former of
whom worked in the shipyard at Douglas,
N. B., and was drowned in the river Mir-
amichi. Mrs. Sarah (Landy) Lawler had
one brother — John — and three sisters — Ann,
Mary and Betsy. To John and Sarah
Lawler were born thirteen children, as fol-
lows: Margaret, Jane, Finn, Richard, James,
Rogers, John, Eliza, Mary Ann, and four
that died in infancy. On November 6,
1894, the parents celebrated their "golden
The subject proper of these lines, whose
name appears at the opening of this sketch,
received his education under his father's able
tuition, and when the latter became register
of deeds he took his son, Finn, into the
registry office with him. Here the lad re-
mained about three 3-ears, or until October,
1863, when, at that time eighteen years old,
he went to New York City, where he found
employment with a lumber company for the
first three days as common laborer; but his
employer, discovering his aptitude for figures,
at once promoted him to the position of
tally-keeper. In February, 1866, he came
to Wisconsin, spending a few months among
relatives at Shullsburg, Lafayette county,
then in the spring moving to Chicago,
whence after a short time he returned to
Wisconsin, and in the then village of Oshkosh
found employment in a clothing store some
sixteen months. The proprietors of the
store, concluding to open a branch establish-
ment at Neenah, sent our subject there to
take charge; but in 1868 he left that busi-
ness, and moving to Shawano, Wis., clerked
in a hotel there one winter, in the following
spring taking up his residence in Portage,
where he was once more employed by the
clothing firm he had previously worked for. At
the end of eighteen months the firm dissolved,
and our subject, then turning his attention to
the Wolf River Valley, in December, 1871,
set out via the military road for Rice Lake
(on the Wolf river), a place boasting at that
time of but one house, and here, in company
with William Johnson, he commenced trad-
ing with the Indians, so continuing some
two years. During this time he had con-
siderable experience as a woodsman, and in
1875, in company with one Perry, he came
to Eagle River, where he has since resided,
his chief occupation being connected with
timber lands — prospecting, estimating, sur-
veying, etc — and for several years he served
as deputy county surveyor. He handles
hardwood, pine and spruce timber, and
timber is estimated and sold on commission,
taxes also being paid for non-residents. In
this he is in partnership with A. A. Den-
ton, the style of the firm being Denton &
Lawler. They are also considerably inter-
ested in land in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
In his political preferments Mr. Lawler
is a Democrat; was the first chairman of the
town, first school clerk, and in the spring of
1895 was elected assessor. Much thought
of by his neighbors, he enjoys the respect
and esteem of many warm friends in Eagle
River, in which rising young city he takes
an active interest. Mr. Lawler has two
brothers living in New Brunswick, the one,
Richard A., a lawyer in Chatham, the other
a commission merchant in Newcastle, who
is also deputy registrar of deeds for the
county of Northumberland; he has also two
brothers, John and James, both residing at
Eagle River, lumbermen by occupation.
Our subject is the only one of them, no
doubt, who can boast of being able to speak
the Chippewa (Indian) language. He has
just completed a cosy residence on the bank
of Eagle river, in a grove of maples and
balsams, among the trees which he loves
and where he has spent a large part of his
lifetime. He owns some village and con-
siderable outside property which will in time
no doubt become valuable. Mr. Lawler has
not yet married, but unless all signs fail he
may in the near future.
CHARLES E. SEARL, the pioneer
jeweler of Merrill, Lincoln count}',
still continues in the same line in
that city, where he is one of the
leading business men. He was born in
<jrand Rapids, Wis., March 14, 1851, and
is a son of J. K. Searl, a native of the Buck-
ej-e State, born on June 2, 1818. The
paternal grandfather, Elisha Searl, was
born in \'ermont, and by his marriage with
Miss Boborety, who was of German descent,
became the father of si.\" children, namely:
William, Frank, J. K., a daughter whose
name is not given, Loretta and Jemima.
Near Dayton, Ohio, he carried on a hotel,
but later removed to Illinois, locating near
Rock Island, but afterward went to Iowa,
where he passed his last days.
J. K. Searl, who was next to the \oung-
est in his father's family, acquired his educa-
tion in the common schools. On reaching
man's estate he was married in Illinois to
Miss Leah Kline, who was born in Nunda
Valley, N. Y. , in 1824, a daughter of George
Kline. Her parents were both natives of
■German}', where they were married, and to
them was born a family of eight children:
George, John, William, Elizabeth, Sarah,
Leah, Charles and Mary. Her father was
a contractor and builder, and on first coming
west, located in Illinois, but in 1838 re-
moved to Grand Rapids, Wis. His eldest
son, George Kline, Jr., was among the first
settlers of the latter place, arriving there in
1833. The son's wife was the first white
woman north of Fort Winnebago; she was
the widow of Daniel Whitney, who built the
first sawmill on the Wisconsin river. George
Kline, Jr. , also erected a mill at Grand Rapids
at an early day, and his father's death occur-
red there in 1853; the mother of Mrs. Searl
died in 1870. George, Jr., went to Califor-
nia about the year 1851.
The father of our subject also located in
Grand Rapids, Wis., in 1844, where he
lumbered, afterward dealing extensively m
horses, andwas something of a politician, hold-
ing many minor offices. He departed this
life in December, 1892, in Merrill, though his
home at the time was at Wautoma, Wis.
To him and his worthy wife were born
twelve children, two of whom died in in-
fancy. The others are Mary J. , Alonzo W. ,
Charles E. , Lillian, Henry, Emma E.,
Elbert F. , Ernest E., Nila B. and Vinnie
D. E. The mother after her marriage
taught the first school in Grand Rapids, or
in fact north of Fort Winnebago; this was
in 1846, and was a private school. She
was called to her final rest January 4, 1888.
The eldest brother of our subject served
during the Civil war as a member of the
Fifty-second \\^is. \'. I.
Until he had reached the age of eight-
een Charles E. Searl was able to attend
school, thus acquiring a good common-
school education, and then carried the mail
from Grand Rapids to Friendship, Wis.,
for his father. In the spring of 1870 he
accompanied his parents to Adams county.
Wis., but in the following fall he returned
to Grand Rapids and commenced to learn
the trade of jeweler with his uncle, Will-
iam Kline, for whom he worked four years.
In 1875 he went to Wautoma, Wis., and
started in business for himself, at which
place he continued three years, when he re-
moved to Westfield, Wis., remaining there
but one year, during the fall of 1879 clos-
ing out his business there and coming to
Jennie, now known as Merrill. When he
arrived here the village contained only
about five hundred inhabitants, while now
it is a flourishing little city of nine thousand.
He was the first jeweler in the place, and
still continues to conduct the same business,
in which he has met with excellent success.
On December 23, 1875, Mr. Searl was
united in marriage at Wautoma, Wis., with
Miss Emma A. Bean, who was born in that
city, in 1859, to Albert and Arvilla (Conner)
Bean, both of whom were natives of New
Hampshire, and is one of a family of eight
children — Charles, John, Francena, George,
Fred, Katie, Ed and Emma A. Her parents
came to Wisconsin in 1856, where her
father followed his trade of blacksmithing;
his death occurred in 1872, that of his wife
in 1 880. To Mr. and Mrs. Searl were born
six children, to wit: Ed, who is married
and lives in Merrill; Harl, Ethel, Arthur
and Nile at home; and Glen, who died at
the age of about eighteen months.
Mr. Searl may be properly classed
among the self-made men of Lincoln coun-
ty, who by the exercise of their own in-
dustry and perseverance have not only
gained for themselves a competence, but
have materially assisted in the progress and
advancement of the country around them.
He has made many friends since coming to
Merrill, and by all with whom he comes in
contact is held in the highest respect. So-
cially he is a member of the Modern Wood-
men of America, while politically he casts
his vote with the Prohibition party as it
embodies his views on the temperance ques-
honored and respected pioneers of
Waupaca county, now makes his
home in Tola. His birth occurred
in Norway, December 27, 1S43, and he is a
son of Amand Olson, a farmer of but ordi-
nary means. In 1849 the father with his
family of five children left Norway for the
United States, and were six weeks and five
days on the ocean, landing on American soil
in the latter part of August. From New
York City they proceeded up the Hudson,
and by the Erie canal to Buffalo, N. Y.,
thence around the lakes to Milwaukee. They
located on a farm in the town of Muskego,
\\'aukesha county.
In the summer of 1852 the father brought
his family to Waupaca county, where land
was cheaper and more of his cauntrymen
then lived. There were no railroads at this
time, and two yokes of cattle hauled them
and their household goods, while their stock
was driven. They came by the way of Berlin,
•Wis., the road being through a new country,
and where now are good farms at that
time was an unbroken forest. They located
on a farm in Scandinavia township, it being
in Town 23, Range 11 east, and was in this
primitive condition, they making the first
improvements. A portion of it was covered
with timber, but the almost annual forest
fires at that time had destroyed most of the
trees, and nothing but bushes remained.
After the settlers came in the fires were not
so numerous, and soon clumps of oak trees
grew up and are standing as timber today.
where, easily within the memory of our sub-
ject, there was nothing but brush at one
time. His father followed farming during
the remainder of his active life, and his death
occurred March 9, 1895, at the age of ninety
years. His wife was called to her final rest
in July, 1 891, when she had reached the ex-
treme age of ninety-seven years. Both
were buried in the Lutheran Cemetery in
Scandinavia, Wis., of which Church they
were among the first members. The father
possessed great vitality even at his ad-
vanced age, and shortly before his death
performed labor becoming even a man
sixty years his junior. He was a good
farmer, very energetic, and was respected
by all who knew him. In his political
affiliations he was a Republican.
Mr. Amundson was reared as a pioneer
farmer boy, and to quote him: " His ed-
ucation or schooling was begun in early life,
and consisted principally in handling a yoke
of cattle and a breaking plow." Much of
this was to be done, and his attendance at
school was quite brief, as few if any schools
were in existence in the township when he
arrived. He lived at home until the age of
eighteen when he began the trade of a black-
smith with Samuel Silvei thorn, at Wau-
paca, where he was at work when President
Lincoln called for troops to aid in the
preservation of the Union. Being a young
man, robust and strong, Mr. Amundson en-
listed in the service of his adopted country,
becoming a member of Company G, Twenty-
first Wis. V. I., August 12, 1862, at Wau-
paca. From there he went with the regi-
ment to Oshkosh, Wis., later to Cincin-
nati, Ohio, and Covington, Ky. , and thence
to Louisville where the campaign opened.
He was ill during the battles of Perryville
and Stone River, so that his first engage-
ment was at Chickamauga, after which he
remained with his regiment, never losing a
day off duty until August 6, 1864, when be-
fore Atlanta. He was struck with a burst-
ing shell which exploded above him, the
force of it hurling him fifteen yards. His
companions thought that he was dead, and
though badly hurt, he insisted on going with
the regiment, which the doctors finally per-
mitted, but for ten days was unable to do
active duty. His regiment went with Sher-
man to Savannah, and he participated in the
campaigns of North and South CaroHna,
later taking part in the Grand Review at
Washington, D. C. He was discharged in
that city June 25, 1865, but the regiment
remained intact until reaching Milwaukee,
Wis., where it was mustered out. Mr.
Amundson immediately returned to Wau-
paca county, and in Scandinavia township,
in 1867, married Miss Christina Hermanson,
a native of Winneconne, Wis., daughter of
Herman Hermanson, " Little Holt, " who
came from Norway to America in 1852. To
them were born seven children: Augusta,
wife of Rev. L. K. Abarg, of the Lutheran
Church in South Dakota: Hattie, who died
at the age of fifteen; and Agnes E., Lillian
R., Hilda, Ada and Edna, at home.
After his marriage Mr. Amundson located
at Amherst, Wis., where he built a shop,
and for ten years carried on blacksmithing,
after which he engaged in the same business
for three years in Winchester, Winnebago
county. He then returned to Amherst
where he still owned property, which later
he traded for a farm in Alban township.
Portage county. After farming there for a
year and a half, he in the fall of 1886 came
to lola, and for three years was in the em-
ploy of Frogner Brothers, since which time
he has conducted a shop of his own with
good success. For the last fifteen years he
has suffered from rheumatism, which greath'
handicaps him, but he is still enterprising
and industrious.
Mr. Amundson has never taken a very
active part in political affairs, but alwaj-s
votes with the Republican party, and for
one year served as township treasurer. He
was one of the organizers of lola Post, No.
99, G. A. R. , in which he has held various
offices, and is now serving as senior vice
commander. Himself and wife are con-
nected with the Lutheran Church, and while
a resident of Amherst he was one of the of-
ficers in that religious body. By his own
industrious efforts he has become a well-to-
do man, and still owns a good farm of one
hundred and twenty acres in Alban town-
ship, Portage Co., Wis. He has seen the
many changes that have taken place in the
country where he lives; can remember when
wild game was very plentiful; and deer could
be shot from the cabin door. He has
hunted the cows on the present site of lola,
when for miles and miles there were no
fences. Farming was then carried on with
very crude implements, and he used to come
to mill at lola in the cold winters on an old
sled, wearing no overcoat or overshoes, yet
could stand the cold better than with the
modern equipments of the present day. He
is well known in this community where he
has long resided, and by all is held in the
highest esteem.
August 24, 1862, on the farm which
he now owns and occupies in the
township of Scandinavia, Waupaca
His father, Ove \\'illiamson, was born
in Norway January 20, 18 19, was educated
in the schools of his native land, and the
days of his boyhood and youth were passed
upon the farm. His marriage to Miss Annie
Kjos took place in Norway in 1844, and five
years later, in 1849, he crossed the Atlantic
in a sailing vessel to the New World, where
he hoped to secure a home and compe-
tence. He first located in Muskego, \\'is.,
where he worked as a common laborer some
three years, coming thence to \\'aupaca
county in 1853. He was one of the first
settlers, and is now the second oldest living
resident in Scandinavia township. The hard-
ships and trials of pioneer life are familiar to
him, and the history of that county is known
to him from the days when it was an almost
unbroken wilderness, inhabited mostly by
Indians. He has borne an important part
in the work of development, transforming
the land from its uncultivated condition into
rich and valuable farms. Here he purchased
160 acres of wild land, on which not a
furrow had been turned or an impro\ement
made, and successful!)' continued its cultiva-
tion until 1884, when enfeebled health caused
him to lay aside business cares, and he is
now living a retired life. He worked for
many years on the river rafting logs, and his
career has been that of an industrious ener-
getic man, bringing to him a well-merited
competence. Mrs. Williamson.who was born
in Norway, September 29, 1820, is also yet
living. He is a stanch Republican in politics
and has served in several local offices with
credit to himself and satisfaction to his con-
stituents. He filled the office of assessor
for twelve jears, and has also been township
treasurer. He and his family are members
of the Lutheran Church. The children were
Annie, now the wife of August Larson, a
resident of Wausau; William, who is living
in La Crosse, Wis. ; Andrew, the efficient
sheriff of Waupaca county; Berit, deceased;
Denah; Buck, who is located in lola. Wis.;
Edward Ove, of Waupaca; Anton G., sub-
ject of this sketch; and Lewis B., deceased.
Anton G. Williams conned his lessons in
the public schools near his home, and ac-
quired a good practical educations. Under
the parental roof he was reared to manhood,
and at an early age he began work in the
fields, so that he was soon familiar with farm
work in its various departments. He now
owns and operates the old home farm on
which he was born, comprising 120 acres of
land, the greater part of which is under cul-
tivation and improved in a manner that in-
dicates his practical and progressive spirit,
and makes his farm one of the best in the
community. He is accounted one of the
representative agriculturists of Waupaca
county, as well as one of its most prominent
citizens. He has been called to official
honors, having served as a member of the
town board of supervisors and as treasurer of
the school district, and in his political views
has followed his father's e.xample by always
supporting the Republican party. Like the
honored family V) which he belongs he is
•connected with the Lutheran Church.
erable gentleman, now in the eighty-
first year of his age and the forty-
ninth of his ministry in the Presby-
terian Church, is one of the best known
and most highly esteemed clergymen of
Portage county, an earnest Christian, and a
zealous worker in the Lord's vineyard.
Mr. Patch was born in Groton, Mass.,
January 12, 181 5, and is a son of Zara and
Susan (Nutting) Patch, who were also born
in Massachusetts, and were descendants of
i good old Puritan stock, the ancestors hav-
ing come over during the year 1600. The
grandfather was a soldier in the Revolu-
tionary war of 1776, and the father a par-
ticipant in the war of 18 12. Zara and
Susan Patch were the parents of eight chil-
dren, of whom but two now survive: Zara,
who is still living in Groton, Mass., and
Jacob, the subject of this sketch; when the
latter was twelve years old the father died.
At the age of sixteen our subject went to
Sharon, Conn. He was educated at the
Western Reserve College at Hudson, Ohio,
and took his theological course at the The-
ological Seminary in the same town, grad-
uating from the latter institution in 1845.
Soon afterward he engaged in the ministry,
his first charge being at Orland, Ind. In
1845, at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. , Rev.
Jacob Patch was married to Miss Jane Bush,
and they became the parents of six children,
of whom two are deceased. The following
is a brief account of the four who are yet
living: George H., an artist of more than
ordinary merit, married Miss Lauretta
Ramsey, of Barton, Washington Co. Wis.,
and they have a family of four children;
Jennie B., an invalid, is now residing in
California for the benefit of her health;
Mary H., a physician, and now residing at
Stevens Point, is a graduate of Holyoke
College, Mass., also of the Medical College
of Chicago, and of the Training Hospital
for Nurses at Hartford, Conn. ; Martha
Ann, now the wife of Dr. Daniel Campbell,
of Canfield, Ohio, is a graduate of the Ox-
ford Female Seminary, of Oxford, Ohio,
and was principal of Poynette Academy,
Poynette, Columbia Co., Wis., for the first
six years of its history.
At Lima, Ind., in 1S46, Rev. Jacob
Patch was regularly ordained a minister of
the Presbyterian Church, and he was pastor
of the parish of Orland, Ind., for twenty
years. In 1866, on account of ill health,
being obliged to resign the pastorate of this
parish, he removed to Stevens Point, Port-
age Co. , Wis. , where he took charge of the
First Presbyterian Church, which at that
time had a membership of only ten persons,
but under his ministration of four years it
increased to fort}'. In 1872, having re-
gained his health, he was solicited to return
to his old parish at Orland, Ind., and ac-
cordingly he again ministered to the spirit-
ual wants of that parish, continuing there
for a period of three years, then returning
to Stevens Point. Since that time he has
been engaged principally in missionary work,
in towns along the line of the Wisconsin
Central railroad, though frequently occupy-
ing pulpits in various other churches. He
was also the organizer of the Presbyterian
Churches at Phillips, Price county. Wis.,
and Marshfield, Wood Co., Wis. In social
life Rev. Mr. Patch is a man of ardent and
sincere attachments, ever ready and willing
to serve his friends, often in the face of re-
sponsibility or personal risk. When duty
has called, he has gone forward without
faltering or shrinking by reason of apparent
difficulty or threatened dangers, by day or
by night, at home or abroad. An earnest
worker in the field of his Master, a genial
and companionable friend, an able organ-
izer and executor, read}' for any task that
can rightly bring help or comfort to the
burdened, he has won the respect and es-
teem of a large circle of friends, and been
endeared to them by his Christian walk in
perous agriculturist of Little Wolf
township, Waupaca county, is a na-
tive of Prussia, Germany, born
October 22, 1838, a son of Henry and Caro-
line (Ulrich) Schroeder, who were the par-
ents of eight children: Minnie (who, and
four others, died in Germany), Augustus,
Caroline (now Mrs. Weisgerber, of Weyau-
wega, who has five children), and Albert (a
farmer of Lind township, Waupaca county).
In 1857 Henry Schroeder, with his wife
and children, emigrated to the United
States, and coming to Wisconsin, settled in
Lind township, Waupaca county, where he
purchased forty acres of land, none of
which was cleared e.xcept two acres, but
not having much timber growth on any por-
tion. A dwelling, 16x24 feet, had been
erected, and here the family commenced
their New- World home, numbering among
the first settlers of that locality, \\'aupaca
being then but a small village. Later the
father purchased another eighty-acre tract
adjoining his first purchase, and he and his
wife are yet living on the old homestead, he
at the advanced age of eighty-two years,
she being some four years younger. For
his age the venerable father is unusually
active, and it is worthy of mention that in
1893 he walked from his own home to that of
his son, a distance of twelve miles.
The subject proper of these lines, whose
name introduces this sketch, received a
fairly liberal common-school education, and
was reared to practical farm life under the
instruction of his father. At the age of
twenty-one years he rented a small piece of
land near the homestead, in Lind township,
Waupaca county, and worked it with his
father's implements and team, so continuing
until 1S62, when he purchased eighty acres
of wild land in the same locality, which he
improved and cultivated till the fall of 1864.
At that time, on October 15, he enlisted in
Company C, Forty-fourth Wis. V. I.,
which regiment was sent to Nashville, there
remaining on guard duty, as part of the re-
serve force until February, 1865, at which
time it was sent to Kentucky. Here our
subject was stationed until August, 1S65,
when he was discharged and returned home,
and once more he devoted his time and at-
tention to the improvement of his land. In
1872 he moved into the village of Weyau-
wega, and there opened a meat market
which he conducted altogether about two
and one half years, after which he bought a
hotel in the same village, being proprietor
of the same some six years, or until 1882,
when he traded the hotel propert}" for the
farm he now owns in Little Wolf township,
consisting of 1 1 5 acres, twenty of which are
in good arable condition. On January 11,
1866, he was united in marriage with Mrs.
Rhoda (Smith) Van Vorst, whose husband,
Asa Van Vorst, died in the Civil war, leav-
ing two children: Dora (now Mrs. Fred
Zastrow, of Royalton), and William (living
at the present time with his step-father).
To Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder were born two
children: Alice (married to George A. Mc-
Kinley of Iowa, but died leaving one son,
Neil, who passed from earth in infancy)
and Mary (now a school teacher, and living
at home). In politics our subject has been a
Republican for the past twelve years, and
Mrs. Schroeder and her children are all
members of the Methodist Church, in which
she takes an active interest.
Mrs. Rhoda Schroeder, wife of Augus-
tus Schroeder, was born November 29, i S38,
in Herkimer county, N. Y. , daughter of
Oliver and Lydia (Cross) Smith, well-to-do
farming people, who had a family of twelve
children, as follows: Oliver, a carpenter of
Shiocton, Wis. ; Elizabeth, now living in
^^'eyauwega, Wis.; Owen, who now lives in
Royalton, Wis., retired; Sarah. Nancy and
Mary, all three deceased; Rhoda, Mrs.
Schroeder; Jerome, who died in the war;
Lydia, now wife of William Kurtz, a farmer
of Dayton; John, deceased; Garrett, and
Lucretia, wife of Isidore Como, in the em-
ploy of a railroad company at Stevens
Point, Wis. In 1850 the family came to
Wisconsin, settling in Lind township, Wau-
paca county, where the father bought 160
acres of land, at which time Weyauwega
was a hamlet of but two or three shanties.
Here the parents of Mrs. Schroeder passed
the rest of their honored lives, dying, the
father December i, i860, the mother Janu-
ary 23, 1879.
RICHARD A. COOK, proprietor of
the Central City Iron Works, at
Stevens Point, Portage county, is a
highly esteemed citizen and one of
the leading manufacturers in that city. He
was born of English ancestry in Netherton,
near Huddersfield, England, May 24, 1850,
and is a son of John and Jane Cook, who
were the parents of five children, three of
whom survive, namely: Richard A.; Mary
Etta, wife of John D. Shaffer, a prominent
dry-goods merchant of Stevens Point, and
George W., a machinist and roundhouse
foreman on the Wisconsin Central railroad
at Waukesha, W^aukesha county, Wisconsin.
John Cook, with his family, came to the
United States about the year 1S55, located
in Burlington, Racine county. Wis., and
there pursued his vocation of woolen man-
ufacturer. In 1866 he removed with his
family to Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac coun-
ty, and died there soon afterward; his widow
still survives, and resides in Stevens Point.
The son, Richard A., who was a five-year-
old lad when the family came to the United
States, was reared and educated in Burling-
ton, Racine Co., Wis., went to Fond du
Lac with his parents in 1866, there learned
the trade of machinist, and resided there
until 1875. In that year he removed to
Stevens Point, where, in connection with
Daniel Seyler, he purchased the Pinery Iroa
Works, and conducted business under the
firm name of Seyler & Cook for four years.
About 1879 this partnership was dissolved
and a new one formed with George A. Pack-
ard, under the firm name of R. A. Cook &
Co. , under which the business was carried
on until 1883, when Mr. Cook purchased
Mr. Packard's share in the business.
The works were destroyed by fire in
October, 1889, and during the following
summer the extensive estabhshment known
as the Central City Iron Works was
In April, 1882, at Sheboygan Falls,
Shebo3'gan Co. , W^is. , Richard A. Cook was
united in marriage with Miss Eliza A. Trow-
bridge, and two children were born to them,
one of whom survives, Alice Estelle. Mrs.
Cook died at Stevens Point, October 4,
1888, and May 19, 1890, Mr. Cook married
Miss Delia E. Damp, of Oshkosh, to which
union has been born one child, Ralph A.
Mr. Cook is a member of Evergreen Lodge,
No. 93, F. & A. M., of Crusade Command-
ery. No. 17, and of Forest Chapter. He is
a stanch Republican in his political views;
in religious affiliation the family attend the
Episcopal Church. Mr. Cook has the most
e.xtensive and best equipped foundry in
Stevens Point, if not in the whole of north-
ern Wisconsin, turns out everything con-
nected with sawmill and gristmill machinery,
as well as other classes of iron work, and
furnishes the Wisconsin Central Railroad
Company with all their castings, with the
exception of car-wheels. He is a prosper-
ous and progressive manufacturer, of unusual
culture and brilliant faculties, takes a deep
interest in matters tending to the welfare of
the city and county generally; is represented
in the city council from the Second ward,
having been elected at the last election for
the term of two years. Mr. Cook has a high
character for honesty and integrity, and his
genial manner has won him hosts of friends.
JAMES E. ROGERS. This well known
and popular citzen of Stevens Point,
Portage county, was born in Jefferson
county, N. Y. , December i8, 1842, and
is a son of James N. and Eliza (Adams)
Rogers, who were born in New York State,
and who came to Wisconsin in June, 1852,
locating in Hartford, Washington county.
James N. Rogers, father of the subject
of this sketch, worked at his trade of black-
smith in Hartford, Wis., in connection with
the building of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway, and in 1853 removed with
his family to Mayville, Dodge county, where
he resided till 186S. A portion of this time
he worked at the blacksmith trade, and later
engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1868
they removed to Portage county, and pur-
chased a farm in the town of Stockton,
where they passed their remaining years,
each living to an advanced age. They were
the parents of seven children, of whom five
areliving, namely: Maria, wife of Ira John-
son, residing in the State of Washington;
James E. ; Cornelius L. , residing in Stevens
Point, Portage county; Josephine, wife of
George Rhodes, residing in Dakota; and
Henry, residing in Stevens Point. There is
also a daughter by a former marriage, now
the wife of N. C. Lawrence, residing in
Stevens Point. Mrs. Rogers died in March,
1890, at the age of eighty-one, and Mr.
Rogers in November of the same year, aged
James E. Rogers, subject of sketch,
came to Wisconsin with his parents when he
was but ten years of age, received a com-
mon school education in the village schools
of Mayville, Dodge county, Wis., and was
afterward employed during the summer
on his father's farm, and in the winter
teaching school. In the spring of 1871 he
was elected clerk of the courts for Portage
county, and filled that position till January,
1 88 1. In the fall of 1880 he was elected to
the Legislature, representing Portage county
one term. In the summer of 1881 he re-
ceived an appointment as examiner in the
pension office at Washington, resigned after
one year, on account of ill health, and re-
turned to Stevens Point. After remaining
here about a year, and having regained his
health, he was re-appointed to the pension
office, returned to \\'ashington in the spring of
1883, and remained there through the sum-
mer. In the fall of the same year he was
detailed from the office as a special exam-
iner for a portion of the State of Iowa and
of southern Dakota, and filled that position
four years, at the end of which time, or in
the fall of 1887, he returned to Washington,
and was engaged in quarrying two years. In
the spring of 1890 he was chosen city clerk
of Stevens Point, which position he resigned
July II, 1895, having discharged the duties
thereof for upward of five years, with honor
to himself and to the entire satisfaction of
the citizens generall}\
In December, 1890, in Waupaca, Wau-
paca county, Wis., James E. Rogers was
married to Miss Mary Baker, of Stockton,
Portage count}', and to this union have been
born two children, only one of whom, Mabel,
is now living. Mr. Rogers is an active mem-
ber of the Republican part}', and represented
the Second ward of Stevens Point during
1879 and up to the spring of 1881. He is
an enterprising and progressive citizen, and
has many friends. The family are consist-
ent members of the Baptist Church.
NATHANIEL POPE, one of the lead-
ind farmers of Lind township, Wau-
paca county, and an e.xpert and suc-
cessful cattle buyer, was born in
Chautauqua county, N. Y., June 3, 1829,
son of Nathaniel and Ida (Mattox) Pope,
the father a native of Connecticut, the
mother of \'ermont.
Nathaniel Pope, Sr. , was by trade a
shoemaker, and in addition to following that
vocation made an effort to win a better live-
lihood by (arming. The family of children
consisted of George M., who died in Lind
township; Sarah A., widow of A. Gardner,
of the same township; Pliny, a lake captain,
who was drowned in Lake Michigan on the
brig "Tuscarora; " Alexander, of Erie
county, Penn. ; Alvin, of Nebraska; Alfred,
who died in infancy; Nathaniel; Albert, of
Lind township; and Mary Ida, now Mrs.
David Parrish, of Waupaca.
Nathaniel, the subject of this sketch,
received such an education as the schools of
Erie county, Penn., afforded. He was a
studious lad, with an active and inquiring
mind, and he preferred the fireside with a
book of instruction or adventure to the
wilder sports of country boys. Yet his
father's means were limited, and the boy
could not indulge his studious habits to any
great extent. At the early age of fourteen
he commenced for himself the battle of life.
While yet a mere boy he began to sail on
the lakes, and as early as 1847 touched
Green Bay, Wis., and visited other ports in
that State. For six j'ears he was on the
lakes. A desire to see more of the world,
and perhaps, too, the greater opportunities
open to an ocean sailor induced him, in 1849,
at the age of twenty years, to take a trip
from Racine, W'is. , to New Orleans. There
he shipped for New York, Philadelphia and
Boston, making one trip from New York to
Philadelphia as mate. The California gold
fever was then raging throughout the United
States, and in 1849 he went round the
"Horn" on the schooner " Kate. " The
vessel put in at Valparaiso to refit, and Mr.
Pope, leaving her, reshipped on a Spanish
bark which reached San Francisco on the
Sunday morning of the great fire which de-
stroyed that city. Remaining in San Fran-
cisco for about a month, he spent eighteen
months in the gold-mining country, and then
returned to New York via the Isthmus;
reaching his father's home in Erie county,
Penn., a few days later, he was seized with
a fever which disabled him for two years.
The young man had seen the world, and
was ready to settle down. In the spring of
1853 he started with his brother Alvin for
Wisconsin, the brothers reaching Sheboygan
by boat, thence proceeding across the county
to Oshkosh embarked on the steamboat for
Gill's Landing, and made their way through
the wilderness to Lind township, Waupaca
county, were Nathaniel and his brother
Alvin purchased 160 acres of land in Sec-
tion 16. A few weeks later the parents
joined him, and made their home thereafter
with hini until their death, which occurred
many years later.
In 1855 Mr. Pope was married in Wau-
paca county to Miss Eliza J. Loomis, who
was born in Pennsylvania in 1S38, daughter
of Lyman Loomis. Their children were as
follows: Ella, now Mrs. Leroy Jones, of
Lind township; Pliny, also of Lind town-
ship; Charles L., who died at the age of
twenty-six years; Rush L., of Lind town;
Alice, who died aged three years; Ola, now
Mrs. Henry West, of Lind township; Gale,
Guy, x-Mbert, Bertha, Lyle, all of Lind town-
ship, and Ethel, who was drowned at the
age of fourteen years. Mrs. Pope, who was
a member of the M. E. Church, died July
21, 1886.
Mr. Pope has prospered greatly during
his residence of more than forty years in
Lind township. It was here that he did
his first farming for himself, and here that
he drove his first ox-team. In addition to
general farming he began to deal in stock
soon after his arrival, and for forty years he
has bought and sold cattle. A better judge
of cattle it would be difficult to find, and it
has been his keen perception of the value of
stock, together with his business ability,
that has made him so successful as a dealer.
He now owns about 360 acres of land.
Politically Mr. Pope is a Democrat in prin-
ciple, and he supports the party when its
principles are nhaintained. He has filled
many local offices, including those of super-
visor, clerk, treasurer, pathmaster and
school director. He is a self-made man,
for his capital in early life was only his
courage and ambition. He gave himself a
thorough practical education, and has al-
ways been a hard worker. In his youth he
was as poor as a young man could well be,
yet he not only has amassed a competence,
but to his parents he gave aid and comfort
throughout their lives. When young he
spent money freely, but he afterward ac-
quired a practical knowledge of its value.
His first suit of clothes, after the homespun
with which in his boyhood he was attired,
he earned as a sailor. He had taken ad-
vantage of his father's trade when a boy, and
could at one time make an excellent pair of
boots or shoes. Gifted with mechanical ap-
titude and powers of observation, Mr. Pope
was equipped by nature to make a success
in life. Casting his lot among the pioneers
of northern \\'isconsin, he has rightfully
risen to the commanding esteem and respect
in which he is held by his fellow men.
tleman, who is well known as a
prominent and enterprising citizen
of Eagle River, Vilas county, was
born in Kent county, Mich., near Grand
Rapids, June i8, 1847. His grandfather
Denton was a British soldier during the
Revolutionary struggle, and at one of the
battles received a bullet in his leg, which
memento of the war he carried to his grave.
John W. Denton, father of our subject,
was born in Pennsylvania, of English ances-
try, and had four brothers — Samuel, George,
William and Daniel — and three sisters —
Mary Ann, Caroline and Joanna. He married
Minerva Bartholomew, by whom he had si.\
children: Mary J., L. Bradley, Albert A.,
Charles F., Ella M. and John^W., Jr. In
1839 he moved to Michigan, for a time mak-
ing his home in Kent county, near Grand
Rapids, whence, in 1850, he moved to Mill
Point, Ottawa county, same State. In 1852
he built a large store and hotel at Eastman-
ville, also in Ottawa county, Mich., known
as the " Denton House, " which in 1861 he
sold, and then removed to Grand Rapids,
purchasing an elegant dwelling there; but
in 1862 he moved to a farm south of Lowell,
Kent county, which and his city property,
however, he soon afterward traded for a fine
farm in Kecne township, Ionia county, also
in Michigan. In the fall of 186S he and his
two sons took a canoe trip up the Muskegon
river to Houghton Lake, a distance of some
two hundred miles, hunting, fishing and
looking up pine lands, after which he made
annual trips to the same locality, ultimately
locating a homestead at Houghton Lake,
renting his Keene township (Ionia county)
farm and moving his family to his new prop-
erty. In the fall of 1877 he returned to the
farm, and passed the rest of his days there-
on; he died in 1885, while on a visit to his
son Albert; his widow is still living. He
built the first logging railroad in Michigan,
which was known as the " Barbers rail-
road. " In his political leanings he was a
strong Democrat, but never aspired to office,
and he had the reputation of a worth}-, hon-
orable citizen, kind-hearted and charitable.
Albert A. Denton, the subject proper of
these lines, was educated at the common
schools of the locality of his boyhood home,
and remained under the parental roof until
his marriage. In 1870 he went to Hough-
ton Lake, and for ten years was there en-
gaged in lumbering, taking a homestead. In
1880 he sold out and bought property at
East Saginaw, Mich., whither he removed
his famil)', and then took a trip to Central
America for the purpose of looking up valu-
able timber, coming direct from there to
Eagle River, Wis. ; but this was not his first
visit to Wisconsin, as he had already, some
years before, traveled considerably through-
out the State. Here his family rejoined him,
and in April, 1884, he bought property, built
the " Denton House," which he conducted
six years, or till July, 1890, when he sold it.
Mr. Denton then went on an exploring ex-
pedition to northern Minnesota, passing
three years there, having located govern-
ment land, and then returned to Eagle
River, where he has since made his home,
his chief occupation being that of land
broker and timber estimator.
In 1868 our subject was united in mar-
riage with Miss Elizabeth Hart, who was
born in 1848, daughter of Lewis and Nancy
(Shermanj Hart, natives of Herkimer
county, N. Y. , where they were married, and
whence they came to Michigan about the
year 1845, settling in Keene township, Ionia
county, where their daughter Elizabeth was
born. They were the parents of eight chil-
dren, their names being: Henrietta, Mary,
Phebe, Elizabeth, George, Franklin, May-
land and Milo. The father of these died in
1888; he was a Republican in politics, and
served his county as treasurer, also holding
many minor offices. The mother is yet liv-
ing. The family are descendants of German
immigrants who settled in the Mohawk Val-
ley many years ago. To ^fr. and Mrs. Den-
ton has been born one child, a son, Louis,
at present attending school at \'alparaiso,
Ind. In politics our subject is a Democrat,
and has been chairman of the town; was as-
sessor and also postmaster under the Dem-
ocrat administration; while a resident of
Michigan he served as postmaster, was
county treasurer, also sheriff, and held var-
ious other offices; he assisted in the organiza-
tion of Roscommon county, Mich. ; was also
a member of the county board at the time
of the setting off of Oneida county. Wis.
He is and has been all his life a typical
frontiersman, and is recognized as a useful
citizen and member of the community.
FIvED M. MASON, county superin-
tendent of schools, Oneida county,
with residence at Rhinelander, was
born at Charleston, S. C, June 3,
1S42, a grandson of James Mason, a native
of England, whence, when a boy, he came
to Virginia with his parents.
Morgan Afason, father of the subject of
these lines, was born in Virginia in Febru-
ary, 1799, at the proper age entered college,
and was a graduate of Yale, and of Harvard
Law School. In the State of New York he
married Anna Morgan, daughter of General
Morgan of the Revolutionary army, and
soon after marriage they settled in Charles-
ton, S. C, where, with the exception of
the four years during the Civil war they
lived in Cleveland, Ohio, the father passed
the rest of his days; the mother died in
June, 1842. They had a family of children
as follows: Edward B., Edith A., John Y. ,
Edwin, Ada, Anna, and Fred M. For his
second wife Morgan Mason married Mrs.
Catherine Potts, by whom he had two chil-
dren: Adeline and Ida. The father de-
parted this life in 1893, a strong loyal
Southern man to his last hour. He was a
large planter, owning considerable land, and
was a judge of the supreme court of the
State, recognized as an able jurist; during
the Mexican war, he was colonel of the
Second South Carolina Infantry, serving in
that memorable struggle with distinction.
Our subject, whose name introduces this
sketch, received his earlier education at the
State Military Academy, Columbia, S. C. ,
and for three years was a cadet at West
Point, but did not complete his course. In
April, 1 86 1, he was detailed into the army
as instructor of military tactics, and as-
signed to duty at Cleveland, Ohio. In July,
same j'ear, he reported to Gen. McClellan,
who at the time was in West Virginia, and
had just assumed command of the armj',
from which time Mr. Mason served under
Gen. Rosecrans. That same year he was
taken prisoner by the Confederates, and for
about eight months was confined in prison,
chiefly at Salisbury, N. C, and in Libby.
Being exchanged, he was assigned to duty
in the U. S. Signal Corps, Army of the
Potomac, and with that branch of the serv-
ice he remained until Lee's surrender. On
June 17, 1S64, he was promoted on the
field in front of Petersburg, to first lieuten-
ant, by Gen. Grant, for bravery displayed
in securing and conveying information to
Burnside's line in that day's fighting. He
remained in the regular army until Decem-
ber 16, 1868, when he resigned on account
of impaired health, the latter part of his
soldier life being passed in the Topographi-
cal Department of the army. After resign-
ing he went to Bay City, Mich., and for
four years was manager of A. Ballon &
Co. 's general store, after which he was, in
1 87 1, elected CQunty superintendent of Bay
county, which incumbency he filled four
years. In 1876 he went to Reed City,
Mich., where for one year he filled the office
of county superintendent of schools, and
three years that of deputy United States
timber agent. In 1890 he came to Rhine-
lander, where he took up the business of
contractor and builder, and in 1894 he was
elected county superintendent of schools of
Oneida county.
On October 13, 1870, Mr. Mason was
married at Bay City, Mich., to Miss Rhoda
Ammerman, who was born January 3, 1842,
daughter of Isaac and Mary (Drake) Ammer-
man, all natives of New Jersey. The mother
was a direct descendant of Sir Francis
Drake, admiral of the British navy during
the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The parents
of Mrs. Mason came to Michigan from New
Jersey, and both died there, the mother in
1 89 1, the father in 1893. To our subject
and wife were born five children, three of
whom are living: Maude, Eva and Theresa.
Politically, Mr. Mason is a Republican,
socially, he is a member of the F. & A. M. ,
I. O. O. F., and G. A. R.
JA^fES E. LYTLE. This well-known
and most highly esteemed resident of
Stevens Point, who is probably the
oldest living pioneer settler in Portage
county, was born in Richmond, \'a.. May
17, 1816. James Lytle, father of our sub-
ject, and a Southerner by birth, followed
the trade of ship carpenter. He married
Miss Hannah Stent, who was born in Eng-
land, a daughter of an English sea captain
who owned vessels; but losing her parents
when young she was adopted by a wealth}'
Virginia family. James Lytle was accident-
ally drowned through the capsizing of a boat
in a wind squall, within sight of his home,
and while returning to Richmond after a
year's absence.
After the death of his father, James E.
Lytle, then a six-year-old lad, removed with
his mother to Franklin county, N. Y. , where
he was reared to manhood, receiving a
limited education in the district schools, af-
terward following the occupation of teamster
and stage dri\er until he was about twenty-
five years old, when he purchased a farm in
Hopkinton township, St. Lawrence Co., N.
Y. , where he continued farming until April,
1846, the date of his coming to Wisconsin,
and locating in Pederville (now called Wau-
kesha). At the end of three years he removed
to Plover, Portage count}", being among the
pioneer settlers of the place, and here en-
gaged in the trades of mason and plasterer
for about three years, after which he again
followed agricultural pursuits up to the year
1870, when, his health failing, he rented his
farm and took up the subscription-book bus-
iness as agent for a Chicago publishing
house, in which line he continued till 1889,
when he returned to Stevens Point, and
retired from active business life.
In 1840, at Fort Covington, N. Y., Mr.
Lytle was married to Miss Frances Maria
Diamond, daughter of Enos and Miranda
(Richmond; Diamond, and nine children
were born to them, four of whom survive,
as follows: George Hamlin, residing in
Rome, Ga. , married to Miss Alice Smith, a
daughter of Charles and Mary Smith 1 they
had a family of four children, two of
whom survive: Frankie May, wife of John
Ferguson, residing in Knoxville, Tenn., and
James, at home); Alfred, city engineer of
Merrill, Lincoln Co. , Wis., married to Miss
Sarah Nutting (they had four children,
two yet living: Arthur E. and Bertie A.);
William, residing in Stevens Point, Wis.,
married June 19, 1878, to Miss Jennie
Pierce, a daughter of Ira and Rosetta
(Whitne\) Pierce, natives of Penobscot,
Maine (they had six children, four of whom
are living: Maudlin. Earl D., Blanch E.,
and Chester E. j;John D., residing in At-
lanta, Ga. , married to Miss Nellie Smith
(now deceased) ihas one living child named
Elsie Lyliani.
The mother of the above named family,
who was born in Magog, Canada, passed
peacefully from earth, December 3, 1 893,
at the age of seventy-five years, twenty-five
days. She was an exemplary Christian wo-
man, a devoted mother and faithful wife,
for fifty-four years a consistent member of
the Methodist Church, as has also been her
husband. At her demise the following lines
were contributed by a friend:
Religion filled her soul with peace.
Upon a dying' bed:
Let faith look up, let sorrow cease.
She lives with Christ o'erhead.
Yes. faith beholds her where she sits
With Jesus clothed in white.
Our loss is her eternal gain;
She dwells in cloudless light.
Politically, Mr. Lytle was originally a
Whig, and since the organization of the
party has been a stanch Republican, though
not an active one during the past six years.
He has served faithfully as treasurer of
Stockton township. Portage county, and
also as assessor for six consecutive years,
and he is known by his neighbors as a friend
in time of need, a counselor in trouble, and
a genial companion at all times.
JENS HANSEN, an e.\tensi\e wagon
and carriage manufacturer of Wau-
paca, was born in Boesholm, near
Helsingor, Nort Sjeland, Denmark, in
July, 1838, son of H. C. Rasmusson, a
blacksmith, who made the best wagons and
carriages in all that region. The father
married Meta Marie Larson Monk, and to
them were born the following children:
Peter (deceased), Jens, Bertha L. , Anna C.
and Marie (deceased), Petronelle, Rasmina,
Bentine and Peter, besides two children
who died in infancy. The mother died in
1857, and the father subsequently married
Marion Anderson, by whom he had two
children: Andrew M., and one who died
in Denmark.
Our subject learned the trade of black-
smith and carriage-maker from his father,
and received a good common-school educa-
tion, attending the schools from the age of
seven to fourteen years. In 1864 he enlist-
ed in the artillery service of his country,
serving fourteen months in the war between
Denmark and Germany, and retiring with
the rank of corporal. Returning home, he
assisted in his father's shop until 1869,
when he emigrated to the United States.
Waupaca was his destination, and there he
found work with H. D. Prior, but before
the close of the year he had purchased the
business for himself. In 1870 Mr. Hansen
returned to Denmark, and brought back
with him his father, who until his death in
1879 worked in the son's shop. Each year
Mr. Hansen's business has increased. His
motto — " Live and let live" — is prominent-
ly displayed on the shop, and the principle
is religiously observed in a business way.
Mr. Hansen employs about twelve men, and
manufactures wagons, carriages and sleighs,
besides doing a general blacksmith business
and handling farm machinery of all kinds.
In 1S90 he built the handsome and substan-
tial shop which he now occupies; he has
also made some extensive investments in
city real estate.
Mr. Hansen was married on Christmas
Day, 1869, to Miss Johanna M. Person, a
native of Sweden. Her father died in that
country and the widow with her children —
two sons (both now deceased) and two
daughters (both yet living) — came to Ameri-
ca. Politically Mr. Hansen is a Republi-
can. Though frequently urged to permit
the use of his name for office he has invaria-
bly refused. His religious affiliations are
with the Danish Lutheran Church, and he
is a member of the Danish Home Society.
Mr. Hansen is a thorough business man,
and one of the substantial and influential
citizens of Waupaca county.
GHARLES GIBSON (deceased) was
for many years one of the leading
citizens of Lind, Waupaca county.
He was not content in business mat-
ters to follow beaten paths, but branched
out into original and successful enterprises.
He was energetic in his methods, but his ac-
tions were controlled by conscience. In-
tegrity and regard for others marked every
deed, and his active sympathies and weighty
influence were enlisted in whatever good
causes for the public welfare became the
questions or issues of the day.
Mr. Gibson was born in St. Armand,
Canada, April 3, 1833, son of Royal and
Harriet (Thorn) Gibson. He was reared a
farmer boy, attending the common schools
of his home district. In 1853 he came to
Wisconsin, when a youth of twenty years,
and settled in Lind, Waupaca county, fol-
lowing his brother, Hollis, who had migrat-
ed to the new country the year previous.
He was married, at Weyauwega, Alarch 27,
1875, to Miss Fannie L. Rice, who was born
in Chautauqua county, N. Y., January 10,
1S47, daughter of Alvaris and Sarah A.
(Darron) Rice, who migrated to Wisconsin
soon after, when it was yet a Territory, liv-
ing for several years in Racine county, and
in I851 removing to Waupaca county, set-
tling in Lind, there becoming prominent
pioneers. Here on the frontier of civiliza-
tion Mrs. Gibson was reared. The children
of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are Ira R. , born
January i8, 1876; Paul R. , born April 24,
1878, and Brena C, born July 18, 1881.
Mr. Gibson died at his home December
4, 1889, and is buried in Lind Cemetery.
During earlier life he was a Republican, but
later became, by conviction and principle, a
stanch Prohibitionist. He was a leading
member of the Wesle3'an Church. Perhaps
none were more active and zealous in relig-
ious devotion than he. A liberal contributor
and an officer of the Church, he was one of
its stanchest supporters. During the civil
conflict Mr. Gibson took up arms in defense
of the Nation's perpetuity, and served cred-
itably and honorably from the time he en-
listed to the close of the war. In civic life he
served his fellow men iu various local offices.
Mr. Gibson was distinctively a self-made
man. For many years he owned and
operated a threshing machine throughout
the county, making solid friends of whomso-
ever he met in a business relationship. He
built and operated the pioneer cheese fac-
tory of his section, and the superiority of
the product was known far and wide. It
took the sweepstakes premium at the Wis-
consin State Fair, also in Iowa and other
fairs. The factor}' which he built is still in
operation. Though generous in donations
for religious and other deserving causes,
Mr. Gibson was a thorough business man,
and he left his family in comfortable circum-
stances. Since his death his widow has had
charge of the business which he left, and has
displayed rare judgment and ability in her
management. She is a member of the Wes-
leyan Church, and is most highlj- esteemed
and respected by her hosts of friends.
WH. ELSBURY, one of the brave
defenders of the Union who served
nearly all through the war of the
Rebellion, is a farmer by vocation
and one of the oldest settlers in his section
of Larrabee township, Waupaca county,
He was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y. ,
in 1840, the son of James and Mary (Kief)
Elsbury, natives of England, who came to
Es.se.\ county, N. Y., in an early day.
James Elsbury was a farmer, and after
settling in Essex made that for the most
part his home; his death occurred in 1854,
and that of his widow in 1881, in Essex
count}', N. Y. They became the parents of
the following children: James, residing in
Essex county, N. Y. ; Martha, widow of
Amos Boardman, of Essex county, N. Y. ;
Thomas, residing in Essex county, N. Y. ;
John, who enlisted for three years in the
Eighty-fourth X. Y. V. I., and was killed
June 20, I 864, in front of Petersburg, \'a. ;
W. H., subject of this sketch; and Mary
Ann, wife of Peter Long, of Buckbee, Lar-
rabee township, Waupaca Co., Wisconsin.
W. H. Elsbury was reared in Essex
county, N. Y. , to farm life, and educated in
the schools of that county. In November,
1 86 1, he enlisted in Company K, Ninety-
sixth N. Y. V. I., for three years or during
the war, and was mustered into service at
Plattsburg, N. Y. He was first in the
Seventh Army Corps, and was in the Pen-
insular Campaign. At Williamsburg, in
1863, he was transferred to the Eighteenth
Army Corps, and was at Goldsboro, N. C,
Newbern, and Suffolk, N. C. In 1864 he
again enlisted, in the same company and
regiment, for three years or doing the war,
and went to City Point, Va., Drury's Bluff,
Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, Petersburg,
and thence in front of Richmond, \'a. , and
was stationed there and at Fredericksburg.
He was honorably discharged at City Point,
\'a. , February 6, 1 866, and mustered out
as corporal. He then returned to Essex
county, N. Y., remained till July, 1866,
then came to Oshkosh, Winnebago Co.,
Wis., and worked at day's labor until, in
1869, he came to Clintonville, Larrabee
township, Waupaca county, then a small
place, and remained there two years. At that
time there were in Clintonville and in all
Larrabee township only forty-two voters.
At Clintonville, Waupaca Co., Wis., in
1869, W. H. Elsbury was united in marriage
with Miss Catharine Quinn, and they have
become the parents of seven children,
namely: Michael, Mary Ann (wife of Louis
Bohanan, of Keshena, Shawano Co., Wis).,
William, Frederick, Maggie, John and
Martha. Mrs. ^^'. H. Elsbury is the daugh-
ter of Michael and Margaret (McGrath)
Ouinn, natives of Ireland now deceased. Mr.
Elsbury bought a tract of eighty acres in the
woods with no clearing, in Section 2 1 , Lar-
rabee township, where he now resides, and
here located in 1871. At that time there
was only one other family in this section,
and he cut a road through the forest to get
to his farm. This property he has since
improved, and he now has fifty acres cleared.
In 1 888 he erected here a story-and-a-half
frame house, 18 x 26 feet in the main part,
and with an L 16 x 24 feet. As a pioneer
of this section of Waupaca county he has
seen much of its development from its prim-
itive condition. In political belief Mr.
Elsbury is a Republican, and takes an active
interest in the affairs of the partj-. He has
been a member of the school board, and
chairman of the township for one term.
Portage count3''s native sons. He
was born in Belmont township,
September 16, 1861, and comes of
one of the honored pioneer families of Wis-
consin. His father, William Mclntyre,
was born in New York about 1829, and in
an early daj- came with his parents to the
Badger State, the family locating in Milford
township, Jefferson county. His school
privileges were those afforded in the neigh-
borhood, and he was reared upon the home
farm, the days of his youth being quietly
passed. In the family were five children,
Abraham, William, Henry, Eliza and
Amanda, and they shared in the experiences
and hardships peculiar to life on the frontier.
In Belmont township. Portage county,
in December, i860, at the home of the
bride, was celebrated the marriage of Will-
iam Mclntyre, Sr. , and Clara Turner, who
had removed with her family from Jefferson
count)'. The young couple began house-
keeping in Milford township, Jefferson
county, upon a farm owned by the husband,
but after a time took up their residence in
Belmont township, where October 2, 1861,
Mr. Mclntyre joined the Third Wisconsin
Light Artillery and went to the war. On
December i, following, he returned to Jef-
ferson county, where his wife had passed
the time of his absence with his parents.
Two weeks later he was taken with measles
and after a five-days' illness passed away,
Januarys, 1862, his remains being interred
in Milford township. In politics he was a
Republican, and he was a highly respected
citizen. After his death, Mrs. Mclntyre
went to her father's home, and afterward
married John M. Collier.
William H. Mclntyre, who is the only
child, acquired his elementary education in
the schools of the neighborhood, which
was supplemented with a short attendance
at the State Normal School, where he pre-
pared himself for teaching, a profession he
followed in District No. 5, Belmont town-
ship. He lived with his mother for some
time after her second marriage, or until his
own marriage, which was celebrated in
Waupaca, Wis., April 12, 1888, the lady
of his choice being Miss Anna Wagner, who
was born in Almond township, Portage
county, June 20, 1863, a daughter of
Michael and Elizabeth (Rice; Wagner, the
former a native of France, the latter of
Illinois. Mrs. Mclntyre obtained her ed-
ucation in the Oshkosh Normal School, and
at the age of nineteen began teaching,
which profession she successfully followed
eleven terms. By her marriage she has be-
come the mother of an interesting little son,
Milan H., born June 21, 1890.
Upon his marriage, Mr. Mclntyre
rented the farm which is now his home, and
in 1891 he became its owner, the tract com-
prising 150 acres in Section 17, Belmont,
one-half of which has been placed under the
plow and yields to him a good income in re-
turn for the care and labor he bestows upon
it. He is recognized as a prosperous young
farmer of good business and executive abil-
ity, who through his own efforts has become
well-to-do, and is an intelligent young man,
highly esteemed b\- all who know him. By
his ballot he supports the Republican
JOSEPH GLINSKI, one of the most
enterprising and successful tailors of
Stevens Point, Portage count}-, is a
native of Poland, born September 17,
1858, in Valental, County of Starogart, a
son of Joseph and Josephine (Pawlowski)
Ghnski, who were born in same country. The
father was a stock buyer, becoming a very
successful man. At his death, which occur-
red in 1 868, he left five children, all of whom
are still living, to wit: Frank, a saloon
keeper at Stevens Point; Joseph, subject of
sketch: Jacob, a tailor of Stevens Point,
now in the employ of his brother, Joseph;
Effie, wife of Joseph Jekobouski, who is also
employed b\' our subject; and Mary, wife of
E. L. Blodgett, a merchant of Stevens Point.
Mr. Glinski, whose name appears at the
beginning of this record, received his educa-
tion in the common schools of Germany,
and then at the age of sixteen commenced
to learn his trade. In 1872 the family
started for America, embarking on the sail-
ing vessel, " Agda," and after a long and
stormy voyage of eleven weeks and three days
they landed at Quebec, Canada. They did
not remain long in that city, however, but
came direct to Milwaukee, Wis., where the}'
made their home some eight months. On
leaving the latter city the family removed to
Stevens Point, where Mr. Lubinski purchased
160 acres of wild timber land, and our subject
aided in clearing and developing the same.
The farm was sold, however, at the end of
a 3-ear and a half, and the family then re-
moved to Stevens Point, where the step-
father began working at the tailor's trade,
which he still continues. The mother's death
occurred in the fall of 1891, at the age of
sixty-three years. Mr. Glinski was em-
ployed b}' others until 1881, when he began
business for himself. In 1891 he purchased
a lot and erected a two-story brick building
82x25 feet, in which he now carries on
business and has an excellent trade. By-
good management he has gained a liberal
patronage, and now has in his employ fifteen
men. He has one of the leading tailoring
establishments of the city.
In 1879 Mr. Glinski was united in mar-
riage with Miss Paulina M. Boyar, a daugh-
ter of John and Marthina Boyar, and one
of a family of children, as follows: Paul-
ina M., Leo, John, Jr., Frank, Ragan,
Joseph, Mary, Anna, August and Adam
(twins), Catherine, Alexander, Anthony,
Bernard, all of whom are living with the ex-
ception of Anthonj-. The parents of this
family were both born in Poland, in which
country the father was engaged as a brewer,
and also followed the same business after
coming to America; but he and his wife are
now living retired at Stevens Point. The
family crossed the Atlantic in 1863. To
Mr. and Mrs. Glinski have been born the
following children: Mary, Joseph, Jr., John,
De Loss, Varona, Ganewefa and Chesle}-,
all of whom are still with their parents.
Mr. Glinski has held a number of offices
of honor and trust in Stevens Point, includ-
ing that of alderman, which he filled for five
years — from 1888 to 1893. He has always
been faithful to every trust reposed in him
whether public or private, and is held in the
highest esteem and confidence. With St.
Peter's Catholic Church he holds member-
ship, and has served as secretary of the
same, while socially he belongs to the Cath-
olic Knights of Wisconsin, Catholic Forest-
ers of Wisconsin, St. Peter's Society, and
the Sacred Heart Society.
EMIL RUDER (deceased), who for
some twelve years conducted the
well-known brewery owned by him
at Merrill, Lincoln county, was born
November 29, 1859, at Stevens Point, Wis.,
a son of George and Louisa (Schmidt)
George Ruder was born September 7,
1827, in Nuremberg, Bavaria, and was a
son of Wolfe and Katrina Ruder. The
family are of German ancestry, and Wolfe
Ruder, as was his father before him, was
born in Germany. George Ruder was edu-
cated in his native land, and in early life
learned the trade of brewer in his father's
brewery, afterward worked at his trade in
some of the large cities of Europe, and
traveled extensively through Germany. In
1S54 he came to the United States, locating
first in Milwaukee, where he worked at his
trade upward of two years, and then, in
1856, he removed to Stevens Point, Portage
county, purchased a brewery there, and con-
ducted it some four years. At Stevens Point
he married Miss Louisa Schmidt, who was
born in the Province of Posen, Germany,
April 25, 1835, and children as follows were
born to them: Louis, Emil, Herman,
Louisa, Clara, Emma (wife of Henry Mom-
bart, residing in Wausau), Edward (in Mer-
rill, Lincoln county), Henry (in Wausau,
Marathon county), William and Lena, of
whom Emil, Louisa and Lena are now de-
ceased. In i860 George Ruder removed to
Wausau, Marathon county, and there
erected a brewery w^hich he conducted up to
1887, when he retired from active business,
the following year, accompanied by his wife
and daughter, Emma, visiting his native
land, and spending upward of twelve
months in travel and sight-seeing, among
other places visiting Berlin and Munich.
His death occurred December 29, 1893, at
Milwaukee, Wis., whither he had gone for
medical treatment, and was buried in ^^'au-
sau cemetery. He was a member of the
L O. O. F., was president of the village,
and alderman of the city of \\'ausau four
Emil Ruder, whose name appears at the
opening of this sketch, on leaving school
entered his father's brewery in Wausau, in
order to learn the business, and in 1882 ac-
companied him to Merrill. Here in 18S6
he bought the brewery built by his father,
and which he enlarged and improved, con-
ducting same until his death, which occurred
May 23, 1894. He left a widow and six
children to mourn the early taking away of
a loving husband and kind, indulgent father,
besides many sorrowing friends who knew
him as an active business man, generous-
hearted and highly respected by all. Polit-
ically a Democrat, he served the city of
Merrill as alderman; socially, he was a
member of the Sons of Hermann, and a
member of the Order of Druids of Merrill,
and of the German Benevolent Society.
On July 27, 1884, Mr. Ruder was mar-
ried, in Wausau, Wis., to Jiliss Mary La;s-
sig, who was born in Chicago, 111., daughter
of Edward and Janette (Baenen) Laessig,
w^ho were the parents of twelve children : Ed-
ward, Mary, Henry, Augusta, Minnie, Fred-
erick, Frank, Charles, Louis, Julia, Anna
and Nellie, the last named dying in infancy.
The father was born July 15, 1S35, in
Saxony, Germany, whence when a young
man he came to America, and for several
years worked as a common laborer. In
1856, in Chicago, 111., he married Miss
Janette Baenen, who w-as born in Holland,
in January. 1838, and same year came to
America with her parents, who had a family
of seven children, namely: Frank. Mary,
Janette, John, Henry, Bell and Minnie.
After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Laessig moved
to Green Bay, Wis., and there resided nine
years, when they moved to Wausau, and at
the end of four years bought a farm in Mar-
athon county. Wis., whither they removed
and where they are yet residing. The chil-
dren born to Emil Ruder are Lena, Lizzie,
George, Edward, Willie and baby Emil.
William Ruder, a younger son of the late
George Ruder, by his wife, Louisa (Schmidt),
was born in \\'ausau. Wis., Aug. 12, 1873.
Until he was fifteen years of age he attended
school at Wausau, and then went to Mil-
waukee, where he took a course in a business
college in that city, graduating from same in
June, 1889. In the following August he
came to Merrill, where he entered the em-
ploy of his brother Emil, in the capacity of
bookkeeper, collector, etc., positions he
held until the death of the latter, since when
he has had entire charge of the business for
behoof of the widow. Though yet a young
man, he has made many friends among the
business men of Merrill. In his political
affiliation he is a sound Democrat, while
socially he is a member of the Sons of Her-
mann, the German Benevolent Society and
the Order of Druids of Merrill, of which
latter he is secretary.
On April 24, 1894, W^illiam Ruder and
Theresa Bott were married at Wausau,
Wis. She is a native of Illinois, born at
Rockford, daughter of Marcus and Eva
(Harris) Bott, who were the pare'nts of five
children: Theresa, Tillie, John, Frank,
and one that died in infancy. Mr. Bott was
a native of Germany, and came to America
when a young man; a mason by trade, he
followed it successfully until his death in
Merrill, April, 1885. His widow was born
in Wisconsin, near Milwaukee; she remar-
ried, her second husband being Henry J.
Hampel, by whom she has two children:
Henry and George.
CALVIN CHAFEE, proprietor of a
first-class livery stable in Rhine-
lander, Oneida county, is a native of
New York State, born October 25,
1835, in Hulburton, Orleans county, of
Scottish ancestry.
Isaac Chafee, grandfather of oursubject,
was born December 26, 1768, perhaps in
Scotland, but more probably, it is thought,
in America; he was married in the latter
country to Mary Burnside, born in the New
England States. Nine children Were the
result of this union, viz. : Rufus, Adolphus,
Mary, Isaac M. (i), Walter, Lucinda, Isaac
M. (2), Llo3'd and Isaac M. (3), of whom
Isaac M. (ij, Lucinda and Isaac M. (2) are
deceased. The father of these, who was a
musical instrument maker, died March 8,
1835, the mother in December, 1848.
Lloyd Chafee, father of Calvin, was born
at Guildhall, Essex Co., \i.. May 12, 1S12,
and married Elizabeth Garnsey, who was
born at Stamford, Conn., October 7, 1S17,
daughter of Ezra and Lanah (Bennett)
Garnsey, natives of Connecticut, the father
born April 12, 1780, the mother on March
II, 1787; they both died in New York
State, he in 1857, she Febuary 3, 1856, the
parents of twelve children, named respect-
ively: Catherine, Rosetta B., Sarah A.,
Jesse H., Solomon S., James B., Phcebe S.,
Elizabeth, Samuel B., ^VilliamH., Ezra M.
and Leonard H. To Mr. and Mrs. Chafee
were born fourteen children — Calvin, Emily
M., Edward and Edwin (twinsj, Charles,
Sarah, Emeline S., Franklin, Henry, Leon-
ard, Ezra G., Lanah B., Rufus and Rosetta
E. — nine of whom lived to maturity. In
1845 Lloyd Chafee brought his family to
Wisconsin, and for one year he worked at
his trade, shoemaking, at Watertown, Jef-
ferson county, and then for eight years
carried on agricultural pursuits on a farm
near Oshkosh, after which he moved to
Waushara county, passing the rest of his
days on a farm there, at the same time
working at his trade. He died in Waushara
county, November 28, 1872, his wife sur-
viving him until September 25, 1893. Mr.
Chafee was a well-read man and well-
informed on all topics, a leader among men,
holding manv local offices of honor and
trust, and taking a wide interest in educa-
tional affairs. Sociallj', he was a member
of the F. & A. M.
Calvin Chafee, the subject proper of
these lines, who was ten years old when the
family came to Wisconsin, received a fairl}-
liberal education at the common schools of
the period, and being the eldest in the
famil}' early in life commenced assisting his
father in clearing the farms, so continuing
until he reached his majority. He then
worked in the lumber woods, winters, and
running the river, summers, until his mar-
riage, when he settled on his farm in
Waushara county, which he successfully
conducted till 1891, the j'ear of his com-
ing to Rhinelander. and engaging in his
present prosperous livery stable business.
In June, 1861, he was married to Miss
Tamar E. Rozell, who was born October 30,
1 84 1, in Tioga county, Penn., daughter of
Hopkins D. and Catherine (Cooper) Rozell,
the former of whom was a son of James
Rozell, who in his younger days was a dyer,
in later life a farmer, and was married to
Lucia Byron, by whom he had five children:
Hopkins D. , Edwin, Alfred, William and
Susan. The famil}- came to Wisconsin in
1855. Hopkins D. Rozell was a native of
Dutchess county, N. Y., born June 23,
1873, and died in Waushara county, Wis.,
January 6, 1891. He was a shoemaker by
trade, and also followed farming. His wife,
Catherine (Cooper) Rozell, was born in
New York, in 18 14, and died in Februar\',
1894, in Wisconsin. To Mr. and Mrs. Cal-
vin Chafee were born si.x children: Robert
E. (now a druggist in Rhinelander), Cather-
ine E. (married to William M. Weld, a
farmer of Waushara county. Wis.), Frank
H. (deceased at the age of three years),
Leonard H., Letta (who died in infancy)
and Charles E.
On November 21, 1863, Mr. Chafee en-
listed in Company G, Thirtieth Wis. V. I.,
and received an honorable discharge Sep-
tember 20, 1865. His regiment served in
the West, chiefly on detail duty, only one
company at a time being stationed at any
point. Our subject has been a Republican
since the organization of the party, and held
public offices of trust in Waushara county
some twenty j-ears. He has been an active
Freemason for a long time, and is a mem-
ber of the G. A. R. The entire family are
identified with the M. E. Church.
JOHN F. SAWYER, a substantial citi-
zen of Wausau, Marathon county, was
born in Hampden, Maine, November 8,
1 85 1. His parents, Emerson M. and
Sarah Patterson Sawyer, were both born in
the State of Maine, of English and Scotch an-
cestry, and were early settlers of Waupaca
county, Wis., having located in the town-
ship of Dayton, in that county, in 1855.
To Emerson M. Sawyer and his wife was
born a family of nine children, of whom six
are living, namely: R. Dwynel, a member
of the Wausau city fire department; Charles
H., residing in Minneapolis, Minn.; John
F. , the subject of this sketch; Arthur E.,
residing in Chicago; Rual Willis, an agri-
culturist in the township of Dayton, Wau-
paca county; and Edward C, in Traill
county, N. Dak. James O. Sawyer, the
eldest son in the family, served in Company
G, Eighteenth Wis. V. I., and died in hos-
pital in Indiana from the effects of hardships
incurred during the war. After locating in
Dayton township, in 1855, Emerson M.
Sawyer engaged in agricultural pursuits in
Dayton township, and in Marion, Dupont
township, Waupaca county, until about
1884, when he retired from active business
life and made his home with his son John,
coming with him to Wausau on his removal
here. He is still living, at the advanced
age of eighty-three years. His wife, Sarah,
mother of the family above mentioned, died
at Marion, Dupont township, Waupaca
county, in 1888.
John F. Sawyer was reared a farmer's
boy, and educated in the public schools of
Waupaca county. After leaving school he
engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1883,
during which period he operated a threshing
machine throughout Waupaca county. In
the village of Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence
township, ^^'aupaca county, August 6, 1871,
John F. Sawyer married Annie Shannon,
and they have three children, namely:
Schuyler C, a harness maker, residing at
Rhinelander, Oneida Co., Wis.; Clyde S.,
a harness maker at Wausau, Marathon
county; and Erdix A., at home. The par-
ents of Mrs. Sawyer, John and Harriet
(Dewey) Shannon, were born on Wolfe
Island, Canada.
In 1883 Mr. Sawyer went to Marion, Du-
pont township, Waupaca county, and was
in the livery business there until 1893, in
February of which year he removed to
Wausau, Marathon county, continuing here
the same occupation. For eight or ten
years he was engaged in teaming provisions,
etc., from Wausau to the lumber camps as
far as Eagle River, Onedia Co. , Wis. , and
also to Escanaba, Mich., the round trip oc-
cupying thirteen days, and during this time
he had many thrilling adventures with wild
animals. Mr. Sawyer conducts one of the
largest and best equipped livery stables in
Wausau, and is highly respected as an
honorable and upright business man and a
valuable citizen. In political views he is
liberal. The family attend the Methodist
GILBERT GILSON belongs to that
class of sturdy Norwegians who
have been an important factor in
the upbuilding and development of
Waupaca county. He was born June i,
1839, in Norway, as was his father, Gilbert
Christenson, whose birth occurred in the
year 1800. The latter followed lumbering
in his native country, and was there united in
marriage with Martha Larson, whose birth
occurred in Norway in 1802. The grand-
father. Christen Erickson, was a man of
considerable prominence and influence in
the community in which he made his home,
and two of his sons were soldiers in the war
which occurred between Norway and Swe-
den from 1807 to 1 814, and helped to gain
for the former her freedom and her new
In 1852 Mr. Christenson left his old
home, and bidding good-by to friends
and native land sailed with his family for
the United States. He located in Norway
township, Racine Co., Wis., where he
worked as a common laborer for about a
1 62
year. In 1853 he came to Scandinavia
township, Waupaca county, and purchased
160 acres of land, to the development and
improvement of which he devoted his en-
ergies until his death, which occurred in
1877. His wife survived him two years,
passing away in 1879. They were ad-
herents of the Lutheran faith, and in politics
he was a Republican. Gilbert Gilson, our
subject, was thirteen years of age when he
came to America. He attended school but
three months; but being naturally talented
and fond of study he through his own efforts
obtained a good education, and is recog-
nized as one of the most intellectual men
of his township. His early boyhood days
were passed upon his father's farm, but
when he was still quite young he engaged as
a postal clerk in the Waupaca postoffice, in
which position he efficiently served for three
years. He was then employed in a drug store
in Waupaca for a period of two years, after
which he worked in the pineries until the
breaking out of the Civil war. He was
deeply interested in the events which at-
tended the opening of that struggle, and in
1863 he offered his services to the govern-
ment, becoming one of the " boys in blue "
of Company K, Tenth Wis. V. I. After-
ward he was transferred to Company D,
Twenty-fourth Wis. V. I., and subsequently
became a member of Company B, Third
Wisconsin Veteran Regiment. He took
part in the battles of Resaca, Altoona,
Kenesaw Mountain and Peach Tree Creek,
and when the South had laid down its arms,
and the war was over, he was honorably
discharged at Louisville, Ky.,in July, 1865.
He now receives a pension from the govern-
ment, for the hardships of army life caused
disability from which he has never yet fully
When his services were no longer needed,
Mr. Gilson at once returned to his home,
and purchased a farm of 100 acres in Scan-
dinavia township. Since that time he has
followed farming, and is numbered among
the representative agriculturists of the com-
munit}', for his practical and progressive
ideas make him a leader among his fellow
townsmen. His life has been a busy and
useful one, yet he has found time to devote
to public interests, having filled various
offices of honor and trust in his township.
He has served as township supervisor, for
three years was chairman of the board, was
assessor, is now serving as town clerk, and
for twenty-two consecutive years has been
justice of the peace. His long service well
indicates his fidelity to duty and the confi-
dence aud trust reposed in him. In his
social relations he is connected with the
Grand Army Post, while in religious faith
he is connected with the Lutheran Church,
as are the members of his family.
Mr. Gilson was married in Waupaca,
November 26, 1862, to Miss Emily Jagers,
daughter of Jager and Betsy Thompson,
who were natives of Norway, in which
country Mrs. Gilson was born in 1837.
They became the parents of six children, of
whom Martha, and two sons, both named
Gilbert J., are now deceased. Josephine
B. is the wife of Nels Dalielson; Gustave
Martin and Louis Christian are at home.
born in Milwaukee, Wis., October
21, 1850, and is descended from an-
cestors who have long resided in this
country. His grandfather, William Hart-
well, was born in New York, and followed
the occupation of farming. He wedded
Betsy Heath, and their si.x sons were named
John, William, Horace, Orin, Lewis and
George. During the war of 1 8 1 2 grandfather
Hartwell served as an infantry soldier.
John Hartwell, father of our subject,
was born in Cattaraugus count}', N. Y. , in
1 8 14, and he, too, carried on agricultural
pursuits. In the Empire State he wedded
Mary Ray, daughter of John and Mary Ray,
the former of whom was a major general in
the Revolution, serving with great distinc-
tion in that struggle. In his family were
five children — Otis, Mary, Marcia, Augusta,
and Caroline. John Hartwell and his wife
had four children — Theresa, Frances, Au-
gusta and Adelbert. The father became one
of the early settlers of Milwaukee, \\'is. , and
purchased a farm which is now comprised in
the center of that city. The family located
in Shiawassee county, Mich., in 1855, and
there the mother died the following year,
after which the father wedded Mrs. Merriam,
a widow lad}'. The children on the death
of their mother had returned to Wisconsin
to live with their grandfather, who in the
meantime had removed from New York to
Pewaukee, Waukesha Co., Wis., where he
died in 1875. John Hartwell passed away
in 1877.
Adelbert S. Hartwell was a child of only
si.\ summers when his mother died, and he
then went to live with his grandfather with
whom he remained until i860, when he
went to the western part of the State and
resided with an uncle two years. At the age
of fourteen he commenced the battle of life
for himself, sometimes working on the river,
and again on a farm in Minnesota. At the
age of fifteen he went into the lumber woods
and securing employment in a sawmill
worked his way steadily upward, having for
the past six years held the responsible posi-
tion of head sawyer with the Upham Manu-
facturing Company.
In 1879, Mr. Hartwell married Miss
Imogene Manning, a nati\-e of Jefferson
county, Wis., and daughter of Adkins and
Helen (Grover) Manning, the former a na-
tive of New York, the latter of Wisconsin.
They lived upon a farm in Jefferson county
and had three children: Imogene, Lucia and
Clara. The mother died in 1866, the father
in 1880. Mr. Hartwell was called upon to
mourn the loss of his wife in 1888, and in
October, 1891, he married Anna Judson,
who was born in Rome, Jefferson Co. , Wis.,
a daughter of Lyman T. and Angeline
(Foss) Judson. Her father was born in
Canada in 1829, and during the Civil war
served for three years in the First Wiscon-
sin Artillery, when he was honorably dis-
charged. His wife was a native of Wiscon-
sin, and died in 1884, leaving three children.
Anna, Willis E. and Ernest. The father is
now living with his daughter, Mrs. Hart-
well, who by her marriage has one son.
Earl Adelbert.
Mr. Hartwell exercises his right of fran-
chise in support of the Republican party,
and has been honored with several local of-
fices, including that of alderman, while resid-
ing in Merrill, Wis. He belongs to the
Masonic, Knights of Pythias and Modern
Woodmen fraternities, and is a plain, unas-
suming man, devoting himself to his busi-
ness interests, and by his quiet, upright life
has won the respect and confidence of all
with whom he has been brought in contact.
AW. SHELTON, a leading attorney
at law of Oneida county, with res-
idence at Rhinelander, is a native
of Minnesota, born in 1859 at New-
port, a son of Charles N. and Ann Shelton.
He graduated from the University of
Wisconsin in the engineering course in
1883, in the law course in 1885, and in Jan-
uary of the following year commenced the
practice of law in Rhinelander. From
1 89 1 to 1893 he served as district attorney
of Oneida county, and from 1894 to 1895
was city attorney of Rhinelander. In 1892
he bought the Rhinelander Herald, and
organized the Herald Publishing Co., of
which he is president, Mrs. Shelton being
secretary. Our subject has been connected,
with uniform success, with all of the munici-
pal litigation which followed the organiza-
tion of Oneida county, which litigation has
been considerable, and, some of it, im-
portant. In 1886, at Oregon, Wis., he was
united in marriage with Mary M. Howe,
daughter of Judge Isaac Howe and Sarah
Howe. Mrs. Shelton graduated from the
University of Wisconsin in 1884, and re-
ceived the degree of Master of Science in
History from that institution in 1892. After
her marriage she was superintendent of
schools for Oneida county from 1887 to
1889, and, again, from 1893 to 1895. At
the present time she is a member of the
School board of the city of Rhinelander.
ARTEN HANSEN. The love of
home and native land, and the
love of liberty and wider oppor-
tunities, have waged a long war-
fare in the mind of this most estimable
citizen and prosperous merchant of Wau-
paca. Thrice he has emigrated to America,
and twice has he returned to the Danish
hearthstone intending to remain there. The
love of home is strongly implanted in the
heart of the Dane, and it costs a great
struggle to cast aside relatives and life-
time, or even inherited, associations, and to
transplant one's self to an unknown soil
where conditions are new and strange. This
intense affection for home is one of the
strongest and most valuable traits of hu-
manit}-. It is the feeling which makes
patriots of the highest type, and it is a
happy circumstance indeed that the Upper
Wisconsin Valley has been settled so largely
by people of this class.
Marten Hansen was born in Denmark
April I, 1840, the son of Hans and Ellen
(Hansen) Jacobson, whose si.\ children were
Jacob, Bodel, Kaun, Marten, and two who
died in infancy. Hans Jacobson was a
weaver of cloth, and died in 1 849 when
Marten, the youngest living child, was nine
years old. Marten attended school until he
was fourteen years of age, and in 1855 was
apprenticed to a shoemaker, for whom he
worked three 3'ears for his board. He was
ambitious, and in i860, at the age of
twenty, he started a shop of his own in the
village of Karleby. But his advance to-
ward a competence was slow, and in 1866
he came to America. For two years he
worked steadily at his trade in Oshkosh,
Wis., and in 1S68 he came to Waupaca,
becoming a workman in the shop of Ole
Larson. Here he remained four years, lay-
ing by a neat little sum of money. In the
summer of 1872 he returned to Denmark,
and while there married Karen Jergensen,
by whom he has had three children: Chris-
tian H., Charles and Erwin Hansen. Re-
maining in his native land ten months Mr.
Hansen, in the spring of 1873, returned
with his wife to Waupaca. Here he worked
for others until 1876, when he started in
business for himself. Though he prospered he
was not yet wholly reconciled to America,
and in 1883 he returned to Denmark with
his family, intending to remain there. But
he saw the contrast between the new and
the old, and the conditions of life under the
old order of things grew distasteful. After
a ten-months' visit Mr. Hansen crossed the
Atlantic ocean for the fifth time, and once
more become the industrious and faithful
shoe merchant at Waupaca. In 1893 he
erected the handsome and substantial block
in which his store is now located; he has
also built for himself a line residence. Both
he and his wife are members of the Luther-
an Church, and in politics he is a Republi-
can. His eldest son is a photographer; the
second is a clerk in the city postoffice. Mr.
Hansen is pleasantly situated in life, and is
one of the prosperous and successful busi-
ness men of Waupaca.
ALBERT F. GERWING is numbered
among the self-made men of Marsh-
field, Wood county, and has been
prominently connected with the bus-
iness and political history of that city.
Public-spirited and progressive, he labors for
the best interests of the community in
which he resides, and in public and private
life is both an honored and respected
Mr. Gerwing was born in the town of
Hubbard, Dodge Co., Wis., March 23,
1853, and is of German lineage. The grand-
father, William Gerwing, was born in Ger-
many, and there died of cholera at the age
of forty-five years, leaving a widow and
three children — one son and two daugh-
ters. The son, who also bore the
name of William, was born in Germany
in 1 8 18, and, learning the trade of a
brick maker, followed that pursuit for a
number of years. Ere leaving his native
land he married Wilhelmina Risse, daugh-
ter of Fred Risse, who for seven years,
from 1807 to 1 8 14, was a soldier in the
German army. During his service he was
twice wounded, and he carried the King off
the field when he was wounded. In 1848
Mr. Gerwing sailed with his famil}' for the
New World, and located upon a farm in
Dodge county, Wis., which is still the home
of himself and wife. He too was a soldier
for three years while living in Europe, and
in America he has ever been a loyal citizen,
faithful to the interests of his adopted land.
In the family were seven children, of whom
William, Charles and Albert F. are living;
August, Ernstena, Louisa and Henry are
Upon the old homestead Albert F.
Gerwing was reared, attending the common
and parochial schools, and remaining with
his parents until nineteen years of age when
he began to earn his own livelihood. He
was employed in various ways during the
succeeding five years, working as a farm
hand, in the lumber woods and in hotels.
He then married, and settling in Marathon
county. Wis., five miles north of Marsh-
field, on a tract of wild land, he at once be-
gan to clear and improve it, continuing its
cultivation through the succeeding seven
years. In T883 he entered into a general
merchandise business in Boj'd, Chippewa
county. There he remained a year and a
half, coming in 1884 to Marshfield, where
he carried on the same line of business until
his establishment wag destroyed in the great
Marshfield fire of 1887. He was a heavy-
loser, but with indomitable perseverance he
began anew and continued the business un-
til the fall of 1 89 1. In the spring of 1892
he was appointed city marshal and has
thrice been re-appointed, serving in a highly
creditable and able manner. In this com-
munity his name inspires confidence in the
honest man and causes terror to the evil
doer. Fearless in the defense of his duty
his trustworthiness and fidelity are well
known, and he is accounted one of the most
capable officers that has ever served as city
In 1876 Mr. Gerwing married Cornelia
Jacquot, who was born in 1854 in Outaga-
mie county, Wis., a daughter of John Jac-
quot, a native of France, born in 1820, and
who came with his parents to America when
quite young. His father, John Jacquot, a
soldier of the French army, married Blanche
Malarr, and had a family of seven children.
The father of Mrs. Gerwing wedded Mary
Linton, a native of Germany, who came to
America with her father when a maiden of
eleven summers, the mother having died in
Germany. For many years Mr. and Mrs.
Jacquot resided in Greenville township,
Outagamie county, the father carrying on
agricultural pursuits until his death, which
occurred in 1S83; his wife survived him until
1 89 1. Their family numbered si.x children —
Alexander, Cornelia, Helen, Seraphine,
Martin and John. Mrs. Gerwing's uncle,
Lawrence, was a soldier in the Civil war for
three and one-half years, bravely aiding in
the defense of the Union.
Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Gerwing, two of whom are yet living:
Helen and Ida; Mary died at the age of
fourteen, and Henrietta in infancy. The
family have in Marshfield a fine home which
is always open for the reception of their
many friends. In politics Mr. Gerwing is a
Democrat, and served both as alderman and
supervisor while living in Marathon county.
He is a member of the I. O. O. F., has
filled all the chairs in the local lodge and
has also attended the grand lodge. His life
has been one of industry and enterprise,
plain and unassuming, yet honorable and
upright, and thus living so as to win the re-
spect of all he has gained a large circle of
warm friends.
CHARLES TYRRELL, a successful
agriculturist of Bear Creek township,
Waupaca county, was born April
18, 1845, in Ontario, Canada, and is-
a son of John and Mary (Le Grue) Tyrrell.
Charles Tyrrell remained at home until
1865, when he assumed his own responsibil-
ities, and has since maintained himself. On
November 6, 1865, he was married to Mary
Margaret Tyrrell, his cousin, and who is the
daughter of George and Angeline (Perry)
Tyrrell. Seven children have been born to
them, as follows: Harry Albert, September
28, 1867; Lorenzo Irving, December 8,
1S69; William F., March 16, 1871; Lida
Etta, April 10, 1873; Addie Addelide, May
24, 1876; Ada Elnora, June 2, 1879; and
Charles E., July 28, 1882. Of these, Lor-
enzo I. died October 24, 1885, and Lida E.
February 28, 1874. After their marriage
they lived on the farm owned by Mrs. Tyr-
rell's father for about three months, and
then removed to the farm of Mr. Tyrrell's
father, Charles Tyrrell going to work in the
woods. He was engaged in the woods from,
the time he was fifteen years old until about
the year 1888.
About three years after his marriage our
subject bought forty acres of partly-improved
1 66
land in Section 36, Bear Creek township,
and lived there about five years. After this
had been sold to good advantage he bought
sixty acres in Section 36, adjoining the
former tract on the east, and nearly all im-
proved, and here he has lived twenty-one
years. He has now thirty acres of land in
tillable condition, to which he devotes all
his time Politically Mr. Tyrrell is a Re-
known and popular lawyer of Birn-
amwood and county attorney of
Shawano county, who also has a
\\arm place in every loyal heart as a veteran
of the Civil war, is a native of Vermont,
having been born in the town of Granville,
Addison county, February 11,1 840.
Jacob and Betsy (Coolidge) Cad}',
parents of our subject, were also natives of
the Green Mountain State, the father born
about 1807, a son of Isaac Cady, a soldier
who served under Gen. Stark at the battle
of Bennington. The mother's parents were
natives of Vermont and New York, respect-
ively. The Cady family isHof Scotch and
English descent, and the grandfathers on
both sides were early settlers in America,
most of their descendants being farmers.
Jacob Cady came to Wisconsin from Lowell,
Mass., making the trip from Buffalo to
Milwaukee in a sailing vessel, and settling
near the latter city April 6, 1850. His eldest
son. Philander, walked all the way from
Buffalo to Milwaukee with his brother-in-
law, J. J. Richardson. At the home of this
relative, near Milwaukee, Jacob Cady and
his family visited for a while, then fitted out
an o.x-team and went to the Indian lands
near the city of Berlin. Here Mr. Cady
located near a stream now known as Cady's
Creek, and proceeded to clear the land and
make a comfortable home. He spent the
remainder of his life on this place, and
there passed away in 1885; the mother still
resides on the old homestead with her
grandchild. Jacob Cady, although he had
only a common-school education, was a man
of unusual ability, and a leader among men.
He was possessed of strong will power, was
generous to the poor, liberal to the cause of
religion and of unbounded hospitality; in the
expressive parlance of those early days, it
was said that " his latch-string was always
out." He was no politician, but was made
chairman of the town board, and held other
minor offices. The children of this worthy
pioneer were five in number: Lucinda L.,
Philander H., Mary A., Artemus \\'., and
Benjamin A.
The subject proper of this sketch, whose
name appears at the opening, was but ten
years old when his father settled in the
wilds of Wisconsin, and his early days will
never be forgotten. Wolves and deer were
to be seen in the forests, snakes crossed the
path through the underbrush, and the near-
est neighbor was an Indian whose wigwam
was a mile away. There were no schools
for five years after their arrival in the coun-
ty, but fortunately the boy had been in
school in Lowell before he left the East,
and under the instruction of his parents pur-
sued his studies at home until he was eight-
een years of age, when he entered the
high school at Berlin, later going to Milton
College. On November 24, 1863, he en-
listed in Company I, Thirty-seventh Wis. V.
I., of which company he was made clerk;
in the spring of 1864 the regiment joined
the Ninth Army Corps, at Cold Harbor.
Mr. Cady was in several engagements in
front of Petersburg, in one of which, June
19, 1864, he was wounded in the right hand,
in consequence of which he was sent to
Lincoln Hospital, at Washington, thence
transferred to Madison, Wis., where he re-
ceived his discharge, April 20, 1865. He
then returned to the farm, took up the
study of law, and in March, 1867, was ad-
mitted to the bar of Waushara county. Wis.
Opening up an office in his own house, he
commenced practicing, at the same time
carrying on his farm and raising stock. He
continued this busy life until 1881, when he
sold out his interests there and removed to
Wood county, engaging in lumbering at
Milladore where he remained two years. In
the fall of 1883 he closed out that business
and came to Birnamwood, where he had
made some investments, and entered into the
mercantile business which he carried on (at
the same time continuing his law practice)
until 1892, since which time he has devoted
himself entirely to his profession, in which
he has been remarkably successful.
Mr. Cady is a Republican in his political
views, but has always been too busy to be-
come an office-seeker; his fellow-citizens,
however, have honored him by placing him
in various public positions. He is now dis-
trict attorney of Shawano county, having
been elected in the fall of 1894. He had
previously held the same office in Waushara
county, two terms, and for eighteen years
was chairman of the town board, during two
years of which time he was chairman of the
county board; he has been a member of the
county board in his county, and is now chair-
man of the Senatorial committee of this
Senatorial District. Socially he is a Royal
Arch Mason, being a member of Berlin
Chapter and of Pine River Lodge No. 207.
On May 3, 1S64, Mr. Cady was married
to Julia A. Shepherd, daughter of Orson A.
and Mary (Buck) Shepherd, natives of New
York, whence they came to Wisconsin in an
early day, first locating in Walworth county,
later removing to Waushara county; both
are now deceased. By this marriage Mr.
Cady became the father of five children, as
follows: Julia E., who married George
Smith, and resides near her father; Artemus
A., married and residing at Birnamwood;
Frank P., a carpenter in Waushara county;
Maggie M., residing at home; Myrtie R.,
who married George Cottrill, and lives in
Waushara county. Mr. Cady's second mar-
riage took place October 16, 1881, the bride
being Miss Ada L. Empie, who was born in
the town of Lake Mills, Jefferson Co., Wis. ;
two children have been born to this mar-
riage: Blanche A. and Arthur L. Mrs.
Cady's parents, John H. and Mary (Mont-
gomery) Empie, were natives of New York,
coming to Wisconsin at an early day; they
are still living in Shawano county. They
had three children: Lawrence H., Ada L.
and Alice F. Mr. Cady is a self-made man
with a strong will and great energy, up to
forty years of age was a tireless worker in the
various pursuits in which he engaged, and
still continues to labor zealously in his
chosen profession.
ATT JENSEN. The subject of
this sketch, who for many years
was a prominent and extensive
business man of Waupaca, has in-
herited the indomitable pluck and persever-
ance of the hardy Norsemen, a race to which
he belongs. He has demonstrated by his
life how a boy of determination, without
means or advantages of any kind, may rise
superior to circumstances and win for him-
self an honorable and enviable position in
society. He was born on the bleak shores
of Jutland, Denmark, January 21, 1850, son
of Thomas and Mary (Fransen) Jensen, and
was one of a family of ten children, of whom
only six now survive: Enger, Sine, Matt,
James, Minnie and Nels. The father died
in Denmark; the mother now lives with her
son in Waupaca.
Young Matt attended the country schools
until he was fourteen, and then hired out to
a gentleman for a year. When sixteen he
determined to learn the tailor's trade, but
after working two years the conviction im-
pressed itself upon him that he had made a
mistake. Here his grit stood him in good
stead, for he threw away his two-years' serv-
ice and set about learning the butcher's
trade, working for three years without any
wages. In 1872 he landed in America with
but fifty cents in his pocket, and with a
debt of $50., incurred in paying his passage.
At Stockbridge, Calumet Co., Wis., he
found work in a brickyard for three months,
then worked at his trade in Oshkosh with
Henry Midelstadt for a short time. Hiring
out in a sawmill for a while, he next spent
six months in the woods. For a year he
worked at his trade in Neenah, and in March,
1874, with a capital of $60., opened a mar-
ket of his own at Waupaca. Gradually he
gained experience. For six months he con-
ducted the shop, and during the ensuing
winter he butchered for others. Reopening
his shop in 1875, he remained its proprietor
until fire in 1879 consumed all his posses-
sions and left him penniless, for he carried
no insurance. Forming a partnership with
Hans Peterson, he erected a brick building
on borrowed capital, and therein conducted
a meat market for five years. In 1884 he
bought and built the place of business where
he successfully followed his chosen occupa-
tion until March, 1895, when he sold out,
though he is still engaged to some extent in
buying and selling stock. Until 1892 he
bought cattle and hogs, slaughtered them,
and shipped the products to many points in
the north. His success as a business man
is sufficiently attested by his present invest-
ments. At Waupaca he owns four stores,
four dwellings, and ten acres of land besides
his own commodious and handsome home,
one of the finest in the city.
Mr. Jensen was married, at the Danish
Lutheran Church in Waupaca, to Lena Jen-
sen, who when nine years old emigrated to
America from Denmark with her parents.
Her father was a farmer in Lind township,
and she has one brother now living, Soren
Jensen. In politics Mr. Jensen is a Repub-
lican, casting his first vote for Gen. Grant.
He served his city one term as alderman,
and both he and his wife are members of the
Danish Lutheran Church. They visited his
old home in Denmark, in 1882, remaining
about six months.
prosperous farmers of St. Lawrence
township, like many of Waupaca
county's best citizens, is a native of
Norway, where he was born November 1 1 ,
1855, a son of Nels Nelson, who supported
his famil}' by day's labor.
Our subject received a good education
in his native land, being able to attend
school until seventeen years of age, after
which he entered the .Government Military
Academy, from which he graduated in less
than three years. For some time during
the winter seasons he was employed in scal-
ing logs, and then engaged in the lumber
business for himself. He concluded to
come to the United States, however, where
better opportunities are afforded young men,
and, in the spring of 1883, bidding farewell
to his home and friends, he left Christiania
for England, where at Liverpool he took
passage on an Anchor Line steamer for
America. After eighteen days he arrived in
Waupaca, Wis. , having stopped three days
en route, and with him came Miss Mary
Strand, who was to become his bride a few.
days later. They were married at Scandi-
navia, Wis., in July, 1883, and by their
union were born two children who are yet
living: John, born April 12, 1884, and
Norman M., born August 26, 1888; the
mother was called to her final rest Septem-
ber 7, 1888, after a continued illness, and
lies buried in Ogdensburg Cemetery. In
St. Lawrence township, Waupaca county, in
July, 1890, Mr. Negaard wedded Miss
Jennie M. Westcot, only child of Lyman
and Dorcas (Howland) Westcot, and to
them has come a daughter. Alma D. , born
July 30, 1 89 1.
After his first marriage Mr. Negaard
rented a house and worked at anything by
which he could earn an honest dollar,
chiefly employed, however, on farms and in
the lumber woods. In 1887 he was able to
purchase one hundred acres of land in Sec-
tion 12, St. Lawrence township, Waupaca
county, and began its improvement; it was
wild undeveloped land, which he sold. He
now has in his possession 170 acres of rich,
arable land, in company with his father-in-
law, and, although he has experienced the
trials and difficulties of life in a new coun-
try, he is now reaping his reward. He
started out a poor boy; but by perseverance
and good management has become a well-
to-do citizen, held in the highest esteem by
the entire community, and is an intelligent,
well-educated man, being far above the
average farmer of his nationality in that
respect. On election day he never fails to
cast his vote in support of the Republican
party, but gives no time to politics, although
he has held office in his School District
No. 2.
Lyman A. Westcot, father of Mrs. Ne-
gaard, was born in Sudbury, Vt., August
20, 1833, son of Oliver and Mary (Howland)
Westcot, also natives of \^ermont, where
they carried on agricultural pursuits. In the
family were eight children — five sons and
three daughters — in which Mr. Westcot was
the sixth in order of birth. He attended
the district schools until the age of fifteen,
when for three months he pursued his
studies in the high school, after which he
began teaching, receiving a salary of ten
dollars per month, while the highest wages
paid at that time was only fifteen dollars.
On Januarj' i, 1862, in Brandon, Rutland
Co., Vt., Mr. ^^'estcot was united in mar-
riage with Dorcas J. Howland, who was
born in Pittsford, that county, August 11,
1842, a daughter of Oliver and Permelia
Howland, who had seven children — four
sons and three daughters — of whom Mrs.
Westcot was second. By her marriage
were born three children, of whom Clyde O.
and Addie A. both died young; Jennie M.,
born March 21, 1866 (now Mrs. Nicolay
Negaardj, being the only one living.
Mr. and Mrs. Westcot began their do-
mestic life in Hubbardton, Vt., where he
engaged in farming. He had previously come
west in 1855, locating at Stoughton, Dane
Co., Wis., where he clerked in a store, but
becoming ill with fever and ague returned
east at the end of one year. On September
10, 1866, with his wife he started from Hub-
bardton, Vt., for Stoughton, Wis., where
he had relatives living, and there spent the
following winter. He rented a farm and
made preparations to put in a crop, but in
April, 1867, went to the town of Cato, Mani-
towoc county, where his brother, Alfred H.,
resided. There our subject was employed
in a sawmill during the summer, then in the
fall purchased twenty acres of improved
land, being able to pay but $50 on the same,
having to go in debt for the remainder. He
was very successful in this line, and added
to his original tract until at one time he had
over eighty acres. He lived in Manitowoc
county until coming to St. Lawrence town-
ship, Waupaca county, in March, 1882,
where he had bought two hundred acres in
Section 1 1 in June of the previous year. He
later sold some of this, still owning, how-
ever, 170 acres of rich farming land in com-
pany with his son-in-law.
On February 13, 1891, Mr. Westcot was
called upon to mourn the loss of his wife,
who is interred in Ogdensburg Park Ceme-
tery. That he has made life a grand suc-
cess is due to his untiring energy, affability,
integrity and judicious business management.
Politically he is independent, casting his bal-
lot for the best man, regardless of party
ANDREW LUTZ, Jr., proprietor of
a leading livery stable in Stevens
Point, Portage county, was born in
Baden, Germany, April 4, 1845,
eldest surviving son of Andrew and Eliza-
beth (Gaber) Lutz, also natives of the
In 1853 our subject came to the United
States with his mother, the husband and
father having preceded them, in 1852, in
order to prepare a home for them in Almond
township. Portage Co., Wis. Here the
young lad was reared and educated, and
was engaged in agricultural pursuits until
1888, when he removed to Stevens Point
and opened out his present livery stable,
which is one of the best in the city.
In Almond township. Portage Co., Wis.,
October 30, 1S67, Mr. Lutz was united in
marriage with Miss Mena Krohn, daughter of
Fred and Mena Krohn, both natives of Ger-
many, now residents of Stevens Point, and
to this marriage were born twelve children,
four of whom survive: Charles, Frank,
Henry and Annie. In religious faith the
family attend the services of the Lutheran
Church. In his political views Mr. Lutz is
a stanch Republican. He is a progressive,
wide-awake citizen, standing high in the
estimation of all who know him, or have had
any dealings with him, for his personal in-
tegrity and straightforward honest princi-
HIEL HEATH, a retired farmer of
Amherst township, Portage county,
was born in the town of Randolph,
Orange Co., Vt., May 22, 18 12, and
is the son of James Heath, born in Con-
necticut April 22, 1776, and Sarah (Gloyd)
Heath, born in Charlestown, Mass., in 1774.
The first of the Heath family to emigrate
to this country were two brothers, natives of
the north of England, who came about the
end of the seventeenth century, landing at
Boston, Mass. One located on a farni in
the suburbs of that city,- and the other went
farther west and was never afterward heard
from by his brother. Reuben Heath, a
great-uncle of Hiel Heath, was born in
Massachusetts, and was one of a family of
four brothers who fought at the battle of
Bunker Hill, Reuben and William alone
surviving. The children of Reuben were
Nathaniel, Rachel, Sarah and Mary. Grand-
father Heath owned a farm near Boston,
where he died. His children were as fol-
lows: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, a Methodist
minister, who preached a few years in Ran-
dolph, Vt., was called to Pennsylvania, and
there died: and James, the father of Hiel
Heath. The children remained on the home
farm until after the death of their mother,
then located on a farm in Randolph, \'er-
James Heath was educatetl and married
in Massachusetts. He followed the trade of
shoemaker there, and for a short time in
Randolph, where he resided with the family
for a few years. He then located on a farm
in Middlebury. Addison county, \'t., where
his wife died in 1852, and he in 1854 at the
age of seventy-eight. Their children were
as follows: Charles (deceased), born in
1796, married to Caroline Chadwick, by
whom he had four children, the three eldest
being named Henry C, Benjamin Franklin
and George; for his second wife Charles mar-
ried Rosanna , by whom he had
four sons: James, born in 1798, a lumber-
man on the St. Lawrence, died at the age
of twenty-seven; Libbeus, born in 1800, was
engaged in the lumber business in Manito-
woc county, ^^'is. , where he died, unmar-
ried, in 1844. Daniel, born in 1804, was a
horse dealer in \'ermont and New Hamp-
shire; he married Mary Wadleigh in the lat-
ter State, and had six children, the four
eldest being named Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph
and Daniel. Rebecca J., born in 1806,
married Charles Pratt, a farmer in Fond du
Lac county. Wis., by whom she had the fol-
lowing children: Emeline, Norman J., Albert,
Celestine (deceased), Sarah and H. Ellen.
Maria, born in 1808, was twice married, her
first husband being Dickerman.a lumberman,
in Middlebury, \'t., her second, Sherman, a
farmer near Ft. Ticonderoga, N. Y. Sarah,
now deceased, became the wife of Eber
Coggswell, by whom she had five children.
Hiel is the subject of this sketch. Ann,
born in 18 14, married Kneeland Olmstead,
a carriage manufacturer, by whom she had
six children, all daughters. Louisa, now
deceased, born in 1818, was the wife of
Solomon Thomas, a farmer in Addison
county, Vt., by whom she had four children,
all daughters.
Hiel Heath received a common-school
education in his native town, attending
school three months in the year until he
was eighteen, then, in the winters, until he
was thirty jears of age, he went to the
woods and drew logs with his father's team.
In 1842 he journeyed to Wisconsin, going
to Albany, N. Y. , by stage, to Buffalo by
canal, and by the way of the lakes, on the
steamer "Great Western," to Milwaukee,
arriving in May, 1842. Sailing from there
for Manitowoc, Manitowoc county, he stop-
ped at Port Huron, the captain being
obliged to attend a lawsuit at Green Bay.
Mr. Heath proceeded on foot to Sheboygan,
where his vessel met him, and took him to
Manitowoc. He was accompanied on his
journey from \'ermont by Hiram Champlin,
who had bought a half interest in a thou-
sand-acre tract of timberland and in a saw-
mill in Manitowoc. Mr. Heath had only
two shillings after his arrival, engaged
board at a public house, and requested the
landlord to trust him until he got employ-
ment. He worked for Mr. Champlin over a
year. Mr. Heath's brother Libbeus, who
had come from Vermont to work for Mr.
Champlin, was taken sick, and he nursed
him for seventy-two dajs, being relieved but
five nights during all that time. His brother
died, unmarried, September 16, 1844, aged
forty-four years and eight days. Mr. Heath
owned and drove the first lumber wagon in
On December 28, 1852, in \\'aterford,
Racine Co., Wis., Hiel Heath was united
in marriage with Sarah L. Sheldon, who
was born in 1825 in the town of Madrid,
St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. , a daughter of
Jonah and Sally P. Doane, both born in
Massachusetts and at one time residents of
Vermont, whence the)" removed to Madrid,
N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Doane had
children as follows: Norman M., a shoe-
maker, who died in Caldwell, Racine Co.,
Wis., April 24, 1893; Mary, who is the
widow of William Gilmore, by whom she
had three children — Charles fnow deceased,
who was a farmer in Madrid, St. Lawrence
Co., N. Y. , married to Ellen Martin), Clark
W. (with whom his mother is now living; he
is now an attorne}' in Pipestone, Minn., was
formerly a school teacher in Wisconsin and
Minnesota; he married Carrie Mount, now
deceased, by whom he had five children,
three of whom are living) and Emma who
was a school teacher in Wisconsin, and is
married to Samuel Percy, a jeweler in
Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; Azubah, deceased;
Sarah L. , wife of Hiel Heath; and Oliver, a
farmer in Vacoma, Washington Co., Ne-
Mr. Heath bought 120 acres of govern-
ment land in the town of Cato, Manitowoc
Co., Wis., in 1849, made a clearing, and built
a rude log cabin, into which he moved after
his marriage. In this the family lived some
ten years, when he built a more pretentious
home. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hiel
Heath are as follows: Martha E., born in
Cato December 30, 1853, died in infancy;
Harriet E., born in Cato May 23, 1855,
married Charles Simmons, a carpenter in
Caldwell, Racine Co., Wis., by whom she
had three children — Earl, Pearl and Carol;
Angeline, born in Cato January 21, 1857,
received her education in Cato, taught
school for four years, attended the Oshkosh
Normal School for three months in the
spring of 1879, taught a year in Beaver,
Minn., has taught twelve terms in Amherst,
and is presiding sister of the Amherst Social
Temple of Honor, being an indefatigable
worker in the cause of temperance; Charles
Henry, a farmer in Grand Rapids, Wood
Co., Wis., married Carrie Norton, of Mc-
Dill, Wis., and Oliver Kyle, born in Cato in
1 86 1, attended school at Cato during the
winter months until twenty years of age,
since which time he has managed the home
In April, 1883, Hiel Heath disposed of
his farm, of which seventy-four acres were
then cleared, and he had a beautiful home
and good outbuildings. His present farm,
consisting of a quarter of Section 16, he
bought in the latter part of April, 1883,
since which time he has remodeled the
house, and, with the assistance of his son,
made great improvements on the farm.
Mrs. Hiel Heath passed away in July,
1894, and was buried in Greenwood cem-
etery, Amherst. Ill health had for some
time prevented her usual active participation
in Church matters; she was an estimable
lady, an excellent wife, a good and kind
mother. Her family and a host of friends
in Cato and Amherst deeply mourn her
decease. Mr. Heath, though in his eighty-
fourth year, enjoys good health, and is
straight as an arrow. He is a stanch Re-
publican, was assessor for some years in
Cato, and was elected justice of the peace
there three times, but would not accept the
office. In religious affiliation the family are
Oliver K. Heath, the son, worked in
the woods in the winter of 1884, and for six
consecutive winters afterward was employed
with team in taking supplies to lumber
camps. Since his father has been unable to
work he has had charge, and has proved a
most successful farmer. He takes an active
interest in political matters, and is a strong
advocate of temperance and the Republican
JOHN ELSEN. In the career of this
gentleman we find an excellent exam-
ple for young men just embarking in
the field of active life, of what may be
accomplished by a man beginning poor, but
honest, prudent and industrious.
A native of Wisconsin, Mr. Elsen was
born July 25, 1858, in Kenosha, a son of
Adam Elsen, a native of Germany, who was
one of a family of sixteen children, five of
whom are yet living, the eldest being eighty
years old. In December, 18 17, in the
Province of Rhine, the father was born, and
there wedded Susan Neises, whose birth oc-
curred in 1823. Seven children were born
of this marriage: J. Albert, Peter A., and
John, who are still living; one who died in
infancy; Jacob and Mary, who have also
passed away; and Mathias, who died at the
age of twenty-three. The father came alone
to America about the year 1847, first being
employed as foreman on a canal in Ohio,
and in 1850 he returned to the Fatherland,
the following year bringing his wife to these
shores. For a time he engaged in farming
near Kenosha, Wis., but later sold out and
opened a grocery store and hotel in that
city. For many years he carried these on,
though later he was the proprietor of a
butcher shop; he was also employed in the
lumber woods. His death occurred in Ke-
nosha in 1886. Mrs. Elsen still makes that
place her home; she is one of a family of
twelve children. Her father, who was a
farmer of Germany, also belonged to a
large family numbering fourteen children,
and his parents were also agriculturists.
In the public and parochial Schools of
Kenosha, Wis., John Elsen pursued his
studies until the age of thirteen, remaining
under the parental roof, however, until he
was twent}' , giving the benefit of his labors
to his father. At that time he went to
Kansas, where for one 3ear he followed
farming. On his return to Kenosha, he
remained there only t\\'0 months, when he
moved to Racine, Wis. , there working as a
molder for three years, which trade he had
previously learned in his native city. In
18S2 he arri\'ed in Merrill, where for four
\-ear3 he was employed by the McCord &
Wright Manufacturing Company in their
sash and blind factory. He then went to
work for A. H. Stange, who was engaged
in the same line of business; after a short time
he was made foreman of the works, and,
later, assistant superintendent. In January,
1895, when the A. H. Stange Manufactur-
ing Company was organized he was made
vice-president and now holds that position;
they ha\'e a sa\\'mill, and are engaged in the
manufacture of sash, doors and blinds. It
is one the leading firms of Merrill, and they
are now doing an e.xcellent business. For
two years our subject was also engaged in
the hardware trade; he has dealt in real
estate to some extent.
On January 27, 1883, at Merrill, Mr.
Elsen was married to Miss i\ugusta Stange,
daughter of Carl and Caroline Stange, and
to this union have been born three children
— two spns and a daughter — Albert A.,
\\'illiam P. and Helen S. In politics Mr.
Elsen is independent, desiring to cast his
vote for the man whom he thinks best
qualified to fill the office, regardless of part}'
ties. For two years he has ser\-ed the peo-
ple of the Fifth ward of Merrill as alder-
man, and one year on the county board.
He was a charter member of the first volun-
teer fire company organized, in 1887, in
Merrill, and has since been actively con-
nected with it, having been foreman several
times. At present he is president of the
company, and with the exception of two
years, has been since it was organized.
He has the reputation of being a first-class
businessman, reliable and energetic, and is a
citizen of whom Merrill may be justly proud.
SOX, hardware merchants of Tom-
ahawk, Lincoln county, comprise
the firm of Evenson Brothers, and
carry on the leading store in their line in
that city. They are men of energy and
good judgment, finely adapted to their
present business, which they take pride in
conducting on the best known plans. Their
stock is of the best grades, and they thus
enjoy a liberal patronage.
These brothers were born in Waupaca
county. Wis., Edward on January 6, 1861,
Henry on October 23, 1863. Their father,
Harold Evenson, was born in Norway, in
June, 1824, and is a son of Aaron Evenson,
also a native of the same country. The
grandfather was married in Norway and in
his family were Harold, Halver, Erick and
Ole, who accompanied their parents to
America in 1845. The latter both died in
Dane county. Wis. The maternal grand-
parents with their children also came to the
United States at the same time. Harold
Evenson, the father, married Carrie Helge-
son, in Norwaj-, in 1845, and they imme-
diatel}- set sail for the New World. Locating
near Madison, Wis., the father began con-
tracting on the railroad, but later removed
to Waupaca count}', Wis. , where he pur-
chased land from the government, and there
still resides. He had a family of ten chil-
dren, all born in \\'isconsin: Edwin H.,
who graduated from the college at Decorah,
Iowa, and the university at Madison, \\'is..
was superintendent of schools in South
Dakota, and professor of Greek and Latin
in the State Normal there, and in Milton
College of Wisconsin, but now lives in
Seattle, Wash. ; Edward and Henry O.
come next in the order of birth; Clara H. is
now Mrs. Frogner, and lives in lola. Wis. ;
Joseph T. comes next; four children died in
infancy; Gustave A., who was also a gradu-
ate of the college at Decorah, Iowa, died at
the age of twentj'-eight years. Politically,
the father is a Republican and a leader in
his party in the county where he makes his
home. He has held many public offices in
his town, where he is an influential and
highly-esteemed citizen, and the fine im-
provements on his place indicate him to be
a progressive aud prosperous farmer. Edu-
cational matters have always received his
earnest support, and he has given his chil-
dren the best of school privileges. He is
now passing his declining days at his pleas-
ant home in Scandinavia township, Wau-
paca county.
"The brothers, whose names stand at the
beginning of this sketch, were reared upon
the home farm, their childhood days being
passed in attendance at the country schools,
and later in the village schools of lola.
Wis. Henry also became a pupil in the
high school of Waupaca, Wis., after which
they both took a business course in Milton
College. On leaving the schoolroom they
assisted their father, who was a natural
mechanic, mason, carpenter and painter,
and with him learned those trades, but soon
started out in life for themselves. They fol-
lowed those occupations to some extent dur-
ing the succeeding four years, and Henry
also clerked in a hardware store, during
which time he partially learned the trade of
a tinner. Edward was employed in the
lumber woods during the winter seasons, and
for one year conducted a general store for
T. Thompson, in Tola, Wis. They were
very saving with their earnings, and in the
fall of 1887, with their combined capital,
Henry built and opened up a hardware store
in Tomahawk, under the name of Evenson
Brothers, and Edward who was clerking at
the time soon gave up his position and joined
his brother. It was the first store of the
kind established in Tomahawk, and they
have since continued business with excellent
success. For two years they also dealt quite
extensively in lumber and real estate — both
city property and pine lands.
Henr\" O. Evenson was married in June,
1 89 1, to Miss Blanche Spaulding who was
born in Outagamie county, Wis., daughter
of James and Matilda (Hulbert) Spaulding,
farming people, who have two children,
Charles and Blanche. The parents are both
natives of Maine; the father served as a
soldier during the Civil war, in which he was
wounded. The Evenson brothers are Re-
publican in politics, and though neither of
them are politicians, Edward was prevailed
upon by his friends to accept the of^ce of
school commissioner, which he held for two
years, and is now serving on the county
board, being elected from the Third ward.
Religiously, they are members of the Nor-
wegian Lutheran Church. They are indus-
trious, energetic and progressive in nature,
and are highly esteemed and respected by
all who know them.
SAMUEL W. SMITH, the genial and
courteous "mine host" of the
"Denton House," Eagle River,
\^ilas county, and present postmaster,
was born April 16, 1850, in Marquette coun-
t)', Wisconsin.
Judge A. I). Smith, father of our subject,
was a native of New York State, born in
1 81 3, in Ulster county, a son of John
Smith, who had a family of seven children,
as follows: Robert, Doll, Benjamin, An-
geline, Susan, Rachel and Abraham D.
The parents of these both died in New
York State, and the father was well known
as a great lover and successful breeder of
fast horses. Judge A. D. Smith was a
well-educated man, a carpenter by trade,
becoming superintendent on the construc-
tion of the docks and locks for the Lehigh
Valley waterway. He was married, in
1834, at Wilkesbarre, Penn., to Miss Pollie
Bennett, who was born there in 18 19; she
had two brothers: Samuel and Josiah. To
Judge and Pollie Smith were born children
as follows: Angelina (Mrs. L. B. Best),
Susan (Mrs. O. N. Hillyer), Addie (Mrs.
Henry Douglass), Rachel (deceased), Eliza
and Sarah (both deceased in infancy), Jo-
siah B., Robert N. (deceased), Samuel W.,
Benjamin F. , John A., Clara (Mrs. Gal-
braith), and Charlotte O. (Mrs. McDonald),
Judge Smith came with his family to Wis-
consin in 1846, the journey from Pennsyl-
vania being made with a covered wagon
drawn by horses. They remained in the
southern part of the State two years, and
then established a homestead near Briggs-
ville, Marquette county. The judge owned
some 300 acres of land, partly in Marquette
and partly in Adams county, and hereon he
died in July, 1890, his wife following him
to the grave in iSgr. He was a loyal,
patriotic American, but would never accept
public office; a firm temperance man, yet
never obstrusive in his opinions on that sub-
ject, and was strong in his likes and dis-
likes, a sincere friend and a generous enemy.
Samuel W. Smith, the subject proper of
this sketch, was reared on a farm, and edu-
cated at the district school, remaining at
home most of the time till he was twenty-
three years old, working in the woods,
winters. After his marriage, in 1873, he
commenced for his own account, his first
venture being cranberry raising, and for
three years he followed agricultural pursuits,
after which he commenced lumbering as a
jobber. Taking up his residence at Grand
Rapids, he there, with the exception of two
years, worked a farm. For six years he
logged for the Sherrj' & Cameron Co., and,
having both a logging and railroad outfit,
filled railroad contracts during the summer
seasons. In 1889 he came to Eagle River
and bought his present property, known as
the "Denton House," the leading hotel in
the young city, which he has considerably
added to and greatly improved since assum-
ing charge of it. He has taken an active
and prominent part in the building up of
Eagle River, particularly, also, in the
organization of Vilas county, much of his
time being spent in Madison for that pur-
pose. In politics he is a Democrat, and he
was appointed postmaster at Eagle River
by President Cleveland. He is a strong
advocate of temperance, and a useful, popu-
lar citizen.
Samuel W. Smith was married to Miss
Alice Walsh, who was born in Quebec,
Canada, daughter of Patrick and Bridget
(Murphy) Walsh, both of whom were of
Irish nativity, the father born in Athlone.
They were married in Canada, and had
eight children, as follows: Jennie, Alice,
Thomas, William, Patrick and James,
living; and Mary and Sabina, deceased, the
former when thirteen years old, the latter
when fifteen. In 1868 the family came to
Wisconsin, settling at Grand Rapids, Wood
county, whence, in 1893, the father, who
was a farmer by occupation, moved to
Eagle River, Vilas county, where he died
December 4, same year; his widow is yet
living. John Walsh (father of Patrick
Walsh), an only child, born in 1789, mar-
ried Sabina Finn, by whom he had eight
children — three sons and five daughters. In
an early day the family emigrated to Can-
ada, moving from there to Wisconsin,
where John Walsh, the father, died in
April, 1874. Mrs. Bridget Walsh, mother
of Mrs. S. W. Smith, was fifteen years old
when she came to Canada with her parents,
who both died there; she had one brother,
Thomas Murphy (who was a soldier in the
British army twenty-one years), one sister,
Alice, in Australia, and another, Mrs. Mary-
Crowe, in San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Bridget
(Murphy) Walsh's mother was a Barry; she
had two brothers — Luke and Timothy —
who were educated for the Church, and
were professors.
popular assistant postmaster at
Grand Rapids, well deserves mention
in the history of \\'ood county. From
time immemorable it has been the custoni
of all nations to extol in story and in song
the gallant deeds in time of war, but it has
been left to civilized nations to commemor-
ate that truer manliness, that nobler courage
which enables one to live uprighth' and deal
justly, seeking no preferment or approval
save that of the Higher power and their own
consciences. Shall a soldier hero receive a
greater tribute of respect than one who sil-
ently and uncomplainingly takes up his bur-
den and fights back the thousand adverse
fate, that seek to block his pathway to suc-
cess? The deeds of a good man should live
after him, and in these days of wide dissemi-
nation of thought and doctrine, the transmis-
sion of the story from the father to the son
is inadequate. Only through written record
can we perpetuate his memory and extend
his influence, making life an example for
future generations.
Of those of whom it is said that the
world is better for his having lived is Mr.
Burt. He was born in Newark, N. J.,
April 24, 1830, and is a son of William
Hubbard and Elizabeth M. (Jones) Burt,
both natives of New Jersey. The father, a
shoemaker by trade, died of cholera in 1833,
in New York City, directly opposite the resi-
dence of his sister. He had gone thither for
the purpose of purchasing stock for his busi-
ness. Three years later, in 1836, the mother
and three of her children removed to St.
Catharines, Canada, and there they resided
until Frederick was ten years of age. In
the meantime his mother married again and
then removed to Short Hills, about eight
miles from St. Catharines, where our subject
remained until 1850.
Mr. Burt was educated in a private
school at St. Catharines, spent one term in
a district school in New York, and then en-
gaged in farming, also learning the carpen-
ter's trade. He continued in Canada until
1850, when he came to Wisconsin, locating
first in Dane county, where he carried on
agricultural pursuits. Later he removed to
Portage county, but after a few months,
in the fall of 1855, he removed to Grand
Rapids. Here he worked at carpentering
until August, 1 86 1, when he went into the
harvest fields. In September, same year,
he enlisted at Grand Rapids in Company G,
Seventh Wis. V. I., and was discharged
March 28, 1862, on account of illness con-
tracted in the service. He at once returned
to his home, and upon his recovery obtained
a position in the post office as assistant post-
master, serving until 1870, and also acting
as clerk in a general store. In 1869 he was
elected clerk of the circuit court, which
position he filled six years; in January, 1875,
he again became assistant postmaster, and-
had charge of the office until 1890, when he
was elected postmaster, serving until Janu-
ary, 1894. He was then succeeded by E.
B. Brundage, with whom he has since-
served as assistant.
Mr. Burt was married in Portage City,
Wis., June 17, 1855, to Miss Celeste Eliza,
daughter of Peter and Calista (Sampson)'
Jessey, natives of Vermont. Seven children
were born to them: Jessie Eva, wife of
George Brampton, a resident of Hartford,
Conn.; Fredericka W. , who died at the age-
of two years; Harry Andrew, who makes his
home in Rhinelander, W'is., and is employed
as a traveling salesman for the Flanner
Lumber Company; Frederick W., who is
living in Wausau, Wis. ; Walter Edwin,
manager of the yard and purchasing agent
for the Flanner Lumber Company of Rhine-
lander, Wis. ; William, who makes his home
in Green Bay, Wis. ; and Carson Otto, living
with his father in Grand Rapids.
The worth and ability of Mr. Burt have
been recognized by his fellow townsmen who-
have called him to office; in 1855 and 1856
he served as justice of the peace, and he has
also filled the position of town clerk. He
takes considerable interest in civic societies,
and is a member of Grand Rapids Lodge,
No. 128, F. & A. M.; Forest Chapter, No.
34, R. A. M. of Stevens Point, Wis. ; and
of Grand Rapids Lodge, No. 91, I. O. O. F. ;
also of Shaurett Encampment of the same
fraternity. For a half century he has
been a consistent member of the Methodist
Church — his life being in harmony with his
professions and true to his convictions of
right and wrong. In his political views he
is a stalwart Republican, is a public-spirited
and progressive citizen, enjoying the high
regard of all who know him.
representative farmers of Lanark
township. Portage county, was born
May 31, 1^58, in Hull township,
same county, son of Jeremiah and Bridget
(Touhey) Sullivan, natives of County Cork^
Ireland, who came to America in 1849.
Jeremiah Sullivan was a poor man, and
made his living by day's labor, for a number
of years working on railroads. In 1857 he
came to Portage county, and in Hull town-
ship, homesteaded a farm, there remaining
until his death January 15, 1862, which re-
sulted from an accident. His children were
as follows: Margaret, who married John
Hopkins, and died in Lanark township;
Ellen, a maiden lady; Patrick, subject of
this sketch; Catherine, now Mrs. Edward
Cooney, of Lanark township; and Daniel,
a farmer, also of Lanark township. After
the father's death the widow and her chil-
dren became members of the family of
Patrick Leary, whose wife was a sister of
Mrs. Sullivan. Through the kindness of
Mr. Leary the Sullivans remained with him
until they had grown up, and were able to
provide for themselves. Mrs. Sullivan now
resides with her son Patrick.
Our subject received a fair education in
his boyhood days, but schools were not very
numerous in those pioneer times, and he
often had to walk from two and a half to
three miles to school. He was reared a
farmer's boy in the new country, at the age
of ten years removing to Lanark township
with his foster parents, who settled in Sec-
tion 16, which at that time was all forest,
their first house being a board shanty. As
soon as Mr. Sullivan was old enough he
went to work on the farm, and has success-
fully followed agriculture ever since. He
was married, November 22, 1888, in Buena
Vista township, Portage county, to Miss
Alice O'Connell, born in that township
January 5, 1868, daughter of Daniel and
Mary (Tracy) O'Connell. After marriage
they began housekeeping on the farm which
they have ever since occupied. The chil-
dren born to Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan were as
follows: Mary, Daniel J. (deceased), Pat-
rick J., Alice, and Agnes. Politically Mr.
Sullivan is a stanch Democrat, and has
served as supervisor and as school treasurer
in District K'o. 7 five years. In 1893 he
was elected chairman of the township, the
yoimgest man who has ever filled that office
in Lanark township. Though his own edu-
cational opportunities were meagre, he is
an earnest friend to the cause of edu-
cation, and a strong advocate for better
schools. While chairman he voted for
the erection of a Normal School, but this
display of enterprise and public spirit seems
to have been somewhat in advance of the
times, for certain voters of a non-progressive
nature combined to defeat him at the next .
election. Mr. Sullivan and family are
members of the Catholic Church. He is
an excellent farmer, and one of the best
known young citizens in the township.
DAVID D. TARR, a representative of
one of the honored New England
families who for generations have
made their home in Maine, ;vas born
in Salem, that State, in May, 1839. His
father, Mark P. Tarr, also a native of
Maine, married Sophrona P. Merchant, who
was born in Massachusetts, and they became
the parents of three children — Hiram P.,
Mary E. and David D. The father, who
was a farmer and lumberman, died in the
Pine Tree State in 1889, where his wife had
passed away two years previously. The pa-
ternal grandfather, John Tarr, lived all his
life in Maine, and by his marriage became
the father of eight children — John, Abraham.
William, Rufus, Abigial, May, Harriet and
Mark P.
David D. Tarr, the subject of this sketch,
was educated in the high school, and re-
mained at home until he had attained his
majorit}'. In May, 1861, he enlisted in
Companj^ C, Second Maine V. I., becoming
corporal, serving three months, during
which time he participated in the first battle
of Bull Run. At the end of that time he re-
enlisted for two jears, remaining in the ser-
vice until the spring of 1863, as a member of
the Army of the Potomac. He was in the
siege of Yorktown and Hanover Court
House, and in the Chickahominy Swamps
he was taken sick, on which account he
was sent to the hospital at York, Penn.,
from which in time he was discharged, but
after returning home he did not recover his
health for over a year. P'or a time Mr.
Tarr was employed in a mill, after which
he made a trip to Omaha, Neb., for his
health, and, in 1868, went to Minneapolis,
Minn., where for a year he clerked in a
hotel. At the end of that time he went to
Big Rapids, Mich., being in the employ of
0. P. Pillsburj- & Co., remaining there ten
years, serving in different capacities, includ-
ing the positions of scaler, foreman and,
later, as superintendent of their upper
river branch. He also engaged in general
merchandising in Stanwood and Hersey,
Mich., and on selling out that business re-
turned to Maine, where he remained one
year. In May, 1884, he came to Wiscon-
sin, in the employ of the Merrill Boom
Compan}-, which belonged to the Milwau-
kee & St. Paul Railroad Company. O. P.
Pillsbury sent for Mr. Tarr to come to
Merrill and accept the position of superin-
tendent of Merrill Boom, in which capacity
he still continues to serve, being held in the
highest regard by his employers. This
company employs about eighty men, and
handles as high as one hundred forty million
feet of lumber for Merrill, and one hundred
million for parties down the river.
On September 16, 1880, Mr. Tarr
wedded Sarah Jane Palmer, who was born
in Nobleboro, Maine, October 10, 1845, and
is a daughter of Elisha R. and Sarah (Dun-
bar) Palmer, who had eight children: Hal-
sey H., Arlinda R., Bertha A., Orlando A.,
Gulinglus C, Sarah J., Byron W. and San-
ford K. The parents were natives of Maine,
where the father was employed as a ship-
builder and carpenter until his death, which
occurred November 10, 1868; the mother
now makes her home with Mr. Tarr. She is
of Scotch lineage, being a direct descendant
of Earl George Dunbar, who on the occasion
of his marriage was knighted by King James
1. For a time he stood very high in the
King's favor, but in March, 1425, he was
arrested and imprisoned on suspicion, his
estates being confiscated to the Crown.
The Dunbar family occupies a conspicuous
place all through Scottish history. To Mr.
and Mrs. Tarr were born, June 18, 1882,
twins: Arthur Jay and Alta May. Our
subject takes a warm interest in public
affairs, and uniformly casts his vote with the
Republican party. For three years he
served as postmaster at Stanwood. Socially
he is identified with several civic societies,
belonging to the F. & A. M., in which he is
a Knight Templar, and the Grand Army of
the Potomac. He is frank and open in the
expression of his opinions, and has the con-
fidence and respect of all.
Rapids, is a native of the Em-
erald Isle, born in County Down,
February 15, 1836, a daughter of
Felix and Mary (Hale) Magenity, who were
also natives of County Down, where they
spent their entire lives.
Their family consisted of seven chil-
dren, four of whom still survive, and of
these Mrs. Byrnes is the eldest. The others
still living are Ale.xander, who is serving as
inspector of customs in New York City;
Alice, wife of William Mead, a resident of
Belturbet, County Cavan, Ireland; and
John, who is still living in County Down.
One of her brothers, James, was drowned
in the Columbia river, Oregon; another
brother, Thomas, was a civil engineer in
the employ of the British government, be-
came a captain in the "Gordon Highland-
ers," and with his command took part in
the Crimean war, his death occurring at
Bombay, India, while in the service. Re-
ligiously this family were all connected with
the Roman Catholic Church. The parents
both died in Ireland.
The lady, whose name introduces this
sketch, spent her maidenhood days in her
parents' home in the land of her nativity,
and after she had reached womanhood
she gave her hand in marriage to Edward
Byrnes, the wedding being celebrated in
1855, and the same year they crossed the
Atlantic to America. Mr. Byrnes was also
a native of County Down, Ireland, born
November, i, 1825, a son of Bernard and
Margaret (Byrnes) Byrnes. His childhood
was similar to that of most farmer lads of
his time, and the educational privileges
which he received where those afforded by
the public schools. He was one of a fam-
ily of eleven children, and with five others
he has passed to the life eternal. Those still
living at this writing (the early part of 1895)
are Elizabeth, wife of Timothy Hurley, a
resident of Centralia, Wis. ; Thomas, who
makes his home in Grand Rapids; Mar-
garet, wife of John Quirk, who is located in
Saratoga, Wood Co., Wis.; Rose and Mary
Ann, both of whom are still living inlreland.
The wedding tour of Mr. and Mrs.
Byrnes consisted of an ocean voyage — a trip
across the Atlantic to the United States
in search of a new home. They at once
came to Wisconsin, locating first in Osh-
kosh, but after a few-months' residence there
they came to Grand Rapids, where Mr.
Byrnes continued until his death. He was
one of the first settlers of that place, and
took an active part in its development, being
prominently identified with its upbuilding.
For a few years after his arrival here he engag-
ed in lumbering, but in later years he turned
his attention to agricultural pursuits, which
he successfully carried on throughout his re-
maining days, being recognized as one of
the leading farmers of the neighborhood.
To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrnes nine
children were born as follows: James, born
March 4, 1856, was drowned May 31, 1864,
in the Wisconsin river; Edward A., born
August II. 1858, now makes his home in
Merrill, \\'is. ; George Andrew, born Feb-
ruary 28, i860, died August 27, 1862;
Mary Alice, born May 16, 1862, is now the
wife of John Corbett, a resident of Glidden,
Ashland Co., Wis.; William James, born
September 17, 1864, was drowned in
Grandfather Falls, Wisconsin river. May
10, 1895; Margaret Theresa, born Decem-
ber 14, 1866, is a teacher in the schools of
Morse, Wis. ; Andrew Eugene, born May
16, 1869, is living in Merrill; Rose Ellen,
born June 9, 1873, is now successfully en-
gaged in teaching in the public schools of
Lincoln county. Wis. ; and Martha Eliza-
beth, born September i, 1875, is also a
school teacher of recognized ability.
Mr. Byrnes was a man of sterling qual-
ities, commanding the respect and admira-
tion of all who knew him, as one of the use-
ful, honorable and public-spirited men of
the community. He passed peacefully
away October 19. 1891, leaving a widow
and seven children to mourn the loss of a
loving husband and a kind and indulgent
EDWARD T. BODETTE, a practical
shoemaker, and an old and univer-
sally respected citizen of Grand
Rapids, Wood county, was born at
Three Rivers, in the Province of Quebec,
Canada, November 9, 1846.
He is a son of Nelson and Amelia Bo-
dette, also natives of Canada, who left that
country for Rochester, N. Y. , both dying in
Churchville, a village about fourteen miles
from that city. Their family numbered five
children, of whom we give brief mention as
follows : Agnes, now the wife of John
Spitzmerser, is a resident of Churchville,
N. Y. ; Nelson is also living in that place; Ed-
ward T. is the subject of this sketch; Elijah
is living in Churchville; Mary, now the wife
of William Faily, is located at South Byron,
New York.
When a year old, Edward T. Bodette
was taken by his parents to the Empire
State, and was reared to manhood in their
home, while in the common schools of
Churchville he obtained a fair knowledge of
the common English branches of learning.
On making choice of an occupation which
he wished to follow for a livelihood, he de-
termined upon shoe making, a trade he
learned and has followed throughout his en-
tire life. In the spring of 1857, when a
youth of eleven years, he came with his
parents to Grand Rapids, Wis. ; but they
were not favorably impressed with this coun-
try, which was then a wild and undeveloped
region, and after a six-months' residence
here returned to Rochester, N. Y. Mr.
Bodette, however, again sought a home here
in 1869. This time he came alone, and
seeing a good opening for a shoemaker, he
decided to remain, and established a shop
which he has sirjce conducted. His ex-
cellent workmanship, his pleasant and genial
manner, and his efforts to please his cus-
tomers, soon brought him a liberal patron-
age, which increased as the town became
more thickly settled, and he has done a
good business. Indolence is not found in
his nature, and idleness forms no part of his
composition. He has led a busy and useful
life, and has won the confidence and esteem
of all with whom business or social relations
have brought him in contact. Mr. Bodette
exercises his right of franchise in support of
the men and measures of the Repubhcan
party, and in rehgious faith he and his family
hold membership with the Roman Catholic
In November, 1873, our subject married
Miss Bertha Zeaman, a daughter of Louis
and Mary Zeaman, both of whom were born
in Germany, but are now residents of
Sigel township, Wood Co., Wis. Mr. and
Mrs. Bodette are the parents of eight chil-
dren, six of whom are yet living, as follows:
Joseph Edward, Francis Nelson, William
Arthur, Edward, George and Mabel Amelia.
ART. HIRZEL, a prosperous and
representative business man of
Vilas county, is a native of New
York State, born in Erie county,
March 26, 1864, of German descent.
Grandfather Hirzel was born in Baden,
Germany, where he married and whence he
came to the United States, settling in an
early day in Buffalo, N. Y., where he was
proprietor of a meat market. This honored
pioneer couple had five children, named
respectively: George, Fred, Martin, David
and Sarah. The parents of these and also
their son George subsequently returned to
Germany, and there died. Another son,
David, father of our subject, was born at
Williamsville, Erie Co., N. Y., in 1834,
and for many years was a stock man in the
Buffalo (N. Y.) stock yards. He there
married Mary Sturt, who was born, in 1836,
in Philadelphia, Penn., of German parents,
who emigrated to this country shortly after
their marriage, and died in Philadelphia the
parents of three children: Martin, Godfrey
and Mary. To David and Mary Hirzel
were born ten children, named respectively:
Mary, David, Emma, Godfrey, Martin,
Albert, Alvin, William, Ella and Emil. Mr.
Hirzel, in 1874, left Buffalo, and made his
last earthly home on a fruit farm at Will-
iamsville, N. Y. , where he passed the rest
of his days, dying in 1883. The widowed
mother sold this farm in 1893, and now
lives with her daughter, Mrs. Schaffer, at
Clare, Mich. David Hirzel's brother, Fred,
died at Yorkshire, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. ,
and the other brother, Martin, lives at
Whitehouse, Ohio, with the sister, Sarah.
Mart. Hirzel, the subject proper of these
lines, received his education at an academy
at Williamsville, both in English and Ger-
man. When seventeen years old he moved
west to Michigan and worked in the woods,
lumbering, until coming to Eagle River,
August 28, 1885, where during the first
summer he was employed in a sawmill — in
the winter in the woods, and in the spring on
the ••drive." In the spring of 1888 he em-
barked in his present wholesale and retail
coal, wood, ice, lime, brick, hair and
cement business, in addition to which he is
also agent for the Pabst Brewing Co. of
On July 22, 1 891, Mr. Hirzel was mar-
ried, at Eagle River, to Miss Rosa B. Allen,
who was born at Norfolk, Va., August 18,
1 87 1, daughter of Perry C. and Fannie
fWisej Allen, natives of Pennsylvania, who
were the parents of three daugfiters: Lettie,
Rosa B., and Hattie. The mother of these
now lives at Eagle River. Mr. and Mrs.
Hirzel have no children. They have an
elegant and attractive home in Eagle River,
in addition to which our subject owns other
cit3' property, besides land in another part
of the county. In his political predilections
he is a Democrat, and he has served his city
as supervisor and as superintendent of the
water works. Socially, he is a member of
the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 109, Eagle
River, of which he is recording secretary.
As a typical self-made man, one who has,
unaided, " hoed his own row," Mr. Hirzel
stands conspicuously in the front rank of
the successful ones.
the well-known firm of John Rice &
Brother Co. , proprietors of foundry and
machine shops, etc. , and dealers in
coal, agricultural implements, etc., Stevens
Point, Portage county, rank among the
most enterprising and progressive business
men of the Northern Wisconsin Valley.
They are natives of County Louth, Ire-
land, born, John in 1838, and James in
I So
1843. James Rice, their father, born
April 15, 181 1, came to America in 1842,
when John and James were small boys, the
family first locating at Geneva, N. Y. ,
thence proceeding to Milwaukee, Wis., and
from there to Nekimi, Winnebago county,
where the father carried on farming pur-
suits, and was also engaged in railroad
work as foreman. He was "boss" of a
large gang of men employed on the con-
struction of the "Darlington railroad," and
was regarded as one of the most efficient
foremen or superintendents in that line of
work in the State. He subsequently moved
to Eden township. Fond du Lac county,
about eleven miles from the city of Fond
du Lac, where he was engaged in agricul-
tural pursuits until moving to Oshkosh, in
which place he was employed in Campbell's
shingle mill. From there he ne.xt removed
to Seymour, Outagamie county, and here
bought a farm of fully 200 acres where he
lived until February 15, 1884, the day of
his death, which was caused by an accident.
He was returning from a visit to the village
of Seymour, two miles distant, was walk-
ing along the track, and being muffled up,
and, moreover, somewhat deaf, being
seventy-three years old, did not hear the
approaching train, which struck him, pro-
ducing such injuries that he died nine days
after, retaining consciousness to the last.
The brothers were reared on the farm,
John after a time learning the trade of car-
penter, while James continued working on
the homestead, also engaging in getting out
logs by contract, each thus continuing for
some years. John went to the gold fields
"out West," and for seven or eight years
met with remarkable success, having struck
one of the richest and most productive fields
in the entire "diggings." On his return he
engaged in the sawmilling business in Oconto,
becoming in course of a short time a partner
in the industry, the firm name being Amy,
Rice & Fitzgerald, which continued some
four or five years, when Mr. Rice sold out
and moved to Oshkosh, becoming interested
in the tanner}' business in partnership with
Mr. Reuben Dowd, under the firm style of
Dowd & Rice. His next enterprise was in
the Wolf River Transportation Co., of which
he became part owner; then in partnership
with Reuben Dowd he embarked in the log-
ging business on Wolf river, James Rice
acting as their foreman, this industry con-
tinuing until 1S72, in which year John and
James Rice entered into partnership in the
establishment of a foundr}' and machine
business in Weyauwega, Waupaca Co. , \\' is. ,
and after five years, in 1877, they located a
branch business at Stevens Point (South
Side), Portage county, where is now the
John Week planing-mill, in 1880 removing
their entire plant to thir present site on Clark
street, Stevens Point, which has since been
carried on successfully under the firm name
of John Rice & Brother Co., with John Rice
as president and James Rice as vice-presi-
dent and general manager. They do a large
business all around, giving employment in
the foundry and machine shops alone to
some twenty hands when running their full
capacity. Among the leading articles turned
out by the firm may be mentioned edgers,
trimmers, bolters, pulleys, rope-feeds and
and sawmill carriages and machinery gener-
ally; also engines, boilers, all kinds of en-
gine brasses, etc., in fact, everything con-
nected with mills and mill machinery in gen-
eral. The brothers also operated a sawmill
in Bayfield countj-, W'is. , at Benoit, on the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha
railroad, commencing business December 3,
1889, and conducting same until July 4,
1892, when it burned down. The firm was
known as the Benoit Lumber Co., of which
James Rice was president and John Rice
secretary and treasurer. They still own
320 acres of land in that vicinity. At the
time of the construction of the Wisconsin
Central railroad they took a large contract,
which included the piling and bridging at
Gill's Landing, across the W^)lf river and
adjoining bayous.
John Rice was married September 14,
1869, to Miss Elvira Jones, a lady of Welsh
descent, and three children were born to
them, namely: Ellen, Ada and Margery,
the last named beiivg deceased, having been
suffocated to death at the burning of the
Sisters' school at Lake Villa, near Madison,
Wis., in 1893. John Rice served as chief
of Stevens Point Fire Department, and was
a member of the county board of Portage
James Rice was married at New London,
Wis., January i, 1872, to Miss Helen Jane
Micklejohn, and four children were born to
them, as follows: Theodore James, a fire-
man on the "Soo" railroad, who one
stormy, sleety trip, November 25, 1892,
fell (how was never known) a distance of
65 feet from his engine at Marine Sation,
Madison Co., Minn., and was instantly
killed; John Francis, now studying law;
Earl M., and Hazel May, both attending
In political proclivities the brothers are
both Democrats, with liberal and independ-
ent tendencies, never aspiring to office, and
they were both reared in the faith of the
Roman Catholic Church. They are en-
terprising in the true sense of the term,
and have deservedly prospered, have done
much toward the improvement of the city
of their adoption, and at the present time,
1895, are interested in the Stevens Point
Land Improvement Company, and hold
stock in the District Fair Association,
toward which they liberally subscribed.
James Rice was chief of the Fire Depart-
ment in 1 891; he is a stockholder in the
Citizens National Bank, Stevens Point.
WP. NICHOLS, the well-known and
popular treasurer of Dupont town-
ship, Waupaca county, claims
Ireland as the land of his nativity.
He was born January 24, 1847, ^nd is a
son of Patrick and Johanna (Griffin)
Nichols, who were natives of County Lim-
erick, Ireland. There the father spent his
entire life, his death occurring in that
county in 185 i.
In 1853 the mother brought her family
to America, locating first in Syracuse, N. Y. ,
from there going to Carlisle township,
Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1858. Five years
later she came to Dupont township, Wau-
paca county, and the Nichols were the
tenth family within its borders. Here the
mother spent her remaining days, being
called to the home beyond February 9,
1885, leaving two sons, W. P. and Daniel
J., both farmers of Dupont township.
These boys accompanied their mother on
her various removals, and the first named
was educated in the common schools of
Lorain county, Ohio, where he first en-
gaged in business for_ himself, as a farm
hand. Subsequently he followed teaming
in Cleveland, and at the age of eighteen
years he became a resident of Dupont town-
ship, \\'aupaca county, where he aided in
clearing the home farm. He also worked
in the lumber woods on Pigeon river, and
in those early dajs became familiar with all
the experiences and hardships of frontier
In New London, Wis., April 9, 1871,.
was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Nichols
and Miss Fannie Ruddy, who was born
in Grafton township, Ozaukee Co., Wis.,
daughter of John and Bridget (Conniff)
Ruddy, pioneers of that county and natives
of the Emerald Isle. Her father came to
this state a single man, and here met,
wooed and won his estimable wife. For
some years he was engaged in work on the
river, running boats between New London
and Oshkosh, and to Berlin. He afterward
turned his attention to farming, locating a
tract of wild land on Bear creek, Waupaca
county, where he cleared and opened up a
farm and spent the remainder of his life.
He passed away February 20, 1883, and
his widow, who still survives him. is }'et liv-
ing on the old homestead. They reared a
family of children as follows: Mrs. Nichols;
William, a resident of Grant township,
Shawano Co., Wis.; Charles, who is living
in Idaho; James Fairbanks, also of Sha-
wano county; Mrs. C. E. Beedle, of Clinton-
ville. Wis. ; Mrs. Landon, of Minneapolis,
Minn. ; and Louis, at home. In 1871, Mr.
Nichols located on his present farm, on
which not a furrow had been turned or an
improvement made. He built a small log
house, 16 X 20 feet, and it was his place of
residence until 1892, when he erected a
good frame dwelling, one story and a half
in height, 16 x 24 feet with an L, 16 x 20
feet. He also erected a large barn, 40 x 54
feet, with 16 foot posts, and his farm com-
prises eighty acres of land. In addition to its
cultivation, he is also engaged in the lumber
business, and successfully manages both in-
terests, being a man of good business and
executive abilit}', energetic and progressive.
In politics, Mr. Nichols is a Democrat,
a leader of his party in this section of the
•county. In 1871, Jie was elected town
treasurer, had previously been town clerk,
and has since served as town clerk and
town supervisor. In 1S93 he was again
elected treasurer of Dupont township, and
is now filling that position in a creditable
and acceptable manner with the same fideli-
ty with which he discharges every trust re-
posed in him. The cause of education finds
in him a warm friend, and he does all in his
power for the promotion of the schools of
this communit}-. Both he and his wife hold
■membership with the Catholic Church.
EDWARD CLEARY, conductor on the
Ashland division of the Chicago &
North Western railroad, with resi-
dence at Antigo, Langlade county,
-was born in Lancaster, Worcester Co.,
Mass., October 25, 1855, son of Michael
•Cleary, who was born in Ireland about the
year 1827, son of Edward Cleary, who died
in Ireland when Michael was but ten years
of age, leaving a widow and six children,
viz. : Maurice, Garret, Edward, Patrick,
Michael and Ann.
Michael Cleary, father of the subject of
this sketch, came to America when twenty
years of age, or in 1847, and settled in
Massachusetts. Here he was married to
TMary Powers, who was born in Ireland in
1830, one of a family of seven children —
Catherine, William, Patrick, John, Michael,
Edmond and Mary — born to Edward and
Margaret (Hayes) Powers, the former of
^whom was a farmer and fisherman. In
1855 the family came to America and
settled in Massachusetts where the father
died in 1867; the mother passed away in
Appleton, June 11, 1894, aged ninety-eight
years. To Michael and Mary (Powers)
deary were born eight children, viz. :
Maurice (who died in 1879 at the age of
eighteen), Edward. Michael, Ellen, Kather-
ine and Margaret, and two deceased in
infancy. Michael Cleary, the father, came
to Wisconsin, in 1863, first locating in
Appleton, from which place he moved soon
after to a farm and returned to Appleton
where, in March, 1895, he died. Mrs. Ellen
Cleary, widow of Edward Cleary and
mother of Michael, followed her sons to
America, and died at Michael's home in
Edward Cleary. the subject proper of
this sketch, was given the advantages of the
common schools, and remained at home on
the farm with his parents until he was nine-
teen years of age. He then went into the
lumber woods, and worked there during the
winters of four years, returning home in the
summers to assist his father on the farm. In
June, 1878, he was engaged on the right of
way for the new railroad, chopping ties, and
in the following December commenced
braking on what was then the Milwaukee,
Lake Shore and Western railroad, now the
Ashland division of the Chicago & North
Western. He has railroaded ever since,
being one of the oldest men on this division,
and has been promoted from time to time
until in 1884 he was given a passenger run.
In 1886 he took up his residence in Antigo.
and having great faith in the prospects of
the town, has done everything in his power
to help in building it up; in 1891 he erected
a fine block, and moreover is interested in
several other blocks here. He is president
of the J. C. Lewis Hardware Co., and has
dealt extensively in outside lands.
Mr. Cleary was married, in 1882, to Miss
Margaret Morrissey, of Appleton, daughter
of Patrick and Margaret (Landers) Morrissey,
natives of Ireland, who emigrated to the
United States, making their first New- World
home in Massachusetts where they were
married. They had a familj- of eight chil-
dren: Patrick, John, Thomas, Catherine.
Ellen, Margaret, Johannah and Mary Ann,
three of whom are deceased, viz. : Patrick,
Catherine and Mary Ann. Patrick was or-
dained a Catholic priest in 1875, and died
at St. Louis, Mo., May 10, 1892; John, who
was ordained a priest in 1883, is now pastor
of a congregation at Oshkosh; Thomas is
married and lives in Antigo, Wis., where he
is manager of the Delaglise estate; Ellen is
a Sister of Charity at St. Agnes Convent,
Fond du Lac, Wis. The family came to
this State in 1850, where the father followed
agricultural pursuits; the mother died in
March, 1885. To Mr. and Mrs. Cleary ha\e
been born five children: John E., Agnes M.,
Raymond \V., Emmet \'., and Aloysius F.
In his political predilections our subject
is a Republican, and has served his adopted
city as supervisor one year, and alderman
two years. Socially, he is a member of the
Order of Railroad Conductors of America;
•was a delegate to Toledo, Ohio, in May,
1893, and a delegate to Atlanta, Ga. , in
1895, from the lodge at Ashland, Wis.; he
was first chief conductor of the lodge at
Ashland in 1SS9, and elected twice after-
ward, serving in that incumbency three years
in all. In religious faith the entire family
are members of the Catholic Church. Mr.
Cleary owns one of the handsomest homes
in the city of Antigo, and figures as one of
the representative men of the place. Being
public-spirited, he is ever ready to advance
any cause that he thinks will permanently
aid the growth and prosperity of the cit}'.
He is much respected by all who know him,
the more so because he is known to have
commenced at the bottom of the ladder, and
with no assistance, save his own energy and
attentiveness to business, worked himself up
to a position of prominence and affluence.
He is justly proud of the fact that, though
he has been a railroad man nearly all of his
life, he is not unfitted for other lines of use-
fulness, and he is counted one of the prac-
tical business men of Antigo.
Among the energetic and progressive
farmers of lola township, Waupaca
county, is this gentleman, who is en-
gaged in general farming in Section 28,
where he has a good farm of eighty acres,
which he has developed from its primitive
Mr. Iseland was born in Norway in De-
cember, 1825, and is a son of Jacob Erick-
son, a farmer of moderate circumstances.
He is the only one of the family who grew
to adult age, and was but two and a half
years old at the time of his mother's death.
after which he was reared by others. His
father also died when he had reached the age
of thirteen, leaving very little property.
His early life was that common to all farmer
boys in Norway, and his opportunities for
acquiring an education were quite limited.
His only home was with the farmers for
whom he worked, but he saved his wages
until he had enough money to bring him to
America, knowing that his chances of obtain-
ing a home by his own efforts in Norway
were iew. In company with Knute Erick-
son, now of lola township, Waupaca county,
he in the spring of 1849 left Skein, Norway,
on a sailing vessel, which after a voyage of
six weeks landed him on xAmerican soil.
Mr. Iseland at once came to Waukesha
county. Wis., and at the time had $70, but
this all went to pay doctor bills. He was
then employed as a farm hand, receiving
from $10 to $15 per month, and remained
in that county four years, at the end of which
time he concluded to come to northern Wis-
consin. As many of his countrymen were
living in Waupaca county, he decided here
to locate. With two others he made the
trip in a single wagon. Knute Erickson,
with whom he had crossed the ocean, was
then living in lola township, and he made a
temporary home with him some three years.
He then bought his present farm, which
comprised 120 acres, but he has since sold
forty acres of it. The land was then in its
primitive condition, mostly covered with
timber and scrub oak, though there was a
small piece of natural prairie. He imme-
diately began clearing and developing this
land, and erected a small log house, the first
building upon the place.
In lola, on Christmas Day, 1858, was
celebrated the marriage of Mr. Iseland and
Miss Mary Johnson, a native of Norway,
born January i, 1843. and a daughter of
Nels Johnson, who was a miner and com-
mon laborer in his native land. In the
spring of 1853 the father brought his family
to America, there being at that time two
children — Mary and Jens P. Nelson. He
first located in Chicago, securing work on
the railroads in Illinois, but the following
spring came to lola township, making his
home on a farm in Section 33. He soon
after went to Stevens Point, where he kept
a boarding house for a time, after which he
returned to lola township and engaged in
agricultural pursuits. His death occurred
in South Dakota at the age of sixty-nine
years; his wife passed away in lola, at the
age of seventy-seven. Mr. and Mrs. Iseland
began their domestic life on his farm in their
little shanty, which at that .time had not
even a window, which he bought later at
Stevens Point. Their home was brightened
by the birth of ten children: Annie, now
the wife of Carl Evenson, of Wausau, Wis. ;
Julia, who was the wife of Andrew Daniel-
son, and died September 23, 1891, at
Stevens Point; Nellie, wife of Hans Olson,
of Hazelhurst, Wis.; Julius, at home; Henry,
a farm hand; Nettie, who died at the age of
eighteen; Edwin, of Hazelhurst, Wis.;
Josephine, a dress maker of Wausau, Wis. ;
and Gena and Lewis, at home.
For ten months Mr. Iseland served his
adopted country as a soldier during the Civil
war, enlisting in the fall of 1864 in Company
C, F"orty-fourth Wis. V. I. , under Capt.
Vaughn, and was mostly engaged in doing
guard and patrol duty in Nashville, Tenn.,
during the winter of 1864-65. In the spring
he went to Paducah, Ky., where he received
his discharge and returned home in August,
In the early days during some seasons
the crops were poor, and Mr. Iseland would
then work on the Wisconsin Central rail-
road, which was then being constructed, in
order to support his family, leaving the
farm, where it was a difficult matter to get
enough to live on during a drought. All the
improvements now found upon the place
have been the work of himself and sons,
who are industrious, enterprising young
men, and his wife has also proved a faithful
helpmeet. The family holds a high place
in the esteem and confidence of their fellow
citizens which they justly merit. Mr. Ise-
land is a Republican in politics, but he does
not care to take an active part in public
life, though he cordially supports any meas-
ure that will benefit the community or State
at large. With the Lutheran Church of
Scandinavia, himself and family hold mem-
JACOB STAUB is familiarly known to
the people of Scandinavia township as
one of the most enterprising and pro-
gressive farmers of Waupaca county.
He is a native of Switzerland, born in the
village of Thalweil, Canton of Zurich, April
4, 1850, and is a son of Jacob Staub, who
was a farmer of ordinary means, and the
father of nine children, eight of whom
crossed the broad Atlantic to the New
Our subject attended the schools of his
native land, and remained under the par-
ental roof until August 16, 1867, when he
left the old home, determined to come to
America, where he believed that better op-
portunities were afforded young men. At
Havre, France, he took passage on board
the "Guiding Star," which left port on the
2 1st of August. His destination was Van-
Dyne, Wis., where he had acquaintances
living, and near there he obtained work as a
farm hand. At the end of two months,
however, he came to Helvetia township,
Waupaca county, and obtained employment
with J. H. Leuthold with whom he remained
1 during the winter of 1867-68, and then
worked at whatever he could find to d(j in
order to gain an honest living.
I In the spring of 1868 the parents of Mr.
; Staub started from Switzerland for the
: United States, but while cit route, the father
I died at Detroit, Mich., and was there buried.
The widowed mother then came on to Helve-
tia township, and as our subject, being the
oldest son, was regarded as the head of the
family, he lived with her until 1872 when he
came to Scandinavia township, where his
eldest sister, Wilhelmina, wife of Jacob
Aeberle, resided. During the summer he
rented a farm, but in the fall of that year
purchased the same, which was 160 acres
in Section 9, going in debt for the whole
amount — one thousand dollars — on which he
had to pay eight and ten per cent interest.
At Black Wolf, Winnebago Co., Wis.,
on November 14, 1872, Mr. Staub was mar-
ried to Miss Anna Laager, who was born
January 10, 1854, in the city of Mollis,
Canton Glarus, Switzerland, a daughter of
Nicholas Laager, who was a decorator in a
woolen factory. When sixteen years of age
Mrs. Staub came alone to America, sailing
from Havre, France, on the "Erie," and at
the end of seventeen days landed at New
York, from which city she came to Oshkosh,
Wis. She had attended the common schools
in her native land, but never an English
school. In Mollis she began work in a
woolen factory as decorator, saving her
money, to which she added by borrowing
from her brothers and sisters until she had
$68, enough to bring her to the United
States. Here she worked as a servant girl
until she could repay the money, which re-
quired a 3'ear and a half's industrious labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Staub began their domestic
life in a very modest little home on his farm,
to which he has added until he now owns
290 acres in Scandinavia township, and
eighty acres in Helvetia. Two children
have been born to them: Erick N. , a farmer,
born January g, 1874; and Walter J., at
home, born May 7, 1875.
In political faith Mr. Staub is a Demo-
crat, a stanch follower of the doctrines as
formulated by that party, but gives little at-
tention to political affairs, his time being
fully occupied by the labors of his farm.
For the prosperity that has come to him
through his persistent efforts and intelligent
management, he is greatly indebted to his
wife, who has assisted him by every means
in her power. Their comfortable residence
is surrounded by a beautiful grove, and
everj'thing about the place denotes the owner
to be a progressive, industrious and energetic
man. He has succeeded in life without the
help of an education in English, but has
observed closely, and thus prospered. He
holds membership with the Reformed
NA. COLMAN. This gentleman, one
of the busiest and most prom-
inent citizens of Vilas county, is a
native of Wisconsin, born in Green-
bush, Sheboygan county. May 4, i860.
His father, Charles B. Colman, was
born February 4, 1822, in Warren, Litch-
field Co., Conn. The family is of Eng-
lish origin, the ancestry being traced back
to three brothers who came from England
to America in an early day, one of them
making his home in Warren, Connecticut.
Hon. C. B. Colman received his educa-
tion at the Warren Academy. After finish-
ing his education he taught school for some
time, and in 1S42 started out to see "the
West." He was pleased with Wisconsin,
and took up a homestead in Sheboygan
county, twenty miles west of Lake Mich-
igan. Thus he came alone to Wisconsin
leaving father, mother, one brother — Fred-
rick— and three sisters — Lucia, Sarah and
Elizabeth — in Connecticut. After being
successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits
for some time, he married Miss Emma
Carter, of the same county, but after a brief
married life she died leaving an infant
daughter, Orpha E.
Mr. Colman took for a second wife Miss
Anna S. Stoddard, a native of New York,
whose parents, Jonathan and Phcebe
(Carter) Stoddard, were natives of Canada.
By this marriage five children were born,
\\z.: Florence, Niles A., Henry J., C.
Francis and Emogene. The father of N. A.
Colman is a stanch member of the Dem-
ocratic party, and has always taken an act-
ive part in political affairs. He has filled
many town and county offices, besides serv-
ing as member of the Assembly from She-
boygan county. He is a man of well-known
ability and mental activity. Hon. C. B.
Colman and wife now make their home in
Dunn county, Wisconsin.
In June, 1892, N. A. Colman was mar-
ried at Eagle River to Isliss Bessie B. Shank,
who died March 8, 1894, leaving, a daugh-
ter, Bessie D., nine days old. Mrs. N. A.
Colman was a native of Michigan, born, in
1874, in Osceola county, and a daughter of
Alonzo M. and Essie Shank, who had four
children — Cora, Byron, Bruce and Bessie
B. Mr. Shank is a lumberman by occupa-
During the youth and early manhood of
Mr. Colman he remained on his father's
farm in Sheboygan county, attending the
schools of Greenbush up to the age of
eighteen when he commenced to teach in
the district schools, continuing thus two
years. After this he attended school at
Oshkosh, and in the fall of 1S84 entered
the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In 1887 he entered the Law Department of
the University, attending until June 19,
1889, when he graduated — being admitted
to practice in all courts.
Mr. Colman educated himself, teaching
and studying alternately, and while in Mad-
ison was in the office of William F. \'ilas.
In July, after being admitted to the bar, he
came to Rhinelander, Oneida county, re-
maining there four months in the oflfice of
Alban & Barnes, and on December i, 1889,
opened a law office at Eagle River under
the firm name of Alban, Barnes & Colman.
This partnership continued two years,
Messrs. Alban & Barnes withdrawing at the
end of that time. Mr. Colman has since
practiced alone, meeting with flattering suc-
cess in his chosen profession, a success
which he well deserves.
Like his father before him, he is public-
spirited, and the people, recognizing in him
one who would attend to their interests
with all the zeal and ability at his command,
have chosen him to various offices of trust,
the duties of which he has ever faithfully
discharged. In 1 893 his assistance was
proven valuable in the work of getting Vilas
county set off from Oneida. His wide ac-
quaintance with public men making him a
strong ally; he spent much time at Madison,
and finally, with others equally interested,
succeeded in having the new county of \'ilas
formed and the county seat fixed at Eagle
River. On the organization of the county
he was made district attorney, resigning
the position of superintendent of schools of
Oneida county (to which he had been
elected in 1892) to accept. In the fall of
1894 he was elected district attorney on the
Democratic ticket, although the county
otherwise went strongly Republican, a com-
pliment which he did not fail to appreciate.
present is living retired on his
farm in New Hope township. Port-
age county, was born in Norway,
June 23, 1838, a son of Elling and Karen
(Mortonson) Johnson, natives of the same
country, where the father engaged in farm-
ing, an occupation he made his life work.
In the spring of 1857, accompanied by
his wife and children, Mr. Johnson emigrat-
ed to America, sailing from Christiania on
the "Argo," which dropped anchor in the
harbor of Quebec at the end of seven weeks,
and from that cit\' they came immediately
to New Hope township, Portage county,
making the journe\- by water, rail and
wagon. On his arrival the father purchased
eighty acres of wild land, on which not a
tree had been cut or an improvement of any
kind made. After clearing enough space he
built a log house, where the family lived
for many years and where his death occur-
red. The mother then sold that place and
bought another home in New Hope town-
ship, but died at the home of her son Ole.
The other children of the family besides our
subject, who is. the eldest, were John, a
farmer of Dakota, who enlisted in the
Twelfth \\'is. V. I. during the war of the
Rebellion, and served throughout the strug-
gle; Christian, also a farmer of Dakota;
Rhoda, wife of Nels Loberg, of New Hope;
and Sina, deceased wife of John Johnson.
In the common schools of his native
land our subject acquired a very good edu-
cation, and was reared to agricultural pur-
suits. After coming to America he hired
out as a farm hand, and was also employed
for some years in a sawmill, and in the
lumber woods near ilerrill, Wis. For four
or five seasons before entering the Union
service during the Civil war, he "ran on the
river." In Scandinavia, Wis., August 27,
1864, he enlisted as a private in Cohipany
A, Forty-second Wis. V. I., under Capt.
Duncan McGregor, and was enrolled for
one year's service. After enlistment he
went into camp at Madison, Wis., for a
short time, whence he was sent to Cairo,
111., where he remained until the close of
hostilities, with the e.xception of an e.xpedi-
tion he accompanied down to Neiv Orleans,
conveying prisoners. At that city they re-
mained about four days, when they returned
to Cairo. At Madison, Wis., on June 20,
1865, he was honorably discharged.
On returning to New Hope township
Mr. EUingson, in company with his brother
Christian, bought 160 acres of land, of
which onl}' ten had been cleared, and, prior
to his brother's going to Dakota, he pur-
chased the latter's interest. His farm, which
is located in Sections 9 and 10, is one of
the best in the township, and he has built
thereon a comfortable dwelling. He now
makes his home with the people who have
rented his farm, as he is living retired. He
affiliates with the Republican party, and is
one of its most active adherents, though in
no sense a politician. Religiously he is a
communicant of the Norwegian Lutheran
Church of New Hope, and he is one of the
highly esteemed and honored citizens of the
LYMAN J. COOK, member of the
firm of Dickinson & Cook, the lead-
ing general merchants and real-estate
dealers of Eagle River, Vilas county,
is a native of New York State, born Septem-
ber 17, 1850, in North Norwich, Chenango
Lyman D. Cook, father of our subject,
first saw the light in Dutchess county, N. Y.,
being a son of Joseph Cook, who was of
English descent. The latter was by occupa-
tion a farmer and carpenter, and during the
war of 1812 served as second lieutenant.
In an early day he established a colony in
Chenango county, purchasing a large tract
of river flats, now part of the "Chenango
Valley," no little sport being excited by his
investing in such low land; but he lived to
see his purchase become very valuable. He
and his wife both died there, the parents of
a numerous family: Lyman D., their son
was reared to agricultural pursuits, which
he made his life vocation. He was twice
married: First to a Miss Fannie Fisher, by
whom he had eight children who lived to
maturit}-, viz. : Egbert, Alonzo, Almon,
Thompson, Mary, Olive, Philenaand Rachel.
After the death of the mother of these, Mr.
Cook married Mary A. Bacon, by whom he
had one child — Lyman J. This Mrs. Cook
was a daughter of Horace and Mary (Rom-
mer) Bacon, the former of whom was of
English descent, the latter of French, her
more immediate ancestors, whose names
were Chevalier, having come over to America
from France with La Fayette during the
Revolutionary war, and served as soldiers
under him. Lyman D. Cook participated
in the Mexican war. In 1867 he came to
Wisconsin, purchasing a farm in Black Creek
township, Outagamie county, whereon he
passed the rest of his days, dying in 1875;
he was a strong Democrat in his political
predilections, but voted for Lincoln. The
widowed mother, after her husband's death,
lived with her son Lyman J. up to her
death, which occurred in 1889.
The subject proper of these lines was
reared on the farm, receiving his elementary
education at the common schools, which
was supplemented with two terms at the
Union schools, and one term at select school.
Early in life he assisted materially in the
support of his parents, employing himself at
both farming and lumbering until he was
eighteen years old, when he went into the
woods and for one winter wielded the axe in
felling the trees. During the following
eleven years or so he was engaged for his
own account, alternately at farming in the
summers and lumbering in the winters,
which brings his life history down to 1879,
in which year he moved to Marathon county,
and in the village of Norrie built the second
frame house, where he made his home nearly
four years, conducting a general mercantile
and drug business in partnershig with George
P. Dickinson. In the spring of 1884 the
firm removed to Eagle River, Vilas county,
hauling their goods and chattels by wagon
from Three Lakes, and for some time carry-
ing on their business, which consisted of
general merchandise, drugs, etc., in a tent,
to which, later, they added real-estate deal-
ings. Not long afterward a postoffice was
established at Eagle River, Mr. Cook being
appointed the first postmaster, and holding
the position up to the time of Cleveland's
first election; he had previously been post-
master at Norrie, and was filling the incum-
bency at the time of his leaving that village
for Eagle River. The firm of Dickinson &
Cook conduct the largest general store in
this rising, hustling place, and are largely
interested in lumbering, buying pine lands
quite extensively.
Mr. Cook has been twice married, first
time to Miss Anna Eliza Butler, who was
born in Sandusky, Ohio, daughter of Manara
and Sarah Butler, natives of Ohio, who
came to Wisconsin in an early day, and who
had a family of two sons and four daughters:
Daniel E., Nathan S., Dell, Emma E.,
Ettie C. and Anna Eliza. To this marriage
were born three children: Grant D., Jay
B. ,■ and one that died in infancy. The
mother of these dying in 1877, Mr. Cook
married, for his second wife, in 1S83, Miss
Florence P. Thompson, who was born in
Maine, near the city of Augusta, daughter of
George W. and Charlotte Thompson, and
this union has been blessed with five chil-
dren: Paul L. , Lawrence (deceased at the
age of seven yearsj, Morton, Mary and
In politics our subject is a stanch Repub-
lican; served as town treasurer of Eagle
River si.\ years, and was chairman one year;
was active in securing the organization of
Vilas county, spending nearly an entire win-
ter at Madison for that purpose. Socially
he is a member of the F. & A. M. and I. O.
O. F. Prior to embarking in mercantile
pursuits Mr. Cook passed some two years in
the South, with the view of locating there,
but not liking the country returned to Wis-
consin. He is one of the most influential
business men in the county, and in a large
measure enjoys the respect and esteem of
his fellow men.
ARTHUR TAYLOR, a highly re-
spected citizen of Rhinelander, On-
eida county, is a native of England,
born in Ripley, Derbyshire, April
16, 1858, son of Dr. Percival and Eliza
(Bradley; Taylor.
Benjamin Taylor, grandfather of our sub-
ject, was postmaster at Ripley, Derbyshire,
many years, and died in 1874, at the patri-
archal age of ninety-eight years, while hold-
ing that office; his wife lived to the great
age of one hundred and two.
Percival Taylor, father of our subject,
was a graduate of medicine in England,
which profession he more or less practiced
until within the past few years. In his na-
tive land he married Miss Eliza Bradley,
b}' whom he had ten children, named re-
spectively: William, Samuel, Walter, Mary,
Hannah, Arthur, Ella, Anna, Percival H.
(who died in 1868) and Percy. In the last
named }'ear, in the month of February, the
father and two of his sons — Samuel and
Walter — crossed the Atlantic to Canada,
locating in Montreal, the rest of the family
following them in the month of June. In
Sept., 1869, they moved to Upper Canada,
settling on a large tract of land at Brace-
bridge, Muskoka District, Ontario, and there
remaining until 1882, in which year they
came to Marinette, Wis., where thej*
sojourned until 1885, then returning to
Canada, to the old homestead in On-
tario. In March, 1891, Dr. Taylor sold
out and he and his wife moved to Chi-
cago, 111., thence to Austin, 111., where he
is now leading a retired life after practicing
medicine over thirty years. On each of his
children's birthda\'s he writes him or her a
Arthur Taylor, whose name introduces
this sketch, was ten years old when the
family left the shores of Old England for
Canada, and at the age of thirteen he left
the parental roof to begin " hustling " for
himself, working as a farm hand in sum-
mers, and for lumbermen in the woods,
winters, occasionally visiting the old home.
In October, 1879, he came to the United
States, making his residence in Schoolcraft
county, Mich., till April, 1881, when he
and his brother, Walter, moved to Mari-
nette, Wis., and here leased a hotel; but
not liking the business, Arthur sold his in-
terest to his brother, and again worked in
the lumber woods. He thus continued till
November, 1 887, at which time he and his
brother Walter commenced the manufacture
of soda water in Marinette; but in Decem-
ber, 1890,' our subject sold out, and at once
coming to Rhinelander purchased his pres-
ent soda-water plant, which he has since
enlarged to treble its capacity, having a
read}' sale for the product in the smaller
towns within a radius of sixty miles.
On May 3, 1883, Mr. Ta\lor was married
to Miss Mary E. Richardson, who was born
at Cheboygan, Mich., February 10, 1865,
daughter of Thomas and Mary (Beloit)
Richardson, who had eight children, viz. :
Maggie, Joseph, Wilham, Addie and Eva
(twins). Mar}- E. and Harriet S. (twins)
and Thomas. To Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
were born four children, only one of whom
survives — Douglas A. ; Henry died in in-
fancy; Lulu and Daphne died in 1891, the
one on December 3, at the age of six j'ears,
the other on December 6, aged four 3-ears.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are members of the
Congregational Church of Rhinelander, of
which he is secretary-treasurer and a trus-
tee; politically he is a Democrat, and has
served on the school board. Socially he
is a member of the F. & A. M. (Blue
Lodge), and R. A. M., Royal Arcanum and
Knights of Pythias; in the first named
Order he has been secretarj' of his Lodge
three years, and is now filling the chair of
senior warden. He is a wide-awake, useful
and loyal citizen, one of whom Oneida
county may well feel proud.
CASPAR S^^TH, a worthy represent-
ative of the agricultural interests of
Portage county, was born in the
village of A'olkershausen, Bavaria,
August 21, 1S20, and is a son of Andrew and
Barbara Smith. The father was also born
in that village, and was a well-to-do farmer;
the mother was born in the village of
Stadten. In Church matters he was promi-
nent, was a highly-esteemed man, and when
called to his final rest in the fall of 1853 his
death was much lamented. His wife sur-
vived him ten years, when she too departed
this life. Of the children: John operated
the old homestead until his death; Eva,
wife of Adam Burkhart, died in Germany;
Caspar is the next in the family; Elizabeth
is the deceased wife of George Hochrein;
Maria M. is living in Bavaria, and is totally
blind; Margaretta came to America in 1854,
shortly after married John Frank, and died
in London, Wis., in 1890.
Caspar Smith attended the common
schools of his native town until thirteen
years of age, and then worked at any em-
ployment that he could secure until his
twenty-sixth year. In 1846, he married
Margarette Frank, a native of Bavaria. She
owned a farm in Volkershausen, and thither
the young couple removed, but after a year
sold out, preparatory to emigrating to
America. The}- had three children born in
America: George W. and Martha, who came
with their parents to America, and one that
died on the vojage. In 1862, Mr. Smith
took passage on a sailing vessel at Bremen,
accompanied b}- his famil}-, and after a voy-
age of forty-seven days landed at New York,
whence they proceeded direct to Chicago,
where Mr. Smith was employed as a laborer
for a short time. He then removed to
Madison, Wis., where they were all taken
ill with typhoid fever and the wife and
daughter died. Placing his son George in
the care of a family in Madison, Mr. Smith
went to Waupun, where for three months
he was employed on the construction of the
prison. Returning to Madison, he for a time
worked in a hotel, and leaving that place
went to Lake Mills, where he was employed
in various capacities.
There, on August 13, 1862, he enlisted
in Company D, Twenty-ninth Wis. V. I.,
and was mustered into the service on Sep-
tember 27. The troops joined the Army of
the Southwest, and from the 9th of January
until the lOth of April were engaged in vari-
ous expeditions. They were then assigned
to the Thirteenth Army Corps, aided in the
siege of Vicksburg, and going down the
river to Milliken's Bend there disembarked
and marched to Perkin's plantation. After
participating in the battle of Port Gibson
and man}- skirmishes, they were stationed
in the rear of \'icksburg and aided in its cap-
ture. On July 5, the}- were ordered to Jack-
son, engaged in the siege of that place and
after its capture returned to \'icksburg,
\\'hence on August 16, they proceeded down
the river, stopping at Natchez for a few
days. On they went to Carroilton, La.,
and on September 15, proceeded by rail to
Brashear City. From that time until Janu-
ary I, 1864, they were with Gen. Banks'
army in the operations in Louisiana. On
January 5, they embarked on ocean steamers
for Texas, and did picket and out-post duty
at Pass Cavillo until February 18. when
the}' returned to Algiers and started on the
Red river campaign under Gen. Banks. On
April 8 occurred the hotly contested battle
of Sabine Cross Roads, where the Union
army was forced to retreat. This was the first
time that the Twnety-ninth had met defeat
since entering the service, and had it been
properly supported the catastrophe would
not have occurred. The troops gradually fell
back to Alexandria, where they remained
from April 25 until May 14, doing picket
duty. There the Twentj-ninth was detailed
to help construct the great Red river dam at
that point for the purpose of getting the
gunboats over the rapids, and when this was
completed they started for Morganza, where
they arrived May 23. On June 15 they
reached Carrolton, La., and thence were
ordered to Kentucky. Their rations were
frequently limited, they often had no tents,
had poor clothing, and all the hardships of
war were endured by them. Jifr. Smith con-
tracted rheumatism, but with the exception
of a short time when confined in the hospital
he was always with his regiment, faithful to
every duty that devolved upon him. On
June 13, 1865, Mr. Smith was mustered out
and at once returned to Lake Mills, Wis.
Shortly afterward he came to Amherst town-
ship. Portage county, and bought forty acres
of land, which he traded for a house and lot
in Amherst Center. In October, 1879, he
bought 1 10 acres of land, paying $900 in
cash, and giving his home in town. His
farm is located in Sections 28 and 29, Am-
herst township, and 90 acres of the tract are
cleared and under a high state of cultivation,
yielding to the owner a golden tribute in re-
turn for the care and cultivation he bestows
upon it.
Mr. Smith for his second wife was mar-
ried, at Lake Mills, in 1855, to Amelia
Feemier, a native of Germany, who died
February 21, 1892. The children by this
union are as follows: Sophia, wife of Ber-
tram Harvey, a farmer of Amherst town-
ship (they have one child, Verne); John G.,
a barber of Amherst, who married Anna
Shattuck, and has two daughters, Mona and
Ruth; and Caspar A. and Mary, both at
home. George W. , Mr. Smith's eldest son,
married Miss Sarah Wilson, and has four
sons — DeForest D. , F. Clifford, Alfred G.
and Willard W.
Prior to 1861, Mr. Smith was a Demo-
crat, but when the Republican party upheld
the government during the war, he joined its
ranks and with it afterward affiliated. He
is a member of Captain Eckels Post, G. A.
R. , of Amherst, and is an active member and
leading worker in the Methodist Church.
He has met with many reverses in life; but
through energy and determination, diligence
and capable management he has attained an
enviable position among his fellow men, and
acquired a handsome competency, which
numbers him among the substantial citizens
of his adopted county. [Since the above
was written Mr. Smith died at his home of
apoplexy March 21, 1895.
GEORGE C. NEWBY, as one of the
leading citizens of Portage county,
well deserves representation in this
volume. He was born in the town
ofVaughan, Canada, July 5, 1830, a son
of Thomas and Deborah (West) Newby.
His father was a native of Yorkshire,
England, and emigrated to Nova Scotia,
where at the age of twenty he married, and
the two eldest children were there born.
He then removed to a farm near \'aughan,
where his wife died about 185 1. In the
spring of 1855 he came to Buena Vista
township, Portage county, and purchased
160 acres of government land in Section
19, where his children (with the exception
of two daughters who had married and re-
mained in Canada) joined him the following
fall. In this county the father subsequent-
ly married Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart. His
death occurred on the old homestead in
November, 1877. His children, all born of
the first marriage, were as follows: John,
deceased, was a farmer of Plover, \\'is. ;
he married Delilah Upthgrove, by whom he
had six sons and two daughters, and for his
second wife wedded Lavina Vanderwort.
William, a farmer of Plover, Wis., mar-
ried Matilda Barnett, now deceased, and
had three sons and three daughters. Ann
is the wife of Jacob Stimmers, of Canada.
George C. is the next younger. Esther is
the deceased wife of Christopher Hisley
Thomas, a merchant of Buena \'ista, Wis.
married Jane Brown, by whom he had four
children, and after her death wedded Mrs.
Sarah ^ Russell) Newman, widow of John
Newman. Robert, a farmer of Idaho, is
living with his second wife. Mary Jane be-
came the wife of Charles Barker, and after
his death wedded William W'hite, of Plover,
Wis. Jemima is the wife of Jay Bennett,
of Buena Vista, W'isconsin.
Upon the home farm our subject was
reared, and his educational advantages were
very limited. Having arrived at years of
maturity, he was married in Cayuga, Haldi-
mand Co., Canada, May lo, 1852, to Eliza-
beth Martha